const { inspect, promisify } = require('util'); const colours = require('../assets/colours.json'); class Functions { constructor (client) { this.client = client; } async getLastMessage (channel) { const messages = await channel.messages.fetch({ limit: 2 }); return messages.last().content; } async awaitReply (message, input, limit = 60000) { const filter = (m) => ===; await; try { const collected = await, { max: 1, time: limit, errors: ['time'] }); return collected.first().content; } catch (err) { return false; } } intBetween (min, max) { return Math.round((Math.random() * (max - min) + min)); } randomColour () { const n = (Math.random() * 0xfffff * 1000000).toString(16); return '#' + n.slice(0, 6); } roleObjects (guild, roles) { const roleMap = => guild.roles.get(roleID)); return roleMap.sort((a, b) => b.position - a.position); } findRole (input, guild) { let role; role = guild.roles.find(r => === input.toLowerCase()); if (!role) { role = guild.roles.get(input.toLowerCase()); } if (!role) return; return role; } highestRole (member) { if (member.roles.length === 0) return member.guild.roles.find(r => === '@everyone'); let highestRole; for (const roleID of member.roles) { const role = member.guild.roles.get(roleID); if (!highestRole || highestRole.position < role.position) highestRole = role; } return highestRole; } displayHexColour (guild, userID) { const roles = this.roleObjects(guild, guild.members.get(userID).roles); for (const object of roles) { if (object.color !== 0) return '#' + object.color.toString(16); } const colourKeys = Object.keys(colours); return colours[colourKeys[ colours.length * Math.random() << 0]]; } checkPermissions (channel, user_id, requiredPerms) { const minimumPerms = ['readMessages', 'sendMessages', 'embedLinks']; const pendingPerms = (!requiredPerms) ? minimumPerms : minimumPerms.concat(requiredPerms); const missingPerms = []; pendingPerms.forEach(p => { if (!channel.permissionsOf(user_id).has(p)) missingPerms.push(p); }); if (missingPerms.length > 0) return missingPerms; return; } async getUser (id) { if (this.client.users.has(id)) return this.client.users.get(id); this.client.logger.debug('REST_FETCH_USER', 'Accessing rest API...'); const user = await this.client.getRESTUser(id).catch(err => { this.client.logger.error('USER_FETCH_ERROR', err); }); if (user) { this.client.users.set(id, user); return user; } return; } async getGuild (id) { if (this.client.guilds.has(id)) return this.client.guilds.get(id); this.client.logger.debug('REST_FETCH_GUILD', 'Accessing rest API...'); const guild = await this.client.getRESTGuild(id).catch(err => { this.client.logger.error('GUILD_FETCH_ERROR', err); }); if (guild) { this.client.guilds.set(id, guild); return guild; } return; } async clean (text) { if (text && === 'Promise') { text = await text; } if (typeof text !== 'string') { text = inspect(text, { depth: 1}); } text = text .replace(/`/g, '`' + String.fromCharCode(8203)) .replace(/@/g, '@' + String.fromCharCode(8203)) .replace(this.client.token, 'mfa.VkO_2G4Qv3T--NO--lWetW_tjND--TOKEN--QFTm6YGtzq9PH--4U--tG0'); return text; } shutdown () { const exitQuotes = [ 'Shutting down.', 'I don\'t blame you.', 'I don\'t hate you.', 'Whyyyyy', 'Goodnight.', 'Goodbye' ]; this.client.disconnect(); this.client.logger.success('SHUTDOWN_SUCCESS', exitQuotes.random()); process.exit(); } wait () { promisify(setTimeout); } } module.exports = Functions;