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<PRI<FLJ1105:0122<MSGWhat's the password?<NOD<FLJ1024:0121<END
"Litagano Motscoud".<NOD<CLO
<MSGIt says "No Entry".<NOD
And it's locked.<NOD<END
<SOU0022<MSG<GIT1025Used the =Teleporter Room Key=.<NOD<CLO
<PRI<FLJ1030:0151<MSGIt's still too early to come
<PRI<MSGThe surface dwellers are planning
an attack on us, so we're raising
red flowers to prepare.<NOD
If what the Doctor says is
true, these flowers better
bloom fast, or else.<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGWith the red flowers on our
side, those killer robots'll be
a piece of cake!<NOD
Bloom away, my crimson dainties!<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGLong live the Doctor!<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGGet to work!<NOD<END
<PRI<FL+1037<MSGOho.<NOD<CLRYou're new here, aren't ya.<NOD
I bet you're still confused,
being picked up and dropped
here all of a sudden.<NOD<CLRWell, just remember.<NOD
Don't try anything funny.<NOD
If you run away and get
caught, they'll throw you
in prison.<NOD
As long as you just tend to
the flowers, you'll be safe,
and you'll get to eat.<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGHow's the work goin'?<NOD<CLRWith any luck, we'll be
back to our long, relaxing
days in no time.<NOD<CLR...I mean, we will, won't we?<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGMan, these sprinklers just...<NOD<CLRWhoops.
Not supposed to talk to humans.<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGThese sprinklers are handy, but
they sure break all the time.<NOD<END
<PRI<FL+1029<MSGIt busted again!<NOD<CLR.....<NOD<CLRHey, you.
You're the new guy, right?<NOD
Go take that busted sprinkler
in and exchange it for a new
<PRI<MSGHurry it up! The flower buds
are getting parched.<NOD
Go take that busted sprinkler
in and exchange it for a new
<PRI<MSGIt's the red flowers that
make us powerful warriors!<NOD
We Mimigas had this ferocity
in us all along.<NOD
So the time we fought the robots
wasn't just an old legend!<NOD<CLRHeh-heh-heh...<NOD<CLRBloom, little flowers...<NOD
Truth be told, I'm getting
a bit sick of farming.<NOD<END
<MSGOh, hey, it's you.<NOD<CLRI caught something weird
just now.<NOD
You can have it, if you want.<NOD
It's in the bucket there.<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGIt's in the bucket there.<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGWhere does that key go, I wonder?<NOD<CLRYou'd think it'd match
up with something around here...<NOD<CLRMan, I'm hungry...<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGI'm not catching ANYTHING.<NOD<END
<MSGIt's a bucket. Fish go here
once they've been caught.<NOD<END
<MSGPeered into the bucket.<NOD
Looking closely, you can see
something down at the bottom.<NOD<CLR<GIT1025<IT+0025<CLR
<CMU0010Got the =Teleporter Room Key=.<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<END
<PRI<MSGNothing in here anymore...<NOD<END
<PRI<CMU0000<MSGYou're one of those killer robots!<NOD<FAO0004<MYD0002<CLR
Oh, you got me...<NOD<TRA0057:0094:0011:0014
<MSGA man from the surface, the
Doctor, is using the Mimigas to
cultivate red flowers.<NOD<CLRThis isn't the first time
this sort of thing has
<PRI<MSGFound this one lying in the
Says she doesn't even remember
who she is...<NOD<CLRJust a piece of junk, I guess.<NOD<FL+1044<EVE0312
<PRI<MSGNow that you mention it...<NOD
There's a certain kind of
mushroom, I'm told,<NOD
that brings back memories
when you eat it...<NOD
Wonder if it'd work on her?<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGWhat's that?
Her memories are back?<NOD
Pfft. Liked it better the
old way.<NOD<END
<FL+1041<MSG<FAC0025Who...<NODare you...?<NOD<ITJ0034:0322<END
You're so cute...<NOD<CLRDon't go too far.<NOD
And watch out for the
bad robots...<NOD<ITJ0034:0322<END
<FAC0000<MSG<GIT1034Do you want to use the
=Ma Pignon=?<YNJ0000<GIT0000<IT-0034<CMU0000<CLR
Jammed it into Curly's mouth.<NOD<CLR<CLO<WAI0050<EQ-0064<WAI0050
I remember now.
