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<p>Hi, I'm david and this is my place on the net where I dump various files, write blogs and whatever I feel like.</p>
<p>Feel free to explore the above links, or scroll through below. This site is still under contruction... permanently. So expect it to look better (or worse) in the future.</p>
<p>if you want to contact me, you can message me on matrix <code>@davidovski:matrix.org</code> (i will make my own homeserver soon ok?) or discord <code>iksvo#6239</code>. I'll be also happy to reply to any emails, linked at the top of the page</p>
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<h1 class="header">blog posts</h1>
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<div class="small">Fri, 27 Aug 2021 03:01:02 <a href="https://davidovski.xyz/entries/ssh_forwarding.html">🔗</a></div>
<h2>Permanent SSH Forwarding (Tutorial)</h2>
<p>Take this situation: you have a cheap (or even free), low-powered remote server and a considerably better homeserver with more storage and power. For certain services that require more power, you'd obviously want to run them on that homeserver. However, what if you don't want to, <em>or can't</em>, directly open ports onto your home network, or you if you simply want to keep all of your site on one IP? This is where SSH port forwarding comes in handy: using ssh to forward the open port from a service from your local server to the remote one, where it can be exposed to the rest of the internet. </p><a href=entries/ssh_forwarding.html>read more...</a>
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<div class="small">Sun, 08 Aug 2021 04:23:07 <a href="https://davidovski.xyz/entries/welcome.html">🔗</a></div>
<p>welcome. i decided to turn this wepage into blog-style site... i havent got a topic or anything, so expect either: quality tutorials and very interesting techy things; or just random shitposts or rambles about things.</p>
<p>originally i was going to make this blog on <a href="https://b.davidovski.xyz">b.davidovski.xyz</a> using <a href="http://nanoblogger.sourceforge.net/">nanoblogger</a> (you might be able to still see the start of that) but nb itself seemed quite dead, and i couldn't really be asked to customise it all myself. So i made my own script to generate this static site: <a href="https://github.com/davidovski/kblg/">kblg</a>. Right now its probably just the bare minimum needed for this, but I am planning to add more things to it as I go along (including rss, if anyone would be interested?)</p>
<p>anyway thats all for now, cya</p>