2020-11-12 02:11:44 +00:00
.class public L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;
.super L java/lang/Object ;
.source "ClassesInfoCache.java"
# annotations
.annotation system L dalvik/annotation/MemberClasses ;
value = {
L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$MethodReference ;,
L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$CallbackInfo ;
.end annotation
# static fields
2020-11-13 19:18:44 +00:00
.field private static final CALL_TYPE_NO_ARG : I = 0x0
2020-11-12 02:11:44 +00:00
2020-11-13 19:18:44 +00:00
.field private static final CALL_TYPE_PROVIDER : I = 0x1
2020-11-12 02:11:44 +00:00
2020-11-13 19:18:44 +00:00
.field private static final CALL_TYPE_PROVIDER_WITH_EVENT : I = 0x2
2020-11-12 02:11:44 +00:00
.field public static sInstance : L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;
# instance fields
2020-11-13 19:18:44 +00:00
.field private final mCallbackMap : L java/util/Map ;
2020-11-12 02:11:44 +00:00
.annotation system L dalvik/annotation/Signature ;
value = {
"Ljava/util/Map<" ,
"Ljava/lang/Class<" ,
"*>;" ,
"Landroidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$CallbackInfo;" ,
.end annotation
.end field
2020-11-13 19:18:44 +00:00
.field private final mHasLifecycleMethods : L java/util/Map ;
2020-11-12 02:11:44 +00:00
.annotation system L dalvik/annotation/Signature ;
value = {
"Ljava/util/Map<" ,
"Ljava/lang/Class<" ,
"*>;" ,
"Ljava/lang/Boolean;" ,
.end annotation
.end field
# direct methods
.method public static constructor <clinit> ( ) V
.locals 1
new-instance v0 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;
invoke-direct { v0 } , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> <init> ( ) V
sput-object v0 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> sInstance : L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;
.end method
.method public constructor <init> ( ) V
.locals 1
invoke-direct { p0 } , L java/lang/Object ;-> <init> ( ) V
new-instance v0 , L java/util/HashMap ;
invoke-direct { v0 } , L java/util/HashMap ;-> <init> ( ) V
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> mCallbackMap : L java/util/Map ;
new-instance v0 , L java/util/HashMap ;
invoke-direct { v0 } , L java/util/HashMap ;-> <init> ( ) V
iput-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> mHasLifecycleMethods : L java/util/Map ;
.end method
.method private createInfo ( L java/lang/Class ;[ L java/lang/reflect/Method ;) L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$CallbackInfo ;
.locals 11
. param p2 # [Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
.annotation build L androidx/annotation/Nullable ;
.end annotation
. end param
.annotation system L dalvik/annotation/Signature ;
value = {
"(" ,
"Ljava/lang/Class<" ,
"*>;[" ,
"Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;" ,
")" ,
.end annotation
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L java/lang/Class ;-> getSuperclass ( ) L java/lang/Class ;
move-result-object v0
new-instance v1 , L java/util/HashMap ;
invoke-direct { v1 } , L java/util/HashMap ;-> <init> ( ) V
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { p0 , v0 } , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> getInfo ( L java/lang/Class ;) L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$CallbackInfo ;
move-result-object v0
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
iget-object v0 , v0 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$CallbackInfo ;-> mHandlerToEvent : L java/util/Map ;
invoke-virtual { v1 , v0 } , L java/util/HashMap ;-> putAll ( L java/util/Map ;) V
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L java/lang/Class ;-> getInterfaces ( ) [ L java/lang/Class ;
move-result-object v0
array-length v2 , v0
const/4 v3 , 0x0
const/4 v4 , 0x0
if-ge v4 , v2 , :cond_2
aget-object v5 , v0 , v4
invoke-virtual { p0 , v5 } , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> getInfo ( L java/lang/Class ;) L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$CallbackInfo ;
move-result-object v5
iget-object v5 , v5 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$CallbackInfo ;-> mHandlerToEvent : L java/util/Map ;
invoke-interface { v5 } , L java/util/Map ;-> entrySet ( ) L java/util/Set ;
move-result-object v5
invoke-interface { v5 } , L java/util/Set ;-> iterator ( ) L java/util/Iterator ;
move-result-object v5
invoke-interface { v5 } , L java/util/Iterator ;-> hasNext ( ) Z
move-result v6
if-eqz v6 , :cond_1
invoke-interface { v5 } , L java/util/Iterator ;-> next ( ) L java/lang/Object ;
move-result-object v6
check-cast v6 , L java/util/Map$Entry ;
invoke-interface { v6 } , L java/util/Map$Entry ;-> getKey ( ) L java/lang/Object ;
move-result-object v7
check-cast v7 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$MethodReference ;
invoke-interface { v6 } , L java/util/Map$Entry ;-> getValue ( ) L java/lang/Object ;
move-result-object v6
check-cast v6 , L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$Event ;
invoke-direct { p0 , v1 , v7 , v6 , p1 } , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> verifyAndPutHandler ( L java/util/Map ;L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$MethodReference ;L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$Event ;L java/lang/Class ;) V
