Invalid destination address
Neplatná adresa príjemcu
Payment ID supplied: this is obsolete
Attempting to save transaction to file, but specified file(s) exist. Exiting to not risk overwriting. File:
Pokúšam sa uložiť transakciu do súboru, ale súbor už existuje. Predchádzam prepisu súboru ukončením. Súbor:
Failed to write transaction(s) to file
daemon is busy. Please try again later.
no connection to daemon. Please make sure daemon is running.
transaction %s was rejected by daemon with status:
. Reason:
Unknown exception:
Unhandled exception
Couldn't multisig sign data:
Couldn't sign multisig transaction:
This is a watch only wallet
Failed to sign transaction
Claimed change does not go to a paid address
Claimed change is larger than payment to the change address
Change goes to more than one address
sending %s to %s
with no destinations
%s change to %s
no change
Loaded %lu transactions, for %s, fee %s, %s, %s, with min ring size %lu. %s
daemon is busy. Please try again later.
no connection to daemon. Please make sure daemon is running.
RPC error:
failed to get outputs to mix: %s
not enough outputs for specified ring size
found outputs to use
Please sweep unmixable outputs.
not enough money to transfer, available only %s, sent amount %s
failed to parse address
failed to parse secret spend key
Neither view key nor spend key supplied, cancelled
failed to parse secret view key
failed to verify secret spend key
spend key does not match address
failed to verify secret view key
view key does not match address
failed to generate new wallet:
Electrum seed is empty
Electrum-style word list failed verification
Failed to send import wallet request
Failed to load unsigned transactions
Failed to load transaction from file
Wallet is view only
failed to save file
Key images can only be imported with a trusted daemon
Failed to import key images:
Failed to get subaddress label:
Failed to set subaddress label:
Failed to get multisig info:
Failed to make multisig:
Failed to finalize multisig wallet creation
Failed to finalize multisig wallet creation:
Failed to export multisig images:
Failed to parse imported multisig images
Failed to import multisig images:
Failed to check for partial multisig key images:
Failed to restore multisig transaction:
Sending all requires one destination address
Destinations and amounts are unequal
payment id has invalid format, expected 64 character hex string:
Invalid destination address
Neplatná adresa príjemcu
a single transaction cannot use more than one payment id
failed to set up payment id, though it was decoded correctly
Invalid output:
Failed to mark outputs as spent
Failed to mark output as spent
Failed to mark output as unspent
not enough money to transfer, overall balance only %s, sent amount %s
not enough money to transfer, available only %s, transaction amount %s = %s + %s (fee)
output amount
transaction was not constructed
transaction %s was rejected by daemon with status:
one of destinations is zero
failed to find a suitable way to split transactions
unknown transfer error:
internal error:
unexpected error:
unknown error
failed to get outputs to mix
Failed to parse txid
no tx keys found for this txid
Failed to parse tx key
Failed to parse address
Address must not be a subaddress
The wallet must be in multisig ready state
Given string is not a key
Rescan spent can only be used with a trusted daemon
Failed to parse output amount
Failed to parse output offset
Failed to parse key image
Failed to get ring
Failed to get rings
Failed to set ring
Failed to parse address
Failed to parse key
failed to verify key
key does not match address
Specify IP to bind RPC server
Specify IPv6 address to bind RPC server
Allow IPv6 for RPC
Ignore unsuccessful IPv4 bind for RPC
Specify username[:password] required for RPC server
Confirm rpc-bind-ip value is NOT a loopback (local) IP
Specify a comma separated list of origins to allow cross origin resource sharing
Enable SSL on RPC connections: enabled|disabled|autodetect
Path to a PEM format private key
Path to a PEM format certificate
Path to file containing concatenated PEM format certificate(s) to replace system CA(s).
List of certificate fingerprints to allow
Allow user (via --rpc-ssl-certificates) chain certificates
Allow any peer certificate
Invalid IP address given for --
permits inbound unencrypted external connections. Consider SSH tunnel or SSL proxy instead. Override with --
Username specified with --
cannot be empty
requires RPC server password --
Daemon uses a different RPC major version (%u) than the wallet (%u): %s. Either update one of them, or use --allow-mismatched-daemon-version.
