2020-11-20 01:16:14 +00:00

6036 lines
94 KiB

.class public final Ld0/e;
.super Ljava/lang/Object;
.source "Buffer.kt"
# interfaces
.implements Ld0/g;
.implements Lokio/BufferedSink;
.implements Ljava/lang/Cloneable;
.implements Ljava/nio/channels/ByteChannel;
# annotations
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/MemberClasses;
value = {
.end annotation
# instance fields
.field public d:Ld0/s;
.field public e:J
# direct methods
.method public constructor <init>()V
.locals 0
invoke-direct {p0}, Ljava/lang/Object;-><init>()V
.end method
# virtual methods
.method public B()Ljava/lang/String;
.locals 3
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
sget-object v2, Ly/s/a;->a:Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;
invoke-virtual {p0, v0, v1, v2}, Ld0/e;->w(JLjava/nio/charset/Charset;)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v0
return-object v0
.end method
.method public C(J)Ljava/lang/String;
.locals 1
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
sget-object v0, Ly/s/a;->a:Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;
invoke-virtual {p0, p1, p2, v0}, Ld0/e;->w(JLjava/nio/charset/Charset;)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
return-object p1
.end method
.method public D()I
.locals 12
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x0
cmp-long v4, v0, v2
if-eqz v4, :cond_b
invoke-virtual {p0, v2, v3}, Ld0/e;->g(J)B
move-result v0
and-int/lit16 v1, v0, 0x80
const/4 v2, 0x1
const/16 v3, 0x80
const v4, 0xfffd
if-nez v1, :cond_0
and-int/lit8 v1, v0, 0x7f
const/4 v5, 0x1
const/4 v6, 0x0
goto :goto_0
and-int/lit16 v1, v0, 0xe0
const/16 v5, 0xc0
if-ne v1, v5, :cond_1
and-int/lit8 v1, v0, 0x1f
const/4 v5, 0x2
const/16 v6, 0x80
goto :goto_0
and-int/lit16 v1, v0, 0xf0
const/16 v5, 0xe0
if-ne v1, v5, :cond_2
and-int/lit8 v1, v0, 0xf
const/4 v5, 0x3
const/16 v6, 0x800
goto :goto_0
and-int/lit16 v1, v0, 0xf8
const/16 v5, 0xf0
if-ne v1, v5, :cond_a
and-int/lit8 v1, v0, 0x7
const/4 v5, 0x4
const/high16 v6, 0x10000
iget-wide v7, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
int-to-long v9, v5
cmp-long v11, v7, v9
if-ltz v11, :cond_9
if-ge v2, v5, :cond_4
int-to-long v7, v2
invoke-virtual {p0, v7, v8}, Ld0/e;->g(J)B
move-result v0
and-int/lit16 v11, v0, 0xc0
if-ne v11, v3, :cond_3
shl-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x6
and-int/lit8 v0, v0, 0x3f
or-int/2addr v1, v0
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
goto :goto_1
invoke-virtual {p0, v7, v8}, Ld0/e;->skip(J)V
goto :goto_3
invoke-virtual {p0, v9, v10}, Ld0/e;->skip(J)V
const v0, 0x10ffff
if-le v1, v0, :cond_5
goto :goto_3
const v0, 0xdfff
const v2, 0xd800
if-le v2, v1, :cond_6
goto :goto_2
if-lt v0, v1, :cond_7
goto :goto_3
if-ge v1, v6, :cond_8
goto :goto_3
move v4, v1
goto :goto_3
new-instance v1, Ljava/io/EOFException;
const-string v2, "size < "
const-string v3, ": "
invoke-static {v2, v5, v3}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->G(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
move-result-object v2
iget-wide v3, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
invoke-virtual {v2, v3, v4}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
const-string v3, " (to read code point prefixed 0x"
invoke-virtual {v2, v3}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-static {v0}, Lz/a/g0;->S(B)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual {v2, v0}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
const/16 v0, 0x29
invoke-virtual {v2, v0}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-virtual {v2}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v0
invoke-direct {v1, v0}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw v1
const-wide/16 v0, 0x1
invoke-virtual {p0, v0, v1}, Ld0/e;->skip(J)V
return v4
new-instance v0, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {v0}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>()V
throw v0
.end method
.method public final E(I)Lokio/ByteString;
.locals 9
if-nez p1, :cond_0
sget-object p1, Lokio/ByteString;->f:Lokio/ByteString;
goto :goto_2
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x0
int-to-long v4, p1
invoke-static/range {v0 .. v5}, Lz/a/g0;->m(JJJ)V
iget-object v0, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
const/4 v1, 0x0
const/4 v2, 0x0
const/4 v3, 0x0
const/4 v4, 0x0
if-ge v2, p1, :cond_3
if-eqz v0, :cond_2
iget v4, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v5, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
if-eq v4, v5, :cond_1
sub-int/2addr v4, v5
add-int/2addr v2, v4
add-int/lit8 v3, v3, 0x1
iget-object v0, v0, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
goto :goto_0
new-instance p1, Ljava/lang/AssertionError;
const-string v0, "s.limit == s.pos"
invoke-direct {p1, v0}, Ljava/lang/AssertionError;-><init>(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
throw p1
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v4
new-array v0, v3, [[B
mul-int/lit8 v2, v3, 0x2
new-array v2, v2, [I
iget-object v5, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
move-object v6, v5
const/4 v5, 0x0
if-ge v1, p1, :cond_5
if-eqz v6, :cond_4
iget-object v7, v6, Ld0/s;->a:[B
aput-object v7, v0, v5
iget v7, v6, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v8, v6, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v7, v8
add-int/2addr v1, v7
invoke-static {v1, p1}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(II)I
move-result v7
aput v7, v2, v5
add-int v7, v5, v3
iget v8, v6, Ld0/s;->b:I
aput v8, v2, v7
const/4 v7, 0x1
iput-boolean v7, v6, Ld0/s;->d:Z
add-int/2addr v5, v7
iget-object v6, v6, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
goto :goto_1
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v4
new-instance p1, Ld0/u;
invoke-direct {p1, v0, v2}, Ld0/u;-><init>([[B[I)V
return-object p1
.end method
.method public E0(J)V
.locals 3
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v2, v0, p1
if-ltz v2, :cond_0
new-instance p1, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {p1}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>()V
throw p1
.end method
.method public final F(I)Ld0/s;
.locals 3
const/16 v0, 0x2000
const/4 v1, 0x1
if-lt p1, v1, :cond_0
if-gt p1, v0, :cond_0
goto :goto_0
const/4 v1, 0x0
if-eqz v1, :cond_6
iget-object v1, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-nez v1, :cond_1
invoke-static {}, Ld0/t;->b()Ld0/s;
move-result-object p1
iput-object p1, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
iput-object p1, p1, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
iput-object p1, p1, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
goto :goto_2
const/4 v2, 0x0
if-eqz v1, :cond_5
iget-object v1, v1, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v1, :cond_4
iget v2, v1, Ld0/s;->c:I
add-int/2addr v2, p1
if-gt v2, v0, :cond_3
iget-boolean p1, v1, Ld0/s;->e:Z
if-nez p1, :cond_2
goto :goto_1
move-object p1, v1
goto :goto_2
invoke-static {}, Ld0/t;->b()Ld0/s;
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual {v1, p1}, Ld0/s;->b(Ld0/s;)Ld0/s;
return-object p1
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v2
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v2
new-instance p1, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
const-string v0, "unexpected capacity"
invoke-virtual {v0}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v0
invoke-direct {p1, v0}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw p1
.end method
.method public bridge synthetic F0(J)Lokio/BufferedSink;
.locals 0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1, p2}, Ld0/e;->O(J)Ld0/e;
move-result-object p1
return-object p1
.end method
.method public H()Z
.locals 5
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x0
cmp-long v4, v0, v2
if-nez v4, :cond_0
const/4 v0, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v0, 0x0
return v0
.end method
.method public I(Lokio/ByteString;)Ld0/e;
.locals 2
const-string v0, "byteString"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
invoke-virtual {p1}, Lokio/ByteString;->j()I
move-result v0
const/4 v1, 0x0
invoke-virtual {p1, p0, v1, v0}, Lokio/ByteString;->s(Ld0/e;II)V
return-object p0
.end method
.method public I0()J
.locals 15
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x0
cmp-long v4, v0, v2
if-eqz v4, :cond_a
const/4 v0, 0x0
const/4 v1, 0x0
move-wide v4, v2
iget-object v6, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v6, :cond_9
iget-object v7, v6, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v8, v6, Ld0/s;->b:I
iget v9, v6, Ld0/s;->c:I
if-ge v8, v9, :cond_6
aget-byte v10, v7, v8
const/16 v11, 0x30
int-to-byte v11, v11
if-lt v10, v11, :cond_1
const/16 v12, 0x39
int-to-byte v12, v12
if-gt v10, v12, :cond_1
sub-int v11, v10, v11
goto :goto_2
const/16 v11, 0x61
int-to-byte v11, v11
if-lt v10, v11, :cond_2
const/16 v12, 0x66
int-to-byte v12, v12
if-gt v10, v12, :cond_2
goto :goto_1
const/16 v11, 0x41
int-to-byte v11, v11
if-lt v10, v11, :cond_4
const/16 v12, 0x46
int-to-byte v12, v12
if-gt v10, v12, :cond_4
sub-int v11, v10, v11
add-int/lit8 v11, v11, 0xa
const-wide/high16 v12, -0x1000000000000000L # -3.105036184601418E231
and-long/2addr v12, v4
cmp-long v14, v12, v2
if-nez v14, :cond_3
const/4 v10, 0x4
shl-long/2addr v4, v10
int-to-long v10, v11
or-long/2addr v4, v10
add-int/lit8 v8, v8, 0x1
add-int/lit8 v0, v0, 0x1
goto :goto_0
new-instance v0, Ld0/e;
invoke-direct {v0}, Ld0/e;-><init>()V
invoke-virtual {v0, v4, v5}, Ld0/e;->S(J)Ld0/e;
invoke-virtual {v0, v10}, Ld0/e;->N(I)Ld0/e;
new-instance v1, Ljava/lang/NumberFormatException;
const-string v2, "Number too large: "
invoke-static {v2}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->F(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
move-result-object v2
invoke-virtual {v0}, Ld0/e;->B()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual {v2, v0}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-virtual {v2}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v0
invoke-direct {v1, v0}, Ljava/lang/NumberFormatException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw v1
if-eqz v0, :cond_5
const/4 v1, 0x1
goto :goto_3
new-instance v0, Ljava/lang/NumberFormatException;
const-string v1, "Expected leading [0-9a-fA-F] character but was 0x"
invoke-static {v1}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->F(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
move-result-object v1
invoke-static {v10}, Lz/a/g0;->S(B)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v2
invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-virtual {v1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v1
invoke-direct {v0, v1}, Ljava/lang/NumberFormatException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw v0
