2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.class public L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;
.super L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegate ;
.source "AppCompatDelegateImpl.java"
# interfaces
.implements L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder$Callback ;
.implements L android/view/LayoutInflater$Factory2 ;
# annotations
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/RestrictTo ;
value = {
.enum L androidx/annotation/RestrictTo$Scope ;-> LIBRARY : L androidx/annotation/RestrictTo$Scope ;
.end annotation
.annotation system L dalvik/annotation/MemberClasses ;
value = {
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ConfigurationImplApi26 ;,
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ConfigurationImplApi24 ;,
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ConfigurationImplApi17 ;,
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionBarDrawableToggleImpl ;,
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoBatteryNightModeManager ;,
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoTimeNightModeManager ;,
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;,
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;,
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ListMenuDecorView ;,
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;,
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionMenuPresenterCallback ;,
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelMenuPresenterCallback ;,
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionModeCallbackWrapperV9 ;,
L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ContextThemeWrapperCompatApi17Impl ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.end annotation
# static fields
.field public static final EXCEPTION_HANDLER_MESSAGE_SUFFIX : L java/lang/String ; = ". If the resource you are trying to use is a vector resource, you may be referencing it in an unsupported way. See AppCompatDelegate.setCompatVectorFromResourcesEnabled() for more info."
.field public static final IS_PRE_LOLLIPOP : Z
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.field public static final sCanApplyOverrideConfiguration : Z
.field public static final sCanReturnDifferentContext : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.field public static sInstalledExceptionHandler : Z
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.field public static final sLocalNightModes : L androidx/collection/SimpleArrayMap ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.annotation system L dalvik/annotation/Signature ;
value = {
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
"Landroidx/collection/SimpleArrayMap<" ,
"Ljava/lang/String;" ,
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
"Ljava/lang/Integer;" ,
.end annotation
.end field
.field public static final sWindowBackgroundStyleable : [I
# instance fields
.field public mActionBar : L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
.field public mActionMenuPresenterCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionMenuPresenterCallback ;
.field public mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
.field public mActionModePopup : L android/widget/PopupWindow ;
.field public mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
.field public mActivityHandlesUiMode : Z
.field public mActivityHandlesUiModeChecked : Z
.field public final mAppCompatCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;
.field public mAppCompatViewInflater : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatViewInflater ;
.field public mAppCompatWindowCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;
.field public mAutoBatteryNightModeManager : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
.field public mAutoTimeNightModeManager : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
.field public mBaseContextAttached : Z
.field public mClosingActionMenu : Z
.field public final mContext : L android/content/Context ;
.field public mCreated : Z
.field public mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
.field public mEnableDefaultActionBarUp : Z
.field public mFadeAnim : L androidx/core/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat ;
.field public mFeatureIndeterminateProgress : Z
.field public mFeatureProgress : Z
.field public mHandleNativeActionModes : Z
.field public mHasActionBar : Z
.field public final mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
.field public mInvalidatePanelMenuFeatures : I
.field public mInvalidatePanelMenuPosted : Z
.field public final mInvalidatePanelMenuRunnable : L java/lang/Runnable ;
.field public mIsDestroyed : Z
.field public mIsFloating : Z
.field public mLocalNightMode : I
.field public mLongPressBackDown : Z
.field public mMenuInflater : L android/view/MenuInflater ;
.field public mOverlayActionBar : Z
.field public mOverlayActionMode : Z
.field public mPanelMenuPresenterCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelMenuPresenterCallback ;
.field public mPanels : [ L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
.field public mPreparedPanel : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
.field public mShowActionModePopup : L java/lang/Runnable ;
.field public mStarted : Z
.field public mStatusGuard : L android/view/View ;
.field public mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
.field public mSubDecorInstalled : Z
.field public mTempRect1 : L android/graphics/Rect ;
.field public mTempRect2 : L android/graphics/Rect ;
.field public mThemeResId : I
.field public mTitle : L java/lang/CharSequence ;
.field public mTitleView : L android/widget/TextView ;
.field public mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
.field public mWindowNoTitle : Z
# direct methods
.method public static constructor <clinit> ( ) V
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.locals 4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
new-instance v0 , L androidx/collection/SimpleArrayMap ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { v0 } , L androidx/collection/SimpleArrayMap ;-> <init> ( ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sput-object v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sLocalNightModes : L androidx/collection/SimpleArrayMap ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sput-boolean v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> IS_PRE_LOLLIPOP : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v1 , 0x1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
new-array v2 , v1 , [I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const v3 , 0x1010054
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
aput v3 , v2 , v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sput-object v2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sWindowBackgroundStyleable : [I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget-object v0 , L android/os/Build ;-> FINGERPRINT : L java/lang/String ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const-string v2 , "robolectric"
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v2 , v0 } , L java/lang/String ;-> equals ( L java/lang/Object ;) Z
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v0
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
xor-int/2addr v0 , v1
sput-boolean v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sCanReturnDifferentContext : Z
sput-boolean v1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sCanApplyOverrideConfiguration : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
sget-boolean v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> IS_PRE_LOLLIPOP : Z
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
sget-boolean v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sInstalledExceptionHandler : Z
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez v0 , :cond_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
invoke-static { } , L java/lang/Thread ;-> getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler ( ) L java/lang/Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler ;
move-result-object v0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
new-instance v2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$1 ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { v2 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$1 ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { v2 } , L java/lang/Thread ;-> setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler ( L java/lang/Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sput-boolean v1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sInstalledExceptionHandler : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.end method
.method public constructor <init> ( L android/app/Activity ;L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;) V
.locals 1
const/4 v0 , 0x0
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , v0 , p2 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;L android/view/Window ;L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;L java/lang/Object ;) V
.end method
.method public constructor <init> ( L android/app/Dialog ;L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;) V
.locals 2
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/app/Dialog ;-> getContext ( ) L android/content/Context ;
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/app/Dialog ;-> getWindow ( ) L android/view/Window ;
move-result-object v1
invoke-direct { p0 , v0 , v1 , p2 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;L android/view/Window ;L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;L java/lang/Object ;) V
.end method
.method public constructor <init> ( L android/content/Context ;L android/app/Activity ;L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;) V
.locals 1
const/4 v0 , 0x0
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , v0 , p3 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;L android/view/Window ;L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;L java/lang/Object ;) V
.end method
.method public constructor <init> ( L android/content/Context ;L android/view/Window ;L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;) V
.locals 0
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , p2 , p3 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;L android/view/Window ;L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;L java/lang/Object ;) V
.end method
.method public constructor <init> ( L android/content/Context ;L android/view/Window ;L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;L java/lang/Object ;) V
.locals 2
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegate ;-> <init> ( ) V
const/4 v0 , 0x0
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mFadeAnim : L androidx/core/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat ;
const/4 v0 , 0x1
iput-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHandleNativeActionModes : Z
const/16 v0 , - 0x64
iput v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLocalNightMode : I
new-instance v1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$2 ;
invoke-direct { v1 , p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$2 ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;) V
iput-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mInvalidatePanelMenuRunnable : L java/lang/Runnable ;
iput-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
iput-object p3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;
iput-object p4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
iget p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLocalNightMode : I
if-ne p1 , v0 , :cond_0
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
instance-of p1 , p4 , L android/app/Dialog ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
if-eqz p1 , :cond_0
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> tryUnwrapContext ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatActivity ;
move-result-object p1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatActivity ;-> getDelegate ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegate ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegate ;-> getLocalNightMode ( ) I
move-result p1
iput p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLocalNightMode : I
iget p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLocalNightMode : I
if-ne p1 , v0 , :cond_1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget-object p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sLocalNightModes : L androidx/collection/SimpleArrayMap ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-object p3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
invoke-virtual { p3 } , L java/lang/Object ;-> getClass ( ) L java/lang/Class ;
move-result-object p3
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p3 } , L java/lang/Class ;-> getName ( ) L java/lang/String ;
move-result-object p3
invoke-virtual { p1 , p3 } , L androidx/collection/SimpleArrayMap ;-> get ( L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/Object ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-result-object p1
check-cast p1 , L java/lang/Integer ;
if-eqz p1 , :cond_1
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L java/lang/Integer ;-> intValue ( ) I
move-result p1
iput p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLocalNightMode : I
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget-object p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sLocalNightModes : L androidx/collection/SimpleArrayMap ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-object p3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
invoke-virtual { p3 } , L java/lang/Object ;-> getClass ( ) L java/lang/Class ;
move-result-object p3
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p3 } , L java/lang/Class ;-> getName ( ) L java/lang/String ;
move-result-object p3
invoke-virtual { p1 , p3 } , L androidx/collection/SimpleArrayMap ;-> remove ( L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/Object ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
if-eqz p2 , :cond_2
invoke-direct { p0 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> attachToWindow ( L android/view/Window ;) V
invoke-static { } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatDrawableManager ;-> preload ( ) V
.end method
.method private applyDayNight ( Z ) Z
.locals 2
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsDestroyed : Z
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
const/4 p1 , 0x0
return p1
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> calculateNightMode ( ) I
move-result v0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-virtual { p0 , v1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mapNightMode ( L android/content/Context ;I ) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-result v1
invoke-direct { p0 , v1 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> updateForNightMode ( IZ ) Z
move-result p1
if-nez v0 , :cond_1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-direct { p0 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getAutoTimeNightModeManager ( L android/content/Context ;) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-result-object v1
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;-> setup ( ) V
goto :goto_0
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAutoTimeNightModeManager : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
if-eqz v1 , :cond_2
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;-> cleanup ( ) V
const/4 v1 , 0x3
if-ne v0 , v1 , :cond_3
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-direct { p0 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getAutoBatteryNightModeManager ( L android/content/Context ;) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;-> setup ( ) V
goto :goto_1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAutoBatteryNightModeManager : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_4
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;-> cleanup ( ) V
return p1
.end method
.method private applyFixedSizeWindow ( ) V
.locals 5
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
const v1 , 0x1020002
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> findViewById ( I ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ContentFrameLayout ;
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L android/view/Window ;-> getDecorView ( ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v1
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L android/view/View ;-> getPaddingLeft ( ) I
move-result v2
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L android/view/View ;-> getPaddingTop ( ) I
move-result v3
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L android/view/View ;-> getPaddingRight ( ) I
move-result v4
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L android/view/View ;-> getPaddingBottom ( ) I
move-result v1
invoke-virtual { v0 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ContentFrameLayout ;-> setDecorPadding ( IIII ) V
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
sget-object v2 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme : [I
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L android/content/Context ;-> obtainStyledAttributes ( [I ) L android/content/res/TypedArray ;
move-result-object v1
sget v2 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowMinWidthMajor : I
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ContentFrameLayout ;-> getMinWidthMajor ( ) L android/util/TypedValue ;
move-result-object v3
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 , v3 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> getValue ( I L android/util/TypedValue ;) Z
sget v2 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowMinWidthMinor : I
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ContentFrameLayout ;-> getMinWidthMinor ( ) L android/util/TypedValue ;
move-result-object v3
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 , v3 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> getValue ( I L android/util/TypedValue ;) Z
sget v2 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowFixedWidthMajor : I
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> hasValue ( I ) Z
move-result v2
if-eqz v2 , :cond_0
sget v2 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowFixedWidthMajor : I
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ContentFrameLayout ;-> getFixedWidthMajor ( ) L android/util/TypedValue ;
move-result-object v3
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 , v3 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> getValue ( I L android/util/TypedValue ;) Z
sget v2 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowFixedWidthMinor : I
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> hasValue ( I ) Z
move-result v2
if-eqz v2 , :cond_1
sget v2 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowFixedWidthMinor : I
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ContentFrameLayout ;-> getFixedWidthMinor ( ) L android/util/TypedValue ;
move-result-object v3
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 , v3 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> getValue ( I L android/util/TypedValue ;) Z
sget v2 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowFixedHeightMajor : I
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> hasValue ( I ) Z
move-result v2
if-eqz v2 , :cond_2
sget v2 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowFixedHeightMajor : I
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ContentFrameLayout ;-> getFixedHeightMajor ( ) L android/util/TypedValue ;
move-result-object v3
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 , v3 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> getValue ( I L android/util/TypedValue ;) Z
sget v2 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowFixedHeightMinor : I
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> hasValue ( I ) Z
move-result v2
if-eqz v2 , :cond_3
sget v2 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowFixedHeightMinor : I
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ContentFrameLayout ;-> getFixedHeightMinor ( ) L android/util/TypedValue ;
move-result-object v3
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 , v3 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> getValue ( I L android/util/TypedValue ;) Z
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> recycle ( ) V
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/widget/FrameLayout ;-> requestLayout ( ) V
.end method
.method private attachToWindow ( L android/view/Window ;) V
.locals 3
. param p1 # Landroid/view/Window;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
const-string v1 , "AppCompat has already installed itself into the Window"
if-nez v0 , :cond_2
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/view/Window ;-> getCallback ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
move-result-object v0
instance-of v2 , v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;
if-nez v2 , :cond_1
new-instance v1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;
invoke-direct { v1 , p0 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;L android/view/Window$Callback ;) V
iput-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatWindowCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 , v1 } , L android/view/Window ;-> setCallback ( L android/view/Window$Callback ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
const/4 v1 , 0x0
sget-object v2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sWindowBackgroundStyleable : [I
invoke-static { v0 , v1 , v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/TintTypedArray ;-> obtainStyledAttributes ( L android/content/Context ;L android/util/AttributeSet ;[I ) L androidx/appcompat/widget/TintTypedArray ;
move-result-object v0
const/4 v1 , 0x0
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/TintTypedArray ;-> getDrawableIfKnown ( I ) L android/graphics/drawable/Drawable ;
move-result-object v1
if-eqz v1 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { p1 , v1 } , L android/view/Window ;-> setBackgroundDrawable ( L android/graphics/drawable/Drawable ;) V
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/TintTypedArray ;-> recycle ( ) V
iput-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
new-instance p1 , L java/lang/IllegalStateException ;
invoke-direct { p1 , v1 } , L java/lang/IllegalStateException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
