_FZF_COMPLETION_SEP=$'\x01' # shell parsing stuff _fzf_bash_completion_egrep="$( { which rg || echo egrep; } 2>/dev/null)" _fzf_bash_completion_awk="$( { which gawk || echo awk; } 2>/dev/null)" _fzf_bash_completion_sed="$( { which gsed || echo sed; } 2>/dev/null)" _fzf_bash_completion_awk_escape() { "$_fzf_bash_completion_sed" 's/\\/\\\\\\\\/g; s/[[*^$.]/\\\\&/g' <<<"$1" } _fzf_bash_completion_shell_split() { "$_fzf_bash_completion_egrep" -o \ -e '[;(){}&\|:]' \ -e '\|+|&+' \ -e "(\\\\.|[^\"'[:space:];:(){}&\\|])+" \ -e "\\\$'(\\\\.|[^'])*('|$)" \ -e "'[^']*('|$)" \ -e '"(\\.|\$($|[^(])|[^"$])*("|$)' \ -e '".*' -e . } _fzf_bash_completion_unbuffered_awk() { # need to get awk to be unbuffered either by using -W interactive or system("") "$_fzf_bash_completion_awk" -W interactive "${@:3}" "$1 { $2; print \$0; system(\"\") }" 2>/dev/null } _fzf_bash_completion_flatten_subshells() { ( local count=0 buffer= while IFS= read -r line; do case "$line" in \(|\{) (( count -- )) ;; \)|\}) (( count ++ )) ;; esac if (( count < 0 )); then return elif (( count > 0 )); then buffer="$line$buffer" else printf '%s\n' "$line$buffer" buffer= fi done < <(tac) printf '%s\n' "$buffer" ) | tac } _fzf_bash_completion_find_matching_bracket() { local count=0 while IFS=: read num bracket; do if [ "$bracket" = "$1" ]; then (( count++ )) if (( count > 0 )); then printf '%s\n' "$num" return 0 fi else (( count -- )) fi done < <(fgrep $'(\n)' -n) return 1 } _fzf_bash_completion_parse_dq() { local words="$(cat)" local last="$(<<<"$words" tail -n1)" if [[ "$last" == \"* ]]; then local shell="${last:1}" _shell joined local word= while true; do # we are in a double quoted string _shell="$(<<<"$shell" "$_fzf_bash_completion_sed" -r 's/^(\\.|[^"$])*\$\(//')" if [ "$shell" = "$_shell" ]; then # no subshells break fi word+="${shell:0:-${#_shell}-2}" shell="$_shell" # found a subshell split="$(<<<"$shell" _fzf_bash_completion_shell_split)" if ! split="$(_fzf_bash_completion_parse_dq <<<"$split")"; then # bubble up printf '%s\n' "$split" return 1 fi if ! num="$(_fzf_bash_completion_find_matching_bracket ')' <<<"$split")"; then # subshell not closed, this is it printf '%s\n' "$split" return 1 fi # subshell closed joined="$(<<<"$split" head -n "$num" | tr -d \\n)" word+=$'\n'"\$($joined"$'\n' shell="${shell:${#joined}}" done fi printf '%s\n' "$words" } _fzf_bash_completion_parse_line() { _fzf_bash_completion_shell_split \ | _fzf_bash_completion_parse_dq \ | _fzf_bash_completion_flatten_subshells \ | tr \\n \\0 \ | "$_fzf_bash_completion_sed" -r "$(cat <<'EOF' s/\x00\s*\x00/\n/g; s/\x00(\s*)$/\n\1/; s/([^&\n\x00])&([^&\n\x00])/\1\n\&\n\2/g; s/([\n\x00\z])([<>]+)([^\n\x00])/\1\2\n\3/g; s/([<>][\n\x00])$/\1\n/; s/^(.*[\x00\n])?(\[\[|case|do|done|elif|else|esac|fi|for|function|if|in|select|then|time|until|while|&|;|&&|\|[|&]?)