if-ne v8, v9, :cond_7
invoke-virtual {v6}, Ld0/s;->a()Ld0/s;
move-result-object v7
iput-object v7, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
invoke-static {v6}, Ld0/t;->a(Ld0/s;)V
goto :goto_4
iput v8, v6, Ld0/s;->b:I
if-nez v1, :cond_8
iget-object v6, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-nez v6, :cond_0
iget-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
int-to-long v6, v0
sub-long/2addr v1, v6
iput-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
return-wide v4
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
const/4 v0, 0x0
throw v0
new-instance v0, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {v0}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>()V
throw v0
.end method
.method public J([B)Ld0/e;
.locals 2
const-string v0, "source"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
array-length v0, p1
const/4 v1, 0x0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1, v1, v0}, Ld0/e;->K([BII)Ld0/e;
return-object p0
.end method
.method public K([BII)Ld0/e;
.locals 9
const-string v0, "source"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
array-length v0, p1
int-to-long v1, v0
int-to-long v3, p2
int-to-long v7, p3
move-wide v5, v7
invoke-static/range {v1 .. v6}, Lz/a/g0;->m(JJJ)V
add-int/2addr p3, p2
if-ge p2, p3, :cond_0
const/4 v0, 0x1
invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v0
sub-int v1, p3, p2
iget v2, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
rsub-int v2, v2, 0x2000
invoke-static {v1, v2}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(II)I
move-result v1
iget-object v2, v0, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v3, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
add-int v4, p2, v1
invoke-static {p1, v2, v3, p2, v4}, Ly/h/f;->copyInto([B[BIII)[B
iget p2, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
add-int/2addr p2, v1
iput p2, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
move p2, v4
goto :goto_0
iget-wide p1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
add-long/2addr p1, v7
iput-wide p1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
return-object p0
.end method
.method public K0()Ljava/io/InputStream;
.locals 1
new-instance v0, Ld0/e$b;
invoke-direct {v0, p0}, Ld0/e$b;-><init>(Ld0/e;)V
return-object v0
.end method
.method public L0(Ld0/o;)I
.locals 3
const-string v0, "options"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
const/4 v0, 0x0
invoke-static {p0, p1, v0}, Ld0/z/a;->b(Ld0/e;Ld0/o;Z)I
move-result v0
const/4 v1, -0x1
if-ne v0, v1, :cond_0
const/4 v0, -0x1
goto :goto_0
iget-object p1, p1, Ld0/o;->d:[Lokio/ByteString;
aget-object p1, p1, v0
invoke-virtual {p1}, Lokio/ByteString;->j()I
move-result p1
int-to-long v1, p1
invoke-virtual {p0, v1, v2}, Ld0/e;->skip(J)V
return v0
.end method
.method public M(Ld0/e;J)V
.locals 3
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
const-string v0, "sink"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v2, v0, p2
if-ltz v2, :cond_0
invoke-virtual {p1, p0, p2, p3}, Ld0/e;->write(Ld0/e;J)V
invoke-virtual {p1, p0, v0, v1}, Ld0/e;->write(Ld0/e;J)V
new-instance p1, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {p1}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>()V
throw p1
.end method
.method public N(I)Ld0/e;
.locals 4
const/4 v0, 0x1
invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v0
iget-object v1, v0, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v2, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
add-int/lit8 v3, v2, 0x1
iput v3, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
int-to-byte p1, p1
aput-byte p1, v1, v2
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x1
add-long/2addr v0, v2
iput-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
return-object p0
.end method
.method public O(J)Ld0/e;
.locals 12
const-wide/16 v0, 0x0
cmp-long v2, p1, v0
if-nez v2, :cond_0
const/16 p1, 0x30
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Ld0/e;->N(I)Ld0/e;
goto/16 :goto_2
const/4 v3, 0x0
const/4 v4, 0x1
if-gez v2, :cond_2
neg-long p1, p1
cmp-long v2, p1, v0
if-gez v2, :cond_1
const-string p1, "-9223372036854775808"
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Ld0/e;->V(Ljava/lang/String;)Ld0/e;
goto/16 :goto_2
const/4 v3, 0x1
const-wide/32 v5, 0x5f5e100
const/16 v2, 0xa
cmp-long v7, p1, v5
if-gez v7, :cond_a
const-wide/16 v5, 0x2710
cmp-long v7, p1, v5
if-gez v7, :cond_6
const-wide/16 v5, 0x64
cmp-long v7, p1, v5
if-gez v7, :cond_4
const-wide/16 v5, 0xa
cmp-long v7, p1, v5
if-gez v7, :cond_3
goto/16 :goto_0
const/4 v4, 0x2
goto/16 :goto_0
const-wide/16 v4, 0x3e8
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_5
const/4 v4, 0x3
goto/16 :goto_0
const/4 v4, 0x4
goto/16 :goto_0
const-wide/32 v4, 0xf4240
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_8
const-wide/32 v4, 0x186a0
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_7
const/4 v4, 0x5
goto/16 :goto_0
const/4 v4, 0x6
goto/16 :goto_0
const-wide/32 v4, 0x989680
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_9
const/4 v4, 0x7
goto/16 :goto_0
const/16 v4, 0x8
goto/16 :goto_0
const-wide v4, 0xe8d4a51000L
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_e
const-wide v4, 0x2540be400L
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_c
const-wide/32 v4, 0x3b9aca00
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_b
const/16 v4, 0x9
goto :goto_0
const/16 v4, 0xa
goto :goto_0
const-wide v4, 0x174876e800L
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_d
const/16 v4, 0xb
goto :goto_0
const/16 v4, 0xc
goto :goto_0
const-wide v4, 0x38d7ea4c68000L
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_11
const-wide v4, 0x9184e72a000L
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_f
const/16 v4, 0xd
goto :goto_0
const-wide v4, 0x5af3107a4000L
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_10
const/16 v4, 0xe
goto :goto_0
const/16 v4, 0xf
goto :goto_0
const-wide v4, 0x16345785d8a0000L
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_13
const-wide v4, 0x2386f26fc10000L
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_12
const/16 v4, 0x10
goto :goto_0
const/16 v4, 0x11
goto :goto_0
const-wide v4, 0xde0b6b3a7640000L
cmp-long v6, p1, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_14
const/16 v4, 0x12
goto :goto_0
const/16 v4, 0x13
if-eqz v3, :cond_15
add-int/lit8 v4, v4, 0x1
invoke-virtual {p0, v4}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v5
iget-object v6, v5, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v7, v5, Ld0/s;->c:I
add-int/2addr v7, v4
cmp-long v8, p1, v0
if-eqz v8, :cond_16
int-to-long v8, v2
rem-long v10, p1, v8
long-to-int v11, v10
add-int/lit8 v7, v7, -0x1
sget-object v10, Ld0/z/a;->a:[B
aget-byte v10, v10, v11
aput-byte v10, v6, v7
div-long/2addr p1, v8
goto :goto_1
if-eqz v3, :cond_17
add-int/lit8 v7, v7, -0x1
const/16 p1, 0x2d
int-to-byte p1, p1
aput-byte p1, v6, v7
iget p1, v5, Ld0/s;->c:I
add-int/2addr p1, v4
iput p1, v5, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget-wide p1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
int-to-long v0, v4
add-long/2addr p1, v0
iput-wide p1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
return-object p0
.end method
.method public P(Lokio/ByteString;)J
.locals 2
const-string v0, "targetBytes"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
const-wide/16 v0, 0x0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1, v0, v1}, Ld0/e;->m(Lokio/ByteString;J)J
move-result-wide v0
return-wide v0
.end method
.method public Q()Lokio/BufferedSink;
.locals 0
return-object p0
.end method
.method public R(J)Ljava/lang/String;
.locals 11
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
const-wide/16 v0, 0x0
cmp-long v2, p1, v0
if-ltz v2, :cond_0
const/4 v0, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v0, 0x0
if-eqz v0, :cond_4
const-wide/16 v0, 0x1
const-wide v2, 0x7fffffffffffffffL
cmp-long v4, p1, v2
if-nez v4, :cond_1
goto :goto_1
add-long v2, p1, v0
const/16 v4, 0xa
int-to-byte v10, v4
const-wide/16 v6, 0x0
move-object v4, p0
move v5, v10
move-wide v8, v2
invoke-virtual/range {v4 .. v9}, Ld0/e;->i(BJJ)J
move-result-wide v4
const-wide/16 v6, -0x1
cmp-long v8, v4, v6
if-eqz v8, :cond_2
invoke-static {p0, v4, v5}, Ld0/z/a;->a(Ld0/e;J)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
goto :goto_2
iget-wide v4, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v6, v2, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_3
sub-long v0, v2, v0
invoke-virtual {p0, v0, v1}, Ld0/e;->g(J)B
move-result v0
const/16 v1, 0xd
int-to-byte v1, v1
if-ne v0, v1, :cond_3
invoke-virtual {p0, v2, v3}, Ld0/e;->g(J)B
move-result v0
if-ne v0, v10, :cond_3
invoke-static {p0, v2, v3}, Ld0/z/a;->a(Ld0/e;J)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
return-object p1
new-instance v6, Ld0/e;
invoke-direct {v6}, Ld0/e;-><init>()V
const-wide/16 v2, 0x0
const/16 v0, 0x20
iget-wide v4, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
int-to-long v0, v0
invoke-static {v0, v1, v4, v5}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(JJ)J
move-result-wide v4
move-object v0, p0
move-object v1, v6
invoke-virtual/range {v0 .. v5}, Ld0/e;->f(Ld0/e;JJ)Ld0/e;
new-instance v0, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-direct {v0}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;-><init>()V
const-string v1, "\\n not found: limit="
invoke-virtual {v0, v1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
iget-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
invoke-static {v1, v2, p1, p2}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(JJ)J
move-result-wide p1
invoke-virtual {v0, p1, p2}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
const-string p1, " content="
invoke-virtual {v0, p1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-virtual {v6}, Ld0/e;->o()Lokio/ByteString;
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual {p1}, Lokio/ByteString;->k()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual {v0, p1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
const/16 p1, 0x2026
invoke-virtual {v0, p1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-virtual {v0}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
new-instance p2, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {p2, p1}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw p2
const-string v0, "limit < 0: "
invoke-static {v0, p1, p2}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->o(Ljava/lang/String;J)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
new-instance p2, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct {p2, p1}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw p2
.end method
