2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
.class final L com/adjust/sdk/a$23 ;
.super L java/lang/Object ;
.source "ActivityHandler.java"
# interfaces
.implements L java/lang/Runnable ;
# annotations
.annotation system L dalvik/annotation/EnclosingMethod ;
value = L com/adjust/sdk/a ;-> a ( L com/adjust/sdk/g ;) V
.end annotation
.annotation system L dalvik/annotation/InnerClass ;
accessFlags = 0x0
name = null
.end annotation
# instance fields
2019-07-31 00:08:31 +00:00
.field final synthetic ce : L com/adjust/sdk/a ;
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
2019-07-31 00:08:31 +00:00
.field final synthetic cq : L com/adjust/sdk/g ;
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
# direct methods
.method constructor <init> ( L com/adjust/sdk/a ;L com/adjust/sdk/g ;) V
.locals 0
2019-07-31 00:08:31 +00:00
iput-object p1 , p0 , L com/adjust/sdk/a$23 ;-> ce : L com/adjust/sdk/a ;
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
2019-07-31 00:08:31 +00:00
iput-object p2 , p0 , L com/adjust/sdk/a$23 ;-> cq : L com/adjust/sdk/g ;
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 } , L java/lang/Object ;-> <init> ( ) V
.end method
# virtual methods
.method public final run ( ) V
.locals 3
2019-07-31 00:08:31 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L com/adjust/sdk/a$23 ;-> ce : L com/adjust/sdk/a ;
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
2019-07-31 00:08:31 +00:00
iget-object v0 , v0 , L com/adjust/sdk/a ;-> bR : L com/adjust/sdk/d ;
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
if-nez v0 , :cond_0
2019-07-31 00:08:31 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L com/adjust/sdk/a$23 ;-> ce : L com/adjust/sdk/a ;
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
2019-07-31 00:08:31 +00:00
iget-object v0 , v0 , L com/adjust/sdk/a ;-> bS : L com/adjust/sdk/x ;
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
const/4 v1 , 0x0
new-array v1 , v1 , [ L java/lang/Object ;
const-string v2 , "Event tracked before first activity resumed.\nIf it was triggered in the Application class, it might timestamp or even send an install long before the user opens the app.\nPlease check https://github.com/adjust/android_sdk#can-i-trigger-an-event-at-application-launch for more information."
invoke-interface { v0 , v2 , v1 } , L com/adjust/sdk/x ;-> d ( L java/lang/String ;[ L java/lang/Object ;) V
2019-07-31 00:08:31 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L com/adjust/sdk/a$23 ;-> ce : L com/adjust/sdk/a ;
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
invoke-static { v0 } , L com/adjust/sdk/a ;-> d ( L com/adjust/sdk/a ;) V
2019-07-31 00:08:31 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L com/adjust/sdk/a$23 ;-> ce : L com/adjust/sdk/a ;
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
2019-07-31 00:08:31 +00:00
iget-object v1 , p0 , L com/adjust/sdk/a$23 ;-> cq : L com/adjust/sdk/g ;
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
invoke-static { v0 , v1 } , L com/adjust/sdk/a ;-> a ( L com/adjust/sdk/a ;L com/adjust/sdk/g ;) V
.end method