"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.initPathsOnly = initPathsOnly; exports.init = init; exports.checkForUpdates = checkForUpdates; exports.setInBackground = setInBackground; exports.quitAndInstallUpdates = quitAndInstallUpdates; exports.isInstalled = isInstalled; exports.getInstalled = getInstalled; exports.install = install; exports.installPendingUpdates = installPendingUpdates; exports.supportsEventObjects = exports.events = exports.NO_PENDING_UPDATES = exports.INSTALLING_MODULE_PROGRESS = exports.INSTALLING_MODULE = exports.INSTALLING_MODULES_FINISHED = exports.DOWNLOADED_MODULE = exports.UPDATE_MANUALLY = exports.DOWNLOADING_MODULES_FINISHED = exports.DOWNLOADING_MODULE_PROGRESS = exports.DOWNLOADING_MODULE = exports.UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED = exports.INSTALLED_MODULE = exports.CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES = void 0; var _fs = _interopRequireDefault(require("fs")); var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path")); var _module = _interopRequireDefault(require("module")); var _events = require("events"); var _mkdirp = _interopRequireDefault(require("mkdirp")); var _process = require("process"); var _yauzl = _interopRequireDefault(require("yauzl")); var _Backoff = _interopRequireDefault(require("./Backoff")); var paths = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./paths")); function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function () { return cache; }; return cache; } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } // Manages additional module installation and management. // We add the module folder path to require() lookup paths here. // undocumented node API const originalFs = require('original-fs'); // events const CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES = 'checking-for-updates'; exports.CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES = CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES; const INSTALLED_MODULE = 'installed-module'; exports.INSTALLED_MODULE = INSTALLED_MODULE; const UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED = 'update-check-finished'; exports.UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED = UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED; const DOWNLOADING_MODULE = 'downloading-module'; exports.DOWNLOADING_MODULE = DOWNLOADING_MODULE; const DOWNLOADING_MODULE_PROGRESS = 'downloading-module-progress'; exports.DOWNLOADING_MODULE_PROGRESS = DOWNLOADING_MODULE_PROGRESS; const DOWNLOADING_MODULES_FINISHED = 'downloading-modules-finished'; exports.DOWNLOADING_MODULES_FINISHED = DOWNLOADING_MODULES_FINISHED; const UPDATE_MANUALLY = 'update-manually'; exports.UPDATE_MANUALLY = UPDATE_MANUALLY; const DOWNLOADED_MODULE = 'downloaded-module'; exports.DOWNLOADED_MODULE = DOWNLOADED_MODULE; const INSTALLING_MODULES_FINISHED = 'installing-modules-finished'; exports.INSTALLING_MODULES_FINISHED = INSTALLING_MODULES_FINISHED; const INSTALLING_MODULE = 'installing-module'; exports.INSTALLING_MODULE = INSTALLING_MODULE; const INSTALLING_MODULE_PROGRESS = 'installing-module-progress'; exports.INSTALLING_MODULE_PROGRESS = INSTALLING_MODULE_PROGRESS; const NO_PENDING_UPDATES = 'no-pending-updates'; // settings exports.NO_PENDING_UPDATES = NO_PENDING_UPDATES; const ALWAYS_ALLOW_UPDATES = 'ALWAYS_ALLOW_UPDATES'; const SKIP_HOST_UPDATE = 'SKIP_HOST_UPDATE'; const SKIP_MODULE_UPDATE = 'SKIP_MODULE_UPDATE'; const ALWAYS_BOOTSTRAP_MODULES = 'ALWAYS_BOOTSTRAP_MODULES'; const USE_LOCAL_MODULE_VERSIONS = 'USE_LOCAL_MODULE_VERSIONS'; class Events extends _events.EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this.history = []; } append(evt) { evt.now = String(_process.hrtime.bigint()); if (this._eventIsInteresting(evt)) { this.history.push(evt); } process.nextTick(() => this.emit(evt.type, evt)); } _eventIsInteresting(evt) { return evt.type !== DOWNLOADING_MODULE_PROGRESS && evt.type !