.method public S(J)Ld0/e;
.locals 12
const-wide/16 v0, 0x0
cmp-long v2, p1, v0
if-nez v2, :cond_0
const/16 p1, 0x30
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Ld0/e;->N(I)Ld0/e;
goto :goto_1
const/4 v0, 0x1
ushr-long v1, p1, v0
or-long/2addr v1, p1
const/4 v3, 0x2
ushr-long v4, v1, v3
or-long/2addr v1, v4
const/4 v4, 0x4
ushr-long v5, v1, v4
or-long/2addr v1, v5
const/16 v5, 0x8
ushr-long v6, v1, v5
or-long/2addr v1, v6
const/16 v6, 0x10
ushr-long v7, v1, v6
or-long/2addr v1, v7
const/16 v7, 0x20
ushr-long v8, v1, v7
or-long/2addr v1, v8
ushr-long v8, v1, v0
const-wide v10, 0x5555555555555555L # 1.1945305291614955E103
and-long/2addr v8, v10
sub-long/2addr v1, v8
ushr-long v8, v1, v3
const-wide v10, 0x3333333333333333L # 4.667261458395856E-62
and-long/2addr v8, v10
and-long/2addr v1, v10
add-long/2addr v8, v1
ushr-long v1, v8, v4
add-long/2addr v1, v8
const-wide v8, 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0fL # 3.815736827118017E-236
and-long/2addr v1, v8
ushr-long v8, v1, v5
add-long/2addr v1, v8
ushr-long v5, v1, v6
add-long/2addr v1, v5
const-wide/16 v5, 0x3f
and-long v8, v1, v5
ushr-long/2addr v1, v7
and-long/2addr v1, v5
add-long/2addr v8, v1
const/4 v1, 0x3
int-to-long v1, v1
add-long/2addr v8, v1
int-to-long v1, v4
div-long/2addr v8, v1
long-to-int v1, v8
invoke-virtual {p0, v1}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v2
iget-object v3, v2, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v5, v2, Ld0/s;->c:I
add-int v6, v5, v1
sub-int/2addr v6, v0
if-lt v6, v5, :cond_1
sget-object v0, Ld0/z/a;->a:[B
const-wide/16 v7, 0xf
and-long/2addr v7, p1
long-to-int v8, v7
aget-byte v0, v0, v8
aput-byte v0, v3, v6
ushr-long/2addr p1, v4
add-int/lit8 v6, v6, -0x1
goto :goto_0
iget p1, v2, Ld0/s;->c:I
add-int/2addr p1, v1
iput p1, v2, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget-wide p1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
int-to-long v0, v1
add-long/2addr p1, v0
iput-wide p1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
return-object p0
.end method
.method public T(I)Ld0/e;
.locals 5
const/4 v0, 0x4
invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v0
iget-object v1, v0, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v2, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
add-int/lit8 v3, v2, 0x1
ushr-int/lit8 v4, p1, 0x18
and-int/lit16 v4, v4, 0xff
int-to-byte v4, v4
aput-byte v4, v1, v2
add-int/lit8 v2, v3, 0x1
ushr-int/lit8 v4, p1, 0x10
and-int/lit16 v4, v4, 0xff
int-to-byte v4, v4
aput-byte v4, v1, v3
add-int/lit8 v3, v2, 0x1
ushr-int/lit8 v4, p1, 0x8
and-int/lit16 v4, v4, 0xff
int-to-byte v4, v4
aput-byte v4, v1, v2
add-int/lit8 v2, v3, 0x1
and-int/lit16 p1, p1, 0xff
int-to-byte p1, p1
aput-byte p1, v1, v3
iput v2, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x4
add-long/2addr v0, v2
iput-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
return-object p0
.end method
.method public U(I)Ld0/e;
.locals 5
const/4 v0, 0x2
invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v0
iget-object v1, v0, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v2, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
add-int/lit8 v3, v2, 0x1
ushr-int/lit8 v4, p1, 0x8
and-int/lit16 v4, v4, 0xff
int-to-byte v4, v4
aput-byte v4, v1, v2
add-int/lit8 v2, v3, 0x1
and-int/lit16 p1, p1, 0xff
int-to-byte p1, p1
aput-byte p1, v1, v3
iput v2, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x2
add-long/2addr v0, v2
iput-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
return-object p0
.end method
.method public V(Ljava/lang/String;)Ld0/e;
.locals 2
const-string v0, "string"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/lang/String;->length()I
move-result v0
const/4 v1, 0x0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1, v1, v0}, Ld0/e;->Y(Ljava/lang/String;II)Ld0/e;
return-object p0
.end method
.method public bridge synthetic W(Ljava/lang/String;)Lokio/BufferedSink;
.locals 0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Ld0/e;->V(Ljava/lang/String;)Ld0/e;
return-object p0
.end method
.method public X(Ljava/nio/charset/Charset;)Ljava/lang/String;
.locals 2
const-string v0, "charset"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
invoke-virtual {p0, v0, v1, p1}, Ld0/e;->w(JLjava/nio/charset/Charset;)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
return-object p1
.end method
.method public Y(Ljava/lang/String;II)Ld0/e;
.locals 10
const-string v0, "string"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
const/4 v0, 0x1
if-ltz p2, :cond_0
const/4 v1, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v1, 0x0
if-eqz v1, :cond_f
if-lt p3, p2, :cond_1
const/4 v1, 0x1
goto :goto_1
const/4 v1, 0x0
if-eqz v1, :cond_e
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/lang/String;->length()I
move-result v1
if-gt p3, v1, :cond_2
const/4 v1, 0x1
goto :goto_2
const/4 v1, 0x0
if-eqz v1, :cond_d
if-ge p2, p3, :cond_c
invoke-virtual {p1, p2}, Ljava/lang/String;->charAt(I)C
move-result v1
const/16 v2, 0x80
if-ge v1, v2, :cond_5
invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v3
iget-object v4, v3, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v5, v3, Ld0/s;->c:I
sub-int/2addr v5, p2
rsub-int v6, v5, 0x2000
invoke-static {p3, v6}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(II)I
move-result v6
add-int/lit8 v7, p2, 0x1
add-int/2addr p2, v5
int-to-byte v1, v1
aput-byte v1, v4, p2
move p2, v7
if-ge p2, v6, :cond_4
invoke-virtual {p1, p2}, Ljava/lang/String;->charAt(I)C
move-result v1
if-lt v1, v2, :cond_3
goto :goto_5
add-int/lit8 v7, p2, 0x1
add-int/2addr p2, v5
int-to-byte v1, v1
aput-byte v1, v4, p2
goto :goto_4
add-int/2addr v5, p2
iget v1, v3, Ld0/s;->c:I
sub-int/2addr v5, v1
add-int/2addr v1, v5
iput v1, v3, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
int-to-long v3, v5
add-long/2addr v1, v3
iput-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
goto :goto_3
const/16 v3, 0x800
if-ge v1, v3, :cond_6
const/4 v3, 0x2
invoke-virtual {p0, v3}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v4
iget-object v5, v4, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v6, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
shr-int/lit8 v7, v1, 0x6
or-int/lit16 v7, v7, 0xc0
int-to-byte v7, v7
aput-byte v7, v5, v6
add-int/lit8 v7, v6, 0x1
and-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x3f
or-int/2addr v1, v2
int-to-byte v1, v1
aput-byte v1, v5, v7
add-int/2addr v6, v3
iput v6, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v3, 0x2
add-long/2addr v1, v3
iput-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
goto/16 :goto_9
const v3, 0xd800
const/16 v4, 0x3f
if-lt v1, v3, :cond_b
const v3, 0xdfff
if-le v1, v3, :cond_7
goto :goto_8
add-int/lit8 v5, p2, 0x1
if-ge v5, p3, :cond_8
invoke-virtual {p1, v5}, Ljava/lang/String;->charAt(I)C
move-result v6
goto :goto_6
const/4 v6, 0x0
const v7, 0xdbff
if-gt v1, v7, :cond_a
const v7, 0xdc00
if-gt v7, v6, :cond_a
if-ge v3, v6, :cond_9
goto :goto_7
const/high16 v3, 0x10000
and-int/lit16 v1, v1, 0x3ff
shl-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0xa
and-int/lit16 v5, v6, 0x3ff
or-int/2addr v1, v5
add-int/2addr v1, v3
const/4 v3, 0x4
invoke-virtual {p0, v3}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v5
iget-object v6, v5, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v7, v5, Ld0/s;->c:I
shr-int/lit8 v8, v1, 0x12
or-int/lit16 v8, v8, 0xf0
int-to-byte v8, v8
aput-byte v8, v6, v7
add-int/lit8 v8, v7, 0x1
shr-int/lit8 v9, v1, 0xc
and-int/2addr v9, v4
or-int/2addr v9, v2
int-to-byte v9, v9
aput-byte v9, v6, v8
add-int/lit8 v8, v7, 0x2
shr-int/lit8 v9, v1, 0x6
and-int/2addr v9, v4
or-int/2addr v9, v2
int-to-byte v9, v9
aput-byte v9, v6, v8
add-int/lit8 v8, v7, 0x3
and-int/2addr v1, v4
or-int/2addr v1, v2
int-to-byte v1, v1
aput-byte v1, v6, v8
add-int/2addr v7, v3
iput v7, v5, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v3, 0x4
add-long/2addr v1, v3
iput-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
add-int/lit8 p2, p2, 0x2
goto/16 :goto_3
invoke-virtual {p0, v4}, Ld0/e;->N(I)Ld0/e;
move p2, v5
goto/16 :goto_3
const/4 v3, 0x3
invoke-virtual {p0, v3}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v5
iget-object v6, v5, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v7, v5, Ld0/s;->c:I
shr-int/lit8 v8, v1, 0xc
or-int/lit16 v8, v8, 0xe0
int-to-byte v8, v8
aput-byte v8, v6, v7
add-int/lit8 v8, v7, 0x1
shr-int/lit8 v9, v1, 0x6
and-int/2addr v4, v9
or-int/2addr v4, v2
int-to-byte v4, v4
aput-byte v4, v6, v8
add-int/lit8 v4, v7, 0x2
and-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x3f
or-int/2addr v1, v2
int-to-byte v1, v1
aput-byte v1, v6, v4
add-int/2addr v7, v3
iput v7, v5, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v3, 0x3
add-long/2addr v1, v3
iput-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
add-int/lit8 p2, p2, 0x1
goto/16 :goto_3
return-object p0
const-string p2, "endIndex > string.length: "
const-string v0, " > "
invoke-static {p2, p3, v0}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->G(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
move-result-object p2
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/lang/String;->length()I
move-result p1
invoke-virtual {p2, p1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-virtual {p2}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
new-instance p2, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct {p2, p1}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw p2
const-string p1, "endIndex < beginIndex: "
const-string v0, " < "
invoke-static {p1, p3, v0, p2}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->l(Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
new-instance p2, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct {p2, p1}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw p2
const-string p1, "beginIndex < 0: "
invoke-static {p1, p2}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->j(Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
new-instance p2, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct {p2, p1}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw p2
.end method
.method public Z(I)Ld0/e;
.locals 11
const/16 v0, 0x80
if-ge p1, v0, :cond_0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Ld0/e;->N(I)Ld0/e;
goto/16 :goto_1
const/16 v1, 0x800
const/4 v2, 0x2
const/16 v3, 0x3f
if-ge p1, v1, :cond_1
invoke-virtual {p0, v2}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v1
iget-object v4, v1, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v5, v1, Ld0/s;->c:I
shr-int/lit8 v6, p1, 0x6
or-int/lit16 v6, v6, 0xc0
int-to-byte v6, v6
aput-byte v6, v4, v5
add-int/lit8 v6, v5, 0x1
and-int/2addr p1, v3
or-int/2addr p1, v0
int-to-byte p1, p1
