const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const windrose = require('windrose'); const ISO2 = require('../../assets/ISO2.json'); module.exports = class { constructor (name, category) { = name, this.category = category, this.enabled = true, this.devOnly = false, this.aliases = [], this.userPerms = [], this.botPerms = [], this.cooldown = 2000, = { description: 'Gives you the weather for the specified city. You can also specify a country code with a comma.', arguments: ', [code]', details: '`` - name of a city\n`[code]` - country code (USA = US, Australia = AU, etc.)', examples: 'w!weather Minneapolis\nw!weather Melbourne, AU' }; } async run (client, message, args, data) { //eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars if (!args[0]) return; let city = args.join(' ').toProperCase(); let countryCode = ','; if (args.join(' ').indexOf(',') > -1) { const params = city.split(','); city = params[0].trim().toProperCase(); if ([params[1].toProperCase().trim()]) { countryCode +=[params[1].toProperCase().trim()]; } else { countryCode += params[1].trim(); } } const editMessage = await`${client.config.emojis.loading} Please wait...`); fetch(`${city + countryCode}&appid=${}`, { headers: { 'User-Agent': client.config.userAgent }}) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => { if (json.cod >= 200 && json.cod <= 299) { const tempCelcius = Math.round(json.main.temp - 273.15); let embedColour; if (tempCelcius < 0) { embedColour = '#addeff'; } else if (tempCelcius < 20) { embedColour = '#4fb8ff'; } else if (tempCelcius < 26) { embedColour = '#ffea4f'; } else if (tempCelcius < 31) { embedColour = '#ffa14f'; } else { embedColour = '#ff614f'; } const embed = new client.MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`Weather for ${city + ', ' + ISO2.code[]}`) .setThumbnail(`${[0].icon}@4x.png`) .setColor(embedColour) .addField('Condition:',[0].main, true) .addField('Temperature:', `${tempCelcius}°C | ${Math.round(json.main.temp * 9/5 - 459.67)}°F`, true) .addField('Min/Max:', ` ${Math.round(json.main.temp_min - 273.15)}°C - ${Math.round(json.main.temp_max - 273.15)}°C ${Math.round(json.main.temp_min * 9/5 - 459.67)}°F - ${Math.round(json.main.temp_max * 9/5 - 459.67)}°F `, true) .addField('Humidity:', `${json.main.humidity}%`, true) .addField('Wind Speed:', `${Math.round(json.wind.speed * 10) / 10}km/h | ${Math.round(json.wind.speed * 10 / 1.609344)}mi/h`, true) .addField('Wind Direction:', windrose.getPoint(json.wind.deg).name, true) .setFooter('Powered by'); return editMessage.edit({ content: null, embeds: [embed] }); } else { if (json.message && json.message === 'city not found') { return`${client.config.emojis.userError} You provided an invalid city name. Maybe check your spelling?`); } return`${client.config.emojis.botError} API error occured: \`code ${json.cod}: ${json.message}\``); } }) .catch(err => { return`${client.config.emojis.botError} An error has occured: \`${err.stack}\``); }); } };