rfree2monero ae2a50659f 2014 network limit 1.2 +utils +toc -doc -drmonero
new update of the pr with network limits

more debug options:
discarding downloaded blocks all or after given height.
trying to trigger the locking errors.

debug levels polished/tuned to sane values.
debug/logging improved.

warning: this pr should be correct code, but it could make
an existing (in master version) locking error appear more often.

it's a race on the list (map) of peers, e.g. between closing/deleting
them versus working on them in net-limit sleep in sending chunk.

the bug is not in this code/this pr, but in the master version.

the locking problem of master will be fixed in other pr.

problem is ub, and in practice is seems to usually cause program abort
(tested on debian stable with updated gcc). see --help for option
to add sleep to trigger the error faster.
2015-02-20 22:28:03 +01:00

637 lines
18 KiB

/// @file
/// @author rfree (current maintainer in project)
/// @brief various general utils taken from (and relate to) otshell project, including loggiang/debug
/* See other files here for the LICENCE that applies here. */
/* See header file .hpp for info */
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <cctype>
#include <locale>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "utils.hpp"
#include "ccolor.hpp"
#include "lib_common1.hpp"
#include "runoptions.hpp"
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined (WIN64)
#elif defined(__unix__) || defined(__posix) || defined(__linux) || defined(__darwin) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__clang__)
#warning "Compiler/OS platform is not recognized. Just assuming it will work as POSIX then"
#if defined(OS_TYPE_WINDOWS)
#include <windows.h>
#elif defined(OS_TYPE_POSIX)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#error "Compiler/OS platform detection failed - not supported"
namespace nOT {
namespace nUtils {
myexception::myexception(const char * what)
: std::runtime_error(what)
{ }
myexception::myexception(const std::string &what)
: std::runtime_error(what)
{ }
void myexception::Report() const {
_erro("Error: " << what());
//myexception::~myexception() { }
// ====================================================================
// text trimming
std::string & ltrim(std::string &s) {
s.erase(s.begin(), std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::isspace))));
return s;
std::string & rtrim(std::string &s) {
s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::isspace))).base(), s.end());
return s;
std::string & trim(std::string &s) {
return ltrim(rtrim(s));
std::string get_current_time() {
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
time_t time_now = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now);
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration duration = now.time_since_epoch();
int64_t micro = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(duration).count();
// std::localtime() - This function may not be thread-safe.
struct tm * tm_pointer = std::localtime( &time_now ); // thread-safe on mingw-w64 (thread local variable) and on MSVC btw
// tm_pointer points to thread-local data, memory is owned/managed by the system/library
// linux, freebsd, have this
struct tm tm_object; // automatic storage duration
struct tm * tm_pointer = & tm_object; // just point to our data
auto x = localtime_r( &time_now , tm_pointer ); // modifies our own (this thread) data in tm_object, this is safe
if (x != tm_pointer) return "(internal error in get_current_time)"; // redundant check in case of broken implementation of localtime_r
// tm_pointer now points to proper time data, and that memory is automatically managed
if (!tm_pointer) return "(internal error in get_current_time - NULL)"; // redundant check in case of broken implementation of used library methods
std::stringstream stream;
stream << std::setfill('0')
<< std::setw(2) << tm_pointer->tm_year+1900
<< '-' << std::setw(2) << tm_pointer->tm_mon+1
<< '-' << std::setw(2) << tm_pointer->tm_mday
<< ' ' << std::setw(2) << tm_pointer->tm_hour
<< ':' << std::setw(2) << tm_pointer->tm_min
<< ':' << std::setw(2) << tm_pointer->tm_sec
<< '.' << std::setw(6) << (micro%1000000); // 6 because microseconds
return stream.str();
cNullstream g_nullstream; // extern a stream that does nothing (eats/discards data)
