2021-10-09 22:20:41 +01:00

61 lines
844 B

# key bindings for iocane
# format:
# <key> <command>
# <key> is an X11 keysym without the leading "XK_"
# <command> is the iocane command to be executed
# <key> and <command> must be separated by exactly one space
# movement
h move -64 0
j move 0 64
k move 0 -64
l move 64 0
Left move -16 0
Down move 0 16
Up move 0 -16
Right move 16 0
# keypad
KP_Home move -32 -32
KP_Up move 0 -32
KP_Prior move 32 -32
KP_Left move -32 0
KP_Begin button 1
KP_Right move 32 0
KP_End move -32 32
KP_Down move 0 32
KP_Next move 32 32
# buttons
f button 1
d button 1
1 button 1
2 button 2
3 button 3
4 button 4
5 button 5
6 button 6
7 button 7
Space button 1
Prior button 4
Next button 5
# cursors (see X Font Cursors for options)
#x cursor 0
#a cursor 68
#s cursor 130
#d cursor 64
#f cursor 142
# misc
o 0 0
p powder
q quit
Escape quit