== INSTALLING_MODULE_PROGRESS; } } class LogStream { constructor(logPath) { try { this.logStream = _fs.default.createWriteStream(logPath, { flags: 'a' }); } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed to create ${logPath}: ${String(e)}`); } } log(message) { message = `[Modules] ${message}`; console.log(message); if (this.logStream) { this.logStream.write(message); this.logStream.write('\r\n'); } } end() { if (this.logStream) { this.logStream.end(); this.logStream = null; } } } const request = require('../app_bootstrap/request'); const REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 15000; const backoff = new _Backoff.default(1000, 20000); const events = new Events(); exports.events = events; const supportsEventObjects = true; exports.supportsEventObjects = supportsEventObjects; let logger; let locallyInstalledModules; let moduleInstallPath; let installedModulesFilePath; let moduleDownloadPath; let bootstrapping; let hostUpdater; let hostUpdateAvailable; let skipHostUpdate; let skipModuleUpdate; let checkingForUpdates; let remoteBaseURL; let remoteQuery; let settings; let remoteModuleVersions; let installedModules; let download; let unzip; let newInstallInProgress; let localModuleVersionsFilePath; let updatable; let bootstrapManifestFilePath; let runningInBackground = false; function initPathsOnly(_buildInfo) { if (locallyInstalledModules || moduleInstallPath) { return; } // If we have `localModulesRoot` in our buildInfo file, we do not fetch modules // from remote, and rely on our locally bundled ones. // Typically used for development mode, or private builds. locallyInstalledModules = _buildInfo.localModulesRoot != null; if (locallyInstalledModules) { if (_module.default.globalPaths.indexOf(_buildInfo.localModulesRoot) === -1) { _module.default.globalPaths.push(_buildInfo.localModulesRoot); } } else { moduleInstallPath = _path.default.join(paths.getUserDataVersioned(), 'modules'); if (_module.default.globalPaths.indexOf(moduleInstallPath) === -1) { _module.default.globalPaths.push(moduleInstallPath); } } } function init(_endpoint, _settings, _buildInfo) { const endpoint = _endpoint; settings = _settings; const buildInfo = _buildInfo; updatable = buildInfo.version != '0.0.0' && !buildInfo.debug || settings.get(ALWAYS_ALLOW_UPDATES); initPathsOnly(buildInfo); logger = new LogStream(_path.default.join(paths.getUserData(), 'modules.log')); bootstrapping = false; hostUpdateAvailable = false; checkingForUpdates = false; skipHostUpdate = settings.get(SKIP_HOST_UPDATE) || !updatable; skipModuleUpdate = settings.get(SKIP_MODULE_UPDATE) || locallyInstalledModules || !updatable; localModuleVersionsFilePath = _path.default.join(paths.getUserData(), 'local_module_versions.json'); bootstrapManifestFilePath = _path.default.join(paths.getResources(), 'bootstrap', 'manifest.json'); installedModules = {}; remoteModuleVersions = {}; newInstallInProgress = {}; download = { // currently downloading active: false, // {name, version} queue: [], // current queue index being downloaded next: 0, // download failure count failures: 0 }; unzip = { // currently unzipping active: false, // {name, version, zipfile} queue: [], // current queue index being unzipped next: 0, // unzip failure count failures: 0 }; logger.log(`Modules initializing`); logger.log(`Distribution: ${locallyInstalledModules ? 'local' : 'remote'}`); logger.log(`Host updates: ${skipHostUpdate ? 'disabled' : 'enabled'}`); logger.log(`Module updates: ${skipModuleUpdate ? 'disabled' : 'enabled'}`); if (!locallyInstalledModules) { installedModulesFilePath = _path.default.join(moduleInstallPath, 'installed.json'); moduleDownloadPath = _path.default.join(moduleInstallPath, 'pending'); _mkdirp.default.sync(moduleDownloadPath); logger.log(`Module install path: ${moduleInstallPath}`); logger.log(`Module installed file path: ${installedModulesFilePath}`); logger.log(`Module download path: ${moduleDownloadPath}`); let failedLoadingInstalledModules = false; try { installedModules = JSON.parse(_fs.default.readFileSync(installedModulesFilePath)); } catch (err) { failedLoadingInstalledModules = true; } cleanDownloadedModules(installedModules); bootstrapping = failedLoadingInstalledModules || settings.get(ALWAYS_BOOTSTRAP_MODULES); } hostUpdater = require('../app_bootstrap/hostUpdater'); // TODO: hostUpdater constants hostUpdater.on('checking-for-update', () => events.append({ type: CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES })); hostUpdater.on('update-available', () => hostOnUpdateAvailable()); hostUpdater.on('update-progress', progress => hostOnUpdateProgress(progress)); hostUpdater.on('update-not-available', () => hostOnUpdateNotAvailable()); hostUpdater.on('update-manually', newVersion => hostOnUpdateManually(newVersion)); hostUpdater.on('update-downloaded', () => hostOnUpdateDownloaded()); hostUpdater.on('error', err => hostOnError(err)); const setFeedURL = hostUpdater.setFeedURL.bind(hostUpdater); remoteBaseURL = `${endpoint}/modules/${buildInfo.releaseChannel}`; // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase remoteQuery = { host_version: buildInfo.version }; switch (process.platform) { case 'darwin': setFeedURL(`${endpoint}/updates/${buildInfo.releaseChannel}?platform=osx&version=${buildInfo.version}`); remoteQuery.platform = 'osx'; break; case 'win32': // Squirrel for Windows can't handle query params // https://github.com/Squirrel/Squirrel.Windows/issues/132 setFeedURL(`${endpoint}/updates/${buildInfo.releaseChannel}`); remoteQuery.platform = 'win'; break; case 'linux': setFeedURL(`${endpoint}/updates/${buildInfo.releaseChannel}?platform=linux&version=${buildInfo.version}`); remoteQuery.platform = 'linux'; break; } } function cleanDownloadedModules(installedModules) { try { const entries = _fs.default.readdirSync(moduleDownloadPath) || []; entries.forEach(entry => { const entryPath = _path.default.join(moduleDownloadPath, entry); let isStale = true; for (const moduleName of Object.keys(installedModules)) { if (entryPath === installedModules[moduleName].updateZipfile) { isStale = false; break; } } if (isStale) { _fs.default.unlinkSync(_path.default.join(moduleDownloadPath, entry)); } }); } catch (err) { logger.log('Could not clean downloaded modules'); logger.log(err.stack); } } function hostOnUpdateAvailable() { logger.log(`Host update is available.`); hostUpdateAvailable = true; events.append({ type: UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED, succeeded: true, updateCount: 1, manualRequired: false }); events.append({ type: DOWNLOADING_MODULE, name: 'host', current: 1, total: 1, foreground: !runningInBackground }); } function hostOnUpdateProgress(progress) { logger.log(`Host update progress: ${progress}%`); events.append({ type: DOWNLOADING_MODULE_PROGRESS, name: 'host', progress: progress }); } function hostOnUpdateNotAvailable() { logger.log(`Host is up to date.`); if (!skipModuleUpdate) { checkForModuleUpdates(); } else { events.append({ type: UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED, succeeded: true, updateCount: 0, manualRequired: false }); } } function hostOnUpdateManually(newVersion) { logger.log(`Host update is available. Manual update required!`); hostUpdateAvailable = true; checkingForUpdates = false; events.append({ type: UPDATE_MANUALLY, newVersion: newVersion }); events.append({ type: UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED, succeeded: true, updateCount: 1, manualRequired: true }); } function hostOnUpdateDownloaded() { logger.log(`Host update downloaded.`); checkingForUpdates = false; events.append({ type: DOWNLOADED_MODULE, name: 'host', current: 1, total: 1, succeeded: true }); events.append({ type: DOWNLOADING_MODULES_FINISHED, succeeded: 1, failed: 0 }); } function hostOnError(err) { logger.log(`Host update failed: ${err}`); // [adill] osx unsigned builds will fire this code signing error inside setFeedURL and // if we don't do anything about it hostUpdater.checkForUpdates() will never respond. if (err && String(err).indexOf('Could not get code signature for running application') !