.class public Lk0/i0/a/a$a; .super Lrx/Subscriber; .source "BodyOnSubscribe.java" # annotations .annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/EnclosingClass; value = Lk0/i0/a/a; .end annotation .annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/InnerClass; accessFlags = 0x9 name = "a" .end annotation .annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Signature; value = { "", "Lrx/Subscriber<", "Lk0/b0<", "TR;>;>;" } .end annotation # instance fields .field public final d:Lrx/Subscriber; .annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Signature; value = { "Lrx/Subscriber<", "-TR;>;" } .end annotation .end field .field public e:Z # direct methods .method public constructor (Lrx/Subscriber;)V .locals 0 .annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/Signature; value = { "(", "Lrx/Subscriber<", "-TR;>;)V" } .end annotation invoke-direct {p0, p1}, Lrx/Subscriber;->(Lrx/Subscriber;)V iput-object p1, p0, Lk0/i0/a/a$a;->d:Lrx/Subscriber; return-void .end method # virtual methods .method public onCompleted()V .locals 1 iget-boolean v0, p0, Lk0/i0/a/a$a;->e:Z if-nez v0, :cond_0 iget-object v0, p0, Lk0/i0/a/a$a;->d:Lrx/Subscriber; invoke-interface {v0}, Ll0/g;->onCompleted()V :cond_0 return-void .end method .method public onError(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V .locals 2 iget-boolean v0, p0, Lk0/i0/a/a$a;->e:Z if-nez v0, :cond_0 iget-object v0, p0, Lk0/i0/a/a$a;->d:Lrx/Subscriber; invoke-interface {v0, p1}, Ll0/g;->onError(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V goto :goto_0 :cond_0 new-instance v0, Ljava/lang/AssertionError; const-string v1, "This should never happen! Report as a Retrofit bug with the full stacktrace." invoke-direct {v0, v1}, Ljava/lang/AssertionError;->(Ljava/lang/Object;)V invoke-virtual {v0, p1}, Ljava/lang/Throwable;->initCause(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable; sget-object p1, Ll0/o/o;->f:Ll0/o/o; invoke-virtual {p1}, Ll0/o/o;->b()Ll0/o/b; move-result-object p1 if-eqz p1, :cond_1 :goto_0 return-void :cond_1 const/4 p1, 0x0 throw p1 .end method .method public onNext(Ljava/lang/Object;)V .locals 6 check-cast p1, Lk0/b0; invoke-virtual {p1}, Lk0/b0;->a()Z move-result v0 if-eqz v0, :cond_0 iget-object v0, p0, Lk0/i0/a/a$a;->d:Lrx/Subscriber; iget-object p1, p1, Lk0/b0;->b:Ljava/lang/Object; invoke-interface {v0, p1}, Ll0/g;->onNext(Ljava/lang/Object;)V goto :goto_0 :cond_0 const/4 v0, 0x1 iput-boolean v0, p0, Lk0/i0/a/a$a;->e:Z new-instance v1, Lretrofit2/adapter/rxjava/HttpException; invoke-direct {v1, p1}, Lretrofit2/adapter/rxjava/HttpException;->(Lk0/b0;)V const/4 p1, 0x0 :try_start_0 iget-object v2, p0, Lk0/i0/a/a$a;->d:Lrx/Subscriber; invoke-interface {v2, v1}, Ll0/g;->onError(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V :try_end_0 .catch Lrx/exceptions/OnCompletedFailedException; {:try_start_0 .. :try_end_0} :catch_0 .catch Lrx/exceptions/OnErrorFailedException; {:try_start_0 .. :try_end_0} :catch_0 .catch Lrx/exceptions/OnErrorNotImplementedException; {:try_start_0 .. :try_end_0} :catch_0 .catchall {:try_start_0 .. :try_end_0} :catchall_0 goto :goto_0 :catchall_0 move-exception v2 invoke-static {v2}, Lc0/j/a;->X(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V new-instance v3, Lrx/exceptions/CompositeException; const/4 v4, 0x2 new-array v4, v4, [Ljava/lang/Throwable; const/4 v5, 0x0 aput-object v1, v4, v5 aput-object v2, v4, v0 invoke-direct {v3, v4}, Lrx/exceptions/CompositeException;->([Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V sget-object v0, Ll0/o/o;->f:Ll0/o/o; invoke-virtual {v0}, Ll0/o/o;->b()Ll0/o/b; move-result-object v0 if-eqz v0, :cond_1 goto :goto_0 :cond_1 throw p1 :catch_0 nop sget-object v0, Ll0/o/o;->f:Ll0/o/o; invoke-virtual {v0}, Ll0/o/o;->b()Ll0/o/b; move-result-object v0 if-eqz v0, :cond_2 :goto_0 return-void :cond_2 throw p1 .end method