Spending from address index %d
Sending %s.
Your transaction needs to be split into %llu transactions. This will result in a transaction fee being applied to each transaction, for a total fee of %s
The transaction fee is %s
, of which %s is dust from change
A total of %s from dust change will be sent to dust address
Not enough money in unlocked balance
No address given
missing lockedblocks parameter
bad locked_blocks parameter
failed to parse Payment ID
failed to parse key image
No outputs found
Multiple transactions are created, which is not supposed to happen
The transaction uses multiple or no inputs, which is not supposed to happen
Money successfully sent, transaction:
missing threshold amount
invalid amount threshold
Claimed change does not go to a paid address
Claimed change is larger than payment to the change address
Change goes to more than one address
sending %s to %s
dummy output(s)
with no destinations
no change
Daemon is local, assuming trusted
Password for new watch-only wallet
Unknown command:
Command usage:
Command description:
wallet is watch-only and has no spend key
command not supported by HW wallet
wallet is watch-only and has no seed
wallet is multisig but not yet finalized
wallet is non-deterministic and has no seed
Failed to retrieve seed
wallet is multisig and has no seed
Incorrect password
Your original password was incorrect.
Error with wallet rewrite:
Random payment ID:
Current fee is %s %s per %s
Payment required, see the 'rpc_payment_info' command
Error: failed to estimate backlog array size:
Error: bad estimated backlog array size
%u block (%u minutes) backlog at priority %u%s
%u to %u block (%u to %u minutes) backlog at priority %u
No backlog at priority
This wallet is already multisig
wallet is watch-only and cannot be made multisig
This wallet has been used before, please use a new wallet to create a multisig wallet
Send this multisig info to all other participants, then use make_multisig <threshold> <info1> [<info2>...] with others' multisig info
This includes the PRIVATE view key, so needs to be disclosed only to that multisig wallet's participants
Invalid threshold
Another step is needed
Error creating multisig:
Error creating multisig: new wallet is not multisig
multisig address:
This wallet is not multisig
This wallet is already finalized
Failed to finalize multisig
Failed to finalize multisig:
Multisig address:
This multisig wallet is not yet finalized
failed to save file
Error exporting multisig info:
Multisig info exported to
failed to read file
Multisig info imported
Failed to import multisig info:
Failed to update spent status after importing multisig info:
Untrusted daemon, spent status may be incorrect. Use a trusted daemon and run "rescan_spent"
This is not a multisig wallet
Failed to sign multisig transaction
Multisig error:
Failed to sign multisig transaction:
Transaction successfully signed to file
It may be relayed to the network with submit_multisig
Failed to load multisig transaction from file
Multisig transaction signed by only %u signers, needs %u more signatures
Transaction successfully submitted, transaction
You can check its status by using the `show_transfers` command.
unknown error
Failed to export multisig transaction to file
Saved exported multisig transaction file(s):
unexpected error:
Invalid key image
Invalid txid
Key image either not spent, or spent with mixin 0
Failed to get key image ring:
File doesn't exist
Invalid ring specification:
Invalid key image:
Invalid ring type, expected relative or abosolute:
Error reading line:
Invalid ring:
Invalid relative ring:
Invalid absolute ring:
Failed to set ring for key image:
Missing absolute or relative keyword
invalid index: must be a strictly positive unsigned integer
invalid index: indices wrap
invalid index: indices should be in strictly ascending order
failed to set ring
Invalid key image or txid
failed to unset ring
RPC client ID:
RPC client secret key:
Failed to query daemon
Using daemon:
Payments required for node use, current credits:
Credits target:
Credits spent this session:
Credit discrepancy this session:
credits per hash found,
Mining for payment at %.1f H/s
Estimated time till %u credits target mined: %s
Mining for payment
Not mining
No payment needed for node use
Bad argument:
should be "add"
Failed to open file
Failed to save known rings:
usage: %s <key_image>|<pubkey>
Not frozen:
bytes sent
bytes received
No known public nodes
Error retrieving public node list:
Welcome to Wownero, the private cryptocurrency.
