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2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
.class public Landroidx/work/impl/WorkDatabaseMigrations;
.super Ljava/lang/Object;
.source "WorkDatabaseMigrations.java"
# annotations
2019-12-06 03:29:40 +00:00
.annotation build Landroidx/annotation/RestrictTo;
value = {
.enum Landroidx/annotation/RestrictTo$Scope;->LIBRARY_GROUP:Landroidx/annotation/RestrictTo$Scope;
.end annotation
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
.annotation system Ldalvik/annotation/MemberClasses;
value = {
.end annotation
# static fields
2019-12-06 03:29:40 +00:00
.field public static final CREATE_SYSTEM_ID_INFO:Ljava/lang/String; = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `SystemIdInfo` (`work_spec_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `system_id` INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`work_spec_id`), FOREIGN KEY(`work_spec_id`) REFERENCES `WorkSpec`(`id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE )"
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
2019-12-06 03:29:40 +00:00
.field public static final MIGRATE_ALARM_INFO_TO_SYSTEM_ID_INFO:Ljava/lang/String; = "INSERT INTO SystemIdInfo(work_spec_id, system_id) SELECT work_spec_id, alarm_id AS system_id FROM alarmInfo"
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
.field public static MIGRATION_1_2:Landroidx/room/migration/Migration; = null
.field public static MIGRATION_3_4:Landroidx/room/migration/Migration; = null
.field public static MIGRATION_4_5:Landroidx/room/migration/Migration; = null
2019-12-06 03:29:40 +00:00
.field public static final PERIODIC_WORK_SET_SCHEDULE_REQUESTED_AT:Ljava/lang/String; = "UPDATE workspec SET schedule_requested_at=0 WHERE state NOT IN (2, 3, 5) AND schedule_requested_at=-1 AND interval_duration<>0"
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
2019-12-06 03:29:40 +00:00
.field public static final REMOVE_ALARM_INFO:Ljava/lang/String; = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS alarmInfo"
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
.field public static final VERSION_1:I = 0x1
.field public static final VERSION_2:I = 0x2
.field public static final VERSION_3:I = 0x3
.field public static final VERSION_4:I = 0x4
.field public static final VERSION_5:I = 0x5
2019-10-07 23:23:22 +00:00
.field public static final VERSION_6:I = 0x6
2019-12-06 03:29:40 +00:00
.field public static final WORKSPEC_ADD_TRIGGER_MAX_CONTENT_DELAY:Ljava/lang/String; = "ALTER TABLE workspec ADD COLUMN `trigger_max_content_delay` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1"
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
2019-12-06 03:29:40 +00:00
.field public static final WORKSPEC_ADD_TRIGGER_UPDATE_DELAY:Ljava/lang/String; = "ALTER TABLE workspec ADD COLUMN `trigger_content_update_delay` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT -1"
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
# direct methods
2019-12-06 03:29:40 +00:00
.method public static constructor <clinit>()V
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
.locals 3
new-instance v0, Landroidx/work/impl/WorkDatabaseMigrations$1;
const/4 v1, 0x1
const/4 v2, 0x2
invoke-direct {v0, v1, v2}, Landroidx/work/impl/WorkDatabaseMigrations$1;-><init>(II)V
sput-object v0, Landroidx/work/impl/WorkDatabaseMigrations;->MIGRATION_1_2:Landroidx/room/migration/Migration;
new-instance v0, Landroidx/work/impl/WorkDatabaseMigrations$2;
const/4 v1, 0x4
const/4 v2, 0x3
invoke-direct {v0, v2, v1}, Landroidx/work/impl/WorkDatabaseMigrations$2;-><init>(II)V
sput-object v0, Landroidx/work/impl/WorkDatabaseMigrations;->MIGRATION_3_4:Landroidx/room/migration/Migration;
new-instance v0, Landroidx/work/impl/WorkDatabaseMigrations$3;
const/4 v2, 0x5
invoke-direct {v0, v1, v2}, Landroidx/work/impl/WorkDatabaseMigrations$3;-><init>(II)V
sput-object v0, Landroidx/work/impl/WorkDatabaseMigrations;->MIGRATION_4_5:Landroidx/room/migration/Migration;
.end method
2019-12-06 03:29:40 +00:00
.method public constructor <init>()V
2019-07-24 11:27:29 +00:00
.locals 0
invoke-direct {p0}, Ljava/lang/Object;-><init>()V
.end method