
140 lines
6.1 KiB

const { typeArray, colours } = require('../../assets/pokemon.json');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
module.exports = class {
constructor (name, category) {
this.name = name,
this.category = category,
this.enabled = true,
this.devOnly = false,
this.aliases = ['type', 'typematchup'],
this.userPerms = [],
this.botPerms = [],
this.cooldown = 5000,
this.help = {
description: 'Get the strengths and weaknesses of a pokemon type/type combination',
arguments: '<pokemon/type> [type2]',
details: 'The type2 argument is only needed if you are submitting two types, not a pokemon or singular type.',
examples: '`effective ghost dragon`\n`effective ribombee`'
async run (client, message, args, data) { //eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
if (!args[0]) return message.channel.createMessage(
`${client.config.emojis.userError} You didn't give me a pokemon or type combination to look up! Usage: \`${message.prefix + this.name + ' ' + this.help.arguments}\``
let types;
if (!typeArray.includes(args[0].toProperCase())) {
const res = await fetch('https://graphqlpokemon.favware.tech/', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'User-Agent': client.config.userAgent
body: JSON.stringify({ query: `
getPokemonDetailsByFuzzy(pokemon: "${args.join(' ').toLowerCase()}") {
const json = await res.json();
if (json.errors) {
json.errors.forEach(error => {
if (error.message.startsWith('No Pokémon found')) {
`${client.config.emojis.userError} I couldn't find any Pokemon with names similar to ${args.join(' ').toLowerCase()}. Check your spelling, maybe?`
} else {
client.logger.error('MATCHUP_API_ERROR', error.message);
types = json.data.getPokemonDetailsByFuzzy.types.map(type => type.toLowerCase());
} else {
types = args.map(type => type.toLowerCase());
fetch('https://graphqlpokemon.favware.tech/', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({ query: `
getTypeMatchup(types: [${types.join(', ')}]) {
attacking { doubleEffectiveTypes effectiveTypes normalTypes resistedTypes doubleResistedTypes effectlessTypes }
defending { doubleEffectiveTypes effectiveTypes normalTypes resistedTypes doubleResistedTypes effectlessTypes }
.then(res => res.json())
.then(json => {
if (json.errors) {
json.errors.forEach(error => {
if (error.message.includes('does not exist in "Types')) {
`${client.config.emojis.userError} One or more of the types you gave me are invalid. Check your spelling, maybe?`
} else {
client.logger.error('MATCHUP_FETCH_ERROR', error.message);
const typeMatchup = json.data.getTypeMatchup;
let effectless = '';
if (typeMatchup.attacking.effectlessTypes.length > 0) effectless = `
**Doesn't effect:**
${typeMatchup.attacking.effectlessTypes.map(type => `\`${type.toProperCase()}\``).join(' ')}
let immune = '';
if (typeMatchup.defending.effectlessTypes.length > 0) immune = `
${typeMatchup.defending.effectlessTypes.map(type => `\`${type.toProperCase()}\``).join(' ')}
const embed = new client.RichEmbed()
.setTitle('Type effectiveness of ' + types.map(type => type.toProperCase()).join(' and '))
.addField('Offensive:', `
${this.parseEffectiveTypes(typeMatchup.attacking.effectiveTypes, typeMatchup.attacking.doubleEffectiveTypes)}
**Not very effective:**
${this.parseResistedTypes(typeMatchup.attacking.resistedTypes, typeMatchup.attacking.doubleResistedTypes)}${effectless}
.addField('Defensive:', `
${this.parseEffectiveTypes(typeMatchup.defending.effectiveTypes, typeMatchup.defending.doubleEffectiveTypes)}
${this.parseResistedTypes(typeMatchup.defending.resistedTypes, typeMatchup.defending.doubleResistedTypes)}${immune}
message.channel.createMessage({ embed: embed });
parseEffectiveTypes (effective, doubleEffective) {
return doubleEffective
.map(type => `\`${type.toProperCase()} (x4)\``)
.concat(effective.map(type => `\`${type.toProperCase()} (x2)\``))
.join(' ');
parseResistedTypes (resisted, doubleResisted) {
return doubleResisted
.map(type => `\`${type.toProperCase()} (x0.25)\``)
.concat(resisted.map(type => `\`${type.toProperCase()} (x0.5)\``))
.join(' ');