== -1) { console.warn('Skipping host updates due to code signing failure.'); skipHostUpdate = true; } checkingForUpdates = false; if (!hostUpdateAvailable) { events.append({ type: UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED, succeeded: false, updateCount: 0, manualRequired: false }); } else { events.append({ type: DOWNLOADED_MODULE, name: 'host', current: 1, total: 1, succeeded: false }); events.append({ type: DOWNLOADING_MODULES_FINISHED, succeeded: 0, failed: 1 }); } } function checkForUpdates() { if (checkingForUpdates) return; checkingForUpdates = true; hostUpdateAvailable = false; if (skipHostUpdate) { events.append({ type: CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES }); hostOnUpdateNotAvailable(); } else { logger.log('Checking for host updates.'); hostUpdater.checkForUpdates(); } } // Indicates that the initial update process is complete and that future updates // are background updates. This merely affects the content of the events sent to // the app so that analytics can correctly attribute module download/installs // depending on whether they were ui-blocking or not. function setInBackground() { runningInBackground = true; } function getRemoteModuleName(name) { if (process.platform === 'win32' && process.arch === 'x64') { return `${name}.x64`; } return name; } async function checkForModuleUpdates() { const query = { ...remoteQuery, _: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000 / 60 / 5) }; const url = `${remoteBaseURL}/versions.json`; logger.log(`Checking for module updates at ${url}`); let response; try { response = await request.get({ url, qs: query, timeout: REQUEST_TIMEOUT }); checkingForUpdates = false; } catch (err) { checkingForUpdates = false; logger.log(`Failed fetching module versions: ${String(err)}`); events.append({ type: UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED, succeeded: false, updateCount: 0, manualRequired: false }); return; } remoteModuleVersions = JSON.parse(response.body); if (settings.get(USE_LOCAL_MODULE_VERSIONS)) { try { remoteModuleVersions = JSON.parse(_fs.default.readFileSync(localModuleVersionsFilePath)); console.log('Using local module versions: ', remoteModuleVersions); } catch (err) { console.warn('Failed to parse local module versions: ', err); } } const updatesToDownload = []; for (const moduleName of Object.keys(installedModules)) { const installedModule = installedModules[moduleName]; const installed = installedModule.installedVersion; if (installed === null) { continue; } const update = installedModule.updateVersion || 0; const remote = remoteModuleVersions[getRemoteModuleName(moduleName)] || 0; if (installed !== remote && update !== remote) { logger.log(`Module update available: ${moduleName}@${remote} [installed: ${installed}]`); updatesToDownload.push({ name: moduleName, version: remote }); } } events.append({ type: UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED, succeeded: true, updateCount: updatesToDownload.length, manualRequired: false }); if (updatesToDownload.length === 0) { logger.log(`No module updates available.`); } else { updatesToDownload.forEach(e => addModuleToDownloadQueue(e.name, e.version)); } } function addModuleToDownloadQueue(name, version, authToken) { download.queue.push({ name, version, authToken }); process.nextTick(() => processDownloadQueue()); } async function processDownloadQueue() { if (download.active) return; if (download.queue.length === 0) return; download.active = true; const queuedModule = download.queue[download.next]; download.next += 1; events.append({ type: DOWNLOADING_MODULE, name: queuedModule.name, current: download.next, total: download.queue.length, foreground: !runningInBackground }); let progress = 0; let receivedBytes = 0; const url = `${remoteBaseURL}/${encodeURIComponent(getRemoteModuleName(queuedModule.name))}/${encodeURIComponent(queuedModule.version)}`; logger.log(`Fetching ${queuedModule.name}@${queuedModule.version} from ${url}`); const headers = {}; if (queuedModule.authToken) { headers['Authorization'] = queuedModule.authToken; } const moduleZipPath = _path.default.join(moduleDownloadPath, `${queuedModule.name}-${queuedModule.version}.zip`); const stream = _fs.default.createWriteStream(moduleZipPath); stream.on('progress', ({ receivedBytes: newReceivedBytes, totalBytes }) => { receivedBytes = newReceivedBytes; const newProgress = Math.min(Math.floor(100 * (receivedBytes / totalBytes)), 100); if (progress !