Your name's Quote!<NOD<CLRYou and I...<NOD<CLR
<FAC0025Right...<NOD<CLRBack then, a huge
number of robots were
sent to this island<NOD
from countries on the
Earth's surface.<NOD<CLRTheir target was the
awesome power kept
within this island...<NOD
The =Demon Crown=.<NOD
But you and I, we were
different.<NOD<CLRThe two of us were sent
in order to destroy that
power.<NOD<CLRWhen we got here,
the island was in
a shambles.<NOD
The robots had torn it
all to pieces...<NOD<CLRAnd countless Mimigas
had been slaughtered...<NOD
<FAC0020It was...terrible...<NOD<CLR<FAC0025Finally, one man got
the =Demon Crown= in
his possession.<NOD<CLRThe robots' work was
done, and the island
fell silent.<NOD<CLRBut that was just the
beginning of the tragedy.<NOD
With the crown in hand,
the man turned the
Mimigas into killers<NOD
and began his assault
on the Earth.<NOD<CLRI tried to stop him.<NOD
You were there too.<NOD<CLR
.....<NOD<CLRThat' far as I
can remember.<NOD<CLRI'm pretty sure we
were able to wound him.<NOD
But we seemed far out
of our league...<NOD<CLR
<FAC0019Do you remember anything?<NOD<CLO
<PRI<MSG<FAC0019I'm fine, thank you.<NOD
Don't worry about me.<NOD<CLR<FAC0025Oh,<NOD here.<NOD<CLR<FAC0019Take this<GIT1039 with you...<NOD<CLR<FAC0000
<FL+1046<IT+0039Got the =Iron Bond=!<WAI0020<NOD<GIT0000<END
<PRI<MSG<FAC0019I'm fine now.<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGDo you want to flip the
<PRI<MSG<FAC0028I'm back!<NOD<CLRNo use in hiding
anymore, you know?<NOD
And anyway, the rocket
couldn't be finished
without me here!<NOD<CLRBy the way...<NOD<CLRIf you defeat the Doctor,<NOD
do you think I'll be
able to become a human
<PRI<FLJ1034:0380<MSG<FAC0022<FL+1034Did you have a good
rest?<NOD<CLRThe rocket's all done.<NOD<CLRYou'll be able to take
down the Doctor, right?<NOD
I believe in you.<NOD<CLRTake this with you...<NOD<CLO<FAC0000<FLJ0162:0371
Got the Booster v0.8.<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<CLO
Got the Booster v2.0.<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<CLO
<PRI<MSG<FAC0022You won't be needing
this anymore.<NOD<CLO<FAC0000
=Mimiga Mask= taken.<NOD<CLO<GIT0000<EVE0380
<PRI<MSG<FAC0022Directly above us is a
path to the throne room.<NOD
You should be able to
get there using the
rocket.<NOD<CLRThe Mimigas are gone
from the plantation.<NOD<CLR...In other words,
he may already be using
the red flowers.<NOD<CLRGo on.<NOD<CLRRide the rocket up
to the Doctor's throne
room. Hurry!<NOD<END
<PRI<FLJ1102:0401<MSGIt's spewing out water
at a frightening rate.<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGHey! We need that here!<NOD<END
<PRI<FLJ1102:0411<MSGIt's spewing out water
at a frightening rate.<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGHey! We need that here!<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGIt's stopped.<NOD<FLJ1029:0416<END
<CMU0010Got the =Broken Sprinkler=.<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<END
<PRI<FLJ1040:0451<FL+1040<MSGLong time no arf!<NOD<CLRI was told to bring this
to you...<NOD<CLR<SOU0022<CMU0016<GIT1006Got a =Life Capsule=!<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<ML+0005
Max health increased by 5!<NOD<GIT0000<ITJ0015:0451<CLROh, she said to give you
this, too...<NOD<CLR
<CMU0010<GIT1015<IT+0015<GIT1015Got a =Life Pot=!<WAI0160<NOD<GIT0000<RMU<EVE0451
<PRI<MSGSo you're going to fight
the Doctor? Good luck!
My tail wags only for you!<NOD
Oh, yeah, and tell Curly I
said hi!<NOD<END
<PRI<MSG<TURWatch out for Gunfish! (Note:
Those who use them as platforms
do so at their own risk.)<NOD<END
<MSG<GIT1006Got a =Life Capsule=!<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<ML+0004
Max health increased by 4!<NOD<END