const Embed = require('../../util/embed'); const colours = require('../../assets/constants/typeColours.json'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); module.exports = class { constructor (name, category) { = name, this.category = category, this.enabled = true, this.devOnly = false, this.aliases = ['pokedex', 'dex'], this.userPerms = [], this.botPerms = [], this.cooldown = 2000, = { description: '', arguments: '', details: '', examples: '' }; } async run (client, message, args, data) { //eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars const query = args.join(' '); fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: ` { getPokemonDetailsByFuzzy(pokemon: "${query}") { num species types abilities { first second hidden special } baseStats { hp attack defense specialattack specialdefense speed } eggGroups evolutionLevel evolutions { species evolutionLevel evolutions { species evolutionLevel } } preevolutions { species evolutionLevel preevolutions { species evolutionLevel } } gender { male female } height weight otherFormes cosmeticFormes baseStatsTotal flavorTexts { game flavor } sprite shinySprite smogonTier bulbapediaPage serebiiPage smogonPage } } `}) }) .then((res) => res.json()) .then((json) => { const pokemon =; const evoChain = this.parseEvoChain(pokemon); const genderRatio = this.parseGenderRatio(pokemon.gender); const abilities = this.parseAbilities(pokemon.abilities); let sprite = pokemon.sprite; if (Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1) === 69) sprite = pokemon.shinySprite; let formes = '(No Alternate Formes)'; if (pokemon.otherFormes) { formes = pokemon.otherFormes.join(', '); if (pokemon.cosmeticFormes) { formes = formes.split().concat(pokemon.cosmeticFormes); } } const embed = new Embed() .setColour(colours[pokemon.types[0]]) .setTitle(`${pokemon.species.toProperCase()} (No. ${pokemon.num})`) .setDescription(pokemon.flavorTexts[0].flavor) .setThumbnail(sprite) .addField('**Types:**', pokemon.types.join(', '), true) .addField('**Abilities:**', abilities.join(', '), true) .addField('**Gender Ratio:**', genderRatio, true) .addField('**Base Stats:**', `**HP:** ${pokemon.baseStats.hp} **Atk:** ${pokemon.baseStats.attack} **Def:** ${pokemon.baseStats.defense} **SpA:** ${pokemon.baseStats.specialattack} **SpD:** ${pokemon.baseStats.specialdefense} **Spe:** ${pokemon.baseStats.speed} **BST:** ${pokemon.baseStatsTotal}`) .addField('**Evolution Chain:**', evoChain) .addField('**Other Formes:**', formes) .addField('**Height:**', `${pokemon.height}m`, true) .addField('**Weight:**', `${pokemon.weight}kg`, true) .addField('**Egg Groups:**', pokemon.eggGroups.join(', '), true) .addField('**Smogon Tier:**', pokemon.smogonTier, true) .addField('**External Resources:**', `[Bulbapedia](${pokemon.bulbapediaPage}) | [Serebii](${pokemon.serebiiPage}) | [Smogon](${pokemon.smogonPage})`);{ embed: embed }); }) .catch(err => console.log(err)); } constructEvoLink (species, level, evoChain, isEvo = true) { if (isEvo) { return `${evoChain} → \`${species.toProperCase()}\` ${level ? `(${level})` : ''}`; } return `\`${species.toProperCase()}\` ${level ? `(${level})` : ''} → ${evoChain}`; } parseEvoChain (pokeDetails) { // Set evochain if there are no evolutions let evoChain = `**${pokeDetails.species.toProperCase()} ${pokeDetails.evolutionLevel ? `(${pokeDetails.evolutionLevel})` : ''}**`; if (!pokeDetails.evolutions && !pokeDetails.preevolutions) { evoChain += ' (No Evolutions)'; } // Parse pre-evolutions and add to evochain if (pokeDetails.preevolutions) { const { evolutionLevel } = pokeDetails.preevolutions[0]; evoChain = this.constructEvoLink(pokeDetails.preevolutions[0].species, evolutionLevel, evoChain, false); // If the direct pre-evolution has another pre-evolution (charizard -> charmeleon -> charmander) if (pokeDetails.preevolutions[0].preevolutions) { evoChain = this.constructEvoLink(pokeDetails.preevolutions[0].preevolutions[0].species, null, evoChain, false); } } // Parse evolution chain and add to evochain if (pokeDetails.evolutions) { evoChain = this.constructEvoLink(pokeDetails.evolutions[0].species, pokeDetails.evolutions[0].evolutionLevel, evoChain); // In case there are multiple evolutionary paths const otherFormeEvos = pokeDetails.evolutions.slice(1); if (otherFormeEvos) { evoChain = `${evoChain}, ${ => `\`${oevo.species}\` (${oevo.evolutionLevel})`).join(', ')}`; } // If the direct evolution has another evolution (charmander -> charmeleon -> charizard) if (pokeDetails.evolutions[0].evolutions) { evoChain = this.constructEvoLink( pokeDetails.evolutions[0].evolutions[0].species, pokeDetails.evolutions[0].evolutions[0].evolutionLevel, evoChain ); } } return evoChain; } parseGenderRatio (genderRatio) { if (genderRatio.male === '0%' && genderRatio.female === '0%') { return 'Genderless'; } return `${genderRatio.male} ♂ | ${genderRatio.female} ♀`; } parseAbilities (abilitiesData) { const abilities = []; for (const [type, ability] of Object.entries(abilitiesData)) { if (!ability) continue; abilities.push(type === 'hidden' ? `*${ability}*` : ability); } return abilities; } };