mirror of
synced 2024-08-14 22:28:09 +00:00
* Created site files are now placed in an output directory `dist` * Added a ton of comments in build.js * Made functions in build.js use bluebird promises * Themes are now in the assets/templates folder instead as magic strings in the source code * Any number of custom themes (not just light and dark) can be used by creating a [theme].css file and putting it in assets/themes * CSS themes are rendered with Handlebars * CSS themes now rely on Handlebars for specifying the background * Restored config.json to template file * Changes to the blogging * Moved blog templates and config files to assets/blog * Created blog pages now go to dist/blog/ * Updated blogTemplate * Updated the README to reflect the changes made by this pull request * Added link to demo site in README * Added sorting and ordering
88 lines
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88 lines
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/* Argument parser */
const program = require('commander');
/* Filepath utilities */
const path = require('path');
/* Promise library */
const bluebird = require('bluebird');
const hbs = require('handlebars');
/* Creates promise-returning async functions
from callback-passed async functions */
const fs = bluebird.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
const { updateHTML } = require('./populate');
/* Specify the options the program uses */
.option('-n, --name [username]', 'get username')
.option('-d, --dark', 'enable dark mode')
.option('-b, --background [background]', 'set background image')
.option('-f, --fork [order]', 'include forks')
.option('-s, --sort [sort]', 'set default sort for repository')
.option('-o, --order [order]', 'set default order on sort')
const config = './dist/config.json';
const assetDir = path.resolve('./assets/');
const outDir = path.resolve('./dist/');
* Creates the stylesheet used by the site from a template stylesheet.
* Theme styles are added to the new stylesheet depending on command line
* arguments.
async function populateCSS() {
/* Get the theme the user requests. Defaults to 'light' */
let theme = `${program.theme || 'light'}.css`; /* Site theme, defaults to 'light' */
let template = path.resolve(assetDir, 'index.css');
let stylesheet = path.join(outDir, 'index.css');
try {
await fs.accessAsync(outDir, fs.constants.F_OK);
} catch (err) {
await fs.mkdirAsync(outDir);
/* Copy over the template CSS stylesheet */
await fs.copyFileAsync(template, stylesheet);
/* Get an array of every available theme */
let themes = await fs.readdirAsync(path.join(assetDir, 'themes'));
if (!themes.includes(theme)) {
console.error('Error: Requested theme not found. Defaulting to "light".');
theme = 'light';
/* Read in the theme stylesheet */
let themeSource = await fs.readFileSync(path.join(assetDir, 'themes', theme));
themeSource = themeSource.toString('utf-8');
let themeTemplate = hbs.compile(themeSource);
let styles = themeTemplate({
'background': `${process.background || 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1553748024-d1b27fb3f960?w=1450'}`
/* Add the user-specified styles to the new stylesheet */
await fs.appendFileAsync(stylesheet, styles);
/* Update the config file with the user's theme choice */
let data = await fs.readFileAsync(config);
data = JSON.parse(data);
data[0].theme = theme;
await fs.writeFileAsync(config, JSON.stringify(data, null, ' '));
if (program.name) {
let sort = program.sort ? program.sort: 'created_at';
let order = -1;
if(program.order === 'asc')
order = 1;
else if(program.order === 'desc')
order = -1;
updateHTML(('%s', program.name), sort, order);
} else {
console.error("Error: Please provide a GitHub username.");
} |