const Command = require('../../base/Command.js'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const moment = require('moment'); module.exports = class Garfield extends Command { constructor (name, category) { super (name, category); = name, this.description = 'John I require lasagna', this.category = category, this.cooldown = 20000, this.options = [ { type: 1, name: 'daily', description: 'Get the comic for the current day.' }, { type: 1, name: 'random', description: 'Get a random comic.' }, { type: 1, name: 'from', description: 'Get the comic for a specific date.', options: [ { type: 3, name: 'date', description: 'The date the comic you wish to view was published, formatted like so: YYYY-MM-DD', required: true } ] } ]; } async run (client, interaction, data) { //eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars // set to get todays comic let url = '' + new Date(); const subCmd = interaction.options.getSubcommand(); const bot = await interaction.guild.members.fetch(, {force: true}); if (subCmd === 'from') { let unverifiedDate = await interaction.options.get('date').value; unverifiedDate = unverifiedDate.replaceAll('.', '-'); unverifiedDate = unverifiedDate.replaceAll('/', '-'); const verifiedDate = moment(unverifiedDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD', true); if (verifiedDate.isValid() === false) { return interaction.reply({ content: `${client.config.emojis.userError} The date you provided is not valid. Please format the date as follows: \`YYYY-MM-DD\``, ephemeral: true }); } url = '' + verifiedDate; } else if (subCmd === 'random') { url = ''; } await interaction.deferReply(); fetch(url, { headers: { 'User-Agent': client.config.userAgent }}) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => { const embed = new client.EmbedBuilder() .setTitle(`#${}: ${}`) .setColor(bot.displayHexColor) .setImage(; interaction.editReply({ embeds: [embed] }); }) .catch(err => { client.logger.error('GARFIELD_COMMAND_ERROR', `API err or err replying: ${err}`); return interaction.editReply(`${client.config.emojis.botError} An API error occurred, sorry! I've reported this to my developers.`); }); } };