"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.init = init; exports.fatal = fatal; var _electron = require("electron"); function isErrorSafeToSuppress(error) { return /attempting to call a function in a renderer window/i.test(error.message); } function init() { process.on('uncaughtException', error => { const stack = error.stack ? error.stack : String(error); const message = `Uncaught exception:\n ${stack}`; console.warn(message); if (!isErrorSafeToSuppress(error)) { _electron.dialog.showErrorBox('A JavaScript error occurred in the main process', message); } }); } // show a similar error message to the error handler, except exit out the app // after the error message has been closed function fatal(err) { const options = { type: 'error', message: 'A fatal Javascript error occured', detail: err && err.stack ? err.stack : String(err) }; const callback = _ => _electron.app.quit(); const electronMajor = parseInt(process.versions.electron.split('.')[0]); if (electronMajor >= 6) { _electron.dialog.showMessageBox(null, options).then(callback); } else { _electron.dialog.showMessageBox(options, callback); } }