goto :goto_1
add-int/lit8 v4 , v4 , 0x1
goto :goto_0
if-eqz p2 , :cond_3
goto :goto_2
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> getDeclaredMethods ( L java/lang/Class ;) [ L java/lang/reflect/Method ;
move-result-object p2
array-length v0 , p2
const/4 v2 , 0x0
const/4 v4 , 0x0
if-ge v2 , v0 , :cond_b
aget-object v5 , p2 , v2
const-class v6 , L androidx/lifecycle/OnLifecycleEvent ;
invoke-virtual { v5 , v6 } , L java/lang/reflect/Method ;-> getAnnotation ( L java/lang/Class ;) L java/lang/annotation/Annotation ;
move-result-object v6
check-cast v6 , L androidx/lifecycle/OnLifecycleEvent ;
const/4 v7 , 0x1
if-nez v6 , :cond_4
goto :goto_6
invoke-virtual { v5 } , L java/lang/reflect/Method ;-> getParameterTypes ( ) [ L java/lang/Class ;
move-result-object v4
array-length v8 , v4
if-lez v8 , :cond_6
aget-object v8 , v4 , v3
const-class v9 , L androidx/lifecycle/LifecycleOwner ;
invoke-virtual { v8 , v9 } , L java/lang/Class ;-> isAssignableFrom ( L java/lang/Class ;) Z
move-result v8
if-eqz v8 , :cond_5
const/4 v8 , 0x1
goto :goto_4
new-instance p1 , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;
const-string p2 , "invalid parameter type. Must be one and instanceof LifecycleOwner"
invoke-direct { p1 , p2 } , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
throw p1
const/4 v8 , 0x0
invoke-interface { v6 } , L androidx/lifecycle/OnLifecycleEvent ;-> value ( ) L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$Event ;
move-result-object v6
array-length v9 , v4
const/4 v10 , 0x2
if-le v9 , v7 , :cond_9
aget-object v8 , v4 , v7
const-class v9 , L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$Event ;
invoke-virtual { v8 , v9 } , L java/lang/Class ;-> isAssignableFrom ( L java/lang/Class ;) Z
move-result v8
if-eqz v8 , :cond_8
sget-object v8 , L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$Event ;-> ON_ANY : L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$Event ;
if-ne v6 , v8 , :cond_7
const/4 v8 , 0x2
goto :goto_5
new-instance p1 , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;
const-string p2 , "Second arg is supported only for ON_ANY value"
invoke-direct { p1 , p2 } , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
throw p1
new-instance p1 , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;
const-string p2 , "invalid parameter type. second arg must be an event"
invoke-direct { p1 , p2 } , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
throw p1
array-length v4 , v4
if-gt v4 , v10 , :cond_a
new-instance v4 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$MethodReference ;
invoke-direct { v4 , v8 , v5 } , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$MethodReference ;-> <init> ( I L java/lang/reflect/Method ;) V
invoke-direct { p0 , v1 , v4 , v6 , p1 } , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> verifyAndPutHandler ( L java/util/Map ;L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$MethodReference ;L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$Event ;L java/lang/Class ;) V
const/4 v4 , 0x1
add-int/lit8 v2 , v2 , 0x1
goto :goto_3
new-instance p1 , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;
const-string p2 , "cannot have more than 2 params"
invoke-direct { p1 , p2 } , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
throw p1
new-instance p2 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$CallbackInfo ;
invoke-direct { p2 , v1 } , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$CallbackInfo ;-> <init> ( L java/util/Map ;) V
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> mCallbackMap : L java/util/Map ;
invoke-interface { v0 , p1 , p2 } , L java/util/Map ;-> put ( L java/lang/Object ;L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/Object ;
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> mHasLifecycleMethods : L java/util/Map ;
invoke-static { v4 } , L java/lang/Boolean ;-> valueOf ( Z ) L java/lang/Boolean ;
move-result-object v1
invoke-interface { v0 , p1 , v1 } , L java/util/Map ;-> put ( L java/lang/Object ;L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/Object ;
return-object p2
.end method
.method private getDeclaredMethods ( L java/lang/Class ;) [ L java/lang/reflect/Method ;
.locals 2
.annotation system L dalvik/annotation/Signature ;
value = {
"(" ,
"Ljava/lang/Class<" ,
"*>;)[" ,
.end annotation
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L java/lang/Class ;-> getDeclaredMethods ( ) [ L java/lang/reflect/Method ;
move-result-object p1
.catch L java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError ; { :try_start_0 . . :try_end_0 } :catch_0
return-object p1
move-exception p1
new-instance v0 , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;
const-string v1 , "The observer class has some methods that use newer APIs which are not available in the current OS version. Lifecycles cannot access even other methods so you should make sure that your observer classes only access framework classes that are available in your min API level OR use lifecycle:compiler annotation processor."
