'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.events = exports.APP_SHOULD_SHOW = exports.APP_SHOULD_LAUNCH = undefined; var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; exports.initSplash = initSplash; exports.focusWindow = focusWindow; exports.pageReady = pageReady; var _electron = require('electron'); var _events = require('events'); var _fs = require('fs'); var _fs2 = _interopRequireDefault(_fs); var _path = require('path'); var _path2 = _interopRequireDefault(_path); var _url = require('url'); var _url2 = _interopRequireDefault(_url); var _moduleUpdater = require('../common/moduleUpdater'); var moduleUpdater = _interopRequireWildcard(_moduleUpdater); var _paths = require('../common/paths'); var paths = _interopRequireWildcard(_paths); var _ipcMain = require('./ipcMain'); var _ipcMain2 = _interopRequireDefault(_ipcMain); function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } const UPDATE_TIMEOUT_WAIT = 10000; const RETRY_CAP_SECONDS = 60; // citron note: atom seems to add about 50px height to the frame on mac but not windows // TODO: see if we can eliminate fudge by using useContentSize BrowserWindow option const LOADING_WINDOW_WIDTH = 300; const LOADING_WINDOW_HEIGHT = process.platform == 'darwin' ? 300 : 350; // TODO: addModulesListener events should use Module's constants const CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES = 'checking-for-updates'; const UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED = 'update-check-finished'; const UPDATE_FAILURE = 'update-failure'; const LAUNCHING = 'launching'; const DOWNLOADING_MODULE = 'downloading-module'; const DOWNLOADING_UPDATES = 'downloading-updates'; const DOWNLOADING_MODULES_FINISHED = 'downloading-modules-finished'; const DOWNLOADING_MODULE_PROGRESS = 'downloading-module-progress'; const DOWNLOADED_MODULE = 'downloaded-module'; const NO_PENDING_UPDATES = 'no-pending-updates'; const INSTALLING_MODULE = 'installing-module'; const INSTALLING_UPDATES = 'installing-updates'; const INSTALLED_MODULE = 'installed-module'; const INSTALLING_MODULE_PROGRESS = 'installing-module-progress'; const INSTALLING_MODULES_FINISHED = 'installing-modules-finished'; const UPDATE_MANUALLY = 'update-manually'; const APP_SHOULD_LAUNCH = exports.APP_SHOULD_LAUNCH = 'APP_SHOULD_LAUNCH'; const APP_SHOULD_SHOW = exports.APP_SHOULD_SHOW = 'APP_SHOULD_SHOW'; const events = exports.events = new _events.EventEmitter(); function webContentsSend(win, event, ...args) { if (win != null && win.webContents != null) { win.webContents.send(`DISCORD_${event}`, ...args); } } let splashWindow; let modulesListeners; let updateTimeout; let updateAttempt; let splashState; let launchedMainWindow; let quoteCachePath; let restartRequired = false; function initSplash(startMinimized = false) { modulesListeners = {}; splashState = {}; launchedMainWindow = false; updateAttempt = 0; addModulesListener(CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES, () => { startUpdateTimeout(); updateSplashState(CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES); }); addModulesListener(UPDATE_CHECK_FINISHED, ({ succeeded, updateCount, manualRequired }) => { stopUpdateTimeout(); if (!succeeded) { scheduleUpdateCheck(); updateSplashState(UPDATE_FAILURE); } else if (updateCount === 0) { moduleUpdater.setInBackground(); launchMainWindow(); updateSplashState(LAUNCHING); } }); addModulesListener(DOWNLOADING_MODULE, ({ name, current, total }) => { stopUpdateTimeout(); splashState = { current, total }; updateSplashState(DOWNLOADING_UPDATES); }); addModulesListener(DOWNLOADING_MODULE_PROGRESS, ({ name, progress }) => { splashState.progress = progress; updateSplashState(DOWNLOADING_UPDATES); }); addModulesListener(DOWNLOADED_MODULE, ({ name, current, total, succeeded }) => { delete splashState.progress; if (name === 'host') { restartRequired = true; } }); addModulesListener(DOWNLOADING_MODULES_FINISHED, ({ succeeded, failed }) => { if (failed > 0) { scheduleUpdateCheck(); updateSplashState(UPDATE_FAILURE); } else { process.nextTick(() => { if (restartRequired) { moduleUpdater.quitAndInstallUpdates(); } else { moduleUpdater.installPendingUpdates(); } }); } }); addModulesListener(NO_PENDING_UPDATES, () => moduleUpdater.checkForUpdates()); addModulesListener(INSTALLING_MODULE, ({ name, current, total }) => { splashState = { current, total }; updateSplashState(INSTALLING_UPDATES); }); addModulesListener(INSTALLED_MODULE, ({ name, current, total, succeeded }) => delete splashState.progress); addModulesListener(INSTALLING_MODULE_PROGRESS, ({ name, progress }) => { splashState.progress = progress; updateSplashState(INSTALLING_UPDATES); }); addModulesListener(INSTALLING_MODULES_FINISHED, ({ succeeded, failed }) => moduleUpdater.checkForUpdates()); addModulesListener(UPDATE_MANUALLY, ({ newVersion }) => { splashState.newVersion = newVersion; updateSplashState(UPDATE_MANUALLY); }); launchSplashWindow(startMinimized); quoteCachePath = _path2.default.join(paths.getUserData(), 'quotes.json'); _ipcMain2.default.on('UPDATED_QUOTES', (_event, quotes) => cacheLatestQuotes(quotes)); } function destroySplash() { stopUpdateTimeout(); if (splashWindow) { splashWindow.setSkipTaskbar(true); // defer the window hiding for a short moment so it gets covered by the main window const _nukeWindow = () => { splashWindow.hide(); splashWindow.close(); splashWindow = null; }; setTimeout(_nukeWindow, 100); } } function addModulesListener(event, listener) { modulesListeners[event] = listener; moduleUpdater.events.addListener(event, listener); } function removeModulesListeners() { for (const event of Object.keys(modulesListeners)) { moduleUpdater.events.removeListener(event, modulesListeners[event]); } } function startUpdateTimeout() { if (!updateTimeout) { updateTimeout = setTimeout(() => scheduleUpdateCheck(), UPDATE_TIMEOUT_WAIT); } } function stopUpdateTimeout() { if (updateTimeout) { clearTimeout(updateTimeout); updateTimeout = null; } } function updateSplashState(event) { if (splashWindow != null && !splashWindow.isDestroyed() && !splashWindow.webContents.isDestroyed()) { webContentsSend(splashWindow, 'SPLASH_UPDATE_STATE', _extends({ status: event }, splashState)); } } function launchSplashWindow(startMinimized) { const windowConfig = { width: LOADING_WINDOW_WIDTH, height: LOADING_WINDOW_HEIGHT, transparent: false, frame: false, resizable: false, center: true, show: false, webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, enableRemoteModule: true } }; splashWindow = new _electron.BrowserWindow(windowConfig); // prevent users from dropping links to navigate in splash window splashWindow.webContents.on('will-navigate', e => e.preventDefault()); splashWindow.webContents.on('new-window', (e, windowURL) => { e.preventDefault(); _electron.shell.openExternal(windowURL); // exit, but delay half a second because openExternal is about to fire // some events to things that are freed by app.quit. setTimeout(_electron.app.quit, 500); }); if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { // citron note: this causes a crash on quit while the window is open on osx splashWindow.on('closed', () => { splashWindow = null; if (!launchedMainWindow) { // user has closed this window before we launched the app, so let's quit _electron.app.quit(); } }); } _ipcMain2.default.on('SPLASH_SCREEN_READY', () => { const cachedQuote = chooseCachedQuote(); if (cachedQuote) { webContentsSend(splashWindow, 'SPLASH_SCREEN_QUOTE', cachedQuote); } if (splashWindow && !startMinimized) { splashWindow.show(); } moduleUpdater.installPendingUpdates(); }); const splashUrl = _url2.default.format({ protocol: 'file', slashes: true, pathname: _path2.default.join(__dirname, 'splash', 'index.html') }); splashWindow.loadURL(splashUrl); } function launchMainWindow() { removeModulesListeners(); if (!launchedMainWindow && splashWindow != null) { launchedMainWindow = true; events.emit(APP_SHOULD_LAUNCH); } } function scheduleUpdateCheck() { // TODO: can we use backoff here? updateAttempt += 1; const retryInSeconds = Math.min(updateAttempt * 10, RETRY_CAP_SECONDS); splashState.seconds = retryInSeconds; setTimeout(() => moduleUpdater.checkForUpdates(), retryInSeconds * 1000); } function focusWindow() { if (splashWindow != null) { splashWindow.focus(); } } function pageReady() { destroySplash(); process.nextTick(() => events.emit(APP_SHOULD_SHOW)); } function cacheLatestQuotes(quotes) { _fs2.default.writeFile(quoteCachePath, JSON.stringify(quotes), e => { if (e) { console.warn('Failed updating quote cache with error: ', e); } }); } function chooseCachedQuote() { let cachedQuote = null; try { const cachedQuotes = JSON.parse(_fs2.default.readFileSync(quoteCachePath)); cachedQuote = cachedQuotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * cachedQuotes.length)]; } catch (_err) {} return cachedQuote; }