throw p1
new-instance p1 , L java/lang/IllegalStateException ;
invoke-direct { p1 , v1 } , L java/lang/IllegalStateException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
throw p1
.end method
.method private calculateNightMode ( ) I
.locals 2
iget v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLocalNightMode : I
const/16 v1 , - 0x64
if-eq v0 , v1 , :cond_0
goto :goto_0
invoke-static { } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegate ;-> getDefaultNightMode ( ) I
move-result v0
return v0
.end method
.method private cleanupAutoManagers ( ) V
.locals 1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAutoTimeNightModeManager : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;-> cleanup ( ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAutoBatteryNightModeManager : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;-> cleanup ( ) V
.end method
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.method private createOverrideConfigurationForDayNight ( L android/content/Context ;I L android/content/res/Configuration ;) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
.locals 1
. param p1 # Landroid/content/Context;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
. param p3 # Landroid/content/res/Configuration;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/Nullable ;
.end annotation
. end param
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
const/4 v0 , 0x1
if-eq p2 , v0 , :cond_1
const/4 v0 , 0x2
if-eq p2 , v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getApplicationContext ( ) L android/content/Context ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getResources ( ) L android/content/res/Resources ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/content/res/Resources ;-> getConfiguration ( ) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
move-result-object p1
iget p1 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
and-int/lit8 p1 , p1 , 0x30
goto :goto_0
const/16 p1 , 0x20
goto :goto_0
const/16 p1 , 0x10
new-instance p2 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;
invoke-direct { p2 } , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> <init> ( ) V
const/4 v0 , 0x0
iput v0 , p2 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> fontScale : F
if-eqz p3 , :cond_2
invoke-virtual { p2 , p3 } , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> setTo ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
iget p3 , p2 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
and-int/lit8 p3 , p3 , - 0x31
or-int/2addr p1 , p3
iput p1 , p2 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
return-object p2
.end method
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.method private createSubDecor ( ) L android/view/ViewGroup ;
.locals 7
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
sget-object v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme : [I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L android/content/Context ;-> obtainStyledAttributes ( [I ) L android/content/res/TypedArray ;
move-result-object v0
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowActionBar : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> hasValue ( I ) Z
move-result v1
if-eqz v1 , :cond_10
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowNoTitle : I
const/4 v2 , 0x0
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> getBoolean ( IZ ) Z
move-result v1
const/4 v3 , 0x1
if-eqz v1 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { p0 , v3 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> requestWindowFeature ( I ) Z
goto :goto_0
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowActionBar : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> getBoolean ( IZ ) Z
move-result v1
if-eqz v1 , :cond_1
const/16 v1 , 0x6c
invoke-virtual { p0 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> requestWindowFeature ( I ) Z
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowActionBarOverlay : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> getBoolean ( IZ ) Z
move-result v1
const/16 v4 , 0x6d
if-eqz v1 , :cond_2
invoke-virtual { p0 , v4 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> requestWindowFeature ( I ) Z
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_windowActionModeOverlay : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> getBoolean ( IZ ) Z
move-result v1
if-eqz v1 , :cond_3
const/16 v1 , 0xa
invoke-virtual { p0 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> requestWindowFeature ( I ) Z
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_android_windowIsFloating : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> getBoolean ( IZ ) Z
move-result v1
iput-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsFloating : Z
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> recycle ( ) V
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> ensureWindow ( ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/view/Window ;-> getDecorView ( ) L android/view/View ;
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-static { v0 } , L android/view/LayoutInflater ;-> from ( L android/content/Context ;) L android/view/LayoutInflater ;
move-result-object v0
iget-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindowNoTitle : Z
const/4 v5 , 0x0
if-nez v1 , :cond_9
iget-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsFloating : Z
if-eqz v1 , :cond_4
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$layout ;-> abc_dialog_title_material : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 , v5 } , L android/view/LayoutInflater ;-> inflate ( I L android/view/ViewGroup ;) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L android/view/ViewGroup ;
iput-boolean v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mOverlayActionBar : Z
iput-boolean v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHasActionBar : Z
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto/16 :goto_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHasActionBar : Z
if-eqz v0 , :cond_8
new-instance v0 , L android/util/TypedValue ;
invoke-direct { v0 } , L android/util/TypedValue ;-> <init> ( ) V
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getTheme ( ) L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;
move-result-object v1
sget v6 , L androidx/appcompat/R$attr ;-> actionBarTheme : I
invoke-virtual { v1 , v6 , v0 , v3 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> resolveAttribute ( I L android/util/TypedValue ;Z ) Z
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
iget v1 , v0 , L android/util/TypedValue ;-> resourceId : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
if-eqz v1 , :cond_5
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
new-instance v1 , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;
iget-object v3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
iget v0 , v0 , L android/util/TypedValue ;-> resourceId : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
invoke-direct { v1 , v3 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;I ) V
goto :goto_1
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-static { v1 } , L android/view/LayoutInflater ;-> from ( L android/content/Context ;) L android/view/LayoutInflater ;
move-result-object v0
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$layout ;-> abc_screen_toolbar : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 , v5 } , L android/view/LayoutInflater ;-> inflate ( I L android/view/ViewGroup ;) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L android/view/ViewGroup ;
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$id ;-> decor_content_parent : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> findViewById ( I ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v1
check-cast v1 , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
iput-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getWindowCallback ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
move-result-object v3
invoke-interface { v1 , v3 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> setWindowCallback ( L android/view/Window$Callback ;) V
iget-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mOverlayActionBar : Z
if-eqz v1 , :cond_6
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
invoke-interface { v1 , v4 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> initFeature ( I ) V
iget-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mFeatureProgress : Z
if-eqz v1 , :cond_7
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
const/4 v3 , 0x2
invoke-interface { v1 , v3 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> initFeature ( I ) V
iget-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mFeatureIndeterminateProgress : Z
if-eqz v1 , :cond_b
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
const/4 v3 , 0x5
invoke-interface { v1 , v3 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> initFeature ( I ) V
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-object v0 , v5
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mOverlayActionMode : Z
if-eqz v1 , :cond_a
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$layout ;-> abc_screen_simple_overlay_action_mode : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 , v5 } , L android/view/LayoutInflater ;-> inflate ( I L android/view/ViewGroup ;) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L android/view/ViewGroup ;
goto :goto_2
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$layout ;-> abc_screen_simple : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 , v5 } , L android/view/LayoutInflater ;-> inflate ( I L android/view/ViewGroup ;) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L android/view/ViewGroup ;
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_f
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
new-instance v1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$3 ;
invoke-direct { v1 , p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$3 ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;) V
invoke-static { v0 , v1 } , L androidx/core/view/ViewCompat ;-> setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener ( L android/view/View ;L androidx/core/view/OnApplyWindowInsetsListener ;) V
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
if-nez v1 , :cond_c
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$id ;-> title : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> findViewById ( I ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v1
check-cast v1 , L android/widget/TextView ;
iput-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mTitleView : L android/widget/TextView ;
invoke-static { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ViewUtils ;-> makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows ( L android/view/View ;) V
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$id ;-> action_bar_activity_content : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> findViewById ( I ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v1
check-cast v1 , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ContentFrameLayout ;
iget-object v3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
const v4 , 0x1020002
invoke-virtual { v3 , v4 } , L android/view/Window ;-> findViewById ( I ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v3
check-cast v3 , L android/view/ViewGroup ;
if-eqz v3 , :cond_e
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v3 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> getChildCount ( ) I
move-result v6
if-lez v6 , :cond_d
invoke-virtual { v3 , v2 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> getChildAt ( I ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v6
invoke-virtual { v3 , v2 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> removeViewAt ( I ) V
invoke-virtual { v1 , v6 } , L android/widget/FrameLayout ;-> addView ( L android/view/View ;) V
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
const/4 v2 , - 0x1
invoke-virtual { v3 , v2 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> setId ( I ) V
invoke-virtual { v1 , v4 } , L android/widget/FrameLayout ;-> setId ( I ) V
instance-of v2 , v3 , L android/widget/FrameLayout ;
if-eqz v2 , :cond_e
check-cast v3 , L android/widget/FrameLayout ;
invoke-virtual { v3 , v5 } , L android/widget/FrameLayout ;-> setForeground ( L android/graphics/drawable/Drawable ;) V
iget-object v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { v2 , v0 } , L android/view/Window ;-> setContentView ( L android/view/View ;) V
new-instance v2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$5 ;
invoke-direct { v2 , p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$5 ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;) V
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ContentFrameLayout ;-> setAttachListener ( L androidx/appcompat/widget/ContentFrameLayout$OnAttachListener ;) V
return-object v0
new-instance v0 , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;
const-string v1 , "AppCompat does not support the current theme features: { windowActionBar: "
2020-11-02 23:44:01 +00:00
invoke-static { v1 } , L f/e/c/a/a ;-> E ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-result-object v1
iget-boolean v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHasActionBar : Z
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( Z ) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
const-string v2 , ", windowActionBarOverlay: "
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
iget-boolean v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mOverlayActionBar : Z
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( Z ) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
const-string v2 , ", android:windowIsFloating: "
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
iget-boolean v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsFloating : Z
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( Z ) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
const-string v2 , ", windowActionModeOverlay: "
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
iget-boolean v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mOverlayActionMode : Z
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( Z ) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
const-string v2 , ", windowNoTitle: "
invoke-virtual { v1 , v2 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
iget-boolean v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindowNoTitle : Z
const-string v3 , " }"
2020-11-02 23:44:01 +00:00
invoke-static { v1 , v2 , v3 } , L f/e/c/a/a ;-> A ( L java/lang/StringBuilder ;Z L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/String ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-result-object v1
invoke-direct { v0 , v1 } , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
throw v0
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> recycle ( ) V
new-instance v0 , L java/lang/IllegalStateException ;
const-string v1 , "You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity."
invoke-direct { v0 , v1 } , L java/lang/IllegalStateException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
throw v0
.end method
.method private ensureSubDecor ( ) V
.locals 2
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecorInstalled : Z
if-nez v0 , :cond_4
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> createSubDecor ( ) L android/view/ViewGroup ;
move-result-object v0
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getTitle ( ) L java/lang/CharSequence ;
move-result-object v0
invoke-static { v0 } , L android/text/TextUtils ;-> isEmpty ( L java/lang/CharSequence ;) Z
move-result v1
if-nez v1 , :cond_2
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
if-eqz v1 , :cond_0
invoke-interface { v1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> setWindowTitle ( L java/lang/CharSequence ;) V
goto :goto_0
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> peekSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v1
if-eqz v1 , :cond_1
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> peekSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v1
invoke-virtual { v1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> setWindowTitle ( L java/lang/CharSequence ;) V
goto :goto_0
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mTitleView : L android/widget/TextView ;
if-eqz v1 , :cond_2
invoke-virtual { v1 , v0 } , L android/widget/TextView ;-> setText ( L java/lang/CharSequence ;) V
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> applyFixedSizeWindow ( ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
invoke-virtual { p0 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> onSubDecorInstalled ( L android/view/ViewGroup ;) V
const/4 v0 , 0x1
iput-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecorInstalled : Z
const/4 v0 , 0x0
invoke-virtual { p0 , v0 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
move-result-object v0
iget-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsDestroyed : Z
if-nez v1 , :cond_4
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
iget-object v0 , v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
if-nez v0 , :cond_4
const/16 v0 , 0x6c
invoke-direct { p0 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> invalidatePanelMenu ( I ) V
.end method
.method private ensureWindow ( ) V
.locals 2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
if-nez v0 , :cond_0
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
instance-of v1 , v0 , L android/app/Activity ;
if-eqz v1 , :cond_0
check-cast v0 , L android/app/Activity ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/app/Activity ;-> getWindow ( ) L android/view/Window ;
move-result-object v0
invoke-direct { p0 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> attachToWindow ( L android/view/Window ;) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
new-instance v0 , L java/lang/IllegalStateException ;
const-string v1 , "We have not been given a Window"
invoke-direct { v0 , v1 } , L java/lang/IllegalStateException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
throw v0
.end method
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.method public static generateConfigDelta ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;L android/content/res/Configuration ;) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
.locals 4
. param p0 # Landroid/content/res/Configuration;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
. param p1 # Landroid/content/res/Configuration;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/Nullable ;
.end annotation
. end param
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
new-instance v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { v0 } , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> <init> ( ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v1 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> fontScale : F
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p1 , :cond_16
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 } , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> diff ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez v1 , :cond_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto/16 :goto_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> fontScale : F
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> fontScale : F
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
cmpl-float v1 , v1 , v2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v1 , :cond_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v2 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> fontScale : F
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> mcc : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> mcc : I
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v1 , v2 , :cond_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v2 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> mcc : I
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> mnc : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> mnc : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v1 , v2 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v2 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> mnc : I
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget v1 , L android/os/Build$VERSION ;-> SDK_INT : I
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/16 v2 , 0x18
if-lt v1 , v2 , :cond_4
invoke-static { p0 , p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ConfigurationImplApi24 ;-> generateConfigDelta_locale ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;L android/content/res/Configuration ;L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
goto :goto_0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> locale : L java/util/Locale ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> locale : L java/util/Locale ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { v1 , v2 } , L androidx/core/util/ObjectsCompat ;-> equals ( L java/lang/Object ;L java/lang/Object ;) Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez v1 , :cond_5
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v1 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> locale : L java/util/Locale ;
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput-object v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> locale : L java/util/Locale ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> touchscreen : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> touchscreen : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v1 , v2 , :cond_6
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v2 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> touchscreen : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> keyboard : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> keyboard : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v1 , v2 , :cond_7
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v2 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> keyboard : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> keyboardHidden : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> keyboardHidden : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v1 , v2 , :cond_8
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v2 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> keyboardHidden : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> navigation : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> navigation : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v1 , v2 , :cond_9
