'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getMainWindowId = getMainWindowId; exports.webContentsSend = webContentsSend; exports.init = init; exports.handleSingleInstance = handleSingleInstance; exports.setMainWindowVisible = setMainWindowVisible; var _electron = require('electron'); var _path = require('path'); var _path2 = _interopRequireDefault(_path); var _url = require('url'); var _url2 = _interopRequireDefault(_url); var _Backoff = require('../common/Backoff'); var _Backoff2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Backoff); var _securityUtils = require('../common/securityUtils'); var _appBadge = require('./appBadge'); var appBadge = _interopRequireWildcard(_appBadge); var _appConfig = require('./appConfig'); var appConfig = _interopRequireWildcard(_appConfig); var _appSettings = require('./appSettings'); var _buildInfo = require('./buildInfo'); var _buildInfo2 = _interopRequireDefault(_buildInfo); var _ipcMain = require('./ipcMain'); var _ipcMain2 = _interopRequireDefault(_ipcMain); var _moduleUpdater = require('./moduleUpdater'); var moduleUpdater = _interopRequireWildcard(_moduleUpdater); var _notificationScreen = require('./notificationScreen'); var notificationScreen = _interopRequireWildcard(_notificationScreen); var _popoutWindows = require('./popoutWindows'); var popoutWindows = _interopRequireWildcard(_popoutWindows); var _splashScreen = require('./splashScreen'); var splashScreen = _interopRequireWildcard(_splashScreen); var _systemTray = require('./systemTray'); var systemTray = _interopRequireWildcard(_systemTray); var _Constants = require('./Constants'); function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } const settings = (0, _appSettings.getSettings)(); const connectionBackoff = new _Backoff2.default(1000, 20000); const DISCORD_NAMESPACE = 'DISCORD_'; const getWebappEndpoint = () => { let endpoint = settings.get('WEBAPP_ENDPOINT'); if (!endpoint) { if (_buildInfo2.default.releaseChannel === 'stable') { endpoint = 'https://discordapp.com'; } else if (_buildInfo2.default.releaseChannel === 'development') { endpoint = 'https://canary.discordapp.com'; } else { endpoint = `https://${_buildInfo2.default.releaseChannel}.discordapp.com`; } } return endpoint; }; const WEBAPP_ENDPOINT = getWebappEndpoint(); function checkUrlOriginMatches(urlA, urlB) { let parsedUrlA; let parsedUrlB; try { parsedUrlA = _url2.default.parse(urlA); parsedUrlB = _url2.default.parse(urlB); } catch (_) { return false; } return parsedUrlA.protocol === parsedUrlB.protocol && parsedUrlA.slashes === parsedUrlB.slashes && parsedUrlA.host === parsedUrlB.host; } function getSanitizedPath(path) { // using the whatwg URL api, get a sanitized pathname from given path // this is because url.parse's `path` may not always have a slash // in front of it return new _url2.default.URL(path, WEBAPP_ENDPOINT).pathname; } function extractPathFromArgs(args, fallbackPath) { if (args.length === 3 && args[0] === '--url' && args[1] === '--') { try { const parsedURL = _url2.default.parse(args[2]); if (parsedURL.protocol === 'discord:') { return getSanitizedPath(parsedURL.path); } } catch (_) {} // protect against URIError: URI malformed } return fallbackPath; } // TODO: These should probably be thrown in constants. const INITIAL_PATH = extractPathFromArgs(process.argv.slice(1), '/app'); const WEBAPP_PATH = settings.get('WEBAPP_PATH', `${INITIAL_PATH}?