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2018-03-29 23:40:40 +00:00
<?php /* -*- coding: utf-8; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
vim: ts=4 noet ai */
Streamable SHA-3 for PHP 5.2+, with no lib/ext dependencies!
Copyright © 2018 Desktopd Developers
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
@license LGPL-3+
SHA-3 (FIPS-202) for PHP strings (byte arrays) (PHP 5.2.1+)
PHP 7.0 computes SHA-3 about 4 times faster than PHP 5.2 - 5.6 (on x86_64)
Based on the reference implementations, which are under CC-0
This uses PHP's native byte strings. Supports 32-bit as well as 64-bit
systems. Also for LE vs. BE systems.
class SHA3 {
const SHA3_224 = 1;
const SHA3_256 = 2;
const SHA3_384 = 3;
const SHA3_512 = 4;
const SHAKE128 = 5;
const SHAKE256 = 6;
const KECCAK_256 = 7;
public static function init ($type = null) {
switch ($type) {
case self::SHA3_224: return new self (1152, 448, 0x06, 28);
case self::SHA3_256: return new self (1088, 512, 0x06, 32);
case self::SHA3_384: return new self (832, 768, 0x06, 48);
case self::SHA3_512: return new self (576, 1024, 0x06, 64);
case self::SHAKE128: return new self (1344, 256, 0x1f);
case self::SHAKE256: return new self (1088, 512, 0x1f);
case self::KECCAK_256: return new self (1088, 512, 0x01, 32);
throw new Exception ('Invalid operation type');
Feed input to SHA-3 "sponge"
public function absorb ($data) {
if (self::PHASE_INPUT != $this->phase) {
throw new Exception ('No more input accepted');
$rateInBytes = $this->rateInBytes;
$this->inputBuffer .= $data;
while (strlen ($this->inputBuffer) >= $rateInBytes) {
list ($input, $this->inputBuffer) = array (
substr ($this->inputBuffer, 0, $rateInBytes)
, substr ($this->inputBuffer, $rateInBytes));
$blockSize = $rateInBytes;
for ($i = 0; $i < $blockSize; $i++) {
$this->state[$i] = $this->state[$i] ^ $input[$i];
$this->state = self::keccakF1600Permute ($this->state);
$this->blockSize = 0;
return $this;
Get hash output
public function squeeze ($length = null) {
$outputLength = $this->outputLength; // fixed length output
if ($length && 0 < $outputLength && $outputLength != $length) {
throw new Exception ('Invalid length');
if (self::PHASE_INPUT == $this->phase) {
$this->finalizeInput ();
if (self::PHASE_OUTPUT != $this->phase) {
throw new Exception ('No more output allowed');
if (0 < $outputLength) {
$this->phase = self::PHASE_DONE;
return $this->getOutputBytes ($outputLength);
$blockLength = $this->rateInBytes;
list ($output, $this->outputBuffer) = array (
substr ($this->outputBuffer, 0, $length)
, substr ($this->outputBuffer, $length));
$neededLength = $length - strlen ($output);
$diff = $neededLength % $blockLength;
if ($diff) {
$readLength = (($neededLength - $diff) / $blockLength + 1)
* $blockLength;
} else {
$readLength = $neededLength;
$read = $this->getOutputBytes ($readLength);
$this->outputBuffer .= substr ($read, $neededLength);
return $output . substr ($read, 0, $neededLength);
// internally used
const PHASE_INIT = 1;
const PHASE_INPUT = 2;
const PHASE_OUTPUT = 3;
const PHASE_DONE = 4;
private $phase = self::PHASE_INIT;
private $state; // byte array (string)
private $rateInBytes; // positive integer
private $suffix; // 8-bit unsigned integer
private $inputBuffer = ''; // byte array (string): max length = rateInBytes
private $outputLength = 0;
private $outputBuffer = '';
public function __construct ($rate, $capacity, $suffix, $length = 0) {
if (1600 != ($rate + $capacity)) {
throw new Error ('Invalid parameters');
if (0 != ($rate % 8)) {
throw new Error ('Invalid rate');
$this->suffix = $suffix;
$this->state = str_repeat ("\0", 200);
$this->blockSize = 0;
$this->rateInBytes = $rate / 8;
$this->outputLength = $length;
$this->phase = self::PHASE_INPUT;
protected function finalizeInput () {
$this->phase = self::PHASE_OUTPUT;
$input = $this->inputBuffer;
$inputLength = strlen ($input);
if (0 < $inputLength) {
