2018-09-22 07:57:35 -07:00

312 lines
9.5 KiB

Copyright (c) 2018 Monero-Integrations
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
class Monero_Cryptonote
protected $ed25519;
public function __construct()
$this->ed25519 = new ed25519();
$this->base58 = new Monero_base58();
$this->address_prefix = MONERO_GATEWAY_ADDRESS_PREFIX;
$this->address_prefix_integrated = MONERO_GATEWAY_ADDRESS_PREFIX_INTEGRATED;
* @param string Hex encoded string of the data to hash
* @return string Hex encoded string of the hashed data
public function keccak_256($message)
$keccak256 = SHA3::init (SHA3::KECCAK_256);
$keccak256->absorb (hex2bin($message));
return bin2hex ($keccak256->squeeze (32)) ;
* @return string A hex encoded string of 32 random bytes
public function gen_new_hex_seed()
$bytes = random_bytes(32);
return bin2hex($bytes);
public function sc_reduce($input)
$integer = $this->ed25519->decodeint(hex2bin($input));
$modulo = bcmod($integer , $this->ed25519->l);
$result = bin2hex($this->ed25519->encodeint($modulo));
return $result;
* Hs in the cryptonote white paper
* @param string Hex encoded data to hash
* @return string A 32 byte encoded integer
public function hash_to_scalar($data)
$hash = $this->keccak_256($data);
$scalar = $this->sc_reduce($hash);
return $scalar;
* Derive a deterministic private view key from a private spend key
* @param string A private spend key represented as a 32 byte hex string
* @return string A deterministic private view key represented as a 32 byte hex string
public function derive_viewkey($spendkey)
return $this->hash_to_scalar($spendkey);
* Generate a pair of random private keys
* @param string A hex string to be used as a seed (this should be random)
* @return array An array containing a private spend key and a deterministic view key
public function gen_private_keys($seed)
$spendkey = $this->sc_reduce($seed);
$viewkey = $this->derive_viewkey($spendkey);
$result = array("spendkey" => $spendkey,
"viewkey" => $viewkey);
return $result;
* Get a public key from a private key on the ed25519 curve
* @param string a 32 byte hex encoded private key
* @return string a 32 byte hex encoding of a point on the curve to be used as a public key
public function pk_from_sk($privKey)
$keyInt = $this->ed25519->decodeint(hex2bin($privKey));
$aG = $this->ed25519->scalarmult_base($keyInt);
return bin2hex($this->ed25519->encodepoint($aG));
* Generate key derivation
* @param string a 32 byte hex encoding of a point on the ed25519 curve used as a public key
* @param string a 32 byte hex encoded private key
* @return string The hex encoded key derivation
public function gen_key_derivation($public, $private)
$point = $this->ed25519->scalarmult($this->ed25519->decodepoint(hex2bin($public)), $this->ed25519->decodeint(hex2bin($private)));
$res = $this->ed25519->scalarmult($point, 8);
return bin2hex($this->ed25519->encodepoint($res));
public function encode_variant($data)
$orig = $data;
if ($data < 0x80)
return bin2hex(pack('C', $data));
$encodedBytes = [];
while ($data > 0)
$encodedBytes[] = 0x80 | ($data & 0x7f);
$data >>= 7;
$encodedBytes[count($encodedBytes)-1] &= 0x7f;
$bytes = call_user_func_array('pack', array_merge(array('C*'), $encodedBytes));;
return bin2hex($bytes);
public function derivation_to_scalar($der, $index)
$encoded = $this->encode_variant($index);
$data = $der . $encoded;
return $this->hash_to_scalar($data);
// this is a one way function used for both encrypting and decrypting 8 byte payment IDs
public function stealth_payment_id($payment_id, $tx_pub_key, $viewkey)
if(strlen($payment_id) != 16)
throw new Exception("Error: Incorrect payment ID size. Should be 8 bytes");
$der = $this->gen_key_derivation($tx_pub_key, $viewkey);
$data = $der . '8d';
$hash = $this->keccak_256($data);
$key = substr($hash, 0, 16);