_=${Date.now()}`); const URL_TO_LOAD = `${WEBAPP_ENDPOINT}${WEBAPP_PATH}`; const MIN_WIDTH = settings.get('MIN_WIDTH', 940); const MIN_HEIGHT = settings.get('MIN_HEIGHT', 500); const DEFAULT_WIDTH = 1280; const DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 720; // TODO: document this var's purpose const MIN_VISIBLE_ON_SCREEN = 32; let mainWindow = null; let mainWindowId = _Constants.DEFAULT_MAIN_WINDOW_ID; // whether we are in an intermediate auth process outside of our normal login screen (for e.g. internal builds) let insideAuthFlow = false; // last time the main app renderer has crashed ('crashed' event) let lastCrashed = 0; // whether we failed to load a page outside of the intermediate auth flow // used to reload the page after a delay let lastPageLoadFailed = false; function getMainWindowId() { return mainWindowId; } function webContentsSend(...args) { if (mainWindow != null && mainWindow.webContents != null) { const [event, ...options] = args; mainWindow.webContents.send(`${DISCORD_NAMESPACE}${event}`, ...options); } } function saveWindowConfig(browserWindow) { try { if (!browserWindow) { return; } settings.set('IS_MAXIMIZED', browserWindow.isMaximized()); settings.set('IS_MINIMIZED', browserWindow.isMinimized()); if (!settings.get('IS_MAXIMIZED') && !settings.get('IS_MINIMIZED')) { settings.set('WINDOW_BOUNDS', browserWindow.getBounds()); } settings.save(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } function setWindowVisible(isVisible, andUnminimize) { if (mainWindow == null) { return; } if (isVisible) { if (andUnminimize || !mainWindow.isMinimized()) { mainWindow.show(); webContentsSend('MAIN_WINDOW_FOCUS'); } } else { webContentsSend('MAIN_WINDOW_BLUR'); mainWindow.hide(); if (systemTray.hasInit) { systemTray.displayHowToCloseHint(); } } mainWindow.setSkipTaskbar(!isVisible); } function doAABBsOverlap(a, b) { const ax1 = a.x + a.width; const bx1 = b.x + b.width; const ay1 = a.y + a.height; const by1 = b.y + b.height; // clamp a to b, see if it is non-empty const cx0 = a.x < b.x ? b.x : a.x; const cx1 = ax1 < bx1 ? ax1 : bx1; if (cx1 - cx0 > 0) { const cy0 = a.y < b.y ? b.y : a.y; const cy1 = ay1 < by1 ? ay1 : by1; if (cy1 - cy0 > 0) { return true; } } return false; } function applyWindowBoundsToConfig(mainWindowOptions) { if (!settings.get('WINDOW_BOUNDS')) { mainWindowOptions.center = true; return; } const bounds = settings.get('WINDOW_BOUNDS'); bounds.width = Math.max(MIN_WIDTH, bounds.width); bounds.height = Math.max(MIN_HEIGHT, bounds.height); let isVisibleOnAnyScreen = false; const displays = _electron.screen.getAllDisplays(); displays.forEach(display => { if (isVisibleOnAnyScreen) { return; } const displayBound = display.workArea; displayBound.x += MIN_VISIBLE_ON_SCREEN; displayBound.y += MIN_VISIBLE_ON_SCREEN; displayBound.width -= 2 * MIN_VISIBLE_ON_SCREEN; displayBound.height -= 2 * MIN_VISIBLE_ON_SCREEN; isVisibleOnAnyScreen = doAABBsOverlap(bounds, displayBound); }); if (isVisibleOnAnyScreen) { mainWindowOptions.width = bounds.width; mainWindowOptions.height = bounds.height; mainWindowOptions.x = bounds.x; mainWindowOptions.y = bounds.y; } else { mainWindowOptions.center = true; } } // this can be called multiple times (due to recreating the main app window), // so we only want to update existing if we already initialized it function setupNotificationScreen(mainWindow) { if (!notificationScreen.hasInit) { notificationScreen.init({ mainWindow, title: 'Discord Notifications', maxVisible: 5, screenPosition: 'bottom' }); notificationScreen.events.on(notificationScreen.NOTIFICATION_CLICK, () => { setWindowVisible(true, true); }); } else { notificationScreen.setMainWindow(mainWindow); } } // this can be called multiple times (due to recreating the main app window), // so we only want to update existing if we already initialized it function setupSystemTray() { if (!systemTray.hasInit) { systemTray.init({ onCheckForUpdates: () => moduleUpdater.checkForUpdates(), onTrayClicked: () => setWindowVisible(true, true), onOpenVoiceSettings: openVoiceSettings, onToggleMute: toggleMute, onToggleDeafen: toggleDeafen, onLaunchApplication: launchApplication }); } } // this can be called multiple times (due to recreating the main app window), // so we only want to update existing if we already initialized it function setupAppBadge() { if (!appBadge.hasInit) { appBadge.init(); } } // this can be called multiple times (due to recreating the main app window), // so we only want to update existing if we already initialized it function setupAppConfig() { if (!appConfig.hasInit) { appConfig.init(); } } // this can be called multiple times (due to recreating the main app window), // so we only want to update existing if we already initialized it function setupPopouts() { if (!popoutWindows.hasInit) { popoutWindows.init(); } } function openVoiceSettings() { setWindowVisible(true, true); webContentsSend('SYSTEM_TRAY_OPEN_VOICE_SETTINGS'); } function toggleMute() { webContentsSend('SYSTEM_TRAY_TOGGLE_MUTE'); } function toggleDeafen() { webContentsSend('SYSTEM_TRAY_TOGGLE_DEAFEN'); } function launchApplication(applicationId) { webContentsSend('LAUNCH_APPLICATION', applicationId); } const loadMainPage = () => { lastPageLoadFailed = false; mainWindow.loadURL(URL_TO_LOAD); }; const DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR = '#2f3136'; const BACKGROUND_COLOR_KEY = 'BACKGROUND_COLOR'; function getBackgroundColor() { return settings.get(BACKGROUND_COLOR_KEY, DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR); } function setBackgroundColor(color) { settings.set(BACKGROUND_COLOR_KEY, color); mainWindow.setBackgroundColor(color); settings.save(); } // launch main app window; could be called multiple times for various reasons function launchMainAppWindow(isVisible) { if (mainWindow) { // TODO: message here? mainWindow.destroy(); } const mainWindowOptions = { title: 'Discord', backgroundColor: getBackgroundColor(), width: DEFAULT_WIDTH, height: DEFAULT_HEIGHT, minWidth: MIN_WIDTH, minHeight: MIN_HEIGHT, transparent: false, frame: false, resizable: true, show: isVisible, webPreferences: { blinkFeatures: 'EnumerateDevices,AudioOutputDevices', nodeIntegration: false, preload: _path2.default.join(__dirname, 'mainScreenPreload.js'), nativeWindowOpen: true, enableRemoteModule: false, spellcheck: true, contextIsolation: true, // NB: this is required in order to give popouts (or any child window opened via window.open w/ nativeWindowOpen) // a chance at a node environment (i.e. they run the preload, have an isolated context, etc.) when // `app.allowRendererProcessReuse === false` (default in Electron 7). additionalArguments: ['--enable-node-leakage-in-renderers'] } }; if (process.platform === 'linux') { mainWindowOptions.icon = _path2.default.join(_path2.default.dirname(_electron.app.getPath('exe')), 'discord.png'); mainWindowOptions.frame = true; } applyWindowBoundsToConfig(mainWindowOptions); mainWindow = new _electron.BrowserWindow(mainWindowOptions); mainWindowId = mainWindow.id; global.mainWindowId = mainWindowId; mainWindow.setMenuBarVisibility(false); if (settings.get('IS_MAXIMIZED')) { mainWindow.maximize(); } if (settings.get('IS_MINIMIZED')) { mainWindow.minimize(); } mainWindow.webContents.on('new-window', (e, windowURL, frameName, disposition, options) => { e.preventDefault(); if (frameName.startsWith(DISCORD_NAMESPACE) && checkUrlOriginMatches(windowURL, WEBAPP_ENDPOINT)) { popoutWindows.openOrFocusWindow(e, windowURL, frameName, options); return; } (0, _securityUtils.saferShellOpenExternal)(windowURL); }); mainWindow.webContents.on('did-fail-load', (e, errCode, errDesc, validatedUrl) => { if (insideAuthFlow) { return; } if (validatedUrl !