- %s others
- %s other
- %s People
- %s Person
- days
- day
- hours
- hour
- minutes
- minute
- seconds
- second
- %s minutes
- 1 minute
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s minutes
- %s minute
- %s seconds remaining
- wrapping up
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s minutes
- %s minute
- %s seconds remaining
- wrapping up
- %s months
- %s month
- %s months
- %s month
- %s years
- %s year
- %s years
- %s year
- %s people
- 1 person
- %s people
- 1 person
- %s people
- 1 person
- %s months
- %s month
- %s Bans
- No Bans
- 1 Ban
- %s Months
- %s Month
- %s days ago
- Today
- %s day ago
- %s Server Boosts
- %s Server Boost
- %s Server Boosts
- %s Server Boost
- %s Server Boosts
- %s Server Boost
- %s blocked messages
- No blocked messages
- %s blocked message
- %s Blocked Messages
- 1 Blocked Message
- Collapse messages
- Collapse message
- Show messages
- Show message
- %s members
- %s member
- %s seconds
- 1 second
- %s hours
- 1 hour
- %s minutes
- 1 minute
- %s seconds
- 1 second
- %s minutes
- 1 minute
- %s seconds
- 1 second
- %s seconds
- 1 second
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s minutes
- %s minute
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s minutes
- %s minute
- %s days
- 1 day
- %s hours
- 1 hour
- %sh
- 1h
- %s mins
- 1 min
- %s minutes
- 1 minute
- %sm
- 1m
- %s seconds
- 1 second
- %ss
- 1s
- %s slots
- no slots
- %s slot
- %s emojis
- no emoji
- %s emoji
- %s days
- 1 day
- %s members
- 0 members
- 1 member
- days
- day
- hours
- hour
- minutes
- minute
- months
- month
- weeks
- week
- years
- year
- days
- day
- hours
- hour
- minutes
- minute
- %s days ago
- yesterday
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s minutes
- %s minute
- %s months ago
- last month
- %s weeks ago
- last week
- %s years ago
- last year
- hours
- hour
- minutes
- minute
- seconds
- second
- %s hours
- 1 hour
- %s minutes
- 1 minute
- %s seconds remaining
- wrapping up
- %s hours
- 1 hour
- %s minutes
- 1 minute
- %s seconds remaining
- wrapping up
- %s months
- %s month
- %s years
- %s year
- %s months
- %s month
- %s years
- %s year
- %s months
- %s month
- %s years
- %s year
- %s months
- %s month
- %s years
- %s year
- %s months
- %s month
- %s years
- %s year
- %s months
- %s month
- %s years
- %s year
- %s months
- %s month
- %s years
- %s year
- %s months
- %s month
- %s years
- %s year
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s copies
- %s copy
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s months
- %s month
- %s years
- %s year
- You can add %s more friends.
- You can add 1 more friend.
- You must unselect %s friends.
- You must unselect 1 friend.
- %s results
- 1 result
- , %s unread mentions
- , %s unread mention
- permissions
- a permission
- permissions
- a permission
- Set slowmode to **!!%s!! seconds**
- Disabled slowmode
- Set slowmode to **!!%s!! seconds**
- Set slowmode disabled
- %s days
- a day
- **!!%s!! users**
- **a user**
- **!!%s!! users**
- **a user**
- **!!%s!! members**
- **a member**
- %s days
- a day
- some roles
- a role
- some roles
- a role
- **!!%s!! messages**
- **a message**
- **!!%s!! messages**
- **a message**
- permissions
- permission
- permissions
- permission
- %s weeks
- 1 week
- %s weeks
- 1 week
- names
- name
- names
- name
- %s boosts
- %s boost
- %s more boosts
- %s more boost
- %s extremely cool people have
- %s extremely cool person has
- %s Boosts
- %s Boost
- %s Boosts
- %s Boost
- %s Boosts
- %s Boost
- %s Server Boosts
- %s Server Boost
- %s unread mentions
- 1 unread mention
- %s users
- 1 user
- %s times
- %s time
- %s times
- %s time
- %s times
- %s time
- %s times
- %s time
- %s unused Boosts
- %s unused Boost
- **%s** people used this template by $[**!!{creator
- Be the first to use this template by $[**!!{creator
- **1** person used this template by $[**!!{creator
- %s people used this template
- Be the first to use this!
