#! /usr/bin/env node /* Argument parser */ const program = require('commander'); process.env.OUT_DIR = process.env.OUT_DIR || process.cwd(); const {buildCommand} = require('../build'); const {updateCommand} = require('../update'); const {blogCommand} = require('../blog'); const {version} = require('../package.json'); program .command('build ') .description('Build site with your GitHub username. This will be used to customize your site') .option('-t, --theme [theme]', 'specify a theme to use', 'light') .option('-b, --background [background]', 'set the background image') .option('-f, --fork', 'includes forks with repos') .option('-s, --sort [sort]', 'set default sort for repository', 'created') .option('-o, --order [order]', 'set default order on sort', 'asc') .action(buildCommand) program .command('update') .action(updateCommand); program .command('blog ') .description('Create blog with specified title') .option('-s, --subtitle [subtitle]', 'give blog a subtitle', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.') .option('-p, --pagetitle [pagetitle]', 'give blog page a title') .option('-f, --folder [folder]', 'give folder a title (use "-" instead of spaces)') .action(blogCommand); program.on('command:*', () => { console.log('Unknown Command: ' + program.args.join(' ')) program.help() }); program .version(version, '-v --version') .usage('<command> [options]') .parse(process.argv); if (program.args.length === 0) program.help();