[\x00\n]//; s/^(\s*[\n\x00]|\w+=[^\n\x00]*[\n\x00])*// EOF )" \ | tr \\0 \\n } _fzf_bash_completion_compspec() { complete -p -- "$1" || complete -p '' || printf '%s\n' 'complete -o filenames -F _fzf_bash_completion_fallback_completer' } _fzf_bash_completion_fallback_completer() { # fallback completion in case no compspecs loaded if [[ "$1" == \~* && "$1" != */* ]]; then # complete ~user directories readarray -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -P '~' -u -- "${1#\~}") else # complete files readarray -t COMPREPLY < <(compgen -f -- "$1") fi } _fzf_bash_completion_loading_msg() { echo 'Loading matches ...' } fzf_bash_completion() { printf '\r' command tput sc 2>/dev/null || echo -ne "\0337" printf '%s' "$(_fzf_bash_completion_loading_msg)" command tput rc 2>/dev/null || echo -ne "\0338" local COMP_WORDS COMP_CWORD COMP_POINT COMP_LINE local line="${READLINE_LINE:0:READLINE_POINT}" readarray -t COMP_WORDS < <(_fzf_bash_completion_parse_line <<<"$line") if [[ "${#COMP_WORDS[@]}" = 0 || "$line" =~ .*[[:space:]]$ ]]; then COMP_WORDS+=( '' ) fi COMP_CWORD="${#COMP_WORDS[@]}" (( COMP_CWORD-- )) if [[ ${#COMP_WORDS[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then _fzf_bash_completion_expand_alias "${COMP_WORDS[0]}" fi COMP_LINE="${COMP_WORDS[*]}" COMP_POINT="${#COMP_LINE}" local cmd="${COMP_WORDS[0]}" local prev if [ "$COMP_CWORD" = 0 ]; then prev= else prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}" fi local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}" local COMPREPLY= fzf_bash_completer "$cmd" "$cur" "$prev" if [ -n "$COMPREPLY" ]; then if [ -n "$cur" ]; then line="${line::-${#cur}}" fi READLINE_LINE="${line}${COMPREPLY}${READLINE_LINE:$READLINE_POINT}" (( READLINE_POINT+=${#COMPREPLY} - ${#cur} )) fi printf '\r' command tput el 2>/dev/null || echo -ne "\033[K" } _fzf_bash_completion_selector() { FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--height ${FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT:-40%} --reverse $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS $FZF_COMPLETION_OPTS" \ $(__fzfcmd 2>/dev/null || echo fzf) -1 -0 --prompt "> $line" --nth 2 -d "$_FZF_COMPLETION_SEP" \ | tr -d "$_FZF_COMPLETION_SEP" } _fzf_bash_completion_expand_alias() { if alias "$1" &>/dev/null; then value=( ${BASH_ALIASES[$1]} ) if [ -n "${value[*]}" -a "${value[0]}" != "$1" ]; then COMP_WORDS=( "${value[@]}" "${COMP_WORDS[@]:1}" ) COMP_CWORD="$(( COMP_CWORD + ${#value[@]} - 1 ))" fi fi } _fzf_bash_completion_get_results() { local trigger="${FZF_COMPLETION_TRIGGER-**}" if [[ "$2" =~ .*\$(\{?)([A-Za-z0-9_]*)$ ]]; then # environment variables local brace="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" local filter="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" if [ -n "$filter" ]; then local prefix="${2:: -${#filter}}" else local prefix="$2" fi compgen -v -P "$prefix" -S "${brace:+\}}" -- "$filter" elif [ "$COMP_CWORD" == 0 ]; then # commands printf '%s\n' compl_filenames=1 >&"${__evaled}" compgen -abc -- "$2" | _fzf_bash_completion_dir_marker elif [[ "$2" == *"$trigger" ]]; then # replicate fzf ** trigger completion local suffix="${2##*/}" local prefix="${2::${#2}-${#suffix}}" suffix="${suffix::${#suffix}-${#trigger}}" local flags=() if [[ "$1" =~ cd|pushd|rmdir ]]; then flags=( -type d ) fi if [[ ! "$prefix" =~ (.?