const fs = require('fs'); const got = require('got'); const emoji = require('github-emoji'); const jsdom = require('jsdom').JSDOM, options = { resources: "usable" }; function convertToEmoji(text){ if (text == null) return; text = text.toString(); if(text.match(/(?<=:\s*).*?(?=\s*:)/gs) != null){ var str = text.match(/(?<=:\s*).*?(?=\s*:)/gs); str = str.filter(function(arr) { return /\S/.test(arr); }); for(i=0;i`); } } return text; }else{ return text; } } module.exports.updateHTML = (username) => { //add data to assets/index.html jsdom.fromFile("./assets/index.html", options).then(function (dom) { let window = dom.window, document = window.document; (async () => { try { console.log("Building HTML/CSS..."); var repos = await got(`${username}/repos?sort=created`); repos = JSON.parse(repos.body); for(var i = 0;i < repos.length;i++){ if(repos[i].fork == false){ document.getElementById("projects").innerHTML += `
  ${repos[i].language}   ${repos[i].stargazers_count}   ${repos[i].forks_count}
`; } } var user = await got(`${username}`); user = JSON.parse(user.body); document.title = user.login; var icon = document.createElement("link"); icon.setAttribute("rel", "icon"); icon.setAttribute("href", user.avatar_url); icon.setAttribute("type", "image/png"); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(icon); document.getElementById("profile_img").style.background = `url('${user.avatar_url}') center center` document.getElementById("username").innerHTML = `${}@${user.login}`; //document.getElementById("github_link").href = `${user.login}`; document.getElementById("userbio").innerHTML = convertToEmoji(; document.getElementById("userbio").style.display = == null || ! ? 'none' : 'block'; document.getElementById("about").innerHTML = `   ${}   ${}   ${}    ${user.location}    Available for hire`; //add data to config.json fs.readFile("config.json", function (err , data) { if (err) throw err; data = JSON.parse(data); data[0].username = user.login; data[0].name =; data[0].userimg = user.avatar_url; fs.writeFile('config.json', JSON.stringify(data, null, ' '), function(err){ if (err) throw err; }); }); fs.writeFile('index.html', ''+window.document.documentElement.outerHTML, function (error){ if (error) throw error; console.log("Build Complete"); process.exit(0) }); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } })(); }).catch(function(error){ console.log(error); }); }