- 1 person used this template
- **%s** people used this template
- Be the first to use this!
- **1** person used this template
- , %s unread mentions
- , %s unread mention
- %s days
- a day
- %s hours
- an hour
- %s minutes
- a minute
- %s seconds
- a second
- %s Members
- 1 Member
- slots
- slot
- %s uses
- %s use
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s uses
- %s use
- %s uses
- %s use
- %s uses
- %s use
- %s days
- 1 day
- viewer
- %s Server Boosts
- %s Server Boost
- %s Server Boosts
- %s Server Boost
- %s Server Boosts
- %s Server Boost
- %s uses
- unlimited uses
- 1 use
- %s uses
- No limit
- 1 use
- %s Members
- No Members
- 1 Member
- %d new notifications
- %d new notification
- %s days
- 1 day
- %s new messages
- 1 new message
- %s new messages
- 1 new message
- %s days
- one day
- %s channels
- %s channel
- **%s** members
- **0** members
- **1** member
- **%s** subscribers
- **0** subscribers
- **1** subscriber
- %s users
- 1 user
- these messages
- this message
- %s servers are unavailable due to a temporary outage.
- 1 server is unavailable due to a temporary outage.
- **%s** other servers are unavailable due to a temporary outage.
- **1** other server is unavailable due to a temporary outage.
- %s Boosts
- %s Boost
- %s Boosts
- %s Boost
- %s Boosts
- %s Boost
- %s Boosts
- %s Boost
- Server Boosts
- Server Boost
- Server Boosts
- Server Boost
- %s Boosts
- No Boosts
- %s Boost
- %s times!
- %s time
- %s Boosts
- %s Boost
- %s Boosts
- %s Boost
- %s more Boosts
- %s more Boost
- %s Boosts
- %s Boost
- %s Boosts are
- This Boost is
- Boosts
- Boost
- Boost %s times
- Boost
- %s days
- %s day
- these Boosts
- this Boost
- The current servers
- The current server
- these Server Boosts
- this Server Boost
- servers
- server
- boosts
- boost
- boosts
- boost
- Boosts
- Boost
- %s Boosts
- %s Boost
- Server Boosts
- Server Boost
- %s Months
- %s Month
- %s days
- %s day
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s minutes
- %s minute
- %s minutes
- %s minute
- %s times
- %s time
- %s Boosts
- %s Boost
- Server Boosts
- Server Boost
- Server Boosts
- Server Boost
- Server Boosts
- Server Boost
- Server Boosts
- Server Boost
- %s days
- %s day
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s hours
- %s hour
- %s minutes
- %s minute
- %s minutes
- %s minute
- %s Months
- %s Month
- %s Server Boosts
- %s Server Boost
- %s minutes
- 1 minute
- %s others
- 1 other
- %s others
- 1 other
- %s others
- 1 other
- %s people
- 1 person
- Roles
- No Roles
- Role
- %s messages
- %s message
- %s results
- %s result
- %s results
- No results
- %s result
- Listeners
- Listener
- %s Results
- No Results
- %s Result
- Uploading %s Files
- %s:
- %s:
- %s
- %s:
- %s:
- %s
- days
- day
- hours
- hour
- minutes
- minute
- %s Mutual Friends
- 0 Mutual Friends
- 1 Mutual Friend
- %s Mutual Servers
- 0 Mutual Servers
- 1 Mutual Server
- %s uses
- 0 uses
- 1 use
- %s People
- %s Person
- false