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v2 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> navigation : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> navigationHidden : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> navigationHidden : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v1 , v2 , :cond_a
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v2 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> navigationHidden : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> orientation : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> orientation : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v1 , v2 , :cond_b
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v2 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> orientation : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit8 v1 , v1 , 0xf
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit8 v3 , v2 , 0xf
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v1 , v3 , :cond_c
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit8 v2 , v2 , 0xf
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
or-int/2addr v1 , v2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit16 v1 , v1 , 0xc0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit16 v3 , v2 , 0xc0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v1 , v3 , :cond_d
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit16 v2 , v2 , 0xc0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
or-int/2addr v1 , v2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit8 v1 , v1 , 0x30
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit8 v3 , v2 , 0x30
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v1 , v3 , :cond_e
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit8 v2 , v2 , 0x30
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
or-int/2addr v1 , v2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit16 v1 , v1 , 0x300
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit16 v3 , v2 , 0x300
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v1 , v3 , :cond_f
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit16 v2 , v2 , 0x300
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
or-int/2addr v1 , v2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget v1 , L android/os/Build$VERSION ;-> SDK_INT : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/16 v2 , 0x1a
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-lt v1 , v2 , :cond_10
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { p0 , p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ConfigurationImplApi26 ;-> generateConfigDelta_colorMode ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;L android/content/res/Configuration ;L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit8 v1 , v1 , 0xf
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit8 v3 , v2 , 0xf
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v1 , v3 , :cond_11
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit8 v2 , v2 , 0xf
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
or-int/2addr v1 , v2
iput v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
and-int/lit8 v1 , v1 , 0x30
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
and-int/lit8 v3 , v2 , 0x30
if-eq v1 , v3 , :cond_12
iget v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
and-int/lit8 v2 , v2 , 0x30
or-int/2addr v1 , v2
iput v1 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenWidthDp : I
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenWidthDp : I
if-eq v1 , v2 , :cond_13
iput v2 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenWidthDp : I
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenHeightDp : I
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenHeightDp : I
if-eq v1 , v2 , :cond_14
iput v2 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenHeightDp : I
iget v1 , p0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> smallestScreenWidthDp : I
iget v2 , p1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> smallestScreenWidthDp : I
if-eq v1 , v2 , :cond_15
iput v2 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> smallestScreenWidthDp : I
invoke-static { p0 , p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ConfigurationImplApi17 ;-> generateConfigDelta_densityDpi ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;L android/content/res/Configuration ;L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
return-object v0
.end method
.method private getAutoBatteryNightModeManager ( L android/content/Context ;) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
.locals 1
. param p1 # Landroid/content/Context;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAutoBatteryNightModeManager : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
if-nez v0 , :cond_0
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoBatteryNightModeManager ;
invoke-direct { v0 , p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoBatteryNightModeManager ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;L android/content/Context ;) V
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAutoBatteryNightModeManager : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAutoBatteryNightModeManager : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
return-object p1
.end method
.method private getAutoTimeNightModeManager ( L android/content/Context ;) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
.locals 1
. param p1 # Landroid/content/Context;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAutoTimeNightModeManager : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
if-nez v0 , :cond_0
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoTimeNightModeManager ;
invoke-static { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/TwilightManager ;-> getInstance ( L android/content/Context ;) L androidx/appcompat/app/TwilightManager ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct { v0 , p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoTimeNightModeManager ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;L androidx/appcompat/app/TwilightManager ;) V
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAutoTimeNightModeManager : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAutoTimeNightModeManager : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
return-object p1
.end method
.method private initWindowDecorActionBar ( ) V
.locals 3
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> ensureSubDecor ( ) V
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHasActionBar : Z
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionBar : L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
goto :goto_1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
instance-of v1 , v0 , L android/app/Activity ;
if-eqz v1 , :cond_1
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/WindowDecorActionBar ;
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
check-cast v1 , L android/app/Activity ;
iget-boolean v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mOverlayActionBar : Z
invoke-direct { v0 , v1 , v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/WindowDecorActionBar ;-> <init> ( L android/app/Activity ;Z ) V
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionBar : L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
goto :goto_0
instance-of v0 , v0 , L android/app/Dialog ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_2
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/WindowDecorActionBar ;
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
check-cast v1 , L android/app/Dialog ;
invoke-direct { v0 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/WindowDecorActionBar ;-> <init> ( L android/app/Dialog ;) V
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionBar : L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionBar : L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
iget-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mEnableDefaultActionBarUp : Z
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> setDefaultDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled ( Z ) V
.end method
.method private initializePanelContent ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;) Z
.locals 3
iget-object v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> createdPanelView : L android/view/View ;
const/4 v1 , 0x1
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
iput-object v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> shownPanelView : L android/view/View ;
return v1
iget-object v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
const/4 v2 , 0x0
if-nez v0 , :cond_1
return v2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPanelMenuPresenterCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelMenuPresenterCallback ;
if-nez v0 , :cond_2
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelMenuPresenterCallback ;
invoke-direct { v0 , p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelMenuPresenterCallback ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;) V
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPanelMenuPresenterCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelMenuPresenterCallback ;
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPanelMenuPresenterCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelMenuPresenterCallback ;
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> getListMenuView ( L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuPresenter$Callback ;) L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuView ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L android/view/View ;
iput-object v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> shownPanelView : L android/view/View ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
goto :goto_0
const/4 v1 , 0x0
return v1
.end method
.method private initializePanelDecor ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;) Z
.locals 2
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getActionBarThemedContext ( ) L android/content/Context ;
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> setStyle ( L android/content/Context ;) V
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ListMenuDecorView ;
iget-object v1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> listPresenterContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-direct { v0 , p0 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ListMenuDecorView ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;L android/content/Context ;) V
iput-object v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> decorView : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
const/16 v0 , 0x51
iput v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> gravity : I
const/4 p1 , 0x1
return p1
.end method
.method private initializePanelMenu ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;) Z
.locals 6
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
iget v1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> featureId : I
const/4 v2 , 0x1
if-eqz v1 , :cond_0
const/16 v3 , 0x6c
if-ne v1 , v3 , :cond_4
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
if-eqz v1 , :cond_4
new-instance v1 , L android/util/TypedValue ;
invoke-direct { v1 } , L android/util/TypedValue ;-> <init> ( ) V
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getTheme ( ) L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;
move-result-object v3
sget v4 , L androidx/appcompat/R$attr ;-> actionBarTheme : I
invoke-virtual { v3 , v4 , v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> resolveAttribute ( I L android/util/TypedValue ;Z ) Z
const/4 v4 , 0x0
iget v5 , v1 , L android/util/TypedValue ;-> resourceId : I
if-eqz v5 , :cond_1
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getResources ( ) L android/content/res/Resources ;
move-result-object v4
invoke-virtual { v4 } , L android/content/res/Resources ;-> newTheme ( ) L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;
move-result-object v4
invoke-virtual { v4 , v3 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> setTo ( L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;) V
iget v5 , v1 , L android/util/TypedValue ;-> resourceId : I
invoke-virtual { v4 , v5 , v2 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> applyStyle ( IZ ) V
sget v5 , L androidx/appcompat/R$attr ;-> actionBarWidgetTheme : I
invoke-virtual { v4 , v5 , v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> resolveAttribute ( I L android/util/TypedValue ;Z ) Z
goto :goto_0
sget v5 , L androidx/appcompat/R$attr ;-> actionBarWidgetTheme : I
invoke-virtual { v3 , v5 , v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> resolveAttribute ( I L android/util/TypedValue ;Z ) Z
iget v5 , v1 , L android/util/TypedValue ;-> resourceId : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
if-eqz v5 , :cond_3
if-nez v4 , :cond_2
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getResources ( ) L android/content/res/Resources ;
move-result-object v4
invoke-virtual { v4 } , L android/content/res/Resources ;-> newTheme ( ) L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;
move-result-object v4
invoke-virtual { v4 , v3 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> setTo ( L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;) V
iget v1 , v1 , L android/util/TypedValue ;-> resourceId : I
invoke-virtual { v4 , v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> applyStyle ( IZ ) V
if-eqz v4 , :cond_4
new-instance v1 , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;
const/4 v3 , 0x0
invoke-direct { v1 , v0 , v3 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;I ) V
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;-> getTheme ( ) L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual { v0 , v4 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> setTo ( L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;) V
move-object v0 , v1
new-instance v1 , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
invoke-direct { v1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;) V
invoke-virtual { v1 , p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> setCallback ( L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder$Callback ;) V
invoke-virtual { p1 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> setMenu ( L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;) V
return v2
.end method
.method private invalidatePanelMenu ( I ) V
.locals 2
iget v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mInvalidatePanelMenuFeatures : I
const/4 v1 , 0x1
shl-int p1 , v1 , p1
or-int/2addr p1 , v0
iput p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mInvalidatePanelMenuFeatures : I
iget-boolean p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mInvalidatePanelMenuPosted : Z
if-nez p1 , :cond_0
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/view/Window ;-> getDecorView ( ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object p1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mInvalidatePanelMenuRunnable : L java/lang/Runnable ;
invoke-static { p1 , v0 } , L androidx/core/view/ViewCompat ;-> postOnAnimation ( L android/view/View ;L java/lang/Runnable ;) V
iput-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mInvalidatePanelMenuPosted : Z
.end method
.method private isActivityManifestHandlingUiMode ( ) Z
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.locals 7
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActivityHandlesUiModeChecked : Z
const/4 v1 , 0x1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez v0 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
instance-of v0 , v0 , L android/app/Activity ;
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getPackageManager ( ) L android/content/pm/PackageManager ;
move-result-object v0
const/4 v2 , 0x0
if-nez v0 , :cond_0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
return v2
sget v3 , L android/os/Build$VERSION ;-> SDK_INT : I
const/16 v4 , 0x1d
if-lt v3 , v4 , :cond_1
const/high16 v3 , 0x100c0000
goto :goto_0
sget v3 , L android/os/Build$VERSION ;-> SDK_INT : I
const/16 v4 , 0x18
if-lt v3 , v4 , :cond_2
const/high16 v3 , 0xc0000
goto :goto_0
const/4 v3 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
new-instance v4 , L android/content/ComponentName ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v5 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v6 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v6 } , L java/lang/Object ;-> getClass ( ) L java/lang/Class ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v6
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { v4 , v5 , v6 } , L android/content/ComponentName ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;L java/lang/Class ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v0 , v4 , v3 } , L android/content/pm/PackageManager ;-> getActivityInfo ( L android/content/ComponentName ;I ) L android/content/pm/ActivityInfo ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-result-object v0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget v0 , v0 , L android/content/pm/ActivityInfo ;-> configChanges : I
and-int/lit16 v0 , v0 , 0x200
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iput-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActivityHandlesUiMode : Z
.catch L android/content/pm/PackageManager$NameNotFoundException ; { :try_start_0 . . :try_end_0 } :catch_0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-exception v0
const-string v3 , "AppCompatDelegate"
const-string v4 , "Exception while getting ActivityInfo"
invoke-static { v3 , v4 , v0 } , L android/util/Log ;-> d ( L java/lang/String ;L java/lang/String ;L java/lang/Throwable ;) I
iput-boolean v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActivityHandlesUiMode : Z
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iput-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActivityHandlesUiModeChecked : Z
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActivityHandlesUiMode : Z
return v0
.end method
.method private onKeyDownPanel ( I L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
.locals 1
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/view/KeyEvent ;-> getRepeatCount ( ) I
move-result v0
if-nez v0 , :cond_0
const/4 v0 , 0x1
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
move-result-object p1
iget-boolean v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isOpen : Z
if-nez v0 , :cond_0
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> preparePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
move-result p1
return p1
const/4 p1 , 0x0
return p1
.end method
.method private onKeyUpPanel ( I L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
.locals 3
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
const/4 v1 , 0x0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
return v1
const/4 v0 , 0x1
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
move-result-object v2
if-nez p1 , :cond_2
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
if-eqz p1 , :cond_2
invoke-interface { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> canShowOverflowMenu ( ) Z
move-result p1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_2
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-static { p1 } , L android/view/ViewConfiguration ;-> get ( L android/content/Context ;) L android/view/ViewConfiguration ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/view/ViewConfiguration ;-> hasPermanentMenuKey ( ) Z
move-result p1
if-nez p1 , :cond_2
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
invoke-interface { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> isOverflowMenuShowing ( ) Z
move-result p1
if-nez p1 , :cond_1
iget-boolean p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsDestroyed : Z
if-nez p1 , :cond_5
invoke-direct { p0 , v2 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> preparePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
move-result p1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_5
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
invoke-interface { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> showOverflowMenu ( ) Z
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
move-result v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
goto :goto_2
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
invoke-interface { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> hideOverflowMenu ( ) Z
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
move-result v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
goto :goto_2
iget-boolean p1 , v2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isOpen : Z
if-nez p1 , :cond_6
iget-boolean p1 , v2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isHandled : Z
if-eqz p1 , :cond_3
goto :goto_1
iget-boolean p1 , v2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isPrepared : Z
if-eqz p1 , :cond_5
iget-boolean p1 , v2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> refreshMenuContent : Z
if-eqz p1 , :cond_4
iput-boolean v1 , v2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isPrepared : Z
invoke-direct { p0 , v2 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> preparePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
move-result p1
goto :goto_0
const/4 p1 , 0x1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_5
invoke-direct { p0 , v2 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> openPanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;L android/view/KeyEvent ;) V
goto :goto_2
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
goto :goto_2
iget-boolean p1 , v2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isOpen : Z
invoke-virtual { p0 , v2 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> closePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;Z ) V
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
move v0 , p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_8
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getApplicationContext ( ) L android/content/Context ;
move-result-object p1
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
const-string p2 , "audio"
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 , p2 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getSystemService ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/Object ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
