const Command = require('../../base/Command.js'); module.exports = class Help extends Command { constructor (name, category) { super (name, category); = name, this.description = 'Lists all the commands you can use', this.options = [ { type: 3, name: 'command', description: 'The command to get information on' }, ], this.usage = '/help [command]', this.friendlyOptions = '`command` - The command to get information on', this.category = category; } async run (client, interaction, data) { //eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars const input = await interaction.options.get('command'); const bot = await interaction.guild.members.fetch(, {force: true}); const categories = []; client.commands.forEach(cmd => { if (!categories.includes(cmd.category)) { if (cmd.category === 'Developer' && !client.config.devIds.includes( return; categories.push(cmd.category); } }); if (!input) { const fields = []; const embed = new client.EmbedBuilder() .setTitle('Command list') .setColor(bot.displayHexColor) .setDescription( ` » Use \`/help [command]\` to get full information on a specific command. » [Click here]( to join my support server if you need help! » [Click here](${}&permissions=2134240503&scope=bot) to invite me to your server! ` ) .setFooter({text: 'Thank you for using Woomy! 🦑'}); categories.forEach(cat => { let cmds = '`'; const filteredCmds = client.commands.filter(cmd => cmd.category === cat); filteredCmds.forEach(cmd => { cmds += ( + '`, `'); }); cmds = cmds.substr(0, cmds.length - 3); fields.push({name: cat.toProperCase() + ':', value: cmds}); }); embed.addFields(fields); return interaction.reply({ embeds: [embed] }); } else if (client.commands.has(input.value)) { const command = await client.commands.get(input.value); const embed = new client.EmbedBuilder() .setTitle(`${command.category} -> ${}`) .setColor(bot.user.hexAccentColor ?? bot.displayHexColor) .setDescription(command.description) .setFooter({ text: '<> = required, / = either/or, [] = optional'}); const fields = []; if (command.usage !== 'No usage information provided.') { fields.push({name: 'Usage:', value: command.usage}); } if (command.friendlyOptions !== 'No options provided.') { fields.push({name: 'Options', value: command.friendlyOptions}); } if (fields.length > 0) embed.addFields(fields); return interaction.reply({ embeds: [embed] }); } return interaction.reply(`${client.config.emojis.userError} A command of that name could not be found.`); } };