aput-byte p1, v4, v6
add-int/2addr v5, v2
iput v5, v1, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x2
add-long/2addr v0, v2
iput-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
goto/16 :goto_1
const v1, 0xdfff
const v4, 0xd800
if-le v4, p1, :cond_2
goto :goto_0
if-lt v1, p1, :cond_3
invoke-virtual {p0, v3}, Ld0/e;->N(I)Ld0/e;
goto :goto_1
const/high16 v1, 0x10000
const/4 v4, 0x3
if-ge p1, v1, :cond_4
invoke-virtual {p0, v4}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v1
iget-object v2, v1, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v5, v1, Ld0/s;->c:I
shr-int/lit8 v6, p1, 0xc
or-int/lit16 v6, v6, 0xe0
int-to-byte v6, v6
aput-byte v6, v2, v5
add-int/lit8 v6, v5, 0x1
shr-int/lit8 v7, p1, 0x6
and-int/2addr v7, v3
or-int/2addr v7, v0
int-to-byte v7, v7
aput-byte v7, v2, v6
add-int/lit8 v6, v5, 0x2
and-int/2addr p1, v3
or-int/2addr p1, v0
int-to-byte p1, p1
aput-byte p1, v2, v6
add-int/2addr v5, v4
iput v5, v1, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x3
add-long/2addr v0, v2
iput-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
goto :goto_1
const v1, 0x10ffff
const/4 v5, 0x4
if-gt p1, v1, :cond_5
invoke-virtual {p0, v5}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v1
iget-object v2, v1, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v4, v1, Ld0/s;->c:I
shr-int/lit8 v6, p1, 0x12
or-int/lit16 v6, v6, 0xf0
int-to-byte v6, v6
aput-byte v6, v2, v4
add-int/lit8 v6, v4, 0x1
shr-int/lit8 v7, p1, 0xc
and-int/2addr v7, v3
or-int/2addr v7, v0
int-to-byte v7, v7
aput-byte v7, v2, v6
add-int/lit8 v6, v4, 0x2
shr-int/lit8 v7, p1, 0x6
and-int/2addr v7, v3
or-int/2addr v7, v0
int-to-byte v7, v7
aput-byte v7, v2, v6
add-int/lit8 v6, v4, 0x3
and-int/2addr p1, v3
or-int/2addr p1, v0
int-to-byte p1, p1
aput-byte p1, v2, v6
add-int/2addr v4, v5
iput v4, v1, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x4
add-long/2addr v0, v2
iput-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
return-object p0
new-instance v0, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
const-string v1, "Unexpected code point: 0x"
invoke-static {v1}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->F(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
move-result-object v1
if-eqz p1, :cond_7
const/16 v3, 0x8
new-array v6, v3, [C
sget-object v7, Ld0/z/b;->a:[C
shr-int/lit8 v8, p1, 0x1c
and-int/lit8 v8, v8, 0xf
aget-char v8, v7, v8
const/4 v9, 0x0
aput-char v8, v6, v9
shr-int/lit8 v8, p1, 0x18
and-int/lit8 v8, v8, 0xf
aget-char v8, v7, v8
const/4 v10, 0x1
aput-char v8, v6, v10
shr-int/lit8 v8, p1, 0x14
and-int/lit8 v8, v8, 0xf
aget-char v8, v7, v8
aput-char v8, v6, v2
shr-int/lit8 v2, p1, 0x10
and-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0xf
aget-char v2, v7, v2
aput-char v2, v6, v4
shr-int/lit8 v2, p1, 0xc
and-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0xf
aget-char v2, v7, v2
aput-char v2, v6, v5
const/4 v2, 0x5
shr-int/lit8 v4, p1, 0x8
and-int/lit8 v4, v4, 0xf
aget-char v4, v7, v4
aput-char v4, v6, v2
shr-int/lit8 v2, p1, 0x4
and-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0xf
aget-char v2, v7, v2
const/4 v4, 0x6
aput-char v2, v6, v4
const/4 v2, 0x7
and-int/lit8 p1, p1, 0xf
aget-char p1, v7, p1
aput-char p1, v6, v2
if-ge v9, v3, :cond_6
aget-char p1, v6, v9
const/16 v2, 0x30
if-ne p1, v2, :cond_6
add-int/lit8 v9, v9, 0x1
goto :goto_2
rsub-int/lit8 p1, v9, 0x8
new-instance v2, Ljava/lang/String;
invoke-direct {v2, v6, v9, p1}, Ljava/lang/String;-><init>([CII)V
goto :goto_3
const-string v2, "0"
invoke-virtual {v1, v2}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-virtual {v1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct {v0, p1}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw v0
.end method
.method public a0(Ld0/x;)J
.locals 7
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
const-string v0, "source"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
const-wide/16 v0, 0x0
const/16 v2, 0x2000
int-to-long v2, v2
invoke-interface {p1, p0, v2, v3}, Ld0/x;->v0(Ld0/e;J)J
move-result-wide v2
const-wide/16 v4, -0x1
cmp-long v6, v2, v4
if-nez v6, :cond_0
return-wide v0
add-long/2addr v0, v2
goto :goto_0
.end method
.method public b()Ld0/e;
.locals 7
new-instance v0, Ld0/e;
invoke-direct {v0}, Ld0/e;-><init>()V
iget-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v3, 0x0
cmp-long v5, v1, v3
if-nez v5, :cond_0
goto :goto_1
iget-object v1, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
const/4 v2, 0x0
if-eqz v1, :cond_4
invoke-virtual {v1}, Ld0/s;->c()Ld0/s;
move-result-object v3
iput-object v3, v0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
iput-object v3, v3, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
iput-object v3, v3, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
iget-object v4, v1, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
if-eq v4, v1, :cond_3
iget-object v5, v3, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v5, :cond_2
if-eqz v4, :cond_1
invoke-virtual {v4}, Ld0/s;->c()Ld0/s;
move-result-object v6
invoke-virtual {v5, v6}, Ld0/s;->b(Ld0/s;)Ld0/s;
iget-object v4, v4, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
goto :goto_0
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v2
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v2
iget-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
iput-wide v1, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
return-object v0
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v2
.end method
.method public bridge synthetic b0(J)Lokio/BufferedSink;
.locals 0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1, p2}, Ld0/e;->S(J)Ld0/e;
move-result-object p1
return-object p1
.end method
.method public bridge synthetic clone()Ljava/lang/Object;
.locals 1
invoke-virtual {p0}, Ld0/e;->b()Ld0/e;
move-result-object v0
return-object v0
.end method
.method public close()V
.locals 0
.end method
.method public final e()J
.locals 5
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x0
cmp-long v4, v0, v2
if-nez v4, :cond_0
goto :goto_0
iget-object v2, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
const/4 v3, 0x0
if-eqz v2, :cond_3
iget-object v2, v2, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v2, :cond_2
iget v3, v2, Ld0/s;->c:I
const/16 v4, 0x2000
if-ge v3, v4, :cond_1
iget-boolean v4, v2, Ld0/s;->e:Z
if-eqz v4, :cond_1
iget v2, v2, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v3, v2
int-to-long v2, v3
sub-long/2addr v0, v2
move-wide v2, v0
return-wide v2
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v3
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v3
.end method
.method public equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
.locals 19
move-object/from16 v0, p0
move-object/from16 v1, p1
const/4 v3, 0x1
if-ne v0, v1, :cond_1
const/4 v2, 0x1
goto/16 :goto_6
instance-of v4, v1, Ld0/e;
if-nez v4, :cond_2
const/4 v2, 0x0
goto/16 :goto_6
iget-wide v4, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
check-cast v1, Ld0/e;
iget-wide v6, v1, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v8, v4, v6
if-eqz v8, :cond_3
goto :goto_1
const-wide/16 v6, 0x0
cmp-long v8, v4, v6
if-nez v8, :cond_4
goto :goto_0
iget-object v4, v0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
const/4 v5, 0x0
if-eqz v4, :cond_c
iget-object v1, v1, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v1, :cond_b
iget v8, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
iget v9, v1, Ld0/s;->b:I
move-wide v10, v6
iget-wide v12, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v14, v10, v12
if-gez v14, :cond_0
iget v12, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
sub-int/2addr v12, v8
iget v13, v1, Ld0/s;->c:I
sub-int/2addr v13, v9
invoke-static {v12, v13}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(II)I
move-result v12
int-to-long v12, v12
move-wide v14, v6
cmp-long v16, v14, v12
if-gez v16, :cond_6
iget-object v2, v4, Ld0/s;->a:[B
add-int/lit8 v17, v8, 0x1
aget-byte v2, v2, v8
iget-object v8, v1, Ld0/s;->a:[B
add-int/lit8 v18, v9, 0x1
aget-byte v8, v8, v9
if-eq v2, v8, :cond_5
goto :goto_1
const-wide/16 v8, 0x1
add-long/2addr v14, v8
move/from16 v8, v17
move/from16 v9, v18
goto :goto_3
iget v2, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
if-ne v8, v2, :cond_8
iget-object v2, v4, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v2, :cond_7
iget v4, v2, Ld0/s;->b:I
move v8, v4
move-object v4, v2
goto :goto_4
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v5
iget v2, v1, Ld0/s;->c:I
if-ne v9, v2, :cond_a
iget-object v1, v1, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v1, :cond_9
iget v2, v1, Ld0/s;->b:I
move v9, v2
goto :goto_5
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v5
add-long/2addr v10, v12
goto :goto_2
return v2
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v5
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v5
.end method
.method public final f(Ld0/e;JJ)Ld0/e;
.locals 9
const-string v0, "out"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
iget-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
move-wide v3, p2
move-wide v5, p4
invoke-static/range {v1 .. v6}, Lz/a/g0;->m(JJJ)V
const-wide/16 v0, 0x0
cmp-long v2, p4, v0
if-nez v2, :cond_0
goto :goto_3
iget-wide v2, p1, Ld0/e;->e:J
add-long/2addr v2, p4
iput-wide v2, p1, Ld0/e;->e:J
iget-object v2, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
const/4 v3, 0x0
if-eqz v2, :cond_7
iget v4, v2, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v5, v2, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int v6, v4, v5
int-to-long v6, v6
cmp-long v8, p2, v6
if-ltz v8, :cond_1
sub-int/2addr v4, v5
int-to-long v3, v4
sub-long/2addr p2, v3
iget-object v2, v2, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
goto :goto_0
cmp-long v4, p4, v0
if-lez v4, :cond_6
if-eqz v2, :cond_5
invoke-virtual {v2}, Ld0/s;->c()Ld0/s;
move-result-object v4
iget v5, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
long-to-int p3, p2
add-int/2addr v5, p3
iput v5, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
long-to-int p2, p4
add-int/2addr v5, p2
iget p2, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
invoke-static {v5, p2}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(II)I
move-result p2
iput p2, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget-object p2, p1, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-nez p2, :cond_2
iput-object v4, v4, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
iput-object v4, v4, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
iput-object v4, p1, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
goto :goto_2
if-eqz p2, :cond_4
iget-object p2, p2, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
