avatar command

This commit is contained in:
Emily 2021-03-03 17:02:08 +11:00
parent 864f09cee3
commit 038bde75a1

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
module.exports = class {
constructor (name, category) {
this.name = name,
this.category = category,
this.enabled = true,
this.devOnly = false,
this.aliases = ['pfp'],
this.userPerms = [],
this.botPerms = [],
this.cooldown = 2000,
this.help = {
description: 'View a full-sized version of someone\'s avatar.',
arguments: '<user>',
details: '',
examples: 'avatar\navatar @May\navatar emily'
async run (client, message, args, data) { //eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
let user = message.author;
if (args[0]) {
user = message.mentions[0];
if (!user) {
user = await message.channel.guild.searchMembers(args.join(' '), 2);
if (user.length < 1) return message.channel.createMessage(
`${client.emojis.userError} No users found. Check for mispellings, or ping the user instead.`
if (user.length > 1) return message.channel.createMessage(
`${client.emojis.userError} Found more than one user, try refining your search or pinging the user instead.`
user = user[0].user;
const embed = new client.RichEmbed()
.setTitle(user.username + '#' + user.discriminator)
.setColour(client.functions.displayHexColour(message.channel.guild, user.id))
message.channel.createMessage({ embed: embed });