'use strict' const { nativeImage } = require('electron') const ipcRenderer = require('@electron/internal/renderer/ipc-renderer-internal') const includes = [].includes let currentId = 0 const incrementId = () => { currentId += 1 return currentId } // |options.types| can't be empty and must be an array function isValid (options) { const types = options ? options.types : undefined return Array.isArray(types) } exports.getSources = function (options, callback) { if (!isValid(options)) return callback(new Error('Invalid options')) const captureWindow = includes.call(options.types, 'window') const captureScreen = includes.call(options.types, 'screen') if (options.thumbnailSize == null) { options.thumbnailSize = { width: 150, height: 150 } } const id = incrementId() ipcRenderer.send('ELECTRON_BROWSER_DESKTOP_CAPTURER_GET_SOURCES', captureWindow, captureScreen, options.thumbnailSize, id) return ipcRenderer.once(`ELECTRON_RENDERER_DESKTOP_CAPTURER_RESULT_${id}`, (event, sources) => { callback(null, (() => { const results = [] sources.forEach(source => { results.push({ id: source.id, name: source.name, thumbnail: nativeImage.createFromDataURL(source.thumbnail), display_id: source.display_id }) }) return results })()) }) }