#!/bin/env python3 import os import sys fname = sys.argv[1] persistdir = os.environ.get("DISTOK_VERSION_LOGS", "/opt/ctc/gitrepo/resources/distok/versionlogs/") def counterup(branch="base"): # HACKY cfname = persistdir + fname.split("/")[-1].replace(".patch", "") + branch if os.path.isfile(cfname): with open(cfname, 'r') as file: countdata = file.read() else: countdata = 1000 countdata = int(countdata) + 1 with open(cfname, 'w') as file: file.write(str(countdata)) return countdata # Read in the file with open(fname, 'r') as file: filedata = file.read() name = sys.argv[2].replace("__", " ") branch = sys.argv[3] buildnum = str(counterup(branch)) # Replace the target string filedata = filedata.replace("CTCBRANCH", branch)\ .replace("CTCBUILD", buildnum)\ .replace("CTCNAME", name) # Write the file out again with open(fname.replace(".patch", "-custom.patch"), 'w') as file: file.write(filedata)