invoke-direct { v0 , v1 , p1 } , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;L java/lang/Throwable ;) V
throw v0
.end method
.method private verifyAndPutHandler ( L java/util/Map ;L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$MethodReference ;L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$Event ;L java/lang/Class ;) V
.locals 2
.annotation system L dalvik/annotation/Signature ;
value = {
"(" ,
"Ljava/util/Map<" ,
"Landroidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$MethodReference;" ,
"Landroidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$Event;" ,
">;" ,
"Landroidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$MethodReference;" ,
"Landroidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$Event;" ,
"Ljava/lang/Class<" ,
.end annotation
invoke-interface { p1 , p2 } , L java/util/Map ;-> get ( L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/Object ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L androidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle$Event ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_1
if-ne p3 , v0 , :cond_0
goto :goto_0
iget-object p1 , p2 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$MethodReference ;-> mMethod : L java/lang/reflect/Method ;
new-instance p2 , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;
const-string v1 , "Method "
2020-11-13 19:18:44 +00:00
invoke-static { v1 } , L f/e/c/a/a ;-> F ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
2020-11-12 02:11:44 +00:00
move-result-object v1
invoke-virtual { p1 } , L java/lang/reflect/Method ;-> getName ( ) L java/lang/String ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual { v1 , p1 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
const-string p1 , " in "
invoke-virtual { v1 , p1 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { p4 } , L java/lang/Class ;-> getName ( ) L java/lang/String ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-virtual { v1 , p1 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
const-string p1 , " already declared with different @OnLifecycleEvent value: previous value "
invoke-virtual { v1 , p1 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { v1 , v0 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
const-string p1 , ", new value "
invoke-virtual { v1 , p1 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/String ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { v1 , p3 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> append ( L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/StringBuilder ;
invoke-virtual { v1 } , L java/lang/StringBuilder ;-> toString ( ) L java/lang/String ;
move-result-object p1
invoke-direct { p2 , p1 } , L java/lang/IllegalArgumentException ;-> <init> ( L java/lang/String ;) V
throw p2
if-nez v0 , :cond_2
invoke-interface { p1 , p2 , p3 } , L java/util/Map ;-> put ( L java/lang/Object ;L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/Object ;
.end method
# virtual methods
.method public getInfo ( L java/lang/Class ;) L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$CallbackInfo ;
.locals 1
.annotation system L dalvik/annotation/Signature ;
value = {
"(" ,
"Ljava/lang/Class<" ,
"*>;)" ,
.end annotation
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> mCallbackMap : L java/util/Map ;
invoke-interface { v0 , p1 } , L java/util/Map ;-> get ( L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/Object ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$CallbackInfo ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
return-object v0
const/4 v0 , 0x0
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , v0 } , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> createInfo ( L java/lang/Class ;[ L java/lang/reflect/Method ;) L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$CallbackInfo ;
move-result-object p1
return-object p1
.end method
.method public hasLifecycleMethods ( L java/lang/Class ;) Z
.locals 6
.annotation system L dalvik/annotation/Signature ;
value = {
"(" ,
"Ljava/lang/Class<" ,
.end annotation
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> mHasLifecycleMethods : L java/util/Map ;
invoke-interface { v0 , p1 } , L java/util/Map ;-> get ( L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/Object ;
move-result-object v0
check-cast v0 , L java/lang/Boolean ;
if-eqz v0 , :cond_0
invoke-virtual { v0 } , L java/lang/Boolean ;-> booleanValue ( ) Z
move-result p1
return p1
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 } , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> getDeclaredMethods ( L java/lang/Class ;) [ L java/lang/reflect/Method ;
move-result-object v0
array-length v1 , v0
const/4 v2 , 0x0
const/4 v3 , 0x0
if-ge v3 , v1 , :cond_2
aget-object v4 , v0 , v3
const-class v5 , L androidx/lifecycle/OnLifecycleEvent ;
invoke-virtual { v4 , v5 } , L java/lang/reflect/Method ;-> getAnnotation ( L java/lang/Class ;) L java/lang/annotation/Annotation ;
move-result-object v4
check-cast v4 , L androidx/lifecycle/OnLifecycleEvent ;
if-eqz v4 , :cond_1
invoke-direct { p0 , p1 , v0 } , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> createInfo ( L java/lang/Class ;[ L java/lang/reflect/Method ;) L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache$CallbackInfo ;
const/4 p1 , 0x1
return p1
add-int/lit8 v3 , v3 , 0x1
goto :goto_0
iget-object v0 , p0 , L androidx/lifecycle/ClassesInfoCache ;-> mHasLifecycleMethods : L java/util/Map ;
sget-object v1 , L java/lang/Boolean ;-> FALSE : L java/lang/Boolean ;
invoke-interface { v0 , p1 , v1 } , L java/util/Map ;-> put ( L java/lang/Object ;L java/lang/Object ;) L java/lang/Object ;
return v2
.end method