
Distok is an unofficial, private Discord archive. Here lies some various cool things that are made possible by distok.

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Distok CutTheCord: Modular Discord Android client mod
업데이트됨 2021-08-24 19:14:39 +00:00
Tool to extract PNG frames from Lottie animations using rlottie.
업데이트됨 2020-12-04 21:28:07 +00:00
basically asarfuckery but for discord_desktop_core | To find rest of the stuff, check branches
업데이트됨 2020-12-03 22:43:00 +00:00
Extracted discord asars for your enjoyment, based on Linux discord builds. Updated automatically.
업데이트됨 2020-12-03 22:42:36 +00:00
Extracted Discord APKs for your enjoyment. Updated automatically.
업데이트됨 2020-12-03 20:43:44 +00:00