@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class Monero_Gateway extends WC_Payment_Gateway
- ";
@@ -311,45 +311,29 @@ class Monero_Gateway extends WC_Payment_Gateway
- public function verify_payment($payment_id){
+ public function verify_payment($payment_id, $amount){
* function for verifying payments
- * 1. Get the latest block height available
- * 2. Get_Bulk_payments with the first payment id generated
- * 3. Verify that a payment has been made with the given payment id
+ * Check if a payment has been made with this payment id then notify the merchant
- $balance_method = $monero_library->_run('getbalance');
- $balance = $balance_method['balance'];
- $height_method = $monero_library->_run('getheight');
- $height = $height_method['height'];
- $get_bulk_params = array('payment_ids' => array( $payment_id), 'min_block_height' => $height);
- $get_bulk_methods = $monero_library->_run('get_bulk_payments', $get_bulk_params);
- if( $get_bulk_methods['payments'][0]['payment_id'] == $payment_id && $get_bulks_methods['payments'][0]['amount'] >= $amount){
- $transaction_hash = $get_bulk_methods['payments']['tx_hash'];
- $transaction_height = $get_bulk_methods['payments']['block_height'];
- $confermations = $height - $transaction_height;
- if($height < ($transaction_height + $confermations)){
- $message = "Payment has been received. We need a confirm from system.";
- $this->log->add('Monero_gateway','[SUCCESS] Payment has been received. Waiting for a confirm');
- }
- if($height >= ($transaction_heigh + $confermations)){
- $message = "Payment has been received and confirmed. Thanks!";
- $this->log->add('Monero_gateway','[SUCCESS] A new payment has been recordered. Congrts!');
- }
- $paid = true;
- // Email merchant
- // Notify him that someone transfer a payment
- return $transaction_hash;
- }
- else{
- $message = "No payment received."
- return $message;
- }
- }
- }
+ $amount_atomic_units = $amount * 1000000000000;
+ $get_payments_method = $this->monero_daemon->get_payments($payment_id);
+ if(isset($get_payments_method["payments"][0]["amount"]))
+ {
+ if($get_payments_method["payments"][0]["amount"] >= $amount_atomic_units)
+ {
+ $message = "Payment has been received and confirmed. Thanks!";
+ $this->log->add('Monero_gateway','[SUCCESS] A new payment has been recordered. Congrats!');
+ $paid = true;
+ // Notify the merchant
+ // Notify him that someone transfer a payment
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $message = "We are waiting for your payment to be confirmed";
+ }
+ return $message;
+ }