/).* ]]; then prefix="./$prefix" elif [ "${prefix::2}" = '~/' ]; then prefix="${HOME}/${prefix:2}" fi # smart case if [ "${suffix,,}" = "${suffix}" ]; then flags+=( -ipath "$prefix$suffix*" ) else flags+=( -path "$prefix$suffix*" ) fi printf '%s\n' compl_filenames=1 >&"${__evaled}" find -L "$prefix" -mindepth 1 "${flags[@]}" \( -type d -printf "%p/\n" , -type f -print \) 2>/dev/null | "$_fzf_bash_completion_sed" 's,^\./,,' else _fzf_bash_completion_complete "$@" fi } fzf_bash_completer() { local value code local compl_bashdefault compl_default compl_dirnames compl_filenames compl_noquote compl_nosort compl_nospace compl_plusdirs # preload completions in top shell { complete -p -- "$1" || __load_completion "$1"; } &>/dev/null eval "$( set -o pipefail # hack: hijack compopt compopt() { _fzf_bash_completion_compopt "$@"; } local __unquoted="${2#[\"\']}" exec {__evaled}>&1 coproc ( ( _fzf_bash_completion_get_results "$@" while (( $? == 124 )); do _fzf_bash_completion_get_results "$@" done ) | _fzf_bash_completion_unbuffered_awk '$0!="" && !x[$0]++' '$0 = substr($0, 1, len) sep substr($0, len+1)' -vlen="${#__unquoted}" -vsep="$_FZF_COMPLETION_SEP" ) value="$(_fzf_bash_completion_selector "$1" "$__unquoted" "$3" <&"${COPROC[0]}")" code="$?" printf 'COMPREPLY=%q\n' "$value" printf 'code=%q\n' "$code" kill 0 )" if [ "$code" = 0 ]; then readarray -t COMPREPLY < <( if [ "$compl_noquote" != 1 -a "$compl_filenames" = 1 ]; then while IFS= read -r line; do if [ "$line" = "$2" ]; then printf '%s\n' "$line" # never quote the prefix elif [ "${line::${#2}}" = "$2" ]; then printf '%s%q\n' "$2" "${line:${#2}}" elif [ "${line::1}" = '~' ]; then printf '~%q\n' "${line:1}" else printf '%q\n' "$line" fi done else cat fi <<<"$COMPREPLY" ) COMPREPLY="${COMPREPLY[*]}" [ "$compl_nospace" != 1 ] && COMPREPLY="$COMPREPLY " [[ "$compl_filenames" == *1* ]] && COMPREPLY="${COMPREPLY/%\/ //}" fi } _fzf_bash_completion_complete() { local compgen_actions=() local compspec="$(_fzf_bash_completion_compspec "$1" 2>/dev/null)" eval "compspec=( $compspec )" set -- "${compspec[@]}" "$@" shift while [ "$#" -gt 4 ]; do case "$1" in -F) local compl_function="$2" shift ;; -C) local compl_command="$2" shift ;; -G) local compl_globpat="$2" shift ;; -W) local compl_wordlist="$2" shift ;; -X) local compl_xfilter="$2" shift ;; -o) _fzf_bash_completion_compopt -o "$2" shift ;; -A) local compgen_opts+=( "$1" "$2" ) shift ;; -P) local compl_prefix="$(_fzf_bash_completion_awk_escape "$2")" shift ;; -S) local compl_suffix="$(_fzf_bash_completion_awk_escape "$2")" shift ;; -[a-z]) compgen_actions+=( "$1" ) ;; esac shift done shift COMPREPLY=() if [ -n "$compl_function" ]; then "$compl_function" "$@" >/dev/null if [ "$?" = 124 ]; then local newcompspec="$(_fzf_bash_completion_compspec "$1" 2>/dev/null)" if [ "$newcompspec" != "$compspec" ]; then