move-result-object p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
check-cast p1 , L android/media/AudioManager ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
if-eqz p1 , :cond_7
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 , v1 } , L android/media/AudioManager ;-> playSoundEffect ( I ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
goto :goto_3
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
const-string p1 , "AppCompatDelegate"
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
const-string p2 , "Couldn\'t get audio manager"
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
invoke-static { p1 , p2 } , L android/util/Log ;-> w ( L java/lang/String ;L java/lang/String ;) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
return v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.end method
.method private openPanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;L android/view/KeyEvent ;) V
.locals 13
iget-boolean v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isOpen : Z
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez v0 , :cond_10
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsDestroyed : Z
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto/16 :goto_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> featureId : I
const/4 v1 , 0x0
const/4 v2 , 0x1
if-nez v0 , :cond_2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getResources ( ) L android/content/res/Resources ;
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/content/res/Resources ;-> getConfiguration ( ) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
move-result-object v0
iget v0 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> screenLayout : I
and-int/lit8 v0 , v0 , 0xf
const/4 v3 , 0x4
if-ne v0 , v3 , :cond_1
const/4 v0 , 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v0 , 0x0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_2
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getWindowCallback ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
iget v3 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> featureId : I
iget-object v4 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
invoke-interface { v0 , v3 , v4 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onMenuOpened ( I L android/view/Menu ;) Z
move-result v0
if-nez v0 , :cond_3
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 , v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> closePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;Z ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
2020-09-02 04:07:20 +00:00
const-string/jumbo v3 , "window"
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v0 , v3 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getSystemService ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/Object ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L android/view/WindowManager ;
if-nez v0 , :cond_4
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> preparePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
move-result p2
if-nez p2 , :cond_5
iget-object p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> decorView : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
const/4 v3 , - 0x1
const/4 v4 , - 0x2
if-eqz p2 , :cond_7
iget-boolean p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> refreshDecorView : Z
if-eqz p2 , :cond_6
goto :goto_1
iget-object p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> createdPanelView : L android/view/View ;
if-eqz p2 , :cond_e
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/view/View ;-> getLayoutParams ( ) L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;
move-result-object p2
if-eqz p2 , :cond_e
iget p2 , p2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;-> width : I
if-ne p2 , v3 , :cond_e
const/4 v6 , - 0x1
goto :goto_2
iget-object p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> decorView : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
if-nez p2 , :cond_9
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> initializePanelDecor ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;) Z
move-result p2
if-eqz p2 , :cond_8
iget-object p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> decorView : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
if-nez p2 , :cond_a
iget-boolean v3 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> refreshDecorView : Z
if-eqz v3 , :cond_a
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> getChildCount ( ) I
move-result p2
if-lez p2 , :cond_a
iget-object p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> decorView : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> removeAllViews ( ) V
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> initializePanelContent ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;) Z
move-result p2
if-eqz p2 , :cond_f
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> hasPanelItems ( ) Z
move-result p2
if-nez p2 , :cond_b
goto :goto_3
iget-object p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> shownPanelView : L android/view/View ;
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/view/View ;-> getLayoutParams ( ) L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;
move-result-object p2
if-nez p2 , :cond_c
new-instance p2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;
invoke-direct { p2 , v4 , v4 } , L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;-> <init> ( II ) V
iget v3 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> background : I
iget-object v5 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> decorView : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
invoke-virtual { v5 , v3 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> setBackgroundResource ( I ) V
iget-object v3 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> shownPanelView : L android/view/View ;
invoke-virtual { v3 } , L android/view/View ;-> getParent ( ) L android/view/ViewParent ;
move-result-object v3
instance-of v5 , v3 , L android/view/ViewGroup ;
if-eqz v5 , :cond_d
check-cast v3 , L android/view/ViewGroup ;
iget-object v5 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> shownPanelView : L android/view/View ;
invoke-virtual { v3 , v5 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> removeView ( L android/view/View ;) V
iget-object v3 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> decorView : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
iget-object v5 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> shownPanelView : L android/view/View ;
invoke-virtual { v3 , v5 , p2 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> addView ( L android/view/View ;L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;) V
iget-object p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> shownPanelView : L android/view/View ;
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/view/View ;-> hasFocus ( ) Z
move-result p2
if-nez p2 , :cond_e
iget-object p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> shownPanelView : L android/view/View ;
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/view/View ;-> requestFocus ( ) Z
const/4 v6 , - 0x2
iput-boolean v1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isHandled : Z
new-instance p2 , L android/view/WindowManager$LayoutParams ;
const/4 v7 , - 0x2
iget v8 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> x : I
iget v9 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> y : I
const/16 v10 , 0x3ea
const/high16 v11 , 0x820000
const/4 v12 , - 0x3
move-object v5 , p2
invoke-direct/range { v5 . . v12 } , L android/view/WindowManager$LayoutParams ;-> <init> ( IIIIIII ) V
iget v1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> gravity : I
iput v1 , p2 , L android/view/WindowManager$LayoutParams ;-> gravity : I
iget v1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> windowAnimations : I
iput v1 , p2 , L android/view/WindowManager$LayoutParams ;-> windowAnimations : I
iget-object v1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> decorView : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
invoke-interface { v0 , v1 , p2 } , L android/view/WindowManager ;-> addView ( L android/view/View ;L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;) V
iput-boolean v2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isOpen : Z
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput-boolean v2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> refreshDecorView : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.end method
.method private performPanelShortcut ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;I L android/view/KeyEvent ;I ) Z
.locals 2
invoke-virtual { p3 } , L android/view/KeyEvent ;-> isSystem ( ) Z
move-result v0
const/4 v1 , 0x0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
return v1
iget-boolean v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isPrepared : Z
if-nez v0 , :cond_1
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , p3 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> preparePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_2
iget-object v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_2
invoke-virtual { v0 , p2 , p3 , p4 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> performShortcut ( I L android/view/KeyEvent ;I ) Z
move-result v1
if-eqz v1 , :cond_3
const/4 p2 , 0x1
and-int/lit8 p3 , p4 , 0x1
if-nez p3 , :cond_3
iget-object p3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
if-nez p3 , :cond_3
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> closePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;Z ) V
return v1
.end method
.method private preparePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
.locals 8
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsDestroyed : Z
const/4 v1 , 0x0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
return v1
iget-boolean v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isPrepared : Z
const/4 v2 , 0x1
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
return v2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPreparedPanel : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_2
if-eq v0 , p1 , :cond_2
invoke-virtual { p0 , v0 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> closePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;Z ) V
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getWindowCallback ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
iget v3 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> featureId : I
invoke-interface { v0 , v3 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onCreatePanelView ( I ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v3
iput-object v3 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> createdPanelView : L android/view/View ;
iget v3 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> featureId : I
if-eqz v3 , :cond_5
const/16 v4 , 0x6c
if-ne v3 , v4 , :cond_4
goto :goto_0
const/4 v3 , 0x0
goto :goto_1
const/4 v3 , 0x1
if-eqz v3 , :cond_6
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
if-eqz v4 , :cond_6
invoke-interface { v4 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> setMenuPrepared ( ) V
iget-object v4 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> createdPanelView : L android/view/View ;
if-nez v4 , :cond_15
if-eqz v3 , :cond_7
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> peekSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v4
instance-of v4 , v4 , L androidx/appcompat/app/ToolbarActionBar ;
if-nez v4 , :cond_15
iget-object v4 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
const/4 v5 , 0x0
if-eqz v4 , :cond_8
iget-boolean v4 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> refreshMenuContent : Z
if-eqz v4 , :cond_f
iget-object v4 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
if-nez v4 , :cond_a
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> initializePanelMenu ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;) Z
move-result v4
if-eqz v4 , :cond_9
iget-object v4 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
if-nez v4 , :cond_a
return v1
if-eqz v3 , :cond_c
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
if-eqz v4 , :cond_c
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMenuPresenterCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionMenuPresenterCallback ;
if-nez v4 , :cond_b
new-instance v4 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionMenuPresenterCallback ;
invoke-direct { v4 , p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionMenuPresenterCallback ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;) V
iput-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMenuPresenterCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionMenuPresenterCallback ;
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
iget-object v6 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
iget-object v7 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMenuPresenterCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionMenuPresenterCallback ;
invoke-interface { v4 , v6 , v7 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> setMenu ( L android/view/Menu ;L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuPresenter$Callback ;) V
iget-object v4 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { v4 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> stopDispatchingItemsChanged ( ) V
iget v4 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> featureId : I
iget-object v6 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
invoke-interface { v0 , v4 , v6 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onCreatePanelMenu ( I L android/view/Menu ;) Z
move-result v4
if-nez v4 , :cond_e
invoke-virtual { p1 , v5 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> setMenu ( L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;) V
if-eqz v3 , :cond_d
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
if-eqz p1 , :cond_d
iget-object p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMenuPresenterCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionMenuPresenterCallback ;
invoke-interface { p1 , v5 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> setMenu ( L android/view/Menu ;L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuPresenter$Callback ;) V
return v1
iput-boolean v1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> refreshMenuContent : Z
iget-object v4 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { v4 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> stopDispatchingItemsChanged ( ) V
iget-object v4 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> frozenActionViewState : L android/os/Bundle ;
if-eqz v4 , :cond_10
iget-object v6 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { v6 , v4 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> restoreActionViewStates ( L android/os/Bundle ;) V
iput-object v5 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> frozenActionViewState : L android/os/Bundle ;
iget-object v4 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> createdPanelView : L android/view/View ;
iget-object v6 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
invoke-interface { v0 , v1 , v4 , v6 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onPreparePanel ( I L android/view/View ;L android/view/Menu ;) Z
move-result v0
if-nez v0 , :cond_12
if-eqz v3 , :cond_11
iget-object p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
if-eqz p2 , :cond_11
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMenuPresenterCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionMenuPresenterCallback ;
invoke-interface { p2 , v5 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> setMenu ( L android/view/Menu ;L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuPresenter$Callback ;) V
iget-object p1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> startDispatchingItemsChanged ( ) V
return v1
if-eqz p2 , :cond_13
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/view/KeyEvent ;-> getDeviceId ( ) I
move-result p2
goto :goto_2
const/4 p2 , - 0x1
invoke-static { p2 } , L android/view/KeyCharacterMap ;-> load ( I ) L android/view/KeyCharacterMap ;
move-result-object p2
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/view/KeyCharacterMap ;-> getKeyboardType ( ) I
move-result p2
if-eq p2 , v2 , :cond_14
const/4 p2 , 0x1
goto :goto_3
const/4 p2 , 0x0
iput-boolean p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> qwertyMode : Z
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v0 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> setQwertyMode ( Z ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-object p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> startDispatchingItemsChanged ( ) V
iput-boolean v2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isPrepared : Z
iput-boolean v1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isHandled : Z
iput-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPreparedPanel : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
return v2
.end method
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.method private reopenMenu ( Z ) V
.locals 5
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v1 , 0x1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v2 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_5
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-interface { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> canShowOverflowMenu ( ) Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_5
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { v0 } , L android/view/ViewConfiguration ;-> get ( L android/content/Context ;) L android/view/ViewConfiguration ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/view/ViewConfiguration ;-> hasPermanentMenuKey ( ) Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-interface { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> isOverflowMenuShowPending ( ) Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_5
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getWindowCallback ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-interface { v3 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> isOverflowMenuShowing ( ) Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/16 v4 , 0x6c
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v3 , :cond_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez p1 , :cond_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
goto :goto_0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-interface { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> hideOverflowMenu ( ) Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-boolean p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsDestroyed : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez p1 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p0 , v2 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-interface { v0 , v4 , p1 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onPanelClosed ( I L android/view/Menu ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
goto :goto_1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-boolean p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsDestroyed : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez p1 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-boolean p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mInvalidatePanelMenuPosted : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p1 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mInvalidatePanelMenuFeatures : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/2addr p1 , v1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p1 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/view/Window ;-> getDecorView ( ) L android/view/View ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mInvalidatePanelMenuRunnable : L java/lang/Runnable ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 , v3 } , L android/view/View ;-> removeCallbacks ( L java/lang/Runnable ;) Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mInvalidatePanelMenuRunnable : L java/lang/Runnable ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-interface { p1 } , L java/lang/Runnable ;-> run ( ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p0 , v2 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v1 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-boolean v3 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> refreshMenuContent : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez v3 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v3 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> createdPanelView : L android/view/View ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-interface { v0 , v2 , v3 , v1 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onPreparePanel ( I L android/view/View ;L android/view/Menu ;) Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v1 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-interface { v0 , v4 , p1 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onMenuOpened ( I L android/view/Menu ;) Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
invoke-interface { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> showOverflowMenu ( ) Z
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p0 , v2 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-result-object p1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput-boolean v1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> refreshDecorView : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 , v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> closePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;Z ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> openPanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;L android/view/KeyEvent ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.end method
.method private sanitizeWindowFeatureId ( I ) I
.locals 2
const-string v0 , "AppCompatDelegate"
const/16 v1 , 0x8
if-ne p1 , v1 , :cond_0
const-string p1 , "You should now use the AppCompatDelegate.FEATURE_SUPPORT_ACTION_BAR id when requesting this feature."
invoke-static { v0 , p1 } , L android/util/Log ;-> i ( L java/lang/String ;L java/lang/String ;) I
const/16 p1 , 0x6c
return p1
const/16 v1 , 0x9
if-ne p1 , v1 , :cond_1
const-string p1 , "You should now use the AppCompatDelegate.FEATURE_SUPPORT_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY id when requesting this feature."