if-eqz p2, :cond_3
invoke-virtual {p2, v4}, Ld0/s;->b(Ld0/s;)Ld0/s;
iget p2, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget p3, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr p2, p3
int-to-long p2, p2
sub-long/2addr p4, p2
iget-object v2, v2, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
move-wide p2, v0
goto :goto_1
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v3
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v3
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v3
return-object p0
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v3
.end method
.method public flush()V
.locals 0
.end method
.method public final g(J)B
.locals 8
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v4, 0x1
move-wide v2, p1
invoke-static/range {v0 .. v5}, Lz/a/g0;->m(JJJ)V
iget-object v0, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
const/4 v1, 0x0
if-eqz v0, :cond_5
iget-wide v2, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
sub-long v4, v2, p1
cmp-long v6, v4, p1
if-gez v6, :cond_2
cmp-long v4, v2, p1
if-lez v4, :cond_1
iget-object v0, v0, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v0, :cond_0
iget v4, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v5, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v4, v5
int-to-long v4, v4
sub-long/2addr v2, v4
goto :goto_0
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v1
iget-object v1, v0, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v0, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
int-to-long v4, v0
add-long/2addr v4, p1
sub-long/2addr v4, v2
long-to-int p1, v4
aget-byte p1, v1, p1
goto :goto_2
const-wide/16 v2, 0x0
iget v4, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v5, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v4, v5
int-to-long v6, v4
add-long/2addr v6, v2
cmp-long v4, v6, p1
if-lez v4, :cond_3
iget-object v0, v0, Ld0/s;->a:[B
int-to-long v4, v5
add-long/2addr v4, p1
sub-long/2addr v4, v2
long-to-int p1, v4
aget-byte p1, v0, p1
return p1
iget-object v0, v0, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v0, :cond_4
move-wide v2, v6
goto :goto_1
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v1
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v1
.end method
.method public h()Ld0/e;
.locals 0
return-object p0
.end method
.method public hashCode()I
.locals 5
iget-object v0, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v0, :cond_3
const/4 v1, 0x1
iget v2, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
iget v3, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
if-ge v2, v3, :cond_1
mul-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x1f
iget-object v4, v0, Ld0/s;->a:[B
aget-byte v4, v4, v2
add-int/2addr v1, v4
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
goto :goto_0
iget-object v0, v0, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v0, :cond_2
iget-object v2, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-ne v0, v2, :cond_0
goto :goto_1
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
const/4 v0, 0x0
throw v0
const/4 v1, 0x0
return v1
.end method
.method public i(BJJ)J
.locals 10
const-wide/16 v0, 0x0
cmp-long v2, v0, p2
if-lez v2, :cond_0
goto :goto_0
cmp-long v2, p4, p2
if-ltz v2, :cond_1
const/4 v2, 0x1
goto :goto_1
const/4 v2, 0x0
if-eqz v2, :cond_10
iget-wide v2, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v4, p4, v2
if-lez v4, :cond_2
move-wide p4, v2
cmp-long v4, p2, p4
if-nez v4, :cond_3
goto/16 :goto_8
iget-object v4, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v4, :cond_f
sub-long v5, v2, p2
const/4 v7, 0x0
cmp-long v8, v5, p2
if-gez v8, :cond_9
cmp-long v0, v2, p2
if-lez v0, :cond_5
iget-object v4, v4, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v4, :cond_4
iget v0, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v1, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v0, v1
int-to-long v0, v0
sub-long/2addr v2, v0
goto :goto_2
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
cmp-long v0, v2, p4
if-gez v0, :cond_f
iget-object v0, v4, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v1, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
int-to-long v5, v1
iget v1, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
int-to-long v8, v1
add-long/2addr v8, p4
sub-long/2addr v8, v2
invoke-static {v5, v6, v8, v9}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(JJ)J
move-result-wide v5
long-to-int v1, v5
iget v5, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
int-to-long v5, v5
add-long/2addr v5, p2
sub-long/2addr v5, v2
long-to-int p2, v5
if-ge p2, v1, :cond_7
aget-byte p3, v0, p2
if-ne p3, p1, :cond_6
iget p1, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr p2, p1
int-to-long p1, p2
add-long/2addr p1, v2
goto/16 :goto_9
add-int/lit8 p2, p2, 0x1
goto :goto_4
iget p2, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget p3, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr p2, p3
int-to-long p2, p2
add-long/2addr v2, p2
iget-object v4, v4, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v4, :cond_8
move-wide p2, v2
goto :goto_3
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
iget v2, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v3, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v2, v3
int-to-long v2, v2
add-long/2addr v2, v0
cmp-long v5, v2, p2
if-lez v5, :cond_d
cmp-long v2, v0, p4
if-gez v2, :cond_f
iget-object v2, v4, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v3, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
int-to-long v5, v3
iget v3, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
int-to-long v8, v3
add-long/2addr v8, p4
sub-long/2addr v8, v0
invoke-static {v5, v6, v8, v9}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(JJ)J
move-result-wide v5
long-to-int v3, v5
iget v5, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
int-to-long v5, v5
add-long/2addr v5, p2
sub-long/2addr v5, v0
long-to-int p2, v5
if-ge p2, v3, :cond_b
aget-byte p3, v2, p2
if-ne p3, p1, :cond_a
iget p1, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr p2, p1
int-to-long p1, p2
add-long/2addr p1, v0
goto :goto_9
add-int/lit8 p2, p2, 0x1
goto :goto_7
iget p2, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget p3, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr p2, p3
int-to-long p2, p2
add-long/2addr v0, p2
iget-object v4, v4, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v4, :cond_c
move-wide p2, v0
goto :goto_6
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
iget-object v4, v4, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v4, :cond_e
move-wide v0, v2
goto :goto_5
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
const-wide/16 p1, -0x1
return-wide p1
const-string p1, "size="
invoke-static {p1}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->F(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
move-result-object p1
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
invoke-virtual {p1, v0, v1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
const-string v0, " fromIndex="
invoke-virtual {p1, v0}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-virtual {p1, p2, p3}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
const-string p2, " toIndex="
invoke-virtual {p1, p2}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-virtual {p1, p4, p5}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
new-instance p2, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct {p2, p1}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw p2
.end method
.method public i0()Ljava/lang/String;
.locals 2
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
const-wide v0, 0x7fffffffffffffffL
invoke-virtual {p0, v0, v1}, Ld0/e;->R(J)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v0
return-object v0
.end method
.method public isOpen()Z
.locals 1
const/4 v0, 0x1
return v0
.end method
.method public l(J)Z
.locals 3
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v2, v0, p1
if-ltz v2, :cond_0
const/4 p1, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 p1, 0x0
return p1
.end method
.method public l0(J)[B
.locals 3
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
const-wide/16 v0, 0x0
cmp-long v2, p1, v0
if-ltz v2, :cond_0
const v0, 0x7fffffff
int-to-long v0, v0
cmp-long v2, p1, v0
if-gtz v2, :cond_0
const/4 v0, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v0, 0x0
if-eqz v0, :cond_2
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v2, v0, p1
if-ltz v2, :cond_1
long-to-int p2, p1
new-array p1, p2, [B
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Ld0/e;->readFully([B)V
return-object p1
new-instance p1, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {p1}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>()V
throw p1
const-string v0, "byteCount: "
invoke-static {v0, p1, p2}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->o(Ljava/lang/String;J)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
new-instance p2, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct {p2, p1}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw p2
.end method
.method public m(Lokio/ByteString;J)J
.locals 18
move-object/from16 v0, p0
move-object/from16 v1, p1
move-wide/from16 v2, p2
const-string v4, "targetBytes"
invoke-static {v1, v4}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
const/4 v4, 0x0
const/4 v5, 0x1
const-wide/16 v6, 0x0
cmp-long v8, v2, v6
if-ltz v8, :cond_0
const/4 v8, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v8, 0x0
if-eqz v8, :cond_19
iget-object v8, v0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
const-wide/16 v9, -0x1
if-eqz v8, :cond_18
iget-wide v11, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
sub-long v13, v11, v2
const/4 v15, 0x2
const/16 v16, 0x0
cmp-long v17, v13, v2
if-gez v17, :cond_c
cmp-long v6, v11, v2
if-lez v6, :cond_2
iget-object v8, v8, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v8, :cond_1
iget v6, v8, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v7, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v6, v7
int-to-long v6, v6
sub-long/2addr v11, v6
goto :goto_1
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v16
invoke-virtual/range {p1 .. p1}, Lokio/ByteString;->j()I
move-result v6
if-ne v6, v15, :cond_7
invoke-virtual {v1, v4}, Lokio/ByteString;->m(I)B
move-result v4
invoke-virtual {v1, v5}, Lokio/ByteString;->m(I)B
move-result v1
iget-wide v5, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v7, v11, v5
if-gez v7, :cond_18
iget-object v5, v8, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v6, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
int-to-long v6, v6
add-long/2addr v6, v2
sub-long/2addr v6, v11
long-to-int v2, v6
iget v3, v8, Ld0/s;->c:I
if-ge v2, v3, :cond_5