$result = bin2hex(pack('H*',$payment_id) ^ pack('H*',$key));
return $result;
// takes transaction extra field as hex string and returns transaction public key 'R' as hex string
public function txpub_from_extra($extra)
$parsed = array_map("hexdec", str_split($extra, 2));
if($parsed[0] == 1)
return substr($extra, 2, 64);
if($parsed[0] == 2)
if($parsed[0] == 2 || $parsed[2] == 1)
$offset = (($parsed[1] + 2) *2) + 2;
return substr($extra, (($parsed[1] + 2) *2) + 2, 64);
public function derive_public_key($der, $index, $pub)
$scalar = $this->derivation_to_scalar($der, $index);
$sG = $this->ed25519->scalarmult_base($this->ed25519->decodeint(hex2bin($scalar)));
$pubPoint = $this->ed25519->decodepoint(hex2bin($pub));
$key = $this->ed25519->encodepoint($this->ed25519->edwards($pubPoint, $sG));
return bin2hex($key);
* Perform the calculation P = P' as described in the cryptonote whitepaper
* @param string 32 byte transaction public key R
* @param string 32 byte reciever private view key a
* @param string 32 byte reciever public spend key B
* @param int output index
* @param string output you want to check against P
public function is_output_mine($txPublic, $privViewkey, $publicSpendkey, $index, $P)
$derivation = $this->gen_key_derivation($txPublic, $privViewkey);
$Pprime = $this->derive_public_key($derivation, $index, $publicSpendkey);
if($P == $Pprime)
return true;
return false;
* Create a valid base58 encoded Monero address from public keys
* @param string Public spend key
* @param string Public view key
* @return string Base58 encoded Monero address
public function encode_address($pSpendKey, $pViewKey)
$data = $this->address_prefix . $pSpendKey . $pViewKey;
$encoded = $this->base58->encode($data);
return $encoded;
public function verify_checksum($address)
$decoded = $this->base58->decode($address);
$checksum = substr($decoded, -8);
$checksum_hash = $this->keccak_256(substr($decoded, 0, -8));
$calculated = substr($checksum_hash, 0, 8);
return $checksum == $calculated;
* Decode a base58 encoded Monero address
* @param string A base58 encoded Monero address
* @return array An array containing the Address network byte, public spend key, and public view key
public function decode_address($address)
$decoded = $this->base58->decode($address);
throw new Exception("Error: invalid checksum");
$expected_prefix = $this->encode_variant($this->address_prefix);
$expected_prefix_length = strlen($expected_prefix);
$network_byte = substr($decoded, 0, $expected_prefix_length);
$public_spendkey = substr($decoded, $expected_prefix_length, 64);
$public_viewkey = substr($decoded, 64+$expected_prefix_length, 64);
return array(
"networkByte" => $network_byte,
"spendkey" => $public_spendkey,
"viewkey" => $public_viewkey
* Get an integrated address from public keys and a payment id
* @param string A 32 byte hex encoded public spend key
* @param string A 32 byte hex encoded public view key
* @param string An 8 byte hex string to use as a payment id
public function integrated_addr_from_keys($public_spendkey, $public_viewkey, $payment_id)
$prefix = $this->encode_variant($this->address_prefix_integrated);
$data = $prefix.$public_spendkey.$public_viewkey.$payment_id;
$checksum = substr($this->keccak_256($data), 0, 8);
$result = $this->base58->encode($data.$checksum);
return $result;
* Generate a Monero address from seed
* @param string Hex string to use as seed
* @return string A base58 encoded Monero address
public function address_from_seed($hex_seed)
$private_keys = $this->gen_private_keys($hex_seed);
$private_viewkey = $private_keys["viewkey"];
$private_spendkey = $private_keys["spendkey"];
$public_spendkey = $this->pk_from_sk($private_spendkey);
$public_viewkey = $this->pk_from_sk($private_viewkey);
$address = $this->encode_address($public_spendkey, $public_viewkey);
return $address;