invoke-static { v0 , p1 } , L android/util/Log ;-> i ( L java/lang/String ;L java/lang/String ;) I
const/16 p1 , 0x6d
return p1
.end method
.method private shouldInheritContext ( L android/view/ViewParent ;) Z
.locals 3
const/4 v0 , 0x0
if-nez p1 , :cond_0
return v0
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L android/view/Window ;-> getDecorView ( ) L android/view/View ;
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v1
if-nez p1 , :cond_1
const/4 p1 , 0x1
return p1
if-eq p1 , v1 , :cond_3
instance-of v2 , p1 , L android/view/View ;
if-eqz v2 , :cond_3
move-object v2 , p1
check-cast v2 , L android/view/View ;
invoke-static { v2 } , L androidx/core/view/ViewCompat ;-> isAttachedToWindow ( L android/view/View ;) Z
move-result v2
if-eqz v2 , :cond_2
goto :goto_1
invoke-interface { p1 } , L android/view/ViewParent ;-> getParent ( ) L android/view/ViewParent ;
move-result-object p1
goto :goto_0
return v0
.end method
.method private throwFeatureRequestIfSubDecorInstalled ( ) V
.locals 2
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecorInstalled : Z
if-nez v0 , :cond_0
new-instance v0 , L android/util/AndroidRuntimeException ;
const-string v1 , "Window feature must be requested before adding content"
invoke-direct { v0 , v1 } , L android/util/AndroidRuntimeException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
throw v0
.end method
.method private tryUnwrapContext ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatActivity ;
.locals 3
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/Nullable ;
.end annotation
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
const/4 v1 , 0x0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
instance-of v2 , v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatActivity ;
if-eqz v2 , :cond_0
check-cast v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatActivity ;
return-object v0
instance-of v2 , v0 , L android/content/ContextWrapper ;
if-eqz v2 , :cond_1
check-cast v0 , L android/content/ContextWrapper ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/content/ContextWrapper ;-> getBaseContext ( ) L android/content/Context ;
move-result-object v0
goto :goto_0
return-object v1
.end method
.method private updateForNightMode ( IZ ) Z
.locals 6
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
const/4 v1 , 0x0
invoke-direct { p0 , v0 , p1 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> createOverrideConfigurationForDayNight ( L android/content/Context ;I L android/content/res/Configuration ;) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
move-result-object v0
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> isActivityManifestHandlingUiMode ( ) Z
move-result v2
iget-object v3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-virtual { v3 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getResources ( ) L android/content/res/Resources ;
move-result-object v3
invoke-virtual { v3 } , L android/content/res/Resources ;-> getConfiguration ( ) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
move-result-object v3
iget v3 , v3 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
and-int/lit8 v3 , v3 , 0x30
iget v0 , v0 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
and-int/lit8 v0 , v0 , 0x30
const/4 v4 , 0x1
if-eq v3 , v0 , :cond_1
if-eqz p2 , :cond_1
if-nez v2 , :cond_1
iget-boolean p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mBaseContextAttached : Z
if-eqz p2 , :cond_1
sget-boolean p2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sCanReturnDifferentContext : Z
if-nez p2 , :cond_0
iget-boolean p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mCreated : Z
if-eqz p2 , :cond_1
iget-object p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
instance-of v5 , p2 , L android/app/Activity ;
if-eqz v5 , :cond_1
check-cast p2 , L android/app/Activity ;
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/app/Activity ;-> isChild ( ) Z
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result p2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez p2 , :cond_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
check-cast p2 , L android/app/Activity ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { p2 } , L androidx/core/app/ActivityCompat ;-> recreate ( L android/app/Activity ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 p2 , 0x1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 p2 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez p2 , :cond_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v3 , v0 , :cond_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 , v0 , v2 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> updateResourcesConfigurationForNightMode ( IZ L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
goto :goto_1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move v4 , p2
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v4 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
instance-of v0 , p2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatActivity ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
check-cast p2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatActivity ;
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p2 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatActivity ;-> onNightModeChanged ( I ) V
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
return v4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.end method
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.method private updateResourcesConfigurationForNightMode ( IZ L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.locals 3
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
. param p3 # Landroid/content/res/Configuration;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/Nullable ;
.end annotation
. end param
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getResources ( ) L android/content/res/Resources ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
new-instance v1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/content/res/Resources ;-> getConfiguration ( ) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { v1 , v2 } , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> <init> ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p3 , :cond_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v1 , p3 } , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> updateFrom ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/content/res/Resources ;-> getConfiguration ( ) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object p3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget p3 , p3 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit8 p3 , p3 , - 0x31
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
or-int/2addr p1 , p3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput p1 , v1 , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> uiMode : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 p1 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 , p1 } , L android/content/res/Resources ;-> updateConfiguration ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;L android/util/DisplayMetrics ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget p1 , L android/os/Build$VERSION ;-> SDK_INT : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/16 p3 , 0x1a
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-ge p1 , p3 , :cond_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ResourcesFlusher ;-> flush ( L android/content/res/Resources ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mThemeResId : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p1 , :cond_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p3 , p1 } , L android/content/Context ;-> setTheme ( I ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget p1 , L android/os/Build$VERSION ;-> SDK_INT : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/16 p3 , 0x17
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-lt p1 , p3 , :cond_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getTheme ( ) L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget p3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mThemeResId : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 , p3 , v0 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> applyStyle ( IZ ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p2 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
instance-of p2 , p1 , L android/app/Activity ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p2 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
check-cast p1 , L android/app/Activity ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
instance-of p2 , p1 , L androidx/lifecycle/LifecycleOwner ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p2 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-object p2 , p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
check-cast p2 , L androidx/lifecycle/LifecycleOwner ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-interface { p2 } , L androidx/lifecycle/LifecycleOwner ;-> getLifecycle ( ) L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object p2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle ;-> getCurrentState ( ) L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$State ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object p2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget-object p3 , L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$State ;-> STARTED : L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$State ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p2 , p3 } , L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$State ;-> isAtLeast ( L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$State ;) Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result p2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p2 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 , v1 } , L android/app/Activity ;-> onConfigurationChanged ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-boolean p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mStarted : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p2 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 , v1 } , L android/app/Activity ;-> onConfigurationChanged ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.end method
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.method private updateStatusGuardColor ( L android/view/View ;) V
.locals 2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { p1 } , L androidx/core/view/ViewCompat ;-> getWindowSystemUiVisibility ( L android/view/View ;) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
and-int/lit16 v0 , v0 , 0x2000
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$color ;-> abc_decor_view_status_guard_light : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { v0 , v1 } , L androidx/core/content/ContextCompat ;-> getColor ( L android/content/Context ;I ) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget v1 , L androidx/appcompat/R$color ;-> abc_decor_view_status_guard : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { v0 , v1 } , L androidx/core/content/ContextCompat ;-> getColor ( L android/content/Context ;I ) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L android/view/View ;-> setBackgroundColor ( I ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.end method
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
# virtual methods
.method public addContentView ( L android/view/View ;L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;) V
.locals 2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> ensureSubDecor ( ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const v1 , 0x1020002
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> findViewById ( I ) L android/view/View ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
check-cast v0 , L android/view/ViewGroup ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v0 , p1 , p2 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> addView ( L android/view/View ;L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatWindowCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/WindowCallbackWrapper ;-> getWrapped ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-interface { p1 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onContentChanged ( ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.end method
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.method public applyDayNight ( ) Z
.locals 1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> applyDayNight ( Z ) Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
return v0
.end method
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.method public attachBaseContext2 ( L android/content/Context ;) L android/content/Context ;
.locals 6
. param p1 # Landroid/content/Context;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/CallSuper ;
.end annotation
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mBaseContextAttached : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> calculateNightMode ( ) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mapNightMode ( L android/content/Context ;I ) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget-boolean v2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sCanApplyOverrideConfiguration : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v3 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v2 , :cond_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
instance-of v2 , p1 , L android/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v2 , :cond_0
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , v1 , v3 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> createOverrideConfigurationForDayNight ( L android/content/Context ;I L android/content/res/Configuration ;) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
move-result-object v2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-object v4 , p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
check-cast v4 , L android/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { v4 , v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ContextThemeWrapperCompatApi17Impl ;-> applyOverrideConfiguration ( L android/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
.catch L java/lang/IllegalStateException ; { :try_start_0 . . :try_end_0 } :catch_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
return-object p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
instance-of v2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v2 , :cond_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , v1 , v3 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> createOverrideConfigurationForDayNight ( L android/content/Context ;I L android/content/res/Configuration ;) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-object v4 , p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
check-cast v4 , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v4 , v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;-> applyOverrideConfiguration ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
.catch L java/lang/IllegalStateException ; { :try_start_1 . . :try_end_1 } :catch_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
return-object p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget-boolean v2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sCanReturnDifferentContext : Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez v2 , :cond_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-super { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegate ;-> attachBaseContext2 ( L android/content/Context ;) L android/content/Context ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
return-object p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getPackageManager ( ) L android/content/pm/PackageManager ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getApplicationInfo ( ) L android/content/pm/ApplicationInfo ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v2 , v4 } , L android/content/pm/PackageManager ;-> getResourcesForApplication ( L android/content/pm/ApplicationInfo ;) L android/content/res/Resources ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v2 } , L android/content/res/Resources ;-> getConfiguration ( ) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v2
.catch L android/content/pm/PackageManager$NameNotFoundException ; { :try_start_2 . . :try_end_2 } :catch_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getResources ( ) L android/content/res/Resources ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v4 } , L android/content/res/Resources ;-> getConfiguration ( ) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v2 , v4 } , L android/content/res/Configuration ;-> equals ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;) Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v5
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez v5 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { v2 , v4 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> generateConfigDelta ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;L android/content/res/Configuration ;) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , v1 , v3 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> createOverrideConfigurationForDayNight ( L android/content/Context ;I L android/content/res/Configuration ;) L android/content/res/Configuration ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
new-instance v2 , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget v3 , L androidx/appcompat/R$style ;-> Theme_AppCompat_Empty : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { v2 , p1 , v3 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;I ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v2 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;-> applyOverrideConfiguration ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v1 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getTheme ( ) L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object p1
.catch L java/lang/NullPointerException ; { :try_start_3 . . :try_end_3 } :catch_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p1 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move v1 , v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v1 , :cond_5
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;-> getTheme ( ) L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { p1 } , L androidx/core/content/res/ResourcesCompat$ThemeCompat ;-> rebase ( L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-super { p0 , v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegate ;-> attachBaseContext2 ( L android/content/Context ;) L android/content/Context ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
return-object p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-exception p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
new-instance v0 , L java/lang/RuntimeException ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const-string v1 , "Application failed to obtain resources from itself"
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { v0 , v1 , p1 } , L java/lang/RuntimeException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;L java/lang/Throwable ;) V
throw v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.end method
.method public callOnPanelClosed ( I L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;L android/view/Menu ;) V
.locals 2
if-nez p3 , :cond_1
if-nez p2 , :cond_0
if-ltz p1 , :cond_0
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPanels : [ L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
array-length v1 , v0
if-ge p1 , v1 , :cond_0
aget-object p2 , v0 , p1
if-eqz p2 , :cond_1
iget-object p3 , p2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
if-eqz p2 , :cond_2
iget-boolean p2 , p2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isOpen : Z
if-nez p2 , :cond_2
iget-boolean p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsDestroyed : Z
if-nez p2 , :cond_3
iget-object p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatWindowCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/WindowCallbackWrapper ;-> getWrapped ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
move-result-object p2
invoke-interface { p2 , p1 , p3 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onPanelClosed ( I L android/view/Menu ;) V
.end method
.method public checkCloseActionMenu ( L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;) V
.locals 2
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
. param p1 # Landroidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mClosingActionMenu : Z
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
const/4 v0 , 0x1
iput-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mClosingActionMenu : Z
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
invoke-interface { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> dismissPopups ( ) V
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getWindowCallback ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
iget-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsDestroyed : Z
if-nez v1 , :cond_1
const/16 v1 , 0x6c
invoke-interface { v0 , v1 , p1 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onPanelClosed ( I L android/view/Menu ;) V
const/4 p1 , 0x0
iput-boolean p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mClosingActionMenu : Z
.end method
.method public closePanel ( I ) V
.locals 1
const/4 v0 , 0x1
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> closePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;Z ) V
.end method
.method public closePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;Z ) V
.locals 3
if-eqz p2 , :cond_0
iget v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> featureId : I
if-nez v0 , :cond_0
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-interface { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> isOverflowMenuShowing ( ) Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
iget-object p1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> checkCloseActionMenu ( L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
2020-09-02 04:07:20 +00:00
const-string/jumbo v1 , "window"
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getSystemService ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/Object ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L android/view/WindowManager ;
const/4 v1 , 0x0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
iget-boolean v2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isOpen : Z
if-eqz v2 , :cond_1
iget-object v2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> decorView : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
if-eqz v2 , :cond_1
invoke-interface { v0 , v2 } , L android/view/WindowManager ;-> removeView ( L android/view/View ;) V
if-eqz p2 , :cond_1
iget p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> featureId : I
invoke-virtual { p0 , p2 , p1 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> callOnPanelClosed ( I L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;L android/view/Menu ;) V
const/4 p2 , 0x0
iput-boolean p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isPrepared : Z
iput-boolean p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isHandled : Z
iput-boolean p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isOpen : Z
iput-object v1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> shownPanelView : L android/view/View ;
const/4 p2 , 0x1
iput-boolean p2 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> refreshDecorView : Z
iget-object p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPreparedPanel : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
if-ne p2 , p1 , :cond_2
iput-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPreparedPanel : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
.end method
.method public createView ( L android/view/View ;L java/lang/String ;L android/content/Context ;L android/util/AttributeSet ;) L android/view/View ;
.locals 11
. param p3 # Landroid/content/Context;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
. param p4 # Landroid/util/AttributeSet;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatViewInflater : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatViewInflater ;
const/4 v1 , 0x0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez v0 , :cond_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
sget-object v2 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme : [I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v2 } , L android/content/Context ;-> obtainStyledAttributes ( [I ) L android/content/res/TypedArray ;
move-result-object v0
sget v2 , L androidx/appcompat/R$styleable ;-> AppCompatTheme_viewInflaterClass : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v2 } , L android/content/res/TypedArray ;-> getString ( I ) L java/lang/String ;
move-result-object v0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez v0 , :cond_0
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatViewInflater ;
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatViewInflater ;-> <init> ( ) V
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatViewInflater : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatViewInflater ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
goto :goto_0
invoke-static { v0 } , L java/lang/Class ;-> forName ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/Class ;
move-result-object v2
new-array v3 , v1 , [ L java/lang/Class ;
invoke-virtual { v2 , v3 } , L java/lang/Class ;-> getDeclaredConstructor ( [ L java/lang/Class ;) L java/lang/reflect/Constructor ;
move-result-object v2
new-array v3 , v1 , [ L java/lang/Object ;
invoke-virtual { v2 , v3 } , L java/lang/reflect/Constructor ;-> newInstance ( [ L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/Object ;
move-result-object v2
check-cast v2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatViewInflater ;
iput-object v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatViewInflater : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatViewInflater ;
.catchall { :try_start_0 . . :try_end_0 } :catchall_0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-exception v2
new-instance v3 , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
invoke-direct { v3 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> <init> ( ) V
const-string v4 , "Failed to instantiate custom view inflater "
invoke-virtual { v3 , v4 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { v3 , v0 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
const-string v0 , ". Falling back to default."
