local socket = require 'socket' local tcp = socket.bind('*', 8080) tcp:settimeout(0) motd = { ' __ ' , ' ___________/__\\___________ ', ' / _ _ -__ - ___ - \\', ' \\__________________________/', ' | | ' , ' | | ' , ' _____| |______ ' , ' ___| | | |___ ' , ' | | | | | | ' , '___|___|____/____\\_____|___|___', '', ' Welcome to Er2Chat!', ' You need to login to continue', } local cls = {} local tmp = {} local function get(v) v.buf = v.buf or '' local l, err while not err do l, err = v.cli:receive(1) if l == '\r' or l == '\n' then if v.le then v.cli:send '\r\n' end l, v.buf = v.buf, nil break elseif l == '\127' then v.cli:send '\008' v.buf = v.buf:sub(1, -2) elseif l then v.buf = v.buf.. l if v.le then v.cli:send(l) end end end return l, err end while true do local cli = tcp:accept() if cli then cli:settimeout(0) if (cli:receive() or ''):match 'GET /.* HTTP.*' then cli:send('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\nPlease use telnet to use this service.') cli:close() else cli:send(table.concat(motd, '\r\n')..'\r\n') table.insert(tmp, { cli = cli, st = 0, }) end end for k, v in pairs(tmp) do if v.reads then -- nothing elseif v.st == 0 then v.cli:send('Do you need input echo? [YNQ] ') elseif v.st == 1 then v.cli:send('Username: ') elseif v.st == 2 then v.cli:send('Password: ') elseif v.st == 3 then v.cli:send('Welcome, '.. v.user ..'!\r\n') for _, w in pairs(cls) do w.cli:send('\r\n-- '.. v.user ..' joined --\r\n') end v.st, v.reads = nil, nil table.remove(tmp, k) table.insert(cls, v) end if v.st then v.reads = true local l, err = get(v) if err == 'timeout' then -- nothing elseif err then table.remove(tmp, k) elseif (l or ''):match '^%s*$' then v.reads = false elseif v.st == 0 then v.st, v.reads = 1, false if l:match 'y' then v.le = true; v.cli:send(l.. '\r\n') elseif l:match 'q' then v.cli:close(); table.remove(tmp, k) end elseif v.st == 1 then v.st, v.user, v.reads = 3, l:match '^%S+', false elseif v.st == 2 then v.st, v.reads = 1, false end end end for k, v in pairs(cls) do local l, err = get(v) if l == '/leave' then v.cli:close(); err = 'closed' end if err and err ~= 'timeout' then table.remove(cls, k) end for j, w in pairs(cls) do if err and err ~= 'timeout' then w.cli:send('\r\n-- '.. v.user ..' leaved --\r\n') elseif (l or ''):match '^%s*$' then -- nothing elseif k ~= j then w.cli:send('\r\n'.. v.user ..': '.. l ..'\r\n') end end end end