2020-10-24 15:12:11 +11:00

106 lines
4.8 KiB

const Embed = require('../../util/embed');
module.exports = class {
constructor (name, category) {
this.name = name,
this.category = category,
this.enabled = true,
this.devOnly = false,
this.aliases = [],
this.userPerms = ['administrator'],
this.botPerms = [],
this.cooldown = 2000,
this.help = {
description: 'Add, remove or list users on the blocklist for this server. User\'s on the blocklist cannot use my commands.',
usage: 'blocklist <add | remove | list> <user>',
examples: 'blocklist list\nblocklist add @Veemo\nblocklist remove emily'
async run (client, message, [action, ...user], data) {
if (!action || action.toLowerCase() === 'list') {
const list = [];
for (const userID of data.guild.blocklist) {
const user = await client.helpers.getUser(userID);
let description = 'The server blocklist is currently empty. Use `blocklist add <user>` to add people to the blocklist!';
if (list.length > 0) description = '```' + list.join(', ') + '```';
const embed = new Embed()
.setTitle('Users on blocklist: ' + data.guild.blocklist.length)
message.channel.createMessage({ embed: embed });
if (user.length === 0) return message.channel.createMessage(
`${client.constants.emojis.userError} You didn't specify a user. Usage: \`${this.help.usage}\``
let member = message.mentions[0];
if (!member) member = await message.channel.guild.searchMembers(user.join(' '), 2);
if (member.length > 1) return message.channel.createMessage(
`${client.constants.emojis.userError} Found more than one user, try refining your search or pinging the user instead.`
member = message.channel.guild.members.get(member.id);
action = action.toLowerCase();
const blocklist = data.guild.blocklist;
if (action === 'add') {
if (member.id === message.channel.guild.ownerID) return message.channel.createMessage(
`${client.constants.emojis.userError} You can't block the owner, silly!`
if (client.helpers.highestRole(member).position >= client.helpers.highestRole(message.member).position && message.member.id !== message.channel.guild.ownerID) {
return message.channel.createMessage(`${client.constants.emojis.userError} This user has a higher role than you, you can't add them to the blocklist!`);
if (blocklist.includes(member.id)) return message.channel.createMessage(
`${client.constants.emojis.userError} This user is already on the blocklist, you can't add them twice!`
client.db.updateGuild(message.channel.guild.id, 'blocklist', blocklist).then(() => {
message.channel.createMessage(`${client.constants.emojis.success} Added \`${member.username}#${member.discriminator}\` to the blocklist.`);
}).catch(error => {
client.logger.error('GUILD_UPDATE_ERROR', error);
message.channel.createMessage(`${client.constants.emojis.botError} An error occured while adding this user to the blocklist, please try again! **Error:** ${error}`);
}) ;
if (action === 'remove') {
if (client.helpers.highestRole(member).position >= client.helpers.highestRole(message.member).position && message.member.id !== message.channel.guild.ownerID) {
return message.channel.createMessage(`${client.constants.emojis.userError} This user has a higher role than you, you can't remove them to the blocklist!`);
if (!blocklist.includes(member.id)) return message.channel.createMessage(
`${client.constants.emojis.userError} This user isn't on the blocklist.`
client.db.updateGuild(message.channel.guild.id, 'blocklist', blocklist).then(() => {
message.channel.createMessage(`${client.constants.emojis.success} Removed \`${member.username}#${member.discriminator}\` from the blocklist.`);
}).catch(error => {
client.logger.error('GUILD_UPDATE_ERROR', error);
message.channel.createMessage(`${client.constants.emojis.botError} An error occured while removing this user from the blocklist, please try again! **Error:** ${error}`);
}) ;