return 124 fi "$compl_function" "$@" >/dev/null fi fi compl_filenames="${compl_filenames}${compl_plusdirs}${compl_dirnames}" if [[ "$compl_filenames" == *1* ]]; then local dir_marker=_fzf_bash_completion_dir_marker else local dir_marker=cat fi printf 'compl_filenames=%q\n' "$compl_filenames" >&"${__evaled}" printf 'compl_noquote=%q\n' "$compl_noquote" >&"${__evaled}" printf 'compl_nospace=%q\n' "$compl_nospace" >&"${__evaled}" ( ( if [ -n "${compgen_actions[*]}" ]; then compgen "${compgen_opts[@]}" -- "$2" fi if [ -n "$compl_globpat" ]; then printf %s\\n "$compl_globpat" fi if [ -n "$compl_wordlist" ]; then eval "printf '%s\\n' $compl_wordlist" fi if [ -n "${COMPREPLY[*]}" ]; then printf %s\\n "${COMPREPLY[@]}" fi if [ -n "$compl_command" ]; then ( unset COMP_WORDS COMP_CWORD export COMP_LINE="$COMP_LINE" COMP_POINT="$COMP_POINT" COMP_KEY="$COMP_KEY" COMP_TYPE="$COMP_TYPE" eval "$compl_command" ) fi printf '%s\n' ) | _fzf_bash_completion_apply_xfilter "$compl_xfilter" \ | _fzf_bash_completion_unbuffered_awk '$0!=""' 'sub(find, replace)' -vfind='.*' -vreplace="$(printf %s "$compl_prefix" | "$_fzf_bash_completion_sed" 's/[&\]/\\&/g')&$(printf %s "$compl_suffix" | "$_fzf_bash_completion_sed" 's/[&\]/\\&/g')" \ | if IFS= read -r line; then printf '%s\n' "$line"; cat else local compgen_opts=() [ "$compl_bashdefault" = 1 ] && compgen_opts+=( -o bashdefault ) [ "$compl_default" = 1 ] && compgen_opts+=( -o default ) [ "$compl_dirnames" = 1 ] && compgen_opts+=( -o dirnames ) if [ -n "${compgen_opts[*]}" ]; then compgen "${compgen_opts[@]}" -- "$2" fi fi if [ "$compl_plusdirs" = 1 ]; then compgen -o dirnames -- "$2" fi ) \ | _fzf_bash_completion_unbuffered_awk '' 'sub(find, replace)' -vfind="^$(_fzf_bash_completion_awk_escape "$2")" -vreplace="$("$_fzf_bash_completion_sed" -r 's/\\(.)/\1/g; s/[&\]/\\&/g' <<<"$2")" \ | "$dir_marker" } _fzf_bash_completion_apply_xfilter() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then cat return fi local pattern line word="$cur" word="${word//\//\\/}" word="${word//&/\\&}" # replace any unescaped & with the word being completed pattern="$("$_fzf_bash_completion_sed" 's/\(\(^\|[^\]\)\(\\\\\)*\)&/\1'"$word"'/g' <<<"${1:1}")" if [ "${1::1}" = ! ]; then while IFS= read -r line; do [[ "$line" == $pattern ]] && printf '%s\n' "$line"; done elif [ -n "$1" ]; then while IFS= read -r line; do [[ "$line" != $pattern ]] && printf '%s\n' "$line"; done fi } _fzf_bash_completion_dir_marker() { local line while IFS= read -r line; do # adapted from __expand_tilde_by_ref if [[ "$line" == \~* ]]; then eval "$(printf expanded=~%q "${line:1}")" fi [ -d "${expanded-"$line"}" ] && line="$line/" printf '%s\n' "$line" done } _fzf_bash_completion_compopt() { while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do local val if [ "$1" = -o ]; then val=1 elif [ "$1" = +o ]; then val=0 else break fi if [[ "$2" =~ bashdefault|default|dirnames|filenames|noquote|nosort|nospace|plusdirs ]]; then eval "compl_$2=$val" fi shift 2 done }