invoke-virtual { v3 , v0 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { v3 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> toString ( ) L java/lang/String ;
move-result-object v0
const-string v3 , "AppCompatDelegate"
invoke-static { v3 , v0 , v2 } , L android/util/Log ;-> i ( L java/lang/String ;L java/lang/String ;L java/lang/Throwable ;) I
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatViewInflater ;
invoke-direct { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatViewInflater ;-> <init> ( ) V
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatViewInflater : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatViewInflater ;
sget-boolean v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> IS_PRE_LOLLIPOP : Z
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
instance-of v0 , p4 , L org/xmlpull/v1/XmlPullParser ;
const/4 v2 , 0x1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-object v0 , p4
check-cast v0 , L org/xmlpull/v1/XmlPullParser ;
invoke-interface { v0 } , L org/xmlpull/v1/XmlPullParser ;-> getDepth ( ) I
move-result v0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-le v0 , v2 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
const/4 v1 , 0x1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-object v0 , p1
check-cast v0 , L android/view/ViewParent ;
invoke-direct { p0 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> shouldInheritContext ( L android/view/ViewParent ;) Z
move-result v0
move v1 , v0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move v7 , v1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
const/4 v7 , 0x0
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-object v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatViewInflater : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatViewInflater ;
sget-boolean v8 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> IS_PRE_LOLLIPOP : Z
const/4 v9 , 0x1
invoke-static { } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/VectorEnabledTintResources ;-> shouldBeUsed ( ) Z
move-result v10
move-object v3 , p1
move-object v4 , p2
move-object v5 , p3
move-object v6 , p4
invoke-virtual/range { v2 . . v10 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatViewInflater ;-> createView ( L android/view/View ;L java/lang/String ;L android/content/Context ;L android/util/AttributeSet ;ZZZZ ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object p1
return-object p1
.end method
.method public dismissPopups ( ) V
.locals 2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-interface { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> dismissPopups ( ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModePopup : L android/widget/PopupWindow ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/view/Window ;-> getDecorView ( ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v0
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mShowActionModePopup : L java/lang/Runnable ;
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L android/view/View ;-> removeCallbacks ( L java/lang/Runnable ;) Z
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModePopup : L android/widget/PopupWindow ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/widget/PopupWindow ;-> isShowing ( ) Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModePopup : L android/widget/PopupWindow ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/widget/PopupWindow ;-> dismiss ( ) V
.catch L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ; { :try_start_0 . . :try_end_0 } :catch_0
const/4 v0 , 0x0
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModePopup : L android/widget/PopupWindow ;
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> endOnGoingFadeAnimation ( ) V
const/4 v0 , 0x0
invoke-virtual { p0 , v0 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
iget-object v0 , v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> close ( ) V
.end method
.method public dispatchKeyEvent ( L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
.locals 3
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
instance-of v1 , v0 , L androidx/core/view/KeyEventDispatcher$Component ;
const/4 v2 , 0x1
if-nez v1 , :cond_0
instance-of v0 , v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDialog ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/view/Window ;-> getDecorView ( ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
invoke-static { v0 , p1 } , L androidx/core/view/KeyEventDispatcher ;-> dispatchBeforeHierarchy ( L android/view/View ;L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
return v2
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/view/KeyEvent ;-> getKeyCode ( ) I
move-result v0
const/16 v1 , 0x52
if-ne v0 , v1 , :cond_2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatWindowCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/WindowCallbackWrapper ;-> getWrapped ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
move-result-object v0
invoke-interface { v0 , p1 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> dispatchKeyEvent ( L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_2
return v2
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/view/KeyEvent ;-> getKeyCode ( ) I
move-result v0
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/view/KeyEvent ;-> getAction ( ) I
move-result v1
if-nez v1 , :cond_3
goto :goto_0
const/4 v2 , 0x0
if-eqz v2 , :cond_4
invoke-virtual { p0 , v0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> onKeyDown ( I L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
move-result p1
goto :goto_1
invoke-virtual { p0 , v0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> onKeyUp ( I L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
move-result p1
return p1
.end method
.method public doInvalidatePanelMenu ( I ) V
.locals 4
const/4 v0 , 0x1
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
move-result-object v1
iget-object v2 , v1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
if-eqz v2 , :cond_1
new-instance v2 , L android/os/Bundle ;
invoke-direct { v2 } , L android/os/Bundle ;-> <init> ( ) V
iget-object v3 , v1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { v3 , v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> saveActionViewStates ( L android/os/Bundle ;) V
invoke-virtual { v2 } , L android/os/Bundle ;-> size ( ) I
move-result v3
if-lez v3 , :cond_0
iput-object v2 , v1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> frozenActionViewState : L android/os/Bundle ;
iget-object v2 , v1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> stopDispatchingItemsChanged ( ) V
iget-object v2 , v1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> clear ( ) V
iput-boolean v0 , v1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> refreshMenuContent : Z
iput-boolean v0 , v1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> refreshDecorView : Z
const/16 v0 , 0x6c
if-eq p1 , v0 , :cond_2
if-nez p1 , :cond_3
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
if-eqz p1 , :cond_3
const/4 p1 , 0x0
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
iput-boolean p1 , v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isPrepared : Z
const/4 p1 , 0x0
invoke-direct { p0 , v0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> preparePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
.end method
.method public endOnGoingFadeAnimation ( ) V
.locals 1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mFadeAnim : L androidx/core/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/core/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat ;-> cancel ( ) V
.end method
.method public findMenuPanel ( L android/view/Menu ;) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
.locals 5
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPanels : [ L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
const/4 v1 , 0x0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
array-length v2 , v0
goto :goto_0
const/4 v2 , 0x0
if-ge v1 , v2 , :cond_2
aget-object v3 , v0 , v1
if-eqz v3 , :cond_1
iget-object v4 , v3 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> menu : L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
if-ne v4 , p1 , :cond_1
return-object v3
add-int/lit8 v1 , v1 , 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 p1 , 0x0
return-object p1
.end method
.method public findViewById ( I ) L android/view/View ;
.locals 1
. param p1 # I
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/IdRes ;
.end annotation
. end param
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/Nullable ;
.end annotation
.annotation system L dalvik/annotation/Signature ;
value = {
"<T:" ,
"Landroid/view/View;" ,
.end annotation
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> ensureSubDecor ( ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { v0 , p1 } , L android/view/Window ;-> findViewById ( I ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object p1
return-object p1
.end method
.method public final getActionBarThemedContext ( ) L android/content/Context ;
.locals 1
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> getThemedContext ( ) L android/content/Context ;
move-result-object v0
goto :goto_0
const/4 v0 , 0x0
if-nez v0 , :cond_1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
return-object v0
.end method
.method public final getAutoTimeNightModeManager ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.locals 1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/RestrictTo ;
value = {
.enum L androidx/annotation/RestrictTo$Scope ;-> LIBRARY : L androidx/annotation/RestrictTo$Scope ;
.end annotation
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/VisibleForTesting ;
.end annotation
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getAutoTimeNightModeManager ( L android/content/Context ;) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
return-object v0
.end method
.method public final getDrawerToggleDelegate ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBarDrawerToggle$Delegate ;
.locals 1
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionBarDrawableToggleImpl ;
invoke-direct { v0 , p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionBarDrawableToggleImpl ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;) V
return-object v0
.end method
.method public getLocalNightMode ( ) I
.locals 1
iget v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLocalNightMode : I
return v0
.end method
.method public getMenuInflater ( ) L android/view/MenuInflater ;
.locals 2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mMenuInflater : L android/view/MenuInflater ;
if-nez v0 , :cond_1
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> initWindowDecorActionBar ( ) V
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/view/SupportMenuInflater ;
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionBar : L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
if-eqz v1 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> getThemedContext ( ) L android/content/Context ;
move-result-object v1
goto :goto_0
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-direct { v0 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/SupportMenuInflater ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;) V
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mMenuInflater : L android/view/MenuInflater ;
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mMenuInflater : L android/view/MenuInflater ;
return-object v0
.end method
.method public getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
.locals 3
iget-object p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPanels : [ L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
if-eqz p2 , :cond_0
array-length v0 , p2
if-gt v0 , p1 , :cond_2
add-int/lit8 v0 , p1 , 0x1
new-array v0 , v0 , [ L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
if-eqz p2 , :cond_1
array-length v1 , p2
const/4 v2 , 0x0
invoke-static { p2 , v2 , v0 , v2 , v1 } , L java/lang/System ;-> arraycopy ( L java/lang/Object ;I L java/lang/Object ;II ) V
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPanels : [ L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
move-object p2 , v0
aget-object v0 , p2 , p1
if-nez v0 , :cond_3
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
invoke-direct { v0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> <init> ( I ) V
aput-object v0 , p2 , p1
return-object v0
.end method
.method public getSubDecor ( ) L android/view/ViewGroup ;
.locals 1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
return-object v0
.end method
.method public getSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
.locals 1
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> initWindowDecorActionBar ( ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionBar : L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
return-object v0
.end method
.method public final getTitle ( ) L java/lang/CharSequence ;
.locals 2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
instance-of v1 , v0 , L android/app/Activity ;
if-eqz v1 , :cond_0
check-cast v0 , L android/app/Activity ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/app/Activity ;-> getTitle ( ) L java/lang/CharSequence ;
move-result-object v0
return-object v0
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mTitle : L java/lang/CharSequence ;
return-object v0
.end method
.method public final getWindowCallback ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
.locals 1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/view/Window ;-> getCallback ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
move-result-object v0
return-object v0
.end method
.method public hasWindowFeature ( I ) Z
.locals 4
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sanitizeWindowFeatureId ( I ) I
move-result v0
const/4 v1 , 0x1
const/4 v2 , 0x0
if-eq v0 , v1 , :cond_5
const/4 v3 , 0x2
if-eq v0 , v3 , :cond_4
const/4 v3 , 0x5
if-eq v0 , v3 , :cond_3
const/16 v3 , 0xa
if-eq v0 , v3 , :cond_2
const/16 v3 , 0x6c
if-eq v0 , v3 , :cond_1
const/16 v3 , 0x6d
if-eq v0 , v3 , :cond_0
const/4 v0 , 0x0
goto :goto_0
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mOverlayActionBar : Z
goto :goto_0
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHasActionBar : Z
goto :goto_0
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mOverlayActionMode : Z
goto :goto_0
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mFeatureIndeterminateProgress : Z
goto :goto_0
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mFeatureProgress : Z
goto :goto_0
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindowNoTitle : Z
if-nez v0 , :cond_7
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { v0 , p1 } , L android/view/Window ;-> hasFeature ( I ) Z
move-result p1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_6
goto :goto_1
const/4 v1 , 0x0
return v1
.end method
.method public installViewFactory ( ) V
.locals 2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-static { v0 } , L android/view/LayoutInflater ;-> from ( L android/content/Context ;) L android/view/LayoutInflater ;
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/view/LayoutInflater ;-> getFactory ( ) L android/view/LayoutInflater$Factory ;
move-result-object v1
if-nez v1 , :cond_0
invoke-static { v0 , p0 } , L androidx/core/view/LayoutInflaterCompat ;-> setFactory2 ( L android/view/LayoutInflater ;L android/view/LayoutInflater$Factory2 ;) V
goto :goto_0
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/view/LayoutInflater ;-> getFactory2 ( ) L android/view/LayoutInflater$Factory2 ;
move-result-object v0
instance-of v0 , v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;
if-nez v0 , :cond_1
const-string v0 , "AppCompatDelegate"
const-string v1 , "The Activity\'s LayoutInflater already has a Factory installed so we can not install AppCompat\'s"
invoke-static { v0 , v1 } , L android/util/Log ;-> i ( L java/lang/String ;L java/lang/String ;) I
.end method
.method public invalidateOptionsMenu ( ) V
.locals 1
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> invalidateOptionsMenu ( ) Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
const/4 v0 , 0x0
invoke-direct { p0 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> invalidatePanelMenu ( I ) V
.end method
.method public isHandleNativeActionModesEnabled ( ) Z
.locals 1
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHandleNativeActionModes : Z
return v0
.end method
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.method public mapNightMode ( L android/content/Context ;I ) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.locals 2
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
. param p1 # Landroid/content/Context;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
const/16 v0 , - 0x64
const/4 v1 , - 0x1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq p2 , v0 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq p2 , v1 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p2 , :cond_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq p2 , v0 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x2
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq p2 , v0 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x3
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-ne p2 , v0 , :cond_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getAutoBatteryNightModeManager ( L android/content/Context ;) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;-> getApplyableNightMode ( ) I
move-result p1
return p1
new-instance p1 , L java/lang/IllegalStateException ;
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const-string p2 , "Unknown value set for night mode. Please use one of the MODE_NIGHT values from AppCompatDelegate."
