FDroid Releases with NoTrack still ping analytics #112

opened 2021-03-14 17:08:29 +00:00 by 9thplayer · 0 comments

Hello, I just found out about this app and decided to download it. So I added the Fdroid repo and noticed how many branches there are. I picked one that said it didn't require google for login and had NoTrack. I booted the app and noticed that my DNS logs said my device was pinging the following:


When i found this out I was somewhat confused and looked into the patches that are avaible for CTC. I found the NoTrack patch and noticed it said it was supposed disable the analytics, yet the app still pings them when it is opened and while it is open.

Hello, I just found out about this app and decided to download it. So I added the Fdroid repo and noticed how many branches there are. I picked one that said it didn't require google for login and had NoTrack. I booted the app and noticed that my DNS logs said my device was pinging the following: "firebaselogging-pa.googleapis.com" "app-measurement.com" "firebase-settings.crashlytics.com" When i found this out I was somewhat confused and looked into the patches that are avaible for CTC. I found the NoTrack patch and noticed it said it was supposed disable the analytics, yet the app still pings them when it is opened and while it is open.
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Reference: distok/cutthecord#112
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