/** * Custom Discord Embed builder with color resolving from the Chariot.js Client framework * Link: https://github.com/riyacchi/chariot.js/blob/master/structures/ChariotEmbed.js */ const Colours = require('../constants/colours.json'); class Embed { constructor (data = {}) { this.fields = []; Object.assign(this, data); return this; } /** * Set the author of this Embed * @param {string} name Name of the Author * @param {string} icon URL of the icon that should be used * @param {string} url URL of the author if clicked */ setAuthor (name, icon, url) { this.author = { name, icon_url: icon, url }; return this; } /** * Resolves a color to a usable "Discord readable" color * @private * @param {*} color Any color which can be resolved */ _resolveColour (colour) { if (typeof colour === 'string') { if (colour === 'RANDOM') return Math.floor(Math.random() * (0xFFFFFF + 1)); colour = Colours[colour.toUpperCase()] || parseInt(colour.replace('#', ''), 16); } return colour; } /** * Set the color of this Embed * @param {*} color Any color resolvable by this._resolveColor */ setColour (colour) { this.colour = this._resolveColour(colour); return this; } /** * Set the description of this Embed * @param {string} desc A description */ setDescription (desc) { this.description = desc.toString().substring(0, 2048); return this; } /** * Add a field to the Embed * @param {string} name The name (or title if you will) of the field * @param {string} value The content of the field * @param {boolean} inline Whether this field should be inline or not */ addField (name, value, inline = false) { if (this.fields.length >= 25) { return this; } else if (!name) { return this; } else if (!value) { return false; } this.fields.push({ name: name.toString().substring(0, 256), value: value.toString().substring(0, 1024), inline }); return this; } /** * Add a blank field to the Embed * @param {boolean} inline Whether this field should be inline or not */ addBlankField (inline = false) { return this.addField('\u200B', '\u200B', inline); } /** * Attaches a file to the Embed * @param {*} file The file to be attached */ attachFile (file) { this.file = file; return this; } /** * Set the footer of this Embed * @param {string} text The footer's text * @param {string} icon The URL of an icon that should be used in the footer */ setFooter (text, icon) { this.footer = { text: text.toString().substring(0, 2048), icon_url: icon }; return this; } /** * Set the image of this Embed * @param {string} url The image url */ setImage (url) { this.image = { url }; return this; } /** * Set the timestamp of this Embed * @param {*} time A time resolvable, e.g. a UTC timestamp or epoch timestamps in MS */ setTimestamp (time = new Date()) { this.timestamp = time; return this; } /** * Set the title of this Embed * @param {string} title The title this Embed should have */ setTitle (title) { this.title = title.toString().substring(0, 256); return this; } /** * Set the thumbnail of this Embed * @param {string} url The thumbnail URL of this Embed */ setThumbnail (url) { this.thumbnail = { url }; return this; } /** * Set the URL of this Embed * @param {string} url The URL of this Embed */ setUrl (url) { this.url = url; return this; } } module.exports = Embed;