aget-byte v6, v5, v2
if-eq v6, v4, :cond_4
if-ne v6, v1, :cond_3
goto :goto_4
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
goto :goto_3
iget v1, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
goto :goto_8
iget v2, v8, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v3, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v2, v3
int-to-long v2, v2
add-long/2addr v11, v2
iget-object v8, v8, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v8, :cond_6
move-wide v2, v11
goto :goto_2
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v16
invoke-virtual/range {p1 .. p1}, Lokio/ByteString;->l()[B
move-result-object v1
iget-wide v4, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v6, v11, v4
if-gez v6, :cond_18
iget-object v4, v8, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v5, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
int-to-long v5, v5
add-long/2addr v5, v2
sub-long/2addr v5, v11
long-to-int v2, v5
iget v3, v8, Ld0/s;->c:I
if-ge v2, v3, :cond_a
aget-byte v5, v4, v2
array-length v6, v1
const/4 v7, 0x0
if-ge v7, v6, :cond_9
aget-byte v13, v1, v7
if-ne v5, v13, :cond_8
iget v1, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v2, v1
int-to-long v1, v2
add-long v9, v1, v11
goto/16 :goto_11
add-int/lit8 v7, v7, 0x1
goto :goto_7
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
goto :goto_6
iget v2, v8, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v3, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v2, v3
int-to-long v2, v2
add-long/2addr v11, v2
iget-object v8, v8, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v8, :cond_b
move-wide v2, v11
goto :goto_5
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v16
iget v11, v8, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v12, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v11, v12
int-to-long v11, v11
add-long/2addr v11, v6
cmp-long v13, v11, v2
if-lez v13, :cond_16
invoke-virtual/range {p1 .. p1}, Lokio/ByteString;->j()I
move-result v11
if-ne v11, v15, :cond_11
invoke-virtual {v1, v4}, Lokio/ByteString;->m(I)B
move-result v4
invoke-virtual {v1, v5}, Lokio/ByteString;->m(I)B
move-result v1
iget-wide v11, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v5, v6, v11
if-gez v5, :cond_18
iget-object v5, v8, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v11, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
int-to-long v11, v11
add-long/2addr v11, v2
sub-long/2addr v11, v6
long-to-int v2, v11
iget v3, v8, Ld0/s;->c:I
if-ge v2, v3, :cond_f
aget-byte v11, v5, v2
if-eq v11, v4, :cond_e
if-ne v11, v1, :cond_d
goto :goto_c
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
goto :goto_b
iget v1, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
goto :goto_10
iget v2, v8, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v3, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v2, v3
int-to-long v2, v2
add-long/2addr v6, v2
iget-object v8, v8, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v8, :cond_10
move-wide v2, v6
goto :goto_a
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v16
invoke-virtual/range {p1 .. p1}, Lokio/ByteString;->l()[B
move-result-object v1
iget-wide v4, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v11, v6, v4
if-gez v11, :cond_18
iget-object v4, v8, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v5, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
int-to-long v11, v5
add-long/2addr v11, v2
sub-long/2addr v11, v6
long-to-int v2, v11
iget v3, v8, Ld0/s;->c:I
if-ge v2, v3, :cond_14
aget-byte v5, v4, v2
array-length v11, v1
const/4 v12, 0x0
if-ge v12, v11, :cond_13
aget-byte v13, v1, v12
if-ne v5, v13, :cond_12
iget v1, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v2, v1
int-to-long v1, v2
add-long v9, v1, v6
goto :goto_11
add-int/lit8 v12, v12, 0x1
goto :goto_f
add-int/lit8 v2, v2, 0x1
goto :goto_e
iget v2, v8, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v3, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v2, v3
int-to-long v2, v2
add-long/2addr v6, v2
iget-object v8, v8, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v8, :cond_15
move-wide v2, v6
goto :goto_d
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v16
iget-object v8, v8, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v8, :cond_17
move-wide v6, v11
goto/16 :goto_9
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v16
return-wide v9
const-string v1, "fromIndex < 0: "
invoke-static {v1, v2, v3}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->o(Ljava/lang/String;J)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v1
new-instance v2, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
invoke-virtual {v1}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v1
invoke-direct {v2, v1}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw v2
.end method
.method public final n(Ld0/e$a;)Ld0/e$a;
.locals 2
const-string v0, "unsafeCursor"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
iget-object v0, p1, Ld0/e$a;->d:Ld0/e;
const/4 v1, 0x1
if-nez v0, :cond_0
const/4 v0, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v0, 0x0
if-eqz v0, :cond_1
iput-object p0, p1, Ld0/e$a;->d:Ld0/e;
iput-boolean v1, p1, Ld0/e$a;->e:Z
return-object p1
new-instance p1, Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;
const-string v0, "already attached to a buffer"
invoke-virtual {v0}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v0
invoke-direct {p1, v0}, Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw p1
.end method
.method public o()Lokio/ByteString;
.locals 2
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
invoke-virtual {p0, v0, v1}, Ld0/e;->u(J)Lokio/ByteString;
move-result-object v0
return-object v0
.end method
.method public q()S
.locals 2
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
invoke-virtual {p0}, Ld0/e;->readShort()S
move-result v0
const v1, 0xffff
and-int/2addr v0, v1
const v1, 0xff00
and-int/2addr v1, v0
ushr-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x8
and-int/lit16 v0, v0, 0xff
shl-int/lit8 v0, v0, 0x8
or-int/2addr v0, v1
int-to-short v0, v0
return v0
.end method
.method public bridge synthetic r0(Lokio/ByteString;)Lokio/BufferedSink;
.locals 0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Ld0/e;->I(Lokio/ByteString;)Ld0/e;
return-object p0
.end method
.method public read(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)I
.locals 6
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
const-string v0, "sink"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
iget-object v0, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v0, :cond_1
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;->remaining()I
move-result v1
iget v2, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v3, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v2, v3
invoke-static {v1, v2}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(II)I
move-result v1
iget-object v2, v0, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v3, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
invoke-virtual {p1, v2, v3, v1}, Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;->put([BII)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
iget p1, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
add-int/2addr p1, v1
iput p1, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
iget-wide v2, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
int-to-long v4, v1
sub-long/2addr v2, v4
iput-wide v2, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
iget v2, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
if-ne p1, v2, :cond_0
invoke-virtual {v0}, Ld0/s;->a()Ld0/s;
move-result-object p1
iput-object p1, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
invoke-static {v0}, Ld0/t;->a(Ld0/s;)V
return v1
const/4 p1, -0x1
return p1
.end method
.method public read([BII)I
.locals 7
const-string v0, "sink"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
array-length v0, p1
int-to-long v1, v0
int-to-long v3, p2
int-to-long v5, p3
invoke-static/range {v1 .. v6}, Lz/a/g0;->m(JJJ)V
iget-object v0, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v0, :cond_0
iget v1, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v2, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v1, v2
invoke-static {p3, v1}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(II)I
move-result p3
iget-object v1, v0, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v2, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
add-int v3, v2, p3
invoke-static {v1, p1, p2, v2, v3}, Ly/h/f;->copyInto([B[BIII)[B
iget p1, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
add-int/2addr p1, p3
iput p1, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
iget-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
int-to-long v3, p3
sub-long/2addr v1, v3
iput-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
iget p2, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
if-ne p1, p2, :cond_1
invoke-virtual {v0}, Ld0/s;->a()Ld0/s;
move-result-object p1
iput-object p1, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
invoke-static {v0}, Ld0/t;->a(Ld0/s;)V
goto :goto_0
const/4 p3, -0x1
return p3
.end method
.method public readByte()B
.locals 9
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x0
cmp-long v4, v0, v2
if-eqz v4, :cond_2
iget-object v2, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v2, :cond_1
iget v3, v2, Ld0/s;->b:I
iget v4, v2, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget-object v5, v2, Ld0/s;->a:[B
add-int/lit8 v6, v3, 0x1
aget-byte v3, v5, v3
const-wide/16 v7, 0x1
sub-long/2addr v0, v7
iput-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
if-ne v6, v4, :cond_0
invoke-virtual {v2}, Ld0/s;->a()Ld0/s;
move-result-object v0
iput-object v0, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
invoke-static {v2}, Ld0/t;->a(Ld0/s;)V
goto :goto_0
iput v6, v2, Ld0/s;->b:I
return v3
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
const/4 v0, 0x0
throw v0
new-instance v0, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {v0}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>()V
throw v0
.end method
.method public readFully([B)V
.locals 3
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
const-string v0, "sink"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
const/4 v0, 0x0
array-length v1, p1
if-ge v0, v1, :cond_1
array-length v1, p1
sub-int/2addr v1, v0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1, v0, v1}, Ld0/e;->read([BII)I
move-result v1
const/4 v2, -0x1
if-eq v1, v2, :cond_0
add-int/2addr v0, v1
goto :goto_0
new-instance p1, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {p1}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>()V
throw p1
.end method
