# Dotfiles My configurations for programs. ## Requirements The Neovim dots (.config/nvim) require Neovim 0.5.0 or greater, with packer installed.\ The system info script & .zshrc requires a nerd font (https://www.nerdfonts.com/). ## Installation `git clone https://gitdab.com/endie/dotfiles.git`, then move/symlink the files you want to the correct places relative to your home directory\ Alternatively, you can clone these directly into your home directory with `git clone --separate-git-dir=$HOME/dotfiles https://gitdab.com/endie/dotfiles.git ~`, but that will not work if the files are already in your home directory ## Help ### None of the Neovim configuration is working / errors when starting Neovim * Make sure your Neovim meets the requirements > * Currently 0.5.0 is not released yet, so you will have to use a prerelease build > * Install packer by running `git clone https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim` * If your Neovim meets the requirements, try running `:PackerSync` in Neovim ### The presence.nvim Neovim plugin is not working * You might have to add Neovim as a game in your Discord client (settings > game activity) ### The Materia GTK theme looks wrong when generated with the oomox colors * Run `find /path/to/generated_theme -name "*.css" -print | xargs sed -i "s/230000/242424/g"`, replacing `/path/to/generated_theme` with the location of the theme you generated (by default ~/.themes/oomox-Pastls). ## Credits Method for storing dotfiles: https://www.anand-iyer.com/blog/2018/a-simpler-way-to-manage-your-dotfiles.html