Wownero, like Bitcoin, is a cryptocurrency. That is, it is digital money.
Wownero protects your privacy on the blockchain, and while Wownero strives to improve all the time,
no privacy technology can be 100% perfect, Wownero included.
Wownero cannot protect you from malware, and it may not be as effective as we hope against powerful adversaries.
Flaws in Wownero may be discovered in the future, and attacks may be developed to peek under some
of the layers of privacy Wownero provides. Be safe and practice defense in depth.
Daemon does not require payment for RPC access
Starting mining for RPC access: diff %llu, %f credits/hash%s
Run stop_mining_for_rpc to stop
wallet is watch-only and cannot transfer
ring size must be an integer >=
WARNING: this is a non default ring size, which may harm your privacy. Default is recommended.
could not change default ring size
priority must be either 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, or one of:
could not change default priority
invalid unit
invalid count: must be an unsigned integer
invalid value
Invalid height
Invalid target
Invalid amount
invalid argument: must be either 1/yes or 0/no
Start mining in the daemon (bg_mining and ignore_battery are optional booleans).
Stop mining in the daemon.
Set another daemon to connect to.
Save the current blockchain data.
Synchronize the transactions and balance.
Show the wallet's balance of the currently selected account.
Show the incoming transfers, all or filtered by availability and address index.
Output format:
Amount, Spent("T"|"F"), "frozen"|"locked"|"unlocked", RingCT, Global Index, Transaction Hash, Address Index, [Public Key, Key Image]
Show the payments for the given payment IDs.
Show the blockchain height.
Send all unlocked balance to an address and lock it for <lockblocks> (max. 1000000). If the parameter "index<N1>[,<N2>,...]" is specified, the wallet sweeps outputs received by those address indices. If omitted, the wallet randomly chooses an address index to be used. <priority> is the priority of the sweep. The higher the priority, the higher the transaction fee. Valid values in priority order (from lowest to highest) are: unimportant, normal, elevated, priority. If omitted, the default value (see the command "set priority") is used. <ring_size> is the number of inputs to include for untraceability.
Send all unmixable outputs to yourself with ring_size 1
Send all unlocked outputs below the threshold to an address.
Send a single output of the given key image to an address without change.
Donate <amount> to the development team (
Sign a transaction from a file. If the parameter "export_raw" is specified, transaction raw hex data suitable for the daemon RPC /sendrawtransaction is exported.
Submit a signed transaction from a file.
Change the current log detail (level must be <0-4>).
If no arguments are specified, the wallet shows all the existing accounts along with their balances.
If the "new" argument is specified, the wallet creates a new account with its label initialized by the provided label text (which can be empty).
If the "switch" argument is specified, the wallet switches to the account specified by <index>.
If the "label" argument is specified, the wallet sets the label of the account specified by <index> to the provided label text.
If the "tag" argument is specified, a tag <tag_name> is assigned to the specified accounts <account_index_1>, <account_index_2>, ....
If the "untag" argument is specified, the tags assigned to the specified accounts <account_index_1>, <account_index_2> ..., are removed.
If the "tag_description" argument is specified, the tag <tag_name> is assigned an arbitrary text <description>.
If no arguments are specified or <index> is specified, the wallet shows the default or specified address. If "all" is specified, the wallet shows all the existing addresses in the currently selected account. If "new " is specified, the wallet creates a new address with the provided label text (which can be empty). If "label" is specified, the wallet sets the label of the address specified by <index> to the provided label text.
Encode a payment ID into an integrated address for the current wallet public address (no argument uses a random payment ID), or decode an integrated address to standard address and payment ID
Print all entries in the address book, optionally adding/deleting an entry to/from it.
Save the wallet data.
Save a watch-only keys file.
Display the private view key.
Display the private spend key.
Display the Electrum-style mnemonic seed
Display the encrypted Electrum-style mnemonic seed.
Rescan the blockchain for spent outputs.
Get the transaction key (r) for a given <txid>.
Set the transaction key (r) for a given <txid> in case the tx was made by some other device or 3rd party wallet.
Check the amount going to <address> in <txid>.
