/* Filepath utilities */ const path = require("path"); /* Promise library */ const bluebird = require("bluebird"); const hbs = require("handlebars"); /* Creates promise-returning async functions from callback-passed async functions */ const fs = bluebird.promisifyAll(require("fs")); const { updateHTML } = require("./populate"); const { getConfig, outDir } = require("./utils"); const assetDir = path.resolve(`${__dirname}/assets/`); const config = path.join(outDir, "config.json"); /** * Creates the stylesheet used by the site from a template stylesheet. * * Theme styles are added to the new stylesheet depending on command line * arguments. */ async function populateCSS({ theme = "light", background = "https://source.unsplash.com/1280x720/?wallpaper" } = {}) { /* Get the theme the user requests. Defaults to 'light' */ theme = `${theme}.css`; const template = path.resolve(assetDir, "index.css"); const stylesheet = path.join(outDir, "index.css"); try { await fs.accessAsync(outDir, fs.constants.F_OK); } catch (error) { await fs.mkdirAsync(outDir); } /* Copy over the template CSS stylesheet */ await fs.copyFileAsync(template, stylesheet); /* Get an array of every available theme */ const themes = await fs.readdirAsync(path.join(assetDir, "themes")); if (!themes.includes(theme)) { console.error('Error: Requested theme not found. Defaulting to "light".'); theme = "light"; } /* Read in the theme stylesheet */ let themeSource = await fs.readFileSync(path.join(assetDir, "themes", theme)); themeSource = themeSource.toString("utf-8"); const themeTemplate = hbs.compile(themeSource); const styles = themeTemplate({ background: `${background}` }); /* Add the user-specified styles to the new stylesheet */ await fs.appendFileAsync(stylesheet, styles); /* Update the config file with the user's theme choice */ const data = await getConfig(); data[0].theme = theme; await fs.writeFileAsync(config, JSON.stringify(data, null, " ")); } async function populateConfig(opts) { const data = await getConfig(); Object.assign(data[0], opts); await fs.writeFileAsync(config, JSON.stringify(data, null, " ")); } async function buildCommand(username, program) { await populateCSS(program); let types; if (!program.include || !program.include.length) { types = ["all"]; } else { types = program.include; } const opts = { sort: program.sort, order: program.order, includeFork: Boolean(program.fork), types, codepen: program.codepen, dev: program.dev, dribbble: program.dribbble, email: program.email, facebook: program.facebook, instagram: program.instagram, keybase: program.keybase, reddit: program.reddit, telegram: program.telegram, twitter: program.twitter }; await populateConfig(opts); updateHTML(("%s", username), opts); } module.exports = { buildCommand, populateCSS, populateConfig };