## DisTok CutTheCord: Pseudo Nitro Viewer Patch
This patch allows viewing emojis sent with pseudoNitro.
pseudoNitro is a way of sending emojis from all guilds to all guilds, even without Nitro. Both receivers need psuedoNitro to view these.
- The old format is inserting a `&` between `<` and `:` (such as `<&:thinkEyes:406800811700781076>`).
- The new format is inserting a zwsp between `<` and `:` (such as `<:thinkEyes:406800811700781076>`).
- This patch supports receiving both.
#### Available and tested on:
- 24
- 28-alpha2
- 28.1
- 29-alpha1
- 30.0
- 30.1
- 31-alpha1
- 31-alpha2
- 32-alpha2
- 32.0
- 33.1
- 34.0
- 34.2
- 34.3
- 35.0-alpha1
- 36.3
- 36.5
- 38.0
- 38.1
- 40.04
- 41.02
- 41.05
- 41.06
- 41.10
- 41.11
- 42.0