'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.spawnUpdateInstall = spawnUpdateInstall; exports.spawnUpdate = spawnUpdate; exports.handleStartupEvent = handleStartupEvent; exports.updateExistsSync = updateExistsSync; exports.restart = restart; var _child_process = require('child_process'); var _child_process2 = _interopRequireDefault(_child_process); var _fs = require('fs'); var _fs2 = _interopRequireDefault(_fs); var _path = require('path'); var _path2 = _interopRequireDefault(_path); var _autoStart = require('./autoStart'); var autoStart = _interopRequireWildcard(_autoStart); var _windowsUtils = require('./windowsUtils'); var windowsUtils = _interopRequireWildcard(_windowsUtils); function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } // citron note: this assumes the execPath is in the format Discord/someVersion/Discord.exe const appFolder = _path2.default.resolve(process.execPath, '..'); const rootFolder = _path2.default.resolve(appFolder, '..'); const exeName = _path2.default.basename(process.execPath); const updateExe = _path2.default.join(rootFolder, 'Update.exe'); // Specialized spawn function specifically used for spawning the updater in // update mode. Calls back with progress percentages. // Returns Promise. function spawnUpdateInstall(updateUrl, progressCallback) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const proc = _child_process2.default.spawn(updateExe, ['--update', updateUrl]); proc.on('error', reject); proc.on('exit', code => { if (code !== 0) { return reject(new Error(`Update failed with exit code ${code}`)); } return resolve(); }); let lastProgress = -1; function parseProgress() { const lines = stdout.split(/\r?\n/); if (lines.length === 1) return; // return the last (possibly incomplete) line to stdout for parsing again stdout = lines.pop(); let currentProgress; for (const line of lines) { if (!/^\d\d?$/.test(line)) continue; const progress = Number(line); // make sure that this number is steadily increasing if (lastProgress > progress) continue; currentProgress = progress; } if (currentProgress == null) return; lastProgress = currentProgress; progressCallback(Math.min(currentProgress, 100)); } let stdout = ''; proc.stdout.on('data', chunk => { stdout += String(chunk); parseProgress(); }); }); } // Spawn the Update.exe with the given arguments and invoke the callback when // the command completes. function spawnUpdate(args, callback) { windowsUtils.spawn(updateExe, args, callback); } // Create a desktop and start menu shortcut by using the command line API // provided by Squirrel's Update.exe function createShortcuts(callback, updateOnly) { // move icon out to a more stable location, to keep shortcuts from breaking as much const icoSrc = _path2.default.join(appFolder, 'app.ico'); const icoDest = _path2.default.join(rootFolder, 'app.ico'); let icoForTarget = icoDest; try { const ico = _fs2.default.readFileSync(icoSrc); _fs2.default.writeFileSync(icoDest, ico); } catch (e) { // if we can't write there for some reason, just use the source. icoForTarget = icoSrc; } const createShortcutArgs = ['--createShortcut', exeName, '--setupIcon', icoForTarget]; if (updateOnly) { createShortcutArgs.push('--updateOnly'); } spawnUpdate(createShortcutArgs, callback); } // Add a protocol registration for this application. function installProtocol(protocol, callback) { const queue = [['HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\' + protocol, '/ve', '/d', `URL:${protocol} Protocol`], ['HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\' + protocol, '/v', 'URL Protocol'], ['HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\' + protocol + '\\DefaultIcon', '/ve', '/d', '"' + process.execPath + '",-1'], ['HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\' + protocol + '\\shell\\open\\command', '/ve', '/d', `"${process.execPath}" --url -- "%1"`]]; windowsUtils.addToRegistry(queue, callback); } function terminate(app) { app.quit(); process.exit(0); } // Remove the desktop and start menu shortcuts by using the command line API // provided by Squirrel's Update.exe function removeShortcuts(callback) { spawnUpdate(['--removeShortcut', exeName], callback); } // Update the desktop and start menu shortcuts by using the command line API // provided by Squirrel's Update.exe function updateShortcuts(callback) { createShortcuts(callback, true); } // Purge the protocol for this applicationstart. function uninstallProtocol(protocol, callback) { windowsUtils.spawnReg(['delete', 'HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\' + protocol, '/f'], callback); } // Handle squirrel events denoted by --squirrel-* command line arguments. // returns `true` if regular startup should be prevented function handleStartupEvent(protocol, app, squirrelCommand) { switch (squirrelCommand) { case '--squirrel-install': createShortcuts(() => { autoStart.install(() => { installProtocol(protocol, () => { terminate(app); }); }); }, false); return true; case '--squirrel-updated': updateShortcuts(() => { autoStart.update(() => { installProtocol(protocol, () => { terminate(app); }); }); }); return true; case '--squirrel-uninstall': removeShortcuts(() => { autoStart.uninstall(() => { uninstallProtocol(protocol, () => { terminate(app); }); }); }); return true; case '--squirrel-obsolete': terminate(app); return true; default: return false; } } // Are we using Squirrel for updates? function updateExistsSync() { return _fs2.default.existsSync(updateExe); } // Restart app as the new version function restart(app, newVersion) { app.once('will-quit', () => { const execPath = _path2.default.resolve(rootFolder, `app-${newVersion}/${exeName}`); _child_process2.default.spawn(execPath, [], { detached: true }); }); app.quit(); }