std::recursive_mutex gLoggerGuard; // extern
std::atomic<int> gLoggerGuardDepth; // extern
std::atomic<int> & gLoggerGuardDepth_Get() {
// TODO std::once would be nicer here
static bool once=0;
if (!once) { // initialize it once
return gLoggerGuardDepth; // global, atomic counter
// ====================================================================
namespace nDetail {
const char* DbgShortenCodeFileName(const char *s) {
const char *p = s;
const char *a = s;
bool inc=1;
while (*p) {
if (inc && ('\0' != * p)) { a=p; inc=false; } // point to the current character (if valid) becasue previous one was slash
if ((*p)=='/') { a=p; inc=true; } // point at current slash (but set inc to try to point to next character)
return a;
// a workaround for MSVC compiler; e.g. see
#ifndef _MSC_VER
template<typename T, typename ...Args>
std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique( Args&& ...args )
return std::unique_ptr<T>( new T( std::forward<Args>(args)... ) );
using std::make_unique;
// ====================================================================
char cFilesystemUtils::GetDirSeparator() {
// TODO nicer os detection?
#if defined(OS_TYPE_POSIX)
return '/';
#elif defined(OS_TYPE_WINDOWS)
return '\\';
#error "Do not know how to compile this for your platform."
bool cFilesystemUtils::CreateDirTree(const std::string & dir, bool only_below) {
const bool dbg=false;
//struct stat st;
const char dirch = cFilesystemUtils::GetDirSeparator();
std::istringstream iss(dir);
string part, sofar="";
if (dir.size()<1) return false; // illegal name
// dir[0] is valid from here
if (only_below && (dir[0]==dirch)) return false; // no jumping to top (on any os)
while (getline(iss,part,dirch)) {
if (dbg) cout << '['<<part<<']' << endl;
sofar += part;
if (part.size()<1) return false; // bad format?
if ((only_below) && (part=="..")) return false; // going up
if (dbg) cout << "test ["<<sofar<<"]"<<endl;
// TODO nicer os detection?
#if defined(OS_TYPE_POSIX)
struct stat st;
bool exists = stat(sofar.c_str() ,&st) == 0; // *
if (exists) {
if (! S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
// std::cerr << "This exists, but as a file: [" << sofar << "]" << (size_t)st.st_ino << endl;
return false; // exists but is a file nor dir
#elif defined(OS_TYPE_WINDOWS)
DWORD dwAttrib = GetFileAttributesA(sofar.c_str());
bool exists = (dwAttrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY));
#error "Do not know how to compile this for your platform."
if (!exists) {
if (dbg) cout << "mkdir ["<<sofar<<"]"<<endl;
#if defined(OS_TYPE_POSIX)
bool ok = 0== mkdir(sofar.c_str(), 0700); // ***
#elif defined(OS_TYPE_WINDOWS)
bool ok = (bool) CreateDirectoryA(sofar.c_str(), NULL); // TODO use -W() after conversion to unicode UTF16
#error "Do not know how to compile this for your platform."
if (!ok) return false;
sofar += cFilesystemUtils::GetDirSeparator();
return true;
// ====================================================================
namespace nDetail {
cDebugScopeGuard::cDebugScopeGuard() : mLevel(-1) {
cDebugScopeGuard::~cDebugScopeGuard() {
if (mLevel != -1) {
gCurrentLogger.write_stream(mLevel,mChan) << mMsg << " ... end" << gCurrentLogger.endline() << std::flush;
void cDebugScopeGuard::Assign(const string &chan, const int level, const string &msg) {
} // namespace nDetail
// ====================================================================
cLogger::cLogger() :
mThread2Number_Biggest(0) // the CURRENT biggest value (no thread yet in map)
mStream = & std::cout;
Thread2Number( std::this_thread::get_id() ); // convert current id to short number, useful to reserve a number so that main thread is usually called 1
cLogger::~cLogger() {
for (auto pair : mChannels) {
std::ofstream *ptr = pair.second;
delete ptr;
std::ostream & cLogger::write_stream(int level) {
return write_stream(level,"");
std::ostream & cLogger::write_stream(int level, const std::string & channel ) {
if ((level >= mLevel) && (mStream)) {
ostream & output = SelectOutput(level,channel);
output << icon(level) << ' ';
std::thread::id this_id = std::this_thread::get_id();
output << "{" << Thread2Number(this_id) << "} ";
return output;
return g_nullstream;
std::string cLogger::GetLogBaseDir() const {
return "log";
void cLogger::OpenNewChannel(const std::string & channel) {
size_t last_split = channel.find_last_of(cFilesystemUtils::GetDirSeparator());