== newProgress) { progress = newProgress; logger.log(`Streaming ${queuedModule.name}@${queuedModule.version} to ${moduleZipPath}: ${progress}%`); events.append({ type: DOWNLOADING_MODULE_PROGRESS, name: queuedModule.name, progress: progress }); } }); logger.log(`Streaming ${queuedModule.name}@${queuedModule.version} to ${moduleZipPath}`); try { const response = await request.get({ url, qs: remoteQuery, headers, timeout: REQUEST_TIMEOUT, stream }); finishModuleDownload(queuedModule.name, queuedModule.version, moduleZipPath, receivedBytes, response.statusCode === 200); } catch (err) { logger.log(`Failed fetching module ${queuedModule.name}@${queuedModule.version}: ${String(err)}`); finishModuleDownload(queuedModule.name, queuedModule.version, null, receivedBytes, false); } } function commitInstalledModules() { const data = JSON.stringify(installedModules, null, 2); _fs.default.writeFileSync(installedModulesFilePath, data); } function finishModuleDownload(name, version, zipfile, receivedBytes, succeeded) { if (!installedModules[name]) { installedModules[name] = {}; } if (succeeded) { installedModules[name].updateVersion = version; installedModules[name].updateZipfile = zipfile; commitInstalledModules(); } else { download.failures += 1; } events.append({ type: DOWNLOADED_MODULE, name: name, current: download.next, total: download.queue.length, succeeded: succeeded, receivedBytes: receivedBytes }); if (download.next >= download.queue.length) { const successes = download.queue.length - download.failures; logger.log(`Finished module downloads. [success: ${successes}] [failure: ${download.failures}]`); events.append({ type: DOWNLOADING_MODULES_FINISHED, succeeded: successes, failed: download.failures }); download.queue = []; download.next = 0; download.failures = 0; download.active = false; } else { const continueDownloads = () => { download.active = false; processDownloadQueue(); }; if (succeeded) { backoff.succeed(); process.nextTick(continueDownloads); } else { logger.log(`Waiting ${Math.floor(backoff.current)}ms before next download.`); backoff.fail(continueDownloads); } } if (newInstallInProgress[name]) { addModuleToUnzipQueue(name, version, zipfile); } } function addModuleToUnzipQueue(name, version, zipfile) { unzip.queue.push({ name, version, zipfile }); process.nextTick(() => processUnzipQueue()); } function processUnzipQueue() { if (unzip.active) return; if (unzip.queue.length === 0) return; unzip.active = true; const queuedModule = unzip.queue[unzip.next]; const installedModule = installedModules[queuedModule.name]; const installedVersion = installedModule != null ? installedModule.installedVersion : null; unzip.next += 1; events.append({ type: INSTALLING_MODULE, name: queuedModule.name, current: unzip.next, total: unzip.queue.length, foreground: !runningInBackground, oldVersion: installedVersion, newVersion: queuedModule.version }); let hasErrored = false; const onError = (error, zipfile) => { if (hasErrored) return; hasErrored = true; logger.log(`Failed installing ${queuedModule.name}@${queuedModule.version}: ${String(error)}`); succeeded = false; if (zipfile) { zipfile.close(); } finishModuleUnzip(queuedModule, succeeded); }; let succeeded = true; const extractRoot = _path.default.join(moduleInstallPath, queuedModule.name); logger.log(`Installing ${queuedModule.name}@${queuedModule.version} from ${queuedModule.zipfile}`); const processZipfile = (err, zipfile) => { if (err) { onError(err, null); return; } const totalEntries = zipfile.entryCount; let processedEntries = 0; zipfile.on('entry', entry => { processedEntries += 1; const percent = Math.min(Math.floor(processedEntries / totalEntries * 100), 100); events.append({ type: INSTALLING_MODULE_PROGRESS, name: queuedModule.name, progress: percent }); // skip directories if (/\/$/.test(entry.fileName)) { zipfile.readEntry(); return; } zipfile.openReadStream(entry, (err, stream) => { if (err) { onError(err, zipfile); return; } stream.on('error', e => onError(e, zipfile)); (0, _mkdirp.default)(_path.default.join(extractRoot, _path.default.dirname(entry.fileName)), err => { if (err) { onError(err, zipfile); return; } // [adill] createWriteStream via original-fs is broken in Electron 4.0.0-beta.6 with .asar files // so we unzip to a temporary filename and rename it afterwards const tempFileName = _path.default.join(extractRoot, entry.fileName + '.tmp'); const finalFileName = _path.default.join(extractRoot, entry.fileName); const writeStream = originalFs.createWriteStream(tempFileName); writeStream.on('error', e => { stream.destroy(); try { originalFs.unlinkSync(tempFileName); } catch (err) {} onError(e, zipfile); }); writeStream.on('finish', () => { try { originalFs.unlinkSync(finalFileName); } catch (err) {} try { originalFs.renameSync(tempFileName, finalFileName); } catch (err) { onError(err, zipfile); return; } zipfile.readEntry(); }); stream.pipe(writeStream); }); }); }); zipfile.on('error', err => { onError(err, zipfile); }); zipfile.on('end', () => { if (!succeeded) return; installedModules[queuedModule.name].installedVersion = queuedModule.version; finishModuleUnzip(queuedModule, succeeded); }); zipfile.readEntry(); }; try { _yauzl.default.open(queuedModule.zipfile, { lazyEntries: true, autoClose: true }, processZipfile); } catch (err) { onError(err, null); } } function finishModuleUnzip(unzippedModule, succeeded) { delete newInstallInProgress[unzippedModule.name]; delete installedModules[unzippedModule.name].updateZipfile; delete installedModules[unzippedModule.name].updateVersion; commitInstalledModules(); if (!succeeded) { unzip.failures += 1; } events.append({ type: INSTALLED_MODULE, name: unzippedModule.name, current: unzip.next, total: unzip.queue.length, succeeded: succeeded }); if (unzip.next >= unzip.queue.length) { const successes = unzip.queue.length - unzip.failures; bootstrapping = false; logger.log(`Finished module installations. [success: ${successes}] [failure: ${unzip.failures}]`); unzip.queue = []; unzip.next = 0; unzip.failures = 0; unzip.active = false; events.append({ type: INSTALLING_MODULES_FINISHED, succeeded: successes, failed: unzip.failures }); return; } process.nextTick(() => { unzip.active = false; processUnzipQueue(); }); } function quitAndInstallUpdates() { logger.log(`Relaunching to install ${hostUpdateAvailable ? 'host' : 'module'} updates...`); if (hostUpdateAvailable) { hostUpdater.quitAndInstall(); } else { relaunch(); } } function relaunch() { logger.end(); const { app } = require('electron'); app.relaunch(); app.quit(); } function isInstalled(name, version) { const metadata = installedModules[name]; if (locallyInstalledModules) return true; if (metadata && metadata.installedVersion > 0) { if (!version) return true; if (metadata.installedVersion === version) return true; } return false; } function getInstalled() { return { ...installedModules }; } function install(name, defer, options) { let { version, authToken } = options || {}; if (isInstalled(name, version)) { if (!defer) { events.append({ type: INSTALLED_MODULE, name: name, current: 1, total: 1, succeeded: true }); } return; } if (newInstallInProgress[name]) return; if (!updatable) { logger.log(`Not updatable; ignoring request to install ${name}...`); return; } if (defer) { if (version) { throw new Error(`Cannot defer install for a specific version module (${name}, ${version})`); } logger.log(`Deferred install for ${name}...`); installedModules[name] = { installedVersion: 0 }; commitInstalledModules(); } else { logger.log(`Starting to install ${name}...`); if (!version) { version = remoteModuleVersions[name] || 0; } newInstallInProgress[name] = version; addModuleToDownloadQueue(name, version, authToken); } } function installPendingUpdates() { const updatesToInstall = []; if (bootstrapping) { let modules = {}; try { modules = JSON.parse(_fs.default.readFileSync(bootstrapManifestFilePath)); } catch (err) {} for (const moduleName of Object.keys(modules)) { installedModules[moduleName] = { installedVersion: 0 }; const zipfile = _path.default.join(paths.getResources(), 'bootstrap', `${moduleName}.zip`); updatesToInstall.push({ moduleName, update: modules[moduleName], zipfile }); } } for (const moduleName of Object.keys(installedModules)) { const update = installedModules[moduleName].updateVersion || 0; const zipfile = installedModules[moduleName].updateZipfile; if (update > 0 && zipfile != null) { updatesToInstall.push({ moduleName, update, zipfile }); } } if (updatesToInstall.length > 0) { logger.log(`${bootstrapping ? 'Bootstrapping' : 'Installing updates'}...`); updatesToInstall.forEach(e => addModuleToUnzipQueue(e.moduleName, e.update, e.zipfile)); } else { logger.log('No updates to install'); events.append({ type: NO_PENDING_UPDATES }); } }