"Script: Pickachu "Version: 0.0.1 "Copyright: Copyright (C) 2018 Doug Beney "Licence: "Website: https://dougie.io if !has('python3') echo "You need Vim Python3 support to use this plugin. If you're using NeoVim, try running `pip3 install neovim` to resolve this issue." endif if !exists('g:pickachu_default_app') let g:pickachu_default_app = "color" endif if !exists("g:pickachu_default_command") let g:pickachu_default_command = "zenity" endif if !exists("g:pickachu_default_date_format") let g:pickachu_default_date_format = "%m/%d/%Y" endif if !exists("g:pickachu_default_color_format") let g:pickachu_default_color_format = "hex" endif function! s:pickachuCompletion(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) let options = ['color', 'date', 'file'] return options endfunction command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,pickachuCompletion Pickachu call Pickachu() python3 import sys python3 import vim python3 sys.path.append(vim.eval('expand(":h")')) function! Pickachu(...) python3 << EOF from pickachu.main import MainFunction MainFunction() EOF endfunction " vim: noexpandtab