Generate a signature proving funds sent to <address> in <txid>, optionally with a challenge string <message>, using either the transaction secret key (when <address> is not your wallet's address) or the view secret key (otherwise), which does not disclose the secret key.
Check the proof for funds going to <address> in <txid> with the challenge string <message> if any.
Generate a signature proving that you generated <txid> using the spend secret key, optionally with a challenge string <message>.
Check a signature proving that the signer generated <txid>, optionally with a challenge string <message>.
Generate a signature proving that you own at least this much, optionally with a challenge string <message>.
If 'all' is specified, you prove the entire sum of all of your existing accounts' balances.
Otherwise, you prove the reserve of the smallest possible amount above <amount> available in your current account.
Check a signature proving that the owner of <address> holds at least this much, optionally with a challenge string <message>.
Show the unspent outputs of a specified address within an optional amount range.
Set an arbitrary string note for a <txid>.
Get a string note for a txid.
Set an arbitrary description for the wallet.
Get the description of the wallet.
Show the wallet's status.
Show the wallet's information.
Sign the contents of a file.
Verify a signature on the contents of a file.
Import a signed key images list and verify their spent status.
Attempts to reconnect HW wallet.
Export a set of outputs owned by this wallet.
Import a set of outputs owned by this wallet.
Show information about a transfer to/from this address.
Change the wallet's password.
Print the information about the current fee and transaction backlog.
Export data needed to create a multisig wallet
Turn this wallet into a multisig wallet
Turn this wallet into a multisig wallet, extra step for N-1/N wallets
Export multisig info for other participants
Import multisig info from other participants
Sign a multisig transaction from a file
Submit a signed multisig transaction from a file
Export a signed multisig transaction to a file
Print the ring(s) used to spend a given key image or transaction (if the ring size is > 1)
Output format:
Key Image, "absolute", list of rings
Set the ring used for a given key image, so it can be reused in a fork
Unsets the ring used for a given key image or transaction
Save known rings to the shared rings database
Freeze a single output by key image so it will not be used
Thaw a single output by key image so it may be used again
Checks whether a given output is currently frozen by key image
Prints simple network stats
Lists known public nodes
Prints basic info about Wownero for first time users
Returns version information
Get info about RPC payments to current node
Start mining to pay for RPC access
Stop mining to pay for RPC access
Show the help section or the documentation about a <command>.
needs an argument
set seed: needs an argument. available options: language
0 or 1
integer >=
full (slowest, no assumptions); optimize-coinbase (fast, assumes the whole coinbase is paid to a single address); no-coinbase (fastest, assumes we receive no coinbase transaction), default (same as optimize-coinbase)
0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, or one of
0|1|2 (or never|action|decrypt)
wownero, millinero, micronero, nanonero, piconero
unsigned integer
block height
1/yes or 0/no
floating point >= 0
set: unrecognized argument(s)
Wallet name not valid. Please try again or use Ctrl-C to quit.
Attempting to generate or restore wallet, but specified file(s) exist. Exiting to not risk overwriting.
Wallet and key files found, loading...
Key file found but not wallet file. Regenerating...
Key file not found. Failed to open wallet:
No wallet found with that name. Confirm creation of new wallet named:
Generating new wallet...
Can't specify more than one of --testnet and --stagenet
can't specify more than one of --generate-new-wallet="wallet_name", --wallet-file="wallet_name", --generate-from-view-key="wallet_name", --generate-from-spend-key="wallet_name", --generate-from-keys="wallet_name", --generate-from-multisig-keys="wallet_name", --generate-from-json="jsonfilename" and --generate-from-device="wallet_name"
can't specify both --restore-deterministic-wallet or --restore-multisig-wallet and --non-deterministic
--restore-multisig-wallet uses --generate-new-wallet, not --wallet-file
--restore-deterministic-wallet uses --generate-new-wallet, not --wallet-file
specify a recovery parameter with the --electrum-seed="multisig seed here"
specify a recovery parameter with the --electrum-seed="words list here"
Multisig seed failed verification
Electrum-style word list failed verification
No data supplied, cancelled
failed to parse address
This address is a subaddress which cannot be used here.
failed to parse view key secret key
failed to verify view key secret key
view key does not match standard address
account creation failed
failed to parse spend key secret key
failed to verify spend key secret key
spend key does not match standard address
Error: expected M/N, but got:
Error: expected N > 1 and N <= M, but got:
Error: M/N is currently unsupported.
