#!/usr/bin/python from enum import IntEnum from sys import argv, stdin, stderr from string import whitespace # These next 2 lines of code are only for ANSI escape support on Windows cmd prompt/powershell # If you do not use cmd/ps, you can comment them out or remove them from os import system system("") # If the program is using too much memory, try decreasing this value bytes_to_read = 1000000 class ColorInfo(IntEnum): AMOUNT = 299 MAX_RGB_VALUE = 255 PER_STAGE = (AMOUNT + 1) // 3 MIN_RGB_VALUE = MAX_RGB_VALUE - PER_STAGE if len(argv) == 1: argv.append("-") for arg in argv[1:]: try: file = stdin if arg == "-" else open(arg, "r") read_result = file.read(bytes_to_read) except Exception as e: print( f"Error {f'reading {file.name}' if 'file' in globals() else 'opening file'}: {e}", file=stderr, ) continue changes = len(list(filter(lambda c: not c in whitespace, read_result))) - 1 step = 0 if changes == 0 else ColorInfo.AMOUNT / changes index = 0 for char in read_result: if char in whitespace: print(char, end="") continue color_value = round(index) value_modifier = color_value % ColorInfo.PER_STAGE rgb_values = [ ColorInfo.MIN_RGB_VALUE + value_modifier, ColorInfo.MAX_RGB_VALUE - value_modifier, ColorInfo.MIN_RGB_VALUE, ] [red, green, blue] = [ [rgb_values[1], rgb_values[0], rgb_values[2]], rgb_values[::-1], [rgb_values[0], rgb_values[2], rgb_values[1]], ][color_value // ColorInfo.PER_STAGE] print("\x1b[38;2;%d;%d;%dm%s" % (red, green, blue, char), end="") index += step