// Copyright 2020 Emily J. / mudkipscience and contributors. Subject to the AGPLv3 license. const Eris = (require('eris')); const CommandLoader = require('./util/commandLoader'); const EventLoader = require('./util/eventLoader'); const EventHandler = require('./util/handlers/eventHandler'); const MessageHandler = require('./util/handlers/messageHandler'); const Functions = require('./util/functions'); const Database = require('./util/database'); const Logger = require('./util/logger'); const sentry = require('@sentry/node'); const yaml = require('js-yaml'); const constants = require('./constants'); const config = yaml.safeLoad(require('fs').readFileSync('../botconfig.yml', 'utf8')); const version = require('../package.json').version; class WoomyClient extends Eris.Client { constructor (token, options) { super(token, options); // Important information Woomy needs to access this.config = config; this.path = __dirname; this.version = version; // Essential modules this.constants = constants; this.logger = Logger; this.db = new Database(this); this.functions = new Functions(this); this.commandLoader = new CommandLoader(this); this.eventLoader = new EventLoader(this); this.eventHandler = new EventHandler(this); this.messageHandler = new MessageHandler(this); // Collections to store our successfully loaded events and commands in, as well as cooldowns. this.commands = new Eris.Collection(); this.aliases = new Eris.Collection(); this.eventModules = new Eris.Collection(); this.cooldowns = new Eris.Collection(); } // Listen for Eris events and pass needed information to the event handler so we can respond to them. createEventListeners () { this.on('ready', this.runReadyModules); this.on('error', this.runErrorModules); this.on('messageCreate', this.runMessageCreateModules); this.on('guildCreate', this.runGuildCreateModules); this.on('guildDelete', this.runGuildDeleteModules); this.on('guildMemberAdd', this.runGuildMemberAddModules); this.on('guildMemberRemove', this.runGuildMemberRemoveModules); this.on('voiceStateUpdate', this.runVoiceStateUpdateModules); } // Recieves information from the per-event listeners, and passes on needed information to the handler mainEventListener (wsEvent, param_1, param_2) { try { this.eventHandler.handle(wsEvent, param_1, param_2); } catch (error) { this.logger.error('MODULE_LISTENER_ERROR', error); } } // All the repeated code below just tells the main event listener what information needs to be passed to the event handler runReadyModules () { this.mainEventListener('ready'); } runErrorModules (error) { this.mainEventListener('error', error); } runMessageCreateModules (message) { this.messageHandler.handle(message); this.mainEventListener('messageCreate', message); } runGuildCreateModules (guild) { this.mainEventListener('guildCreate', guild); } runGuildDeleteModules (guild) { this.mainEventListener('guildDelete', guild); } runGuildMemberAddModules (guild, member) { this.mainEventListener('guildMemberAdd', guild, member); } runGuildMemberRemoveModules (guild, member) { this.mainEventListener('guildMemberRemove', guild, member); } runVoiceStateUpdateModules (oldState, newState) { this.mainEventListener('voiceStateUpdate', oldState, newState); } } // Initialize our client const client = new WoomyClient(config.token, { maxShards: 'auto', restMode: true, //getAllUsers: true, defaultImageSize: 2048, intents: [ 'guilds', 'guildMembers', 'guildEmojis', 'guildVoiceStates', 'guildMessages', 'guildMessageReactions', 'directMessages', 'directMessageReactions' ] }); // Extensions of native javascript types, *not good practice* but they're useful require('./util/prototypes'); // Load commands, event modules and create listeners for Eris events (ready, errors, messages, etc) client.commandLoader.loadCommands(); client.eventLoader.loadEventModules(); client.createEventListeners(); // Development mode is set in botconfig.yml, and disables some stuff if enabled. Imagine how messy Sentry would be without this! if (client.config.devmode === true) { try { sentry.init({ dsn: client.config.keys.sentry }); } catch (err) { client.logger.error('SENTRY_INIT_ERROR', `Sentry failed to initialize: ${err}`); } } else { client.logger.warning('DEVELOPMENT_MODE', 'Running in development mode, some features have been disabled.'); } // Login to Discord client.connect(); // Process exception/promise rejection listeners process.on('uncaughtException', (error) => { const errorMsg = error.stack.replace(new RegExp(`${client.path}/`, 'g'), './'); client.logger.error('UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_ERROR', errorMsg); }); process.on('unhandledRejection', err => { client.logger.error('UNHANDLED_PROMISE_ERROR', err.stack); });