Generating master wallet from %u of %u multisig wallet keys
failed to parse secret view key
failed to verify secret view key
Error: M/N is currently unsupported
No restore height is specified.
Assumed you are creating a new account, restore will be done from current estimated blockchain height.
account creation aborted
specify a wallet path with --generate-new-wallet (not --wallet-file)
bad m_restore_height parameter:
Restore height is:
Restore height
can't specify --subaddress-lookahead and --wallet-file at the same time
failed to open account
wallet is null
Failed to initialize ring database: privacy enhancing features will be inactive
wallet failed to connect to daemon:
Daemon either is not started or wrong port was passed. Please make sure daemon is running or change the daemon address using the 'set_daemon' command.
List of available languages for your wallet's seed:
If your display freezes, exit blind with ^C, then run again with --use-english-language-names
invalid language choice entered. Please try again.
invalid password
You had been using a deprecated version of the wallet. Please use the new seed that we provide.
Generated new wallet:
View key:
failed to generate new wallet:
Your wallet has been generated!
To start synchronizing with the daemon, use the "refresh" command.
Use the "help" command to see the list of available commands.
Use "help <command>" to see a command's documentation.
Always use the "exit" command when closing wownero-wallet-cli to save
your current session's state. Otherwise, you might need to synchronize
your wallet again (your wallet keys are NOT at risk in any case).
Generated new wallet on hw device:
failed to generate new mutlisig wallet
Generated new %u/%u multisig wallet:
wallet file path not valid:
Key file not found. Failed to open wallet
Opened watch-only wallet
Opened %u/%u multisig wallet%s
Opened wallet
You had been using a deprecated version of the wallet. Please proceed to upgrade your wallet.
You had been using a deprecated version of the wallet. Your wallet file format is being upgraded now.
failed to load wallet:
Use the "help" command to see the list of available commands.
Use "help <command>" to see a command's documentation.
failed to deinitialize wallet
Wallet data saved
wallet is multisig and cannot save a watch-only version
failed to read wallet password
Watch only wallet saved as:
Failed to save watch only wallet:
this command requires a trusted daemon. Enable with --trusted-daemon
Mining started in daemon
mining has NOT been started:
Mining stopped in daemon
mining has NOT been stopped:
Unexpected array length - Exited simple_wallet::set_daemon()
Expected trusted or untrusted, got
This does not seem to be a valid daemon URL.
Blockchain saved
blockchain can't be saved:
Enter password
Starting refresh...
New transfer received since rescan was started. Key images are incomplete.
Refresh done, blocks received:
daemon is busy. Please try again later.
Available options:
seed language
Set the wallet's seed language.
always-confirm-transfers <1|0>
Whether to confirm unsplit txes.
print-ring-members <1|0>
Whether to print detailed information about ring members during confirmation.
store-tx-info <1|0>
Whether to store outgoing tx info (destination address, payment ID, tx secret key) for future reference.
default-ring-size <n>
Set the default ring size (obsolete).
auto-refresh <1|0>
Whether to automatically synchronize new blocks from the daemon.
refresh-type <full|optimize-coinbase|no-coinbase|default>
Set the wallet's refresh behaviour.
priority [0|1|2|3|4]
Set the fee to default/unimportant/normal/elevated/priority.
confirm-missing-payment-id <1|0> (obsolete)
ask-password <0|1|2 (or never|action|decrypt)>
action: ask the password before many actions such as transfer, etc
decrypt: same as action, but keeps the spend key encrypted in memory when not needed
unit <wownero|millinero|micronero|nanonero|piconero>
Set the default wownero (sub-)unit.
min-outputs-count [n]
Try to keep at least that many outputs of value at least min-outputs-value.
min-outputs-value [n]
Try to keep at least min-outputs-count outputs of at least that value.