// log/test/aaa
// ^----- last_split
string dir = GetLogBaseDir() + cFilesystemUtils::GetDirSeparator() + channel.substr(0, last_split);
string basefile = channel.substr(last_split+1) + ".log";
string fname = dir + cFilesystemUtils::GetDirSeparator() + cFilesystemUtils::GetDirSeparator() + basefile;
_dbg1("Starting debug to channel file: " + fname + " in directory ["+dir+"]");
bool dirok = cFilesystemUtils::CreateDirTree(dir);
if (!dirok) { const string msg = "In logger failed to open directory (" + dir +")."; _erro(msg); throw std::runtime_error(msg); }
std::ofstream * thefile = new std::ofstream( fname.c_str() );
*thefile << "====== (Log opened: " << fname << ") ======" << endl;
mChannels.insert( std::pair<string,std::ofstream*>(channel , thefile ) );
std::ostream & cLogger::SelectOutput(int level, const std::string & channel) {
if (channel=="") return *mStream;
auto obj = mChannels.find(channel);
if (obj == mChannels.end()) { // new channel
return SelectOutput(level,channel);
else { // existing
return * obj->second;
void cLogger::setOutStreamFile(const string &fname) { // switch to using this file
_mark("WILL SWITCH DEBUG NOW to file: " << fname);
mOutfile = make_unique<std::ofstream>(fname);
mStream = & (*mOutfile);
_mark("Started new debug, to file: " << fname);
void cLogger::setOutStreamFromGlobalOptions() {
if ( gRunOptions.getDebug() ) {
if ( gRunOptions.getDebugSendToFile() ) {
mOutfile = make_unique<std::ofstream> ("debuglog.txt");
mStream = & (*mOutfile);
else if ( gRunOptions.getDebugSendToCerr() ) {
mStream = & std::cerr;
else {
mStream = & g_nullstream;
else {
mStream = & g_nullstream;
void cLogger::setDebugLevel(int level) {
bool note_before = (mLevel > level); // report the level change before or after the change? (on higher level)
if (note_before) _note("Setting debug level to "<<level);
mLevel = level;
if (!note_before) _note("Setting debug level to "<<level);
std::string cLogger::icon(int level) const {
// TODO replan to avoid needles converting back and forth char*, string etc
using namespace zkr;
if (level >= 100) return cc::back::red + ToStr(cc::fore::black) + ToStr("ERROR ") + ToStr(cc::fore::lightyellow) + " " ;
if (level >= 90) return cc::back::lightyellow + ToStr(cc::fore::black) + ToStr("Warn ") + ToStr(cc::fore::red)+ " " ;
if (level >= 80) return cc::back::lightmagenta + ToStr(cc::fore::black) + ToStr("MARK "); //+ zkr::cc::console + ToStr(cc::fore::lightmagenta)+ " ";
if (level >= 75) return cc::back::lightyellow + ToStr(cc::fore::black) + ToStr("FACT ") + zkr::cc::console + ToStr(cc::fore::lightyellow)+ " ";
if (level >= 70) return cc::fore::green + ToStr("Note ");
if (level >= 50) return cc::fore::cyan + ToStr("info ");
if (level >= 40) return cc::fore::lightwhite + ToStr("dbg ");
if (level >= 30) return cc::fore::lightblue + ToStr("dbg ");
if (level >= 20) return cc::fore::blue + ToStr("dbg ");
return " ";
std::string cLogger::endline() const {
return ToStr("") + zkr::cc::console + ToStr("\n"); // TODO replan to avoid needles converting back and forth char*, string etc
int cLogger::Thread2Number(const std::thread::id id) {
auto found = mThread2Number.find( id );
if (found == mThread2Number.end()) { // new one
mThread2Number[id] = mThread2Number_Biggest;
return mThread2Number_Biggest;
// _info("(This is a new thread)"); // recursion!
} else {
return mThread2Number[id];
// ====================================================================
// object gCurrentLogger is defined later - in global namespace below
// ====================================================================
// vector debug
void DisplayStringEndl(std::ostream & out, const std::string text) {
out << text;
out << std::endl;
std::string SpaceFromEscape(const std::string &s) {
std::ostringstream newStr;
for(size_t i = 0; i < s.length();i++) {
if(s[i] == '\\' && s[i+1] ==32)
return newStr.str();
std::string EscapeFromSpace(const std::string &s) {
std::ostringstream newStr;
for(size_t i = 0; i < s.length();i++) {
if(s[i] == 32)
newStr << "\\" << " ";
newStr << s[i];
return newStr.str();
std::string EscapeString(const std::string &s) {
std::ostringstream newStr;
for(size_t i = 0; i < s.length();i++) {
if(s[i] >=32 && s[i] <= 126)
newStr<<"\\"<< (int) s[i];
return newStr.str();
bool CheckIfBegins(const std::string & beggining, const std::string & all) {
