2020-10-23 14:25:07 +11:00

99 lines
4.3 KiB

class MessageHandler {
constructor (client) {
this.client = client;
async handle (message) {
if (message.author.bot) return; // Ignore bots
if (!message.guild) return; // Ignore DM's
// Request all the data we need from the database
const data = {};
data.user = await this.client.db.getUser(message.author.id);
data.guild = await this.client.db.getGuild(message.channel.guild.id);
data.member = await this.client.db.getMember(message.channel.guild.id, message.author.id);
if (data.guild.blacklist.includes(message.author.id)) return; // Ignore users on the guild blocklist
// All the prefixes Woomy will respond to
const prefixes = [
`<@${this.client.user.id}> `,
`<@!${this.client.user.id}> `
let prefix;
// Check the message content to see if there
for (const thisPrefix of prefixes) {
if (message.content.startsWith(thisPrefix)) {
prefix = thisPrefix;
if (!prefix) return;
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
const commandName = args.shift().toLowerCase();
const command = this.client.commands.get(commandName) || this.client.commands.get(this.client.aliases.get(commandName));
if (!command) return;
if (message.channel.guild) {
if (data.guild.disabledcommands.includes(command.name)) return message.channel.createMessage(
'This command has been disabled by a server administrator.'
if (data.guild.disabledcategories.includes(command.category)) return message.channel.createMessage(
'The category this command is apart of has been disabled by a server administrator.'
const missingUserPerms = this.client.helpers.checkPermissions(message.channel, message.author.id, command.userPerms);
if (missingUserPerms) return message.channel.createMessage(
`You can't use this command because you lack these permissions: \`${missingUserPerms.join('`, `')}\``
const missingBotPerms = this.client.helpers.checkPermissions(message.channel, this.client.user.id, command.botPerms);
if (missingBotPerms) return message.channel.createMessage(
`I can't run this command because I lack these permissions: \`${missingBotPerms.join('`, `')}\``
if (command.enabled === false) return message.channel.createMessage('This command has been disabled by my developers.');
if (command.devOnly === true && this.client.helpers.isDeveloper(message.author.id) !== true) {
return message.channel.send('This command\'s usage is restricted to developers only. Sorry!');
if (command.guildOnly === true && !message.channel.guild) {
return message.channel.createMessage('This command is unavailable in DM\'s, try running it in a server instead!');
// Cooldown
if (this.client.cooldowns.get(command.name).has(message.author.id)) {
const timestamp = this.client.cooldowns.get(command.name).get(message.author.id);
const currentTime = Date.now();
const cooldown = command.cooldown / 1000;
const timePassed = Math.floor((currentTime - timestamp) / 1000);
return message.channel.createMessage(
`⏲️ ${message.author.mention}, you need to wait ${cooldown - timePassed} seconds before using this command again.`
} else {
this.client.cooldowns.get(command.name).set(message.author.id, new Date());
setTimeout(() => {
}, this.client.commands.get(command.name).cooldown);
try {
command.run(this.client, message, args, data);
this.client.logger.command(`Ran ${command.name}`);
} catch (error) {
this.client.logger.error('COMMAND_EXECUTION_ERROR', `${command.name}: ${error}`);
module.exports = MessageHandler;