merge-destinations <1|0>
Whether to merge multiple payments to the same destination address.
confirm-backlog <1|0>
Whether to warn if there is transaction backlog.
confirm-backlog-threshold [n]
Set a threshold for confirm-backlog to only warn if the transaction backlog is greater than n blocks.
confirm-export-overwrite <1|0>
Whether to warn if the file to be exported already exists.
refresh-from-block-height [n]
Set the height before which to ignore blocks.
auto-low-priority <1|0>
Whether to automatically use the low priority fee level when it's safe to do so.
segregate-pre-fork-outputs <1|0>
Set this if you intend to spend outputs on both Wownero AND a key reusing fork.
key-reuse-mitigation2 <1|0>
Set this if you are not sure whether you will spend on a key reusing Wownero fork later.
subaddress-lookahead <major>:<minor>
Set the lookahead sizes for the subaddress hash table.
segregation-height <n>
Set to the height of a key reusing fork you want to use, 0 to use default.
ignore-fractional-outputs <1|0>
Whether to ignore fractional outputs that result in net loss when spending due to fee.
ignore-outputs-above <amount>
Ignore outputs of amount above this threshold when spending. Value 0 is translated to the maximum value (18 million) which disables this filter.
ignore-outputs-below <amount>
Ignore outputs of amount below this threshold when spending.
track-uses <1|0>
Whether to keep track of owned outputs uses.
setup-background-mining <1|0>
Whether to enable background mining. Set this to support the network and to get a chance to receive new wownero.
device-name <device_name[:device_spec]>
Device name for hardware wallet.
export-format <"binary"|"ascii">
Save all exported files as binary (cannot be copied and pasted) or ascii (can be).
persistent-client-id <1|0>
Whether to keep using the same client id for RPC payment over wallet restarts.
auto-mine-for-rpc-payment-threshold <float>
Whether to automatically start mining for RPC payment if the daemon requires it.
credits-target <unsigned int>
The RPC payment credits balance to target (0 for default).
RPC client secret key should be 32 byte in hex format
With background mining enabled, the daemon will mine when idle and not on battery.
Error checking daemon RPC access prices
Error checking daemon RPC access prices:
Failed to connect to daemon
Daemon RPC credits/hash is less than was claimed. Either this daemon is cheating, or it changed its setup recently.
no connection to daemon. Please make sure daemon is running.
payment required.
RPC error:
refresh error:
internal error:
refresh failed:
Blocks received:
(Some owned outputs have partial key images - import_multisig_info needed)
(Some owned outputs have missing key images - import_key_images needed)
Currently selected account: [
(No tag assigned)
unlocked balance:
Balance per address:
Unlocked balance
%8u %6s %21s %21s %7u %21s
key image
global index
tx id
addr index
Used at heights:
No incoming transfers
No incoming available transfers
No incoming unavailable transfers
unlock time
No payments with id
payment ID has invalid format, expected 16 or 64 character hex string:
failed to get blockchain height:
failed to get spent status
Transaction %llu/%llu: txid=%s
failed to find construction data for tx input
failed to get output:
output key's originating block height shouldn't be higher than the blockchain height
Originating block heights:
Warning: Some input keys being spent are from
the same transaction
blocks that are temporally very close
, which can break the anonymity of ring signature. Make sure this is intentional!
Ring size must not be 0
ring size %u is too small, minimum is %u
ring size %u is too large, maximum is %u
wrong number of arguments
payment id failed to encode
Locked blocks too high, max 1000000 (˜4 yrs)
failed to parse short payment ID from URI
Invalid last argument:
a single transaction cannot use more than one payment id
failed to parse payment id, though it was detected
Is this okay anyway?
There is currently a %u block backlog at that fee level. Is this okay?
Sweeping %s in %llu transactions for a total fee of %s. Is this okay?
Sweeping %s for a total fee of %s. Is this okay?
Discarding %s of unmixable outputs that cannot be spent, which can be undone by "rescan_spent". Is this okay?
