"use strict"; // When using context isolation, the WebViewElement and the custom element // methods have to be defined in the main world to be able to be registered. // // Note: The hidden values can only be read/set inside the same context, all // methods that access the "internal" hidden value must be put in this file. // // Note: This file could be loaded in the main world of contextIsolation page, // which runs in browserify environment instead of Node environment, all native // modules must be passed from outside, all included files must be plain JS. Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); // Return a WebViewElement class that is defined in this context. const defineWebViewElement = (v8Util, webViewImpl) => { const { guestViewInternal, WebViewImpl } = webViewImpl; return class WebViewElement extends HTMLElement { static get observedAttributes() { return [ "partition" /* ATTRIBUTE_PARTITION */, "src" /* ATTRIBUTE_SRC */, "httpreferrer" /* ATTRIBUTE_HTTPREFERRER */, "useragent" /* ATTRIBUTE_USERAGENT */, "nodeintegration" /* ATTRIBUTE_NODEINTEGRATION */, "nodeintegrationinsubframes" /* ATTRIBUTE_NODEINTEGRATIONINSUBFRAMES */, "plugins" /* ATTRIBUTE_PLUGINS */, "disablewebsecurity" /* ATTRIBUTE_DISABLEWEBSECURITY */, "allowpopups" /* ATTRIBUTE_ALLOWPOPUPS */, "enableremotemodule" /* ATTRIBUTE_ENABLEREMOTEMODULE */, "preload" /* ATTRIBUTE_PRELOAD */, "blinkfeatures" /* ATTRIBUTE_BLINKFEATURES */, "disableblinkfeatures" /* ATTRIBUTE_DISABLEBLINKFEATURES */, "webpreferences" /* ATTRIBUTE_WEBPREFERENCES */ ]; } constructor() { super(); v8Util.setHiddenValue(this, 'internal', new WebViewImpl(this)); } connectedCallback() { const internal = v8Util.getHiddenValue(this, 'internal'); if (!internal) { return; } if (!internal.elementAttached) { guestViewInternal.registerEvents(internal, internal.viewInstanceId); internal.elementAttached = true; internal.attributes["src" /* ATTRIBUTE_SRC */].parse(); } } attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) { const internal = v8Util.getHiddenValue(this, 'internal'); if (internal) { internal.handleWebviewAttributeMutation(name, oldValue, newValue); } } disconnectedCallback() { const internal = v8Util.getHiddenValue(this, 'internal'); if (!internal) { return; } guestViewInternal.deregisterEvents(internal.viewInstanceId); internal.elementAttached = false; this.internalInstanceId = 0; internal.reset(); } }; }; // Register custom element. const registerWebViewElement = (v8Util, webViewImpl) => { // I wish eslint wasn't so stupid, but it is // eslint-disable-next-line const WebViewElement = defineWebViewElement(v8Util, webViewImpl); webViewImpl.setupMethods(WebViewElement); // The customElements.define has to be called in a special scope. const webFrame = webViewImpl.webFrame; webFrame.allowGuestViewElementDefinition(window, () => { window.customElements.define('webview', WebViewElement); window.WebView = WebViewElement; // Delete the callbacks so developers cannot call them and produce unexpected // behavior. delete WebViewElement.prototype.connectedCallback; delete WebViewElement.prototype.disconnectedCallback; delete WebViewElement.prototype.attributeChangedCallback; // Now that |observedAttributes| has been retrieved, we can hide it from // user code as well. // TypeScript is concerned that we're deleting a read-only attribute delete WebViewElement.observedAttributes; }); }; // Prepare to register the element. exports.setupWebView = (v8Util, webViewImpl) => { const useCapture = true; const listener = (event) => { if (document.readyState === 'loading') { return; } webViewImpl.setupAttributes(); registerWebViewElement(v8Util, webViewImpl); window.removeEventListener(event.type, listener, useCapture); }; window.addEventListener('readystatechange', listener, useCapture); }; //# sourceMappingURL=web-view-element.js.map