== URL_TO_LOAD) { return; } // -3 (ABORTED) means we are reloading the page before it has finished loading // 0 (???) seems to also mean the same thing if (errCode === -3 || errCode === 0) return; lastPageLoadFailed = true; console.error('[WebContents] did-fail-load', errCode, errDesc, `retry in ${connectionBackoff.current} ms`); connectionBackoff.fail(() => { console.log('[WebContents] retrying load', URL_TO_LOAD); loadMainPage(); }); }); mainWindow.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => { if (insideAuthFlow && mainWindow.webContents && checkUrlOriginMatches(mainWindow.webContents.getURL(), WEBAPP_ENDPOINT)) { insideAuthFlow = false; } webContentsSend(mainWindow != null && mainWindow.isFocused() ? 'MAIN_WINDOW_FOCUS' : 'MAIN_WINDOW_BLUR'); if (!lastPageLoadFailed) { connectionBackoff.succeed(); splashScreen.pageReady(); } }); mainWindow.webContents.on('crashed', (e, killed) => { if (killed) { _electron.app.quit(); return; } // if we just crashed under 5 seconds ago, we are probably in a loop, so just die. const crashTime = Date.now(); if (crashTime - lastCrashed < 5 * 1000) { console.error('[WebContents] double crashed... RIP =('); _electron.app.quit(); return; } lastCrashed = crashTime; console.error('[WebContents] crashed... reloading'); launchMainAppWindow(true); }); // Prevent navigation when links or files are dropping into the app, turning it into a browser. // https://github.com/discord/discord/pull/278 mainWindow.webContents.on('will-navigate', (evt, url) => { if (!insideAuthFlow && !checkUrlOriginMatches(url, WEBAPP_ENDPOINT)) { evt.preventDefault(); } }); // track intermediate auth flow mainWindow.webContents.on('did-get-redirect-request', (event, oldUrl, newUrl) => { if (checkUrlOriginMatches(oldUrl, WEBAPP_ENDPOINT) && checkUrlOriginMatches(newUrl, 'https://accounts.google.com/')) { insideAuthFlow = true; } }); mainWindow.webContents.on('context-menu', (_, params) => { webContentsSend('SPELLCHECK_RESULT', params.misspelledWord, params.dictionarySuggestions); }); mainWindow.webContents.on('devtools-opened', () => { webContentsSend('WINDOW_DEVTOOLS_OPENED'); }); mainWindow.webContents.on('devtools-closed', () => { webContentsSend('WINDOW_DEVTOOLS_CLOSED'); }); mainWindow.on('focus', () => { webContentsSend('MAIN_WINDOW_FOCUS'); }); mainWindow.on('blur', () => { webContentsSend('MAIN_WINDOW_BLUR'); }); mainWindow.on('page-title-updated', (e, title) => { if (mainWindow === null) { return; } e.preventDefault(); if (!title.endsWith('Discord')) { title += ' - Discord'; } mainWindow.setTitle(title); }); mainWindow.on('leave-html-full-screen', () => { // fixes a bug wherein embedded videos returning from full screen cause our menu to be visible. mainWindow.setMenuBarVisibility(false); }); mainWindow.webContents.on('did-navigate-in-page', (_, eventUrl) => { let parsedUrl; try { parsedUrl = _url2.default.parse(eventUrl); } catch (_) { return; } // Prevent back navigation from revisting the login page after logging in, // or being able to navigate back after signing out. if (parsedUrl && parsedUrl.pathname === '/login') { mainWindow.webContents.clearHistory(); } }); // 'swipe' only works if the classic 3 finger swipe style is enabled in // 'System Preferences > Trackpad > More Gestures.' The more modern 2 finger // gesture should be added when Electron adds support. mainWindow.on('swipe', (_, direction) => { switch (direction) { case 'left': webContentsSend('NAVIGATE_BACK', 'SWIPE'); break; case 'right': webContentsSend('NAVIGATE_FORWARD', 'SWIPE'); break; } }); // Windows/Linux media keys and 4th/5th mouse buttons. mainWindow.on('app-command', (_, cmd) => { switch (cmd) { case 'browser-backward': webContentsSend('NAVIGATE_BACK', 'BROWSER'); break; case 