.method public readInt()I
.locals 10
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x4
cmp-long v4, v0, v2
if-ltz v4, :cond_3
iget-object v4, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v4, :cond_2
iget v5, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
iget v6, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
sub-int v7, v6, v5
int-to-long v7, v7
cmp-long v9, v7, v2
if-gez v9, :cond_0
invoke-virtual {p0}, Ld0/e;->readByte()B
move-result v0
and-int/lit16 v0, v0, 0xff
shl-int/lit8 v0, v0, 0x18
invoke-virtual {p0}, Ld0/e;->readByte()B
move-result v1
and-int/lit16 v1, v1, 0xff
shl-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x10
or-int/2addr v0, v1
invoke-virtual {p0}, Ld0/e;->readByte()B
move-result v1
and-int/lit16 v1, v1, 0xff
shl-int/lit8 v1, v1, 0x8
or-int/2addr v0, v1
invoke-virtual {p0}, Ld0/e;->readByte()B
move-result v1
and-int/lit16 v1, v1, 0xff
or-int/2addr v0, v1
goto :goto_1
iget-object v7, v4, Ld0/s;->a:[B
add-int/lit8 v8, v5, 0x1
aget-byte v5, v7, v5
and-int/lit16 v5, v5, 0xff
shl-int/lit8 v5, v5, 0x18
add-int/lit8 v9, v8, 0x1
aget-byte v8, v7, v8
and-int/lit16 v8, v8, 0xff
shl-int/lit8 v8, v8, 0x10
or-int/2addr v5, v8
add-int/lit8 v8, v9, 0x1
aget-byte v9, v7, v9
and-int/lit16 v9, v9, 0xff
shl-int/lit8 v9, v9, 0x8
or-int/2addr v5, v9
add-int/lit8 v9, v8, 0x1
aget-byte v7, v7, v8
and-int/lit16 v7, v7, 0xff
or-int/2addr v5, v7
sub-long/2addr v0, v2
iput-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
if-ne v9, v6, :cond_1
invoke-virtual {v4}, Ld0/s;->a()Ld0/s;
move-result-object v0
iput-object v0, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
invoke-static {v4}, Ld0/t;->a(Ld0/s;)V
goto :goto_0
iput v9, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
move v0, v5
return v0
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
const/4 v0, 0x0
throw v0
new-instance v0, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {v0}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>()V
throw v0
.end method
.method public readLong()J
.locals 15
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
move-object v0, p0
iget-wide v1, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v3, 0x8
cmp-long v5, v1, v3
if-ltz v5, :cond_3
iget-object v5, v0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v5, :cond_2
iget v6, v5, Ld0/s;->b:I
iget v7, v5, Ld0/s;->c:I
sub-int v8, v7, v6
int-to-long v8, v8
const/16 v10, 0x20
cmp-long v11, v8, v3
if-gez v11, :cond_0
invoke-virtual {p0}, Ld0/e;->readInt()I
move-result v1
int-to-long v1, v1
const-wide v3, 0xffffffffL
and-long/2addr v1, v3
shl-long/2addr v1, v10
invoke-virtual {p0}, Ld0/e;->readInt()I
move-result v5
int-to-long v5, v5
and-long/2addr v3, v5
or-long/2addr v1, v3
goto :goto_1
iget-object v8, v5, Ld0/s;->a:[B
add-int/lit8 v9, v6, 0x1
aget-byte v6, v8, v6
int-to-long v11, v6
const-wide/16 v13, 0xff
and-long/2addr v11, v13
const/16 v6, 0x38
shl-long/2addr v11, v6
add-int/lit8 v6, v9, 0x1
aget-byte v9, v8, v9
int-to-long v3, v9
and-long/2addr v3, v13
const/16 v9, 0x30
shl-long/2addr v3, v9
or-long/2addr v3, v11
add-int/lit8 v9, v6, 0x1
aget-byte v6, v8, v6
int-to-long v11, v6
and-long/2addr v11, v13
const/16 v6, 0x28
shl-long/2addr v11, v6
or-long/2addr v3, v11
add-int/lit8 v6, v9, 0x1
aget-byte v9, v8, v9
int-to-long v11, v9
and-long/2addr v11, v13
shl-long v9, v11, v10
or-long/2addr v3, v9
add-int/lit8 v9, v6, 0x1
aget-byte v6, v8, v6
int-to-long v10, v6
and-long/2addr v10, v13
const/16 v6, 0x18
shl-long/2addr v10, v6
or-long/2addr v3, v10
add-int/lit8 v6, v9, 0x1
aget-byte v9, v8, v9
int-to-long v9, v9
and-long/2addr v9, v13
const/16 v11, 0x10
shl-long/2addr v9, v11
or-long/2addr v3, v9
add-int/lit8 v9, v6, 0x1
aget-byte v6, v8, v6
int-to-long v10, v6
and-long/2addr v10, v13
const/16 v6, 0x8
shl-long/2addr v10, v6
or-long/2addr v3, v10
add-int/lit8 v6, v9, 0x1
aget-byte v8, v8, v9
int-to-long v8, v8
and-long/2addr v8, v13
or-long/2addr v3, v8
const-wide/16 v8, 0x8
sub-long/2addr v1, v8
iput-wide v1, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
if-ne v6, v7, :cond_1
invoke-virtual {v5}, Ld0/s;->a()Ld0/s;
move-result-object v1
iput-object v1, v0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
invoke-static {v5}, Ld0/t;->a(Ld0/s;)V
goto :goto_0
iput v6, v5, Ld0/s;->b:I
move-wide v1, v3
return-wide v1
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
const/4 v1, 0x0
throw v1
new-instance v1, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {v1}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>()V
throw v1
.end method
.method public readShort()S
.locals 10
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x2
cmp-long v4, v0, v2
if-ltz v4, :cond_3
iget-object v4, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v4, :cond_2
iget v5, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
iget v6, v4, Ld0/s;->c:I
sub-int v7, v6, v5
const/4 v8, 0x2
if-ge v7, v8, :cond_0
invoke-virtual {p0}, Ld0/e;->readByte()B
move-result v0
and-int/lit16 v0, v0, 0xff
shl-int/lit8 v0, v0, 0x8
invoke-virtual {p0}, Ld0/e;->readByte()B
move-result v1
and-int/lit16 v1, v1, 0xff
or-int/2addr v0, v1
int-to-short v0, v0
goto :goto_1
iget-object v7, v4, Ld0/s;->a:[B
add-int/lit8 v8, v5, 0x1
aget-byte v5, v7, v5
and-int/lit16 v5, v5, 0xff
shl-int/lit8 v5, v5, 0x8
add-int/lit8 v9, v8, 0x1
aget-byte v7, v7, v8
and-int/lit16 v7, v7, 0xff
or-int/2addr v5, v7
sub-long/2addr v0, v2
iput-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
if-ne v9, v6, :cond_1
invoke-virtual {v4}, Ld0/s;->a()Ld0/s;
move-result-object v0
iput-object v0, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
invoke-static {v4}, Ld0/t;->a(Ld0/s;)V
goto :goto_0
iput v9, v4, Ld0/s;->b:I
int-to-short v0, v5
return v0
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
const/4 v0, 0x0
throw v0
new-instance v0, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {v0}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>()V
throw v0
.end method
.method public skip(J)V
.locals 7
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
const-wide/16 v0, 0x0
cmp-long v2, p1, v0
if-lez v2, :cond_2
iget-object v0, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v0, :cond_1
iget v1, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v2, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v1, v2
int-to-long v1, v1
invoke-static {p1, p2, v1, v2}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(JJ)J
move-result-wide v1
long-to-int v2, v1
iget-wide v3, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
int-to-long v5, v2
sub-long/2addr v3, v5
iput-wide v3, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
sub-long/2addr p1, v5
iget v1, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
add-int/2addr v1, v2
iput v1, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
iget v2, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
if-ne v1, v2, :cond_0
invoke-virtual {v0}, Ld0/s;->a()Ld0/s;
move-result-object v1
iput-object v1, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
invoke-static {v0}, Ld0/t;->a(Ld0/s;)V
goto :goto_0
new-instance p1, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {p1}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>()V
throw p1
.end method
.method public timeout()Ld0/y;
.locals 1
sget-object v0, Ld0/y;->d:Ld0/y;
return-object v0
.end method
.method public toString()Ljava/lang/String;
.locals 5
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const v2, 0x7fffffff
int-to-long v2, v2
cmp-long v4, v0, v2
if-gtz v4, :cond_0
const/4 v2, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v2, 0x0
if-eqz v2, :cond_1
long-to-int v1, v0
invoke-virtual {p0, v1}, Ld0/e;->E(I)Lokio/ByteString;
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual {v0}, Lokio/ByteString;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v0
return-object v0
const-string v0, "size > Int.MAX_VALUE: "
invoke-static {v0}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->F(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
move-result-object v0
iget-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
invoke-virtual {v0, v1, v2}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->append(J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
invoke-virtual {v0}, Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v0
new-instance v1, Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;
invoke-virtual {v0}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v0
invoke-direct {v1, v0}, Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw v1
.end method
.method public u(J)Lokio/ByteString;
.locals 3
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
const-wide/16 v0, 0x0
cmp-long v2, p1, v0
if-ltz v2, :cond_0
const v0, 0x7fffffff
int-to-long v0, v0
cmp-long v2, p1, v0
if-gtz v2, :cond_0
const/4 v0, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v0, 0x0
if-eqz v0, :cond_3
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v2, v0, p1
if-ltz v2, :cond_2
const/16 v0, 0x1000
int-to-long v0, v0
cmp-long v2, p1, v0
if-ltz v2, :cond_1
long-to-int v0, p1
invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, Ld0/e;->E(I)Lokio/ByteString;
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1, p2}, Ld0/e;->skip(J)V
goto :goto_1
new-instance v0, Lokio/ByteString;
invoke-virtual {p0, p1, p2}, Ld0/e;->l0(J)[B
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct {v0, p1}, Lokio/ByteString;-><init>([B)V
return-object v0
new-instance p1, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {p1}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>()V
throw p1
const-string v0, "byteCount: "
invoke-static {v0, p1, p2}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->o(Ljava/lang/String;J)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
new-instance p2, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct {p2, p1}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw p2
.end method
.method public v0(Ld0/e;J)J
.locals 5
const-string v0, "sink"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
const-wide/16 v0, 0x0
cmp-long v2, p2, v0
if-ltz v2, :cond_0
const/4 v2, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v2, 0x0
if-eqz v2, :cond_3
iget-wide v2, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v4, v2, v0
if-nez v4, :cond_1
const-wide/16 p1, -0x1
goto :goto_1
cmp-long v0, p2, v2
if-lez v0, :cond_2
move-wide p2, v2
invoke-virtual {p1, p0, p2, p3}, Ld0/e;->write(Ld0/e;J)V
move-wide p1, p2
return-wide p1
const-string p1, "byteCount < 0: "
invoke-static {p1, p2, p3}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->o(Ljava/lang/String;J)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
new-instance p2, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct {p2, p1}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw p2