$blockSize = $inputLength;
for ($i = 0; $i < $blockSize; $i++) {
$this->state[$i] = $this->state[$i] ^ $input[$i];
$this->blockSize = $blockSize;
// Padding
$rateInBytes = $this->rateInBytes;
$this->state[$this->blockSize] = $this->state[$this->blockSize]
^ chr ($this->suffix);
if (($this->suffix & 0x80) != 0
&& $this->blockSize == ($rateInBytes - 1)) {
$this->state = self::keccakF1600Permute ($this->state);
$this->state[$rateInBytes - 1] = $this->state[$rateInBytes - 1] ^ "\x80";
$this->state = self::keccakF1600Permute ($this->state);
protected function getOutputBytes ($outputLength) {
// Squeeze
$output = '';
while (0 < $outputLength) {
$blockSize = min ($outputLength, $this->rateInBytes);
$output .= substr ($this->state, 0, $blockSize);
$outputLength -= $blockSize;
if (0 < $outputLength) {
$this->state = self::keccakF1600Permute ($this->state);
return $output;
1600-bit state version of Keccak's permutation
protected static function keccakF1600Permute ($state) {
$lanes = str_split ($state, 8);
$R = 1;
$values = "\1\2\4\10\20\40\100\200";
for ($round = 0; $round < 24; $round++) {
// θ step
$C = array ();
for ($x = 0; $x < 5; $x++) {
// (x, 0) (x, 1) (x, 2) (x, 3) (x, 4)
$C[$x] = $lanes[$x] ^ $lanes[$x + 5] ^ $lanes[$x + 10]
^ $lanes[$x + 15] ^ $lanes[$x + 20];
for ($x = 0; $x < 5; $x++) {
//$D = $C[($x + 4) % 5] ^ self::rotL64 ($C[($x + 1) % 5], 1);
$D = $C[($x + 4) % 5] ^ self::rotL64One ($C[($x + 1) % 5]);
for ($y = 0; $y < 5; $y++) {
$idx = $x + 5 * $y; // x, y
$lanes[$idx] = $lanes[$idx] ^ $D;
unset ($C, $D);
// ρ and π steps
$x = 1;
$y = 0;
$current = $lanes[1]; // x, y
for ($t = 0; $t < 24; $t++) {
list ($x, $y) = array ($y, (2 * $x + 3 * $y) % 5);
$idx = $x + 5 * $y;
list ($current, $lanes[$idx]) = array ($lanes[$idx]
, self::rotL64 ($current
, (($t + 1) * ($t + 2) / 2) % 64));
unset ($temp, $current);
// χ step
$temp = array ();
for ($y = 0; $y < 5; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x < 5; $x++) {
$temp[$x] = $lanes[$x + 5 * $y];
for ($x = 0; $x < 5; $x++) {
$lanes[$x + 5 * $y] = $temp[$x]
^ ((~ $temp[($x + 1) % 5]) & $temp[($x + 2) % 5]);
unset ($temp);
// ι step
for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) {
$R = (($R << 1) ^ (($R >> 7) * 0x71)) & 0xff;
if ($R & 2) {
$offset = (1 << $j) - 1;
$shift = $offset % 8;
$octetShift = ($offset - $shift) / 8;
$n = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
$n[$octetShift] = $values[$shift];
$lanes[0] = $lanes[0]
^ $n;
//^ self::rotL64 ("\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", (1 << $j) - 1);
return implode ($lanes);
protected static function rotL64_64 ($n, $offset) {
return ($n << $offset) & ($n >> (64 - $offset));
64-bit bitwise left rotation (Little endian)
protected static function rotL64 ($n, $offset) {
//$n = (binary) $n;
//$offset = ((int) $offset) % 64;
//if (8 != strlen ($n)) throw new Exception ('Invalid number');
//if ($offset < 0) throw new Exception ('Invalid offset');
$shift = $offset % 8;
$octetShift = ($offset - $shift) / 8;
$n = substr ($n, - $octetShift) . substr ($n, 0, - $octetShift);
$overflow = 0x00;
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
$a = ord ($n[$i]) << $shift;
$n[$i] = chr (0xff & $a | $overflow);
$overflow = $a >> 8;
$n[0] = chr (ord ($n[0]) | $overflow);
return $n;
64-bit bitwise left rotation (Little endian)
protected static function rotL64One ($n) {
list ($n[0], $n[1], $n[2], $n[3], $n[4], $n[5], $n[6], $n[7])
= array (
chr (((ord ($n[0]) << 1) & 0xff) ^ (ord ($n[7]) >> 7))
,chr (((ord ($n[1]) << 1) & 0xff) ^ (ord ($n[0]) >> 7))
,chr (((ord ($n[2]) << 1) & 0xff) ^ (ord ($n[1]) >> 7))
,chr (((ord ($n[3]) << 1) & 0xff) ^ (ord ($n[2]) >> 7))
,chr (((ord ($n[4]) << 1) & 0xff) ^ (ord ($n[3]) >> 7))
,chr (((ord ($n[5]) << 1) & 0xff) ^ (ord ($n[4]) >> 7))
,chr (((ord ($n[6]) << 1) & 0xff) ^ (ord ($n[5]) >> 7))
,chr (((ord ($n[7]) << 1) & 0xff) ^ (ord ($n[6]) >> 7)));
return $n;