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<KEY<MSGWords light up the screen...<NOD<CLR<TUR"...If I have to, though,
I really will..."<NOD<FLJ0153:0000<CLR<MSGDo you want to permit
teleportation to the Egg Corridor?<YNJ0000<CLRPermission granted to access Egg
<KEY<MSGWords light up the screen...<NOD<CLR
<TURConnecting to Grasstown...<NOD<END
Connected to Grasstown.<NOD<END
Enter command.<NOD<END
Connected to Sand Zone.<NOD<END
<KEY<MSGWords light up the screen...<NOD<CLR<TUR
Head for the Egg Corridor
<KEY<MSG<FAC0009Welcome back.<NOD<CLRSue's back.<NOD
She's been locked up in
the cage outside.<NOD
When the Doctor's flunkies
come, we're going to try
to get Toroko back.<NOD
In exchange for Sue,
you see.<NOD<CLRIt's not very nice, I know,
but Toroko is one of us.<NOD
That's what you get when
you act alone.<NOD<END
<KEY<MSG<FAC0009I hope Toroko's safe...<NOD<END
<MSG<FAC0018Oooohh...<NOD<CLR<FAC0010...Are you okay?<NOD<CLO<FAC0000
<MSG<FAC0018...Mmm.<NOD<CLRMy life flashed before
my eyes.<NOD<CLR<FAC0010.....<NOD<CLO<FAC0000
<MSG<FAC0001Kazuma!!<NOD<ANP0622:0000:0002<CLRAnd Professor Booster!<NOD<CLR<FAC0018Oh!<NOD<CLO<FAC0000
<MSG<FAC0018You're all right, then?!<NOD<CLR<FAC0001Well, more or less.<NOD<CLO<FAC0000
<MSG<FAC0007.....<NOD<CLR<FAC0018Who's that Mimiga?<NOD<CLO<FAC0000
<MSG<FAC0001That's King.<NOD<CLRA friend of mine here in
the village.<NOD<CLRThere used to be tons of
Mimigas here.<NOD
Nearly all of them,
though, have been kidnapped
by the Doctor's goons.<NOD<CLREven King has lost
<KEY<FLJ0158:0631<MSG<FAC0018The Doctor's plans are
proceeding exactly on
If we don't do something
<KEY<FLJ0158:0632<MSG<FAC0010Thanks for your help.<NOD<CLROur transportation didn't
really survive, but at
least we did.<NOD<END
<KEY<FLJ0158:0634<MSG<FAC0007Toroko as a death
No! I'll never allow it!<NOD<END
<FAC0001Welcome back!<NOD<CLRLooks like I owe you
another one.<NOD
With my brother's help,<NOD
we should be able to get
around the password for
that egg.<NOD<CLO<FAC0000
<ANP0625:0000:0000<MSG<FAC0001Booster!<NOD<CLRCan we take this little
guy with us when we go?<NOD<CLO<FAC0000
<FAC0010Professor.<NOD<CLR<FAC0001???<NOD<CLR<FAC0018Sue, my dear...<NOD
We have to suspend our
escape.<NOD<CLRThe Doctor has located
the red flowers.<NOD<ANP0624:0000:0000<CLR
<FAC0007!!!<NOD<CLR<FAC0001What?<NOD<CLR<FAC0018While he has not yet
acquired them, it is only
a matter of time.<NOD
The location is the Sand
Zone.<NOD<CLRThe flowers are apparently
to be found somewhere in
the Sand Zone.<NOD<CLR
<FAC0007The Sand Zone?<NOD<CLRYou mean, that's where
we'll find the Doctor?<NOD<CLR<FAC0018Well,<NOD more likely one
of his servants.<NOD
If we don't destroy those
flowers before they get
their hands on them...<NOD<CLRHowever, the Sand Zone is
exceedingly dangerous.<NOD
Even supposing we made the
there's no guarantee that
we would return alive...<NOD<CLR
<FAC0007You're giving up?<NOD<CLR<FAC0018Actually...<NOD<CLRThere's one of us who's
a perfect match for this
<MSG<FAC0018It's you.<NOD<CLR
<CMU0002<FAC0010...Who IS he?<NOD<CLR<FAC0018In fact...<NOD<CLRThis is one of the armed
scout robots that were
dispatched to this island<NOD
10 years ago.<NOD<CLR<FAC0010A robot?!<NOD<CLR<FAC0018My impression was that
they had been completely
wiped out,<ANP0621:0000:0000<NOD
but I do not know the
It's entirely possible that
one of them could have...<NOD<CLR<FAC0010Professor.<NOD
I've connected to the Sand
Zone.<NOD<CLR<FAC0018I see.<NOD<CLO<FAC0000
<ANP0621:0000:0002<WAI0030<MSG<FAC0018You are the most suited
to exploring this island.<NOD<CLRPlease. Give us your aid.<NOD<FL+0158<PS+0003:6003<END
<KEY<MSG<FAC0018You can reach the Sand
Zone via the teleporter.<NOD
Find the red flowers and
burn every single one of
<KEY<MSG<FAC0010So you're one of the...<NOD<CLRI hadn't even noticed.<NOD<CLRMy, my, you certainly are
<KEY<MSG<FAC0007The Sand Zone...<NOD<END
<KEY<MSG<FAC0001If you get rid of the
flowers, we'll be able to
prevent the war for now.<NOD<CLRIt's a big responsibility.<NOD<END
<KEY<MSG<FAC0018Take Sue with you and
flee this island...<NOD
I beg you...<NOD<END
<MSG<FAC0018Only you, I see...<NOD<CLR...The Doctor has acquired
the red flowers.<NOD<CLR...The island's Mimigas
have all fallen into his
hands.<NOD<CLRSo the tragedy has become
inevitable...<NOD<CLRI should have allowed
at least Sue to escape
when I had the chance...<NOD<CLO<FAC0000
Got the =Booster v2.0=.<WAI0030<NOD<CLO<GIT0000
<MSG<FAC0018Please heed my last
request.<NOD<CLRIf you see Sue again,<NOD
I want you to take her
and flee this island.<NOD<CLRThat girl is Sakamoto's
and she never wanted to
come here in the first
But we couldn't leave the
child all alone,<NOD
so she had no choice but
to come along with us.<NOD<CLR
I beg you.<NOD<CLRTake that girl with you
and flee.<NOD<CLO
<KEY<FLJ1020:0661<MSG<FAC0018Take Sue with you and
flee this island...<NOD
I beg you...<NOD<END
<KEY<MSG<FAC0018I'm truly sorry for the
chaos that has befallen
your island.<NOD<CLRWe humans must take the
<PRI<MSGDo you want to go to the
Egg Corridor?<YNJ0000<CLO
<PRI<MSGDo you want to go to Grasstown?<YNJ0000<CLO
<PRI<MSGDo you want to go to the
Sand Zone?<YNJ0000<CLO
<PRI<MSGDo you want to go to the
<PRI<MSGDo you want to go to the