Failed to parse number of outputs
Amount of outputs should be greater than 0
payment id has invalid format, expected 16 or 64 character hex string:
bad locked_blocks parameter:
a single transaction cannot use more than one payment id:
failed to set up payment id, though it was decoded correctly
Send this multisig info to all other participants, then use exchange_multisig_keys <info1> [<info2>...] with others' multisig info
Multisig wallet has been successfully created. Current wallet type:
Failed to perform multisig keys exchange:
Failed to load multisig transaction from MMS
Failed to mark output spent:
Failed to mark output unspent:
Not spent:
Failed to check whether output is spent:
Please confirm the transaction on the device
Device name not specified
Device reconnect failed
Device reconnect failed:
Show the incoming/outgoing transfers within an optional height range.
Output format:
In or Coinbase: Block Number, "block"|"in", Time, Amount, Transaction Hash, Payment ID, Subaddress Index, "-", Note
Out: Block Number, "out", Time, Amount*, Transaction Hash, Payment ID, Fee, Destinations, Input addresses**, "-", Note
Pool: "pool", "in", Time, Amount, Transaction Hash, Payment Id, Subaddress Index, "-", Note, Double Spend Note
Pending or Failed: "failed"|"pending", "out", Time, Amount*, Transaction Hash, Payment ID, Fee, Input addresses**, "-", Note
* Excluding change and fee.
** Set of address indices used as inputs in this transfer.
export_transfers [in|out|all|pending|failed|coinbase] [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<min_height> [<max_height>]] [output=<filepath>]
Export to CSV the incoming/outgoing transfers within an optional height range.
Rescan the blockchain from scratch. If "hard" is specified, you will lose any information which can not be recovered from the blockchain itself.
Export a signed set of key images to a <filename>.
Synchronizes key images with the hw wallet.
Generate a new random full size payment id (obsolete). These will be unencrypted on the blockchain, see integrated_address for encrypted short payment ids.
Performs extra multisig keys exchange rounds. Needed for arbitrary M/N multisig wallets
Interface with the MMS (Multisig Messaging System)
<subcommand> is one of:
init, info, signer, list, next, sync, transfer, delete, send, receive, export, note, show, set, help
send_signer_config, start_auto_config, stop_auto_config, auto_config
Get help about a subcommand with: help mms <subcommand>, or mms help <subcommand>
Initialize and configure the MMS for M/N = number of required signers/number of authorized signers multisig
Display current MMS configuration
Set or modify authorized signer info (single-word label, transport address, Wownero address), or list all signers
List all messages
Evaluate the next possible multisig-related action(s) according to wallet state, and execute or offer for choice
By using 'sync' processing of waiting messages with multisig sync info can be forced regardless of wallet state
Force generation of multisig sync info regardless of wallet state, to recover from special situations like "stale data" errors
Initiate transfer with MMS support; arguments identical to normal 'transfer' command arguments, for info see there
Delete a single message by giving its id, or delete all messages by using 'all'
Send a single message by giving its id, or send all waiting messages
Check right away for new messages to receive
Write the content of a message to a file "mms_message_content"
Send a one-line message to an authorized signer, identified by its label, or show any waiting unread notes
Show detailed info about a single message
Available options:
auto-send <1|0>
Whether to automatically send newly generated messages right away.
Send completed signer config to all other authorized signers
Start auto-config at the auto-config manager's wallet by issuing auto-config tokens and optionally set others' labels
Delete any auto-config tokens and abort a auto-config process
Start auto-config by using the token received from the auto-config manager
Mark output(s) as spent so they never get selected as fake outputs in a ring
Marks an output as unspent so it may get selected as a fake output in a ring
Checks whether an output is marked as spent
wrong number range, use: %s
NOTE: the following %s can be used to recover access to your wallet. Write them down and store them somewhere safe and secure. Please do not store them in your email or on file storage services outside of your immediate control.
25 words
Secret spend key (%u of %u)
Use --restore-height or --restore-date if you want to restore an already setup account from a specific height.
Is this okay?
Still apply restore height?
Enter the number corresponding to the language of your choice
Device requires attention
Enter device PIN
Failed to read device PIN
Please enter the device passphrase on the device
Enter device passphrase
Failed to read device passphrase
The first refresh has finished for the HW-based wallet with received money. hw_key_images_sync is needed.