if (, beggining.length(), beggining) == 0) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
bool CheckIfEnds (std::string const & ending, std::string const & all){
if (all.length() >= ending.length()) {
return (0 == (all.length() - ending.length(), ending.length(), ending));
} else {
return false;
vector<string> WordsThatMatch(const std::string & sofar, const vector<string> & possib) {
vector<string> ret;
for ( auto rec : possib) { // check of possibilities
if (CheckIfBegins(sofar,rec)) {
rec = EscapeFromSpace(rec);
ret.push_back(rec); // this record matches
return ret;
char GetLastChar(const std::string & str) { // TODO unicode?
auto s = str.length();
if (s==0) throw std::runtime_error("Getting last character of empty string (" + ToStr(s) + ")" + OT_CODE_STAMP);
return s - 1);
std::string GetLastCharIf(const std::string & str) { // TODO unicode?
auto s = str.length();
if (s==0) return ""; // empty string signalizes ther is nothing to be returned
return std::string( 1 , s - 1) );
// ====================================================================
// ASRT - assert. Name like ASSERT() was too long, and ASS() was just... no.
// Use it like this: ASRT( x>y ); with the semicolon at end, a clever trick forces this syntax :)
void Assert(bool result, const std::string &stamp, const std::string &condition) {
if (!result) {
_erro("Assert failed at "+stamp+": ASSERT( " << condition << ")");
throw std::runtime_error("Assert failed at "+stamp+": ASSERT( " + condition + ")");
// ====================================================================
// advanced string
const std::string GetMultiline(string endLine) {
std::string result(""); // Taken from OT_CLI_ReadUntilEOF
while (true) {
std::string input_line("");
if (std::getline(std::cin, input_line, '\n'))
input_line += "\n";
if (input_line[0] == '~')
result += input_line;
if (std::cin.eof() )
if ( )
if (std::cin.bad())
return result;
vector<string> SplitString(const string & str){
std::istringstream iss(str);
vector<string> vec { std::istream_iterator<string>{iss}, std::istream_iterator<string>{} };
return vec;
bool checkPrefix(const string & str, char prefix) {
if ( == prefix)
return true;
return false;
// ====================================================================
// operation on files
#ifdef __unix
void cEnvUtils::GetTmpTextFile() {
// TODO make this name configurable (depending on project)
char filename[] = "/tmp/otshellutils_text.XXXXXX";
fd = mkstemp(filename);
if (fd == -1) {
_erro("Can't create the file: " << filename);
mFilename = filename;
void cEnvUtils::CloseFile() {
unlink( mFilename.c_str() );
void cEnvUtils::OpenEditor() {
char* editor = std::getenv("OT_EDITOR"); //TODO Read editor from configuration file
if (editor == NULL)
editor = std::getenv("VISUAL");
if (editor == NULL)
editor = std::getenv("EDITOR");
string command;
if (editor != NULL)
command = ToStr(editor) + " " + mFilename;
command = "/usr/bin/editor " + mFilename;
_dbg3("Opening editor with command: " << command);
if ( system( command.c_str() ) == -1 )
_erro("Cannot execute system command: " << command);
const string cEnvUtils::ReadFromTmpFile() {
std::ifstream ifs(mFilename);
string msg((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
return msg;
const string cEnvUtils::Compose() {
string input = ReadFromTmpFile();
return input;
const string cEnvUtils::ReadFromFile(const string path) {
std::ifstream ifs(path);
string msg((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());
return msg;
void hintingToTxt(std::fstream & file, string command, vector<string> &commands) {
if(file.good()) {
for (auto a: commands) {
file <<a<< " ";
string stringToColor(const string &hash) {
// Generete vector with all possible light colors
vector <string> lightColors;
using namespace zkr;
int sum=0;
for (auto ch : hash) sum+=ch;
auto color = sum%(lightColors.size()-1);
return color );
// ====================================================================
// algorthms
} // namespace nUtil
} // namespace OT
// global namespace
const extern int _dbg_ignore = 0; // see description in .hpp
std::string GetObjectName() {
//static std::string * name=nullptr;
//if (!name) name = new std::string("(global)");
return "";
// ====================================================================
nOT::nUtils::cLogger gCurrentLogger;