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p1 , p2 } , L java/lang/IllegalStateException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
throw p1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget p2 , L android/os/Build$VERSION ;-> SDK_INT : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
const/16 v0 , 0x17
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-lt p2 , v0 , :cond_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getApplicationContext ( ) L android/content/Context ;
move-result-object p2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
const-class v0 , L android/app/UiModeManager ;
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p2 , v0 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getSystemService ( L java/lang/Class ;) L java/lang/Object ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object p2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
check-cast p2 , L android/app/UiModeManager ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/app/UiModeManager ;-> getNightMode ( ) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result p2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez p2 , :cond_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
return v1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getAutoTimeNightModeManager ( L android/content/Context ;) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AutoNightModeManager ;-> getApplyableNightMode ( ) I
move-result p1
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
return p1
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
return p2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
return v1
.end method
.method public onBackPressed ( ) Z
.locals 2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
const/4 v1 , 0x1
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;-> finish ( ) V
return v1
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> collapseActionView ( ) Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
return v1
const/4 v0 , 0x0
return v0
.end method
.method public onConfigurationChanged ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
.locals 1
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHasActionBar : Z
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecorInstalled : Z
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { v0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> onConfigurationChanged ( L android/content/res/Configuration ;) V
invoke-static { } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatDrawableManager ;-> get ( ) L androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatDrawableManager ;
move-result-object p1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/AppCompatDrawableManager ;-> onConfigurationChanged ( L android/content/Context ;) V
const/4 p1 , 0x0
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> applyDayNight ( Z ) Z
.end method
.method public onCreate ( L android/os/Bundle ;) V
.locals 2
const/4 p1 , 0x1
iput-boolean p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mBaseContextAttached : Z
const/4 v0 , 0x0
invoke-direct { p0 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> applyDayNight ( Z ) Z
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> ensureWindow ( ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
instance-of v1 , v0 , L android/app/Activity ;
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v1 , :cond_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
const/4 v1 , 0x0
check-cast v0 , L android/app/Activity ;
invoke-static { v0 } , L androidx/core/app/NavUtils ;-> getParentActivityName ( L android/app/Activity ;) L java/lang/String ;
move-result-object v1
.catch L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ; { :try_start_0 . . :try_end_0 } :catch_0
goto :goto_0
if-eqz v1 , :cond_1
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> peekSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v0
if-nez v0 , :cond_0
iput-boolean p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mEnableDefaultActionBarUp : Z
goto :goto_1
invoke-virtual { v0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> setDefaultDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled ( Z ) V
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegate ;-> addActiveDelegate ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegate ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iput-boolean p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mCreated : Z
.end method
.method public final onCreateView ( L android/view/View ;L java/lang/String ;L android/content/Context ;L android/util/AttributeSet ;) L android/view/View ;
.locals 0
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> createView ( L android/view/View ;L java/lang/String ;L android/content/Context ;L android/util/AttributeSet ;) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object p1
return-object p1
.end method
.method public onCreateView ( L java/lang/String ;L android/content/Context ;L android/util/AttributeSet ;) L android/view/View ;
.locals 1
const/4 v0 , 0x0
invoke-virtual { p0 , v0 , p1 , p2 , p3 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> onCreateView ( L android/view/View ;L java/lang/String ;L android/content/Context ;L android/util/AttributeSet ;) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object p1
return-object p1
.end method
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
.method public onDestroy ( ) V
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.locals 3
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
instance-of v0 , v0 , L android/app/Activity ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-static { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegate ;-> removeActivityDelegate ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegate ;) V
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mInvalidatePanelMenuPosted : Z
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/view/Window ;-> getDecorView ( ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v0
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mInvalidatePanelMenuRunnable : L java/lang/Runnable ;
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L android/view/View ;-> removeCallbacks ( L java/lang/Runnable ;) Z
const/4 v0 , 0x0
iput-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mStarted : Z
const/4 v0 , 0x1
iput-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsDestroyed : Z
iget v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLocalNightMode : I
const/16 v1 , - 0x64
if-eq v0 , v1 , :cond_2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
instance-of v1 , v0 , L android/app/Activity ;
if-eqz v1 , :cond_2
check-cast v0 , L android/app/Activity ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/app/Activity ;-> isChangingConfigurations ( ) Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_2
sget-object v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sLocalNightModes : L androidx/collection/SimpleArrayMap ;
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L java/lang/Object ;-> getClass ( ) L java/lang/Class ;
move-result-object v1
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L java/lang/Class ;-> getName ( ) L java/lang/String ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLocalNightMode : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { v2 } , L java/lang/Integer ;-> valueOf ( I ) L java/lang/Integer ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 , v2 } , L androidx/collection/SimpleArrayMap ;-> put ( L java/lang/Object ;L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/Object ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
sget-object v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sLocalNightModes : L androidx/collection/SimpleArrayMap ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L java/lang/Object ;-> getClass ( ) L java/lang/Class ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L java/lang/Class ;-> getName ( ) L java/lang/String ;
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v1
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L androidx/collection/SimpleArrayMap ;-> remove ( L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/Object ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionBar : L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> onDestroy ( ) V
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> cleanupAutoManagers ( ) V
.end method
.method public onKeyDown ( I L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
.locals 3
const/4 v0 , 0x4
const/4 v1 , 0x1
const/4 v2 , 0x0
if-eq p1 , v0 , :cond_1
const/16 v0 , 0x52
if-eq p1 , v0 , :cond_0
goto :goto_1
invoke-direct { p0 , v2 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> onKeyDownPanel ( I L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
return v1
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/view/KeyEvent ;-> getFlags ( ) I
move-result p1
and-int/lit16 p1 , p1 , 0x80
if-eqz p1 , :cond_2
goto :goto_0
const/4 v1 , 0x0
iput-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLongPressBackDown : Z
return v2
.end method
.method public onKeyShortcut ( I L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
.locals 3
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v0
const/4 v1 , 0x1
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { v0 , p1 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> onKeyShortcut ( I L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
move-result p1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_0
return v1
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPreparedPanel : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
if-eqz p1 , :cond_2
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/view/KeyEvent ;-> getKeyCode ( ) I
move-result v0
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , v0 , p2 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> performPanelShortcut ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;I L android/view/KeyEvent ;I ) Z
move-result p1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_2
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPreparedPanel : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
if-eqz p1 , :cond_1
iput-boolean v1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isHandled : Z
return v1
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mPreparedPanel : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
const/4 v0 , 0x0
if-nez p1 , :cond_3
invoke-virtual { p0 , v0 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> preparePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
invoke-virtual { p2 } , L android/view/KeyEvent ;-> getKeyCode ( ) I
move-result v2
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , v2 , p2 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> performPanelShortcut ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;I L android/view/KeyEvent ;I ) Z
move-result p2
iput-boolean v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isPrepared : Z
if-eqz p2 , :cond_3
return v1
return v0
.end method
.method public onKeyUp ( I L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
.locals 3
const/4 v0 , 0x4
const/4 v1 , 0x1
const/4 v2 , 0x0
if-eq p1 , v0 , :cond_1
const/16 v0 , 0x52
if-eq p1 , v0 , :cond_0
goto :goto_0
invoke-direct { p0 , v2 , p2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> onKeyUpPanel ( I L android/view/KeyEvent ;) Z
return v1
iget-boolean p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLongPressBackDown : Z
iput-boolean v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLongPressBackDown : Z
invoke-virtual { p0 , v2 , v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
move-result-object p2
if-eqz p2 , :cond_3
iget-boolean v0 , p2 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isOpen : Z
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
if-nez p1 , :cond_2
invoke-virtual { p0 , p2 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> closePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;Z ) V
return v1
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> onBackPressed ( ) Z
move-result p1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_4
return v1
return v2
.end method
.method public onMenuItemSelected ( L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;L android/view/MenuItem ;) Z
.locals 2
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
. param p1 # Landroidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
. param p2 # Landroid/view/MenuItem;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getWindowCallback ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
iget-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsDestroyed : Z
if-nez v1 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;-> getRootMenu ( ) L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> findMenuPanel ( L android/view/Menu ;) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
move-result-object p1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_0
iget p1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> featureId : I
invoke-interface { v0 , p1 , p2 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onMenuItemSelected ( I L android/view/MenuItem ;) Z
move-result p1
return p1
const/4 p1 , 0x0
return p1
.end method
.method public onMenuModeChange ( L androidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder ;) V
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.locals 0
. param p1 # Landroidx/appcompat/view/menu/MenuBuilder;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 p1 , 0x1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> reopenMenu ( Z ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.end method
.method public onMenuOpened ( I ) V
.locals 1
const/16 v0 , 0x6c
if-ne p1 , v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object p1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_0
const/4 v0 , 0x1
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> dispatchMenuVisibilityChanged ( Z ) V
.end method
.method public onPanelClosed ( I ) V
.locals 2
const/4 v0 , 0x0
const/16 v1 , 0x6c
if-ne p1 , v1 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object p1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_1
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> dispatchMenuVisibilityChanged ( Z ) V
goto :goto_0
if-nez p1 , :cond_1
const/4 v1 , 0x1
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getPanelState ( IZ ) L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;
move-result-object p1
iget-boolean v1 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;-> isOpen : Z
if-eqz v1 , :cond_1
invoke-virtual { p0 , p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> closePanel ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$PanelFeatureState ;Z ) V
.end method
.method public onPostCreate ( L android/os/Bundle ;) V
.locals 0
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> ensureSubDecor ( ) V
.end method
.method public onPostResume ( ) V
.locals 2
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
const/4 v1 , 0x1
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> setShowHideAnimationEnabled ( Z ) V
.end method
.method public onSaveInstanceState ( L android/os/Bundle ;) V
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.locals 0
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.end method
.method public onStart ( ) V
.locals 1
const/4 v0 , 0x1
iput-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mStarted : Z
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> applyDayNight ( ) Z
.end method
.method public onStop ( ) V
.locals 2
const/4 v0 , 0x0
iput-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mStarted : Z
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v1
if-eqz v1 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { v1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> setShowHideAnimationEnabled ( Z ) V
.end method
.method public onSubDecorInstalled ( L android/view/ViewGroup ;) V
.locals 0
.end method
.method public final peekSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
.locals 1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionBar : L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
return-object v0
.end method
.method public requestWindowFeature ( I ) Z
.locals 4
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> sanitizeWindowFeatureId ( I ) I
move-result p1
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindowNoTitle : Z
const/4 v1 , 0x0
const/16 v2 , 0x6c
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
if-ne p1 , v2 , :cond_0
return v1
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHasActionBar : Z
const/4 v3 , 0x1
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
if-ne p1 , v3 , :cond_1
iput-boolean v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHasActionBar : Z
if-eq p1 , v3 , :cond_7
const/4 v0 , 0x2
if-eq p1 , v0 , :cond_6
const/4 v0 , 0x5
if-eq p1 , v0 , :cond_5
const/16 v0 , 0xa
if-eq p1 , v0 , :cond_4
if-eq p1 , v2 , :cond_3
const/16 v0 , 0x6d
if-eq p1 , v0 , :cond_2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { v0 , p1 } , L android/view/Window ;-> requestFeature ( I ) Z
move-result p1
return p1
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> throwFeatureRequestIfSubDecorInstalled ( ) V
iput-boolean v3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mOverlayActionBar : Z
return v3
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> throwFeatureRequestIfSubDecorInstalled ( ) V
iput-boolean v3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHasActionBar : Z
return v3
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> throwFeatureRequestIfSubDecorInstalled ( ) V
iput-boolean v3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mOverlayActionMode : Z
return v3
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> throwFeatureRequestIfSubDecorInstalled ( ) V
iput-boolean v3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mFeatureIndeterminateProgress : Z
return v3
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> throwFeatureRequestIfSubDecorInstalled ( ) V
iput-boolean v3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mFeatureProgress : Z
return v3
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> throwFeatureRequestIfSubDecorInstalled ( ) V
iput-boolean v3 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindowNoTitle : Z
return v3
.end method
.method public setContentView ( I ) V
.locals 2
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> ensureSubDecor ( ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
const v1 , 0x1020002
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> findViewById ( I ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L android/view/ViewGroup ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> removeAllViews ( ) V
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-static { v1 } , L android/view/LayoutInflater ;-> from ( L android/content/Context ;) L android/view/LayoutInflater ;
move-result-object v1
invoke-virtual { v1 , p1 , v0 } , L android/view/LayoutInflater ;-> inflate ( I L android/view/ViewGroup ;) L android/view/View ;
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatWindowCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/WindowCallbackWrapper ;-> getWrapped ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-interface { p1 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onContentChanged ( ) V
.end method
.method public setContentView ( L android/view/View ;) V
.locals 2
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> ensureSubDecor ( ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
const v1 , 0x1020002
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> findViewById ( I ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L android/view/ViewGroup ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> removeAllViews ( ) V
invoke-virtual { v0 , p1 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> addView ( L android/view/View ;) V
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatWindowCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/WindowCallbackWrapper ;-> getWrapped ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-interface { p1 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onContentChanged ( ) V
.end method
.method public setContentView ( L android/view/View ;L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;) V
.locals 2
invoke-direct { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> ensureSubDecor ( ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
const v1 , 0x1020002
invoke-virtual { v0 , v1 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> findViewById ( I ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L android/view/ViewGroup ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> removeAllViews ( ) V
invoke-virtual { v0 , p1 , p2 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> addView ( L android/view/View ;L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;) V
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatWindowCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/WindowCallbackWrapper ;-> getWrapped ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-interface { p1 } , L android/view/Window$Callback ;-> onContentChanged ( ) V
.end method
.method public setHandleNativeActionModesEnabled ( Z ) V
.locals 0
iput-boolean p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHandleNativeActionModes : Z
.end method
.method public setLocalNightMode ( I ) V
.locals 1
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/RequiresApi ;
value = 0x11
.end annotation
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
iget v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLocalNightMode : I
if-eq v0 , p1 , :cond_0
iput p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mLocalNightMode : I
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-boolean p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mBaseContextAttached : Z
if-eqz p1 , :cond_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> applyDayNight ( ) Z
.end method
.method public setSupportActionBar ( L androidx/appcompat/widget/Toolbar ;) V
.locals 3
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mHost : L java/lang/Object ;
instance-of v0 , v0 , L android/app/Activity ;
if-nez v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v0
instance-of v1 , v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/WindowDecorActionBar ;
if-nez v1 , :cond_3
const/4 v1 , 0x0
iput-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mMenuInflater : L android/view/MenuInflater ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> onDestroy ( ) V
if-eqz p1 , :cond_2
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/ToolbarActionBar ;
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getTitle ( ) L java/lang/CharSequence ;
move-result-object v1
iget-object v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatWindowCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;
invoke-direct { v0 , p1 , v1 , v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ToolbarActionBar ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/widget/Toolbar ;L java/lang/CharSequence ;L android/view/Window$Callback ;) V
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionBar : L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ToolbarActionBar ;-> getWrappedWindowCallback ( ) L android/view/Window$Callback ;
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L android/view/Window ;-> setCallback ( L android/view/Window$Callback ;) V
goto :goto_0
iput-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionBar : L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatWindowCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$AppCompatWindowCallback ;
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L android/view/Window ;-> setCallback ( L android/view/Window$Callback ;) V
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> invalidateOptionsMenu ( ) V
new-instance p1 , L java/lang/IllegalStateException ;
const-string v0 , "This Activity already has an action bar supplied by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_SUPPORT_ACTION_BAR and set windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead."
invoke-direct { p1 , v0 } , L java/lang/IllegalStateException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
throw p1
.end method
.method public setTheme ( I ) V
.locals 0
. param p1 # I
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/StyleRes ;
.end annotation
. end param
iput p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mThemeResId : I
.end method
.method public final setTitle ( L java/lang/CharSequence ;) V
.locals 1
iput-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mTitle : L java/lang/CharSequence ;
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mDecorContentParent : L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-interface { v0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/DecorContentParent ;-> setWindowTitle ( L java/lang/CharSequence ;) V
goto :goto_0
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> peekSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> peekSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object v0
invoke-virtual { v0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> setWindowTitle ( L java/lang/CharSequence ;) V
goto :goto_0
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mTitleView : L android/widget/TextView ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_2
invoke-virtual { v0 , p1 } , L android/widget/TextView ;-> setText ( L java/lang/CharSequence ;) V
.end method
.method public final shouldAnimateActionModeView ( ) Z
.locals 1
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecorInstalled : Z
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-static { v0 } , L androidx/core/view/ViewCompat ;-> isLaidOut ( L android/view/View ;) Z
move-result v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
const/4 v0 , 0x1
goto :goto_0
const/4 v0 , 0x0
return v0
.end method
.method public startSupportActionMode ( L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode$Callback ;) L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
.locals 2
. param p1 # Landroidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode$Callback;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
if-eqz p1 , :cond_3
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;-> finish ( ) V
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionModeCallbackWrapperV9 ;
invoke-direct { v0 , p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionModeCallbackWrapperV9 ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode$Callback ;) V
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getSupportActionBar ( ) L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;
move-result-object p1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_1
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/ActionBar ;-> startActionMode ( L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode$Callback ;) L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
move-result-object p1
iput-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
if-eqz p1 , :cond_1
iget-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;
if-eqz v1 , :cond_1
invoke-interface { v1 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;-> onSupportActionModeStarted ( L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;) V
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
if-nez p1 , :cond_2
invoke-virtual { p0 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> startSupportActionModeFromWindow ( L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode$Callback ;) L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
move-result-object p1
iput-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
return-object p1
new-instance p1 , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;
const-string v0 , "ActionMode callback can not be null."