'browser-forward': webContentsSend('NAVIGATE_FORWARD', 'BROWSER'); break; } }); if (process.platform === 'win32') { setupNotificationScreen(mainWindow); } setupSystemTray(); setupAppBadge(); setupAppConfig(); setupPopouts(); if (process.platform === 'linux' || process.platform === 'win32') { systemTray.show(); mainWindow.on('close', e => { if (mainWindow === null) { // this means we're quitting popoutWindows.closePopouts(); return; } webContentsSend('MAIN_WINDOW_BLUR'); // Save our app settings saveWindowConfig(mainWindow); // Quit app if that's the setting if (!settings.get('MINIMIZE_TO_TRAY', true)) { _electron.app.quit(); return; } // Else, minimize to tray setWindowVisible(false); e.preventDefault(); }); } loadMainPage(); } let updaterState = _Constants.UpdaterEvents.UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE; function handleModuleUpdateCheckFinished(succeeded, updateCount, manualRequired) { if (!succeeded) { updaterState = _Constants.UpdaterEvents.UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE; webContentsSend(_Constants.UpdaterEvents.UPDATE_ERROR); return; } if (updateCount === 0) { updaterState = _Constants.UpdaterEvents.UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } else if (manualRequired) { updaterState = _Constants.UpdaterEvents.UPDATE_MANUALLY; } else { updaterState = _Constants.UpdaterEvents.UPDATE_AVAILABLE; } webContentsSend(updaterState); } function handleModuleUpdateDownloadProgress(name, progress) { if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.setProgressBar(progress); } webContentsSend(_Constants.UpdaterEvents.MODULE_INSTALL_PROGRESS, name, progress); } function handleModuleUpdateDownloadsFinished(succeeded, failed) { if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.setProgressBar(-1); } if (updaterState === _Constants.UpdaterEvents.UPDATE_AVAILABLE) { if (failed > 0) { updaterState = _Constants.UpdaterEvents.UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE; webContentsSend(_Constants.UpdaterEvents.UPDATE_ERROR); } else { updaterState = _Constants.UpdaterEvents.UPDATE_DOWNLOADED; webContentsSend(updaterState); } } } function handleModuleUpdateInstalledModule(name, current, total, succeeded) { if (mainWindow) { mainWindow.setProgressBar(-1); } webContentsSend(_Constants.UpdaterEvents.MODULE_INSTALLED, name, succeeded); } // sets up event listeners between the browser window and the app to send // and listen to update-related events function setupUpdaterIPC() { moduleUpdater.events.on(moduleUpdater.CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES, () => { updaterState = _Constants.UpdaterEvents.CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES; webContentsSend(updaterState); }); // TODO(eiz): We currently still need to handle the old style non-object-based // updater events to allow discord_desktop_core to be newer than the host asar, // which contains the updater itself. // // Once all clients have updated to a sufficiently new host, we can delete this. if (moduleUpdater.supportsEventObjects) { moduleUpdater.events.on(moduleUpdater.UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED, ({ succeeded, updateCount, manualRequired }) => { handleModuleUpdateCheckFinished(succeeded, updateCount, manualRequired); }); moduleUpdater.events.on(moduleUpdater.DOWNLOADING_MODULE_PROGRESS, ({ name, progress }) => { handleModuleUpdateDownloadProgress(name, progress); }); moduleUpdater.events.on(moduleUpdater.DOWNLOADING_MODULES_FINISHED, ({ succeeded, failed }) => { handleModuleUpdateDownloadsFinished(succeeded, failed); }); moduleUpdater.events.on(moduleUpdater.INSTALLED_MODULE, ({ name, current, total, succeeded }) => { handleModuleUpdateInstalledModule(name, current, total, succeeded); }); } else { moduleUpdater.events.on(moduleUpdater.UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED, (succeeded, updateCount, manualRequired) => { handleModuleUpdateCheckFinished(succeeded, updateCount, manualRequired); }); moduleUpdater.events.on(moduleUpdater.DOWNLOADING_MODULE_PROGRESS, (name, progress) => { handleModuleUpdateDownloadProgress(name, progress); }); moduleUpdater.events.on(moduleUpdater.DOWNLOADING_MODULES_FINISHED, (succeeded, failed) => { handleModuleUpdateDownloadsFinished(succeeded, failed); }); moduleUpdater.events.on(moduleUpdater.INSTALLED_MODULE, (name, current, total, succeeded) => { handleModuleUpdateInstalledModule(name, current, total, succeeded); }); } _ipcMain2.default.on(_Constants.UpdaterEvents.CHECK_FOR_UPDATES, () => { if (updaterState === _Constants.UpdaterEvents.UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE) { moduleUpdater.checkForUpdates(); } else { webContentsSend(updaterState); } }); _ipcMain2.default.on(_Constants.UpdaterEvents.QUIT_AND_INSTALL, () => { saveWindowConfig(mainWindow); mainWindow = null; // TODO(eiz): This is a workaround for old Linux host versions whose host // updater did not have a quitAndInstall() method, which causes the module // updater to crash if a host update is available and we try to restart to // install modules. Remove when all hosts are updated. try { moduleUpdater.quitAndInstallUpdates(); } catch (e) { _electron.app.relaunch(); _electron.app.quit(); } }); _ipcMain2.default.on(_Constants.UpdaterEvents.MODULE_INSTALL, (_event, name) => { // NOTE: do NOT allow options to be passed in, as this enables a client to downgrade its modules to potentially // insecure versions. moduleUpdater.install(name, false); }); _ipcMain2.default.on(_Constants.UpdaterEvents.MODULE_QUERY, (_event, name) => { webContentsSend(_Constants.UpdaterEvents.MODULE_INSTALLED, name, moduleUpdater.isInstalled(name)); }); _ipcMain2.default.on(_Constants.UpdaterEvents.UPDATER_HISTORY_QUERY_AND_TRUNCATE, () => { webContentsSend(_Constants.UpdaterEvents.UPDATER_HISTORY_RESPONSE, moduleUpdater.events.history); moduleUpdater.events.history = []; }); } function init() { // electron default behavior is to app.quit here, so long as there are no other listeners. we handle quitting // or minimizing to system tray ourselves via mainWindow.on('closed') so this is simply to disable the electron // default behavior. _electron.app.on('window-all-closed', () => {}); _electron.app.on('before-quit', () => { saveWindowConfig(mainWindow); mainWindow = null; notificationScreen.close(); }); // TODO: move this to main startup _electron.app.on('gpu-process-crashed', (e, killed) => { if (killed) { _electron.app.quit(); } }); _electron.app.on('accessibility-support-changed', (_event, accessibilitySupportEnabled) => webContentsSend('ACCESSIBILITY_SUPPORT_CHANGED', accessibilitySupportEnabled)); _electron.app.on(_Constants.MenuEvents.OPEN_HELP, () => webContentsSend('HELP_OPEN')); _electron.app.on(_Constants.MenuEvents.OPEN_SETTINGS, () => webContentsSend('USER_SETTINGS_OPEN')); _electron.app.on(_Constants.MenuEvents.CHECK_FOR_UPDATES, () => moduleUpdater.checkForUpdates()); _ipcMain2.default.on('SETTINGS_UPDATE_BACKGROUND_COLOR', (_event, backgroundColor) => { if (getBackgroundColor() !== backgroundColor) { setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor); } }); setupUpdaterIPC(); launchMainAppWindow(false); } function handleSingleInstance(args) { if (mainWindow != null) { const appPath = extractPathFromArgs(args); if (appPath != null) { webContentsSend('MAIN_WINDOW_PATH', appPath); } setWindowVisible(true, false); mainWindow.focus(); } } function setMainWindowVisible(visible) { setWindowVisible(visible, false); }