.end method
.method public w(JLjava/nio/charset/Charset;)Ljava/lang/String;
.locals 7
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
const-string v0, "charset"
invoke-static {p3, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
const-wide/16 v0, 0x0
cmp-long v2, p1, v0
if-ltz v2, :cond_0
const v0, 0x7fffffff
int-to-long v0, v0
cmp-long v3, p1, v0
if-gtz v3, :cond_0
const/4 v0, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v0, 0x0
if-eqz v0, :cond_6
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
cmp-long v3, v0, p1
if-ltz v3, :cond_5
if-nez v2, :cond_1
const-string p1, ""
return-object p1
iget-object v0, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v0, :cond_4
iget v1, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
int-to-long v2, v1
add-long/2addr v2, p1
iget v4, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
int-to-long v4, v4
cmp-long v6, v2, v4
if-lez v6, :cond_2
invoke-virtual {p0, p1, p2}, Ld0/e;->l0(J)[B
move-result-object p1
new-instance p2, Ljava/lang/String;
invoke-direct {p2, p1, p3}, Ljava/lang/String;-><init>([BLjava/nio/charset/Charset;)V
return-object p2
iget-object v2, v0, Ld0/s;->a:[B
long-to-int v3, p1
new-instance v4, Ljava/lang/String;
invoke-direct {v4, v2, v1, v3, p3}, Ljava/lang/String;-><init>([BIILjava/nio/charset/Charset;)V
iget p3, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
add-int/2addr p3, v3
iput p3, v0, Ld0/s;->b:I
iget-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
sub-long/2addr v1, p1
iput-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
iget p1, v0, Ld0/s;->c:I
if-ne p3, p1, :cond_3
invoke-virtual {v0}, Ld0/s;->a()Ld0/s;
move-result-object p1
iput-object p1, p0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
invoke-static {v0}, Ld0/t;->a(Ld0/s;)V
return-object v4
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
const/4 p1, 0x0
throw p1
new-instance p1, Ljava/io/EOFException;
invoke-direct {p1}, Ljava/io/EOFException;-><init>()V
throw p1
const-string p3, "byteCount: "
invoke-static {p3, p1, p2}, Lf/e/c/a/a;->o(Ljava/lang/String;J)Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
new-instance p2, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct {p2, p1}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw p2
.end method
.method public write(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)I
.locals 6
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
const-string v0, "source"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
invoke-virtual {p1}, Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;->remaining()I
move-result v0
move v1, v0
if-lez v1, :cond_0
const/4 v2, 0x1
invoke-virtual {p0, v2}, Ld0/e;->F(I)Ld0/s;
move-result-object v2
iget v3, v2, Ld0/s;->c:I
rsub-int v3, v3, 0x2000
invoke-static {v1, v3}, Ljava/lang/Math;->min(II)I
move-result v3
iget-object v4, v2, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget v5, v2, Ld0/s;->c:I
invoke-virtual {p1, v4, v5, v3}, Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;->get([BII)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;
sub-int/2addr v1, v3
iget v4, v2, Ld0/s;->c:I
add-int/2addr v4, v3
iput v4, v2, Ld0/s;->c:I
goto :goto_0
iget-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
int-to-long v3, v0
add-long/2addr v1, v3
iput-wide v1, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
return v0
.end method
.method public bridge synthetic write([B)Lokio/BufferedSink;
.locals 0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Ld0/e;->J([B)Ld0/e;
return-object p0
.end method
.method public bridge synthetic write([BII)Lokio/BufferedSink;
.locals 0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1, p2, p3}, Ld0/e;->K([BII)Ld0/e;
return-object p0
.end method
.method public write(Ld0/e;J)V
.locals 17
move-object/from16 v0, p0
move-object/from16 v1, p1
const-string v2, "source"
invoke-static {v1, v2}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
const/4 v2, 0x1
const/4 v3, 0x0
if-eq v1, v0, :cond_0
const/4 v4, 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v4, 0x0
if-eqz v4, :cond_19
iget-wide v5, v1, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v7, 0x0
move-wide/from16 v9, p2
invoke-static/range {v5 .. v10}, Lz/a/g0;->m(JJJ)V
move-wide/from16 v4, p2
const-wide/16 v6, 0x0
cmp-long v8, v4, v6
if-lez v8, :cond_18
iget-object v6, v1, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
const/4 v7, 0x0
if-eqz v6, :cond_17
iget v8, v6, Ld0/s;->c:I
if-eqz v6, :cond_16
iget v9, v6, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v8, v9
int-to-long v8, v8
const/16 v10, 0x2000
cmp-long v11, v4, v8
if-gez v11, :cond_b
iget-object v8, v0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v8, :cond_2
if-eqz v8, :cond_1
iget-object v8, v8, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
goto :goto_2
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
move-object v8, v7
if-eqz v8, :cond_5
iget-boolean v9, v8, Ld0/s;->e:Z
if-eqz v9, :cond_5
iget v9, v8, Ld0/s;->c:I
int-to-long v11, v9
add-long/2addr v11, v4
iget-boolean v9, v8, Ld0/s;->d:Z
if-eqz v9, :cond_3
const/4 v9, 0x0
goto :goto_3
iget v9, v8, Ld0/s;->b:I
int-to-long v13, v9
sub-long/2addr v11, v13
int-to-long v13, v10
cmp-long v9, v11, v13
if-gtz v9, :cond_5
if-eqz v6, :cond_4
long-to-int v2, v4
invoke-virtual {v6, v8, v2}, Ld0/s;->d(Ld0/s;I)V
iget-wide v2, v1, Ld0/e;->e:J
sub-long/2addr v2, v4
iput-wide v2, v1, Ld0/e;->e:J
iget-wide v1, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
add-long/2addr v1, v4
iput-wide v1, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
goto/16 :goto_a
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
if-eqz v6, :cond_a
long-to-int v8, v4
invoke-static {v6}, Ljava/util/Objects;->requireNonNull(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
if-lez v8, :cond_6
iget v9, v6, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v11, v6, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v9, v11
if-gt v8, v9, :cond_6
const/4 v9, 0x1
goto :goto_4
const/4 v9, 0x0
if-eqz v9, :cond_9
const/16 v9, 0x400
if-lt v8, v9, :cond_7
invoke-virtual {v6}, Ld0/s;->c()Ld0/s;
move-result-object v9
goto :goto_5
invoke-static {}, Ld0/t;->b()Ld0/s;
move-result-object v9
iget-object v11, v6, Ld0/s;->a:[B
iget-object v12, v9, Ld0/s;->a:[B
const/4 v13, 0x0
iget v14, v6, Ld0/s;->b:I
add-int v15, v14, v8
const/16 v16, 0x2
invoke-static/range {v11 .. v16}, Ly/h/f;->copyInto$default([B[BIIII)[B
iget v11, v9, Ld0/s;->b:I
add-int/2addr v11, v8
iput v11, v9, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v11, v6, Ld0/s;->b:I
add-int/2addr v11, v8
iput v11, v6, Ld0/s;->b:I
iget-object v6, v6, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v6, :cond_8
invoke-virtual {v6, v9}, Ld0/s;->b(Ld0/s;)Ld0/s;
iput-object v9, v1, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
goto :goto_6
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
new-instance v1, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
const-string v2, "byteCount out of range"
invoke-virtual {v2}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v2
invoke-direct {v1, v2}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw v1
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
iget-object v6, v1, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v6, :cond_15
iget v8, v6, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v9, v6, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v8, v9
int-to-long v8, v8
invoke-virtual {v6}, Ld0/s;->a()Ld0/s;
move-result-object v11
iput-object v11, v1, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
iget-object v11, v0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
if-nez v11, :cond_c
iput-object v6, v0, Ld0/e;->d:Ld0/s;
iput-object v6, v6, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
iput-object v6, v6, Ld0/s;->f:Ld0/s;
goto :goto_9
if-eqz v11, :cond_14
iget-object v11, v11, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
if-eqz v11, :cond_13
invoke-virtual {v11, v6}, Ld0/s;->b(Ld0/s;)Ld0/s;
iget-object v11, v6, Ld0/s;->g:Ld0/s;
if-eq v11, v6, :cond_d
const/4 v12, 0x1
goto :goto_7
const/4 v12, 0x0
if-eqz v12, :cond_12
if-eqz v11, :cond_11
iget-boolean v7, v11, Ld0/s;->e:Z
if-nez v7, :cond_e
goto :goto_9
iget v7, v6, Ld0/s;->c:I
iget v12, v6, Ld0/s;->b:I
sub-int/2addr v7, v12
iget v12, v11, Ld0/s;->c:I
sub-int/2addr v10, v12
iget-boolean v12, v11, Ld0/s;->d:Z
if-eqz v12, :cond_f
const/4 v12, 0x0
goto :goto_8
iget v12, v11, Ld0/s;->b:I
add-int/2addr v10, v12
if-le v7, v10, :cond_10
goto :goto_9
invoke-virtual {v6, v11, v7}, Ld0/s;->d(Ld0/s;I)V
invoke-virtual {v6}, Ld0/s;->a()Ld0/s;
invoke-static {v6}, Ld0/t;->a(Ld0/s;)V
iget-wide v6, v1, Ld0/e;->e:J
sub-long/2addr v6, v8
iput-wide v6, v1, Ld0/e;->e:J
iget-wide v6, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
add-long/2addr v6, v8
iput-wide v6, v0, Ld0/e;->e:J
sub-long/2addr v4, v8
goto/16 :goto_1
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
new-instance v1, Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;
const-string v2, "cannot compact"
invoke-virtual {v2}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v2
invoke-direct {v1, v2}, Ljava/lang/IllegalStateException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw v1
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
invoke-static {}, Ly/m/c/j;->throwNpe()V
throw v7
new-instance v1, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;
const-string v2, "source == this"
invoke-virtual {v2}, Ljava/lang/Object;->toString()Ljava/lang/String;
move-result-object v2
invoke-direct {v1, v2}, Ljava/lang/IllegalArgumentException;-><init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
throw v1
.end method
.method public bridge synthetic writeByte(I)Lokio/BufferedSink;
.locals 0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Ld0/e;->N(I)Ld0/e;
return-object p0
.end method
.method public bridge synthetic writeInt(I)Lokio/BufferedSink;
.locals 0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Ld0/e;->T(I)Ld0/e;
return-object p0
.end method
.method public bridge synthetic writeShort(I)Lokio/BufferedSink;
.locals 0
invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Ld0/e;->U(I)Ld0/e;
return-object p0
.end method
.method public x()Lokio/BufferedSink;
.locals 0
return-object p0
.end method
.method public x0(Ld0/v;)J
.locals 5
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Throws;
value = {
.end annotation
const-string v0, "sink"
invoke-static {p1, v0}, Ly/m/c/j;->checkParameterIsNotNull(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
iget-wide v0, p0, Ld0/e;->e:J
const-wide/16 v2, 0x0
cmp-long v4, v0, v2
if-lez v4, :cond_0
invoke-interface {p1, p0, v0, v1}, Ld0/v;->write(Ld0/e;J)V
return-wide v0
.end method