invoke-direct { p1 , v0 } , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
throw p1
.end method
.method public startSupportActionModeFromWindow ( L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode$Callback ;) L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
.locals 7
. param p1 # Landroidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode$Callback;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/NonNull ;
.end annotation
. end param
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> endOnGoingFadeAnimation ( ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;-> finish ( ) V
instance-of v0 , p1 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionModeCallbackWrapperV9 ;
if-nez v0 , :cond_1
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionModeCallbackWrapperV9 ;
invoke-direct { v0 , p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$ActionModeCallbackWrapperV9 ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode$Callback ;) V
move-object p1 , v0
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;
const/4 v1 , 0x0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_2
iget-boolean v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsDestroyed : Z
if-nez v2 , :cond_2
invoke-interface { v0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;-> onWindowStartingSupportActionMode ( L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode$Callback ;) L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
move-result-object v0
.catch L java/lang/AbstractMethodError ; { :try_start_0 . . :try_end_0 } :catch_0
goto :goto_0
move-object v0 , v1
if-eqz v0 , :cond_3
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
goto/16 :goto_5
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
const/4 v2 , 0x0
const/4 v3 , 0x1
if-nez v0 , :cond_6
iget-boolean v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mIsFloating : Z
if-eqz v0 , :cond_5
new-instance v0 , L android/util/TypedValue ;
invoke-direct { v0 } , L android/util/TypedValue ;-> <init> ( ) V
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-virtual { v4 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getTheme ( ) L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;
move-result-object v4
sget v5 , L androidx/appcompat/R$attr ;-> actionBarTheme : I
invoke-virtual { v4 , v5 , v0 , v3 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> resolveAttribute ( I L android/util/TypedValue ;Z ) Z
iget v5 , v0 , L android/util/TypedValue ;-> resourceId : I
if-eqz v5 , :cond_4
iget-object v5 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-virtual { v5 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getResources ( ) L android/content/res/Resources ;
move-result-object v5
invoke-virtual { v5 } , L android/content/res/Resources ;-> newTheme ( ) L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;
move-result-object v5
invoke-virtual { v5 , v4 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> setTo ( L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;) V
iget v4 , v0 , L android/util/TypedValue ;-> resourceId : I
invoke-virtual { v5 , v4 , v3 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> applyStyle ( IZ ) V
new-instance v4 , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;
iget-object v6 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
invoke-direct { v4 , v6 , v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;I ) V
invoke-virtual { v4 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/ContextThemeWrapper ;-> getTheme ( ) L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;
move-result-object v6
invoke-virtual { v6 , v5 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> setTo ( L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;) V
goto :goto_1
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
new-instance v5 , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
invoke-direct { v5 , v4 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;) V
iput-object v5 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
new-instance v5 , L android/widget/PopupWindow ;
sget v6 , L androidx/appcompat/R$attr ;-> actionModePopupWindowStyle : I
invoke-direct { v5 , v4 , v1 , v6 } , L android/widget/PopupWindow ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;L android/util/AttributeSet ;I ) V
iput-object v5 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModePopup : L android/widget/PopupWindow ;
const/4 v6 , 0x2
invoke-static { v5 , v6 } , L androidx/core/widget/PopupWindowCompat ;-> setWindowLayoutType ( L android/widget/PopupWindow ;I ) V
iget-object v5 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModePopup : L android/widget/PopupWindow ;
iget-object v6 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
invoke-virtual { v5 , v6 } , L android/widget/PopupWindow ;-> setContentView ( L android/view/View ;) V
iget-object v5 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModePopup : L android/widget/PopupWindow ;
const/4 v6 , - 0x1
invoke-virtual { v5 , v6 } , L android/widget/PopupWindow ;-> setWidth ( I ) V
invoke-virtual { v4 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getTheme ( ) L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;
move-result-object v5
sget v6 , L androidx/appcompat/R$attr ;-> actionBarSize : I
invoke-virtual { v5 , v6 , v0 , v3 } , L android/content/res/Resources$Theme ;-> resolveAttribute ( I L android/util/TypedValue ;Z ) Z
iget v0 , v0 , L android/util/TypedValue ;-> data : I
invoke-virtual { v4 } , L android/content/Context ;-> getResources ( ) L android/content/res/Resources ;
move-result-object v4
invoke-virtual { v4 } , L android/content/res/Resources ;-> getDisplayMetrics ( ) L android/util/DisplayMetrics ;
move-result-object v4
invoke-static { v0 , v4 } , L android/util/TypedValue ;-> complexToDimensionPixelSize ( I L android/util/DisplayMetrics ;) I
move-result v0
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
invoke-virtual { v4 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;-> setContentHeight ( I ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModePopup : L android/widget/PopupWindow ;
const/4 v4 , - 0x2
invoke-virtual { v0 , v4 } , L android/widget/PopupWindow ;-> setHeight ( I ) V
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$6 ;
invoke-direct { v0 , p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$6 ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;) V
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mShowActionModePopup : L java/lang/Runnable ;
goto :goto_2
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
sget v4 , L androidx/appcompat/R$id ;-> action_mode_bar_stub : I
invoke-virtual { v0 , v4 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> findViewById ( I ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ViewStubCompat ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_6
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> getActionBarThemedContext ( ) L android/content/Context ;
move-result-object v4
invoke-static { v4 } , L android/view/LayoutInflater ;-> from ( L android/content/Context ;) L android/view/LayoutInflater ;
move-result-object v4
invoke-virtual { v0 , v4 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ViewStubCompat ;-> setLayoutInflater ( L android/view/LayoutInflater ;) V
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ViewStubCompat ;-> inflate ( ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_b
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> endOnGoingFadeAnimation ( ) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;-> killMode ( ) V
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/view/StandaloneActionMode ;
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
invoke-virtual { v4 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> getContext ( ) L android/content/Context ;
move-result-object v4
iget-object v5 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
iget-object v6 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModePopup : L android/widget/PopupWindow ;
if-nez v6 , :cond_7
goto :goto_3
const/4 v3 , 0x0
invoke-direct { v0 , v4 , v5 , p1 , v3 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/StandaloneActionMode ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode$Callback ;Z ) V
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/StandaloneActionMode ;-> getMenu ( ) L android/view/Menu ;
move-result-object v3
invoke-interface { p1 , v0 , v3 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode$Callback ;-> onCreateActionMode ( L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;L android/view/Menu ;) Z
move-result p1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_a
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/view/StandaloneActionMode ;-> invalidate ( ) V
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;-> initForMode ( L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;) V
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
invoke-virtual { p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> shouldAnimateActionModeView ( ) Z
move-result p1
const/high16 v0 , 0x3f800000 # 1.0f
if-eqz p1 , :cond_8
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
const/4 v1 , 0x0
invoke-virtual { p1 , v1 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> setAlpha ( F ) V
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
invoke-static { p1 } , L androidx/core/view/ViewCompat ;-> animate ( L android/view/View ;) L androidx/core/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L androidx/core/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat ;-> alpha ( F ) L androidx/core/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat ;
move-result-object p1
iput-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mFadeAnim : L androidx/core/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat ;
new-instance v0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$7 ;
invoke-direct { v0 , p0 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl$7 ;-> <init> ( L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;) V
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L androidx/core/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat ;-> setListener ( L androidx/core/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorListener ;) L androidx/core/view/ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat ;
goto :goto_4
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> setAlpha ( F ) V
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
invoke-virtual { p1 , v2 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;-> setVisibility ( I ) V
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
const/16 v0 , 0x20
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> sendAccessibilityEvent ( I ) V
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> getParent ( ) L android/view/ViewParent ;
move-result-object p1
instance-of p1 , p1 , L android/view/View ;
if-eqz p1 , :cond_9
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> getParent ( ) L android/view/ViewParent ;
move-result-object p1
check-cast p1 , L android/view/View ;
invoke-static { p1 } , L androidx/core/view/ViewCompat ;-> requestApplyInsets ( L android/view/View ;) V
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModePopup : L android/widget/PopupWindow ;
if-eqz p1 , :cond_b
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mWindow : L android/view/Window ;
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/view/Window ;-> getDecorView ( ) L android/view/View ;
move-result-object p1
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mShowActionModePopup : L java/lang/Runnable ;
invoke-virtual { p1 , v0 } , L android/view/View ;-> post ( L java/lang/Runnable ;) Z
goto :goto_5
iput-object v1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
if-eqz p1 , :cond_c
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mAppCompatCallback : L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_c
invoke-interface { v0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatCallback ;-> onSupportActionModeStarted ( L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;) V
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionMode : L androidx/appcompat/view/ActionMode ;
return-object p1
.end method
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
.method public final updateStatusGuard ( L androidx/core/view/WindowInsetsCompat ;L android/graphics/Rect ;) I
.locals 10
. param p1 # Landroidx/core/view/WindowInsetsCompat;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/Nullable ;
.end annotation
. end param
. param p2 # Landroid/graphics/Rect;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/Nullable ;
.end annotation
. end param
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v0 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p1 , :cond_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/core/view/WindowInsetsCompat ;-> getSystemWindowInsetTop ( ) I
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p2 , :cond_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v1 , p2 , L android/graphics/Rect ;-> top : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v1 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
const/16 v3 , 0x8
if-eqz v2 , :cond_10
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v2 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> getLayoutParams ( ) L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;
move-result-object v2
instance-of v2 , v2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;
if-eqz v2 , :cond_10
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
iget-object v2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v2 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> getLayoutParams ( ) L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
check-cast v2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v4 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> isShown ( ) Z
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v5 , 0x1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz v4 , :cond_e
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mTempRect1 : L android/graphics/Rect ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez v4 , :cond_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
new-instance v4 , L android/graphics/Rect ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { v4 } , L android/graphics/Rect ;-> <init> ( ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mTempRect1 : L android/graphics/Rect ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
new-instance v4 , L android/graphics/Rect ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { v4 } , L android/graphics/Rect ;-> <init> ( ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mTempRect2 : L android/graphics/Rect ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mTempRect1 : L android/graphics/Rect ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v6 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mTempRect2 : L android/graphics/Rect ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez p1 , :cond_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v4 , p2 } , L android/graphics/Rect ;-> set ( L android/graphics/Rect ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/core/view/WindowInsetsCompat ;-> getSystemWindowInsetLeft ( ) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result p2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/core/view/WindowInsetsCompat ;-> getSystemWindowInsetTop ( ) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v7
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/core/view/WindowInsetsCompat ;-> getSystemWindowInsetRight ( ) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v8
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L androidx/core/view/WindowInsetsCompat ;-> getSystemWindowInsetBottom ( ) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result p1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v4 , p2 , v7 , v8 , p1 } , L android/graphics/Rect ;-> set ( IIII ) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { p1 , v4 , v6 } , L androidx/appcompat/widget/ViewUtils ;-> computeFitSystemWindows ( L android/view/View ;L android/graphics/Rect ;L android/graphics/Rect ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget p1 , v4 , L android/graphics/Rect ;-> top : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget p2 , v4 , L android/graphics/Rect ;-> left : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v4 , v4 , L android/graphics/Rect ;-> right : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v6 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-static { v6 } , L androidx/core/view/ViewCompat ;-> getRootWindowInsets ( L android/view/View ;) L androidx/core/view/WindowInsetsCompat ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result-object v6
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez v6 , :cond_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v7 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_2
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v6 } , L androidx/core/view/WindowInsetsCompat ;-> getSystemWindowInsetLeft ( ) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v7
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez v6 , :cond_5
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v6 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_3
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v6 } , L androidx/core/view/WindowInsetsCompat ;-> getSystemWindowInsetRight ( ) I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
move-result v6
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v8 , v2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> topMargin : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-ne v8 , p1 , :cond_7
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v8 , v2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> leftMargin : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-ne v8 , p2 , :cond_7
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v8 , v2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> rightMargin : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eq v8 , v4 , :cond_6
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_4
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 p2 , 0x0
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
goto :goto_5
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput p1 , v2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> topMargin : I
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput p2 , v2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> leftMargin : I
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v4 , v2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> rightMargin : I
const/4 p2 , 0x1
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-lez p1 , :cond_8
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mStatusGuard : L android/view/View ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-nez p1 , :cond_8
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
new-instance p1 , L android/view/View ;
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mContext : L android/content/Context ;
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-direct { p1 , v4 } , L android/view/View ;-> <init> ( L android/content/Context ;) V
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mStatusGuard : L android/view/View ;
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 , v3 } , L android/view/View ;-> setVisibility ( I ) V
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
new-instance p1 , L android/widget/FrameLayout$LayoutParams ;
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v4 , v2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> topMargin : I
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/16 v8 , 0x33
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
const/4 v9 , - 0x1
invoke-direct { p1 , v9 , v4 , v8 } , L android/widget/FrameLayout$LayoutParams ;-> <init> ( III ) V
iput v7 , p1 , L android/widget/FrameLayout$LayoutParams ;-> leftMargin : I
iput v6 , p1 , L android/widget/FrameLayout$LayoutParams ;-> rightMargin : I
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mSubDecor : L android/view/ViewGroup ;
iget-object v6 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mStatusGuard : L android/view/View ;
invoke-virtual { v4 , v6 , v9 , p1 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> addView ( L android/view/View ;I L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;) V
goto :goto_6
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-07-08 16:44:49 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mStatusGuard : L android/view/View ;
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
if-eqz p1 , :cond_a
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/view/View ;-> getLayoutParams ( ) L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;
move-result-object p1
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
check-cast p1 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v4 , p1 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> height : I
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v8 , v2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> topMargin : I
if-ne v4 , v8 , :cond_9
iget v4 , p1 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> leftMargin : I
if-ne v4 , v7 , :cond_9
iget v4 , p1 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> rightMargin : I
if-eq v4 , v6 , :cond_a
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget v4 , v2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> topMargin : I
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v4 , p1 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> height : I
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v7 , p1 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> leftMargin : I
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iput v6 , p1 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> rightMargin : I
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object v4 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mStatusGuard : L android/view/View ;
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
invoke-virtual { v4 , p1 } , L android/view/View ;-> setLayoutParams ( L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;) V
2020-09-09 19:21:20 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
2020-09-16 21:45:36 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mStatusGuard : L android/view/View ;
if-eqz p1 , :cond_b
goto :goto_7
const/4 v5 , 0x0
if-eqz v5 , :cond_c
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mStatusGuard : L android/view/View ;
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L android/view/View ;-> getVisibility ( ) I
move-result p1
if-eqz p1 , :cond_c
iget-object p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mStatusGuard : L android/view/View ;
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> updateStatusGuardColor ( L android/view/View ;) V
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
2020-09-16 23:45:23 +00:00
iget-boolean p1 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mOverlayActionMode : Z
if-nez p1 , :cond_d
if-eqz v5 , :cond_d
const/4 v1 , 0x0
move p1 , v5
move v5 , p2
goto :goto_8
iget p1 , v2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> topMargin : I
if-eqz p1 , :cond_f
iput v0 , v2 , L android/view/ViewGroup$MarginLayoutParams ;-> topMargin : I
const/4 p1 , 0x0
goto :goto_8
const/4 p1 , 0x0
const/4 v5 , 0x0
if-eqz v5 , :cond_11
iget-object p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mActionModeView : L androidx/appcompat/widget/ActionBarContextView ;
invoke-virtual { p2 , v2 } , L android/view/ViewGroup ;-> setLayoutParams ( L android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams ;) V
goto :goto_9
const/4 p1 , 0x0
iget-object p2 , p0 , L androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatDelegateImpl ;-> mStatusGuard : L android/view/View ;
if-eqz p2 , :cond_13
if-eqz p1 , :cond_12
goto :goto_a
const/16 v0 , 0x8
invoke-virtual { p2 , v0 } , L android/view/View ;-> setVisibility ( I ) V
return v1
2020-05-17 12:40:10 +00:00
.end method