Do you want to do it now? (Y/Yes/N/No):
Unknown command '%s', try 'help'
Inactivity lock timeout disabled on Windows
Invalid number of seconds
Export format not specified
Export format not recognized.
Display the restore height
Lock the wallet console, requiring the wallet password to continue
unsigned integer (seconds, 0 to disable)
"binary" or "ascii"
Warning: using an untrusted daemon at %s
Using a third party daemon can be detrimental to your security and privacy
Using your own without SSL exposes your RPC traffic to monitoring
You are strongly encouraged to connect to the Wownero network using your own daemon
If you or someone you trust are operating this daemon, you can use --trusted-daemon
Moreover, a daemon is also less secure when running in bootstrap mode
If you are new to Wownero, type "welcome" for a brief overview.
Error creating wallet:
Failed to query mining status:
Failed to setup background mining:
Background mining enabled. Thank you for supporting the Wownero network.
Background mining not enabled. Run "set setup-background-mining 1" to change.
Using an untrusted daemon, skipping background mining check
The daemon is not set up to background mine.
Enabling this supports the network you are using, and makes you eligible for receiving new wownero
Background mining not enabled. Set setup-background-mining to 1 to change.
NOTE: This transaction is locked, see details with: show_transfer
hw_key_images_sync skipped. Run command manually before a transfer.
Invalid keyword:
Input %llu/%llu (%s): amount=%s
Transaction spends more than one very old output. Privacy would be better if they were sent separately.
Spend them now anyway?
I locked your Wownero wallet to protect you while you were away
Locked due to inactivity. The wallet password is required to unlock the console.
amount is wrong:
expected number from 0 to
transaction cancelled.
No outputs found, or daemon is not ready
Unlike Bitcoin, your Wownero transactions and balance stay private and are not visible to the world by default.
However, you have the option of making those available to select parties if you choose to.
Welcome to Wownero and financial privacy. For more information see
NOTE: this transaction uses an encrypted payment ID: consider using subaddresses instead
WARNING: this transaction uses an unencrypted payment ID: these are obsolete and ignored. Use subaddresses instead.
Failed to check for backlog:
WARNING: Outputs of multiple addresses are being used together, which might potentially compromise your privacy.
This transaction (including %s change) will unlock on block %llu, in approximately %s days (assuming 2 minutes per block)
Unsigned transaction(s) successfully written to MMS
Failed to write transaction(s) to file
Unsigned transaction(s) successfully written to file:
Failed to cold sign transaction with HW wallet
No unmixable outputs found
Failed to parse donation address:
Donating %s %s to %s.
Loaded %lu transactions, for %s, fee %s, %s, %s, with min ring size %lu, %s. %sIs this okay?
usage: export_transfers [in|out|all|pending|failed|coinbase] [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<min_height> [<max_height>]] [output=<path>]
running balance
payment ID
CSV exported to
Rescan anyway?
Warning: your restore height is higher than wallet restore height:
Rescan anyway ? (Y/Yes/N/No):
MMS received new message
locked due to inactivity
<index> is out of bounds
Network type:
Choose processing:
Sign tx
Send the tx for submission to
Send the tx for signing to
Submit tx
Wrong choice
Authorized Signer
Message Type
Message State
Transport Address
Auto-Config Token
Wownero Address
<not set>
%s since %s, %s ago
Sent: Never
Sent: %s, %s ago
Authorized signer:
Content size:
(binary data)
Send these messages now?
Queued for sending.
Invalid message id
usage: mms init <required_signers>/<authorized_signers> <own_label> <own_transport_address>
The MMS is already initialized. Re-initialize by deleting all signer info and messages?
Error in the number of required signers and/or authorized signers
The MMS is not active.
Invalid signer number
mms signer [<number> <label> [<transport_address> [<wownero_address>]]]
Invalid Wownero address
Wallet state does not allow changing Wownero addresses anymore
Usage: mms list
Usage: mms next [sync]
No next step:
Send tx
Process signer config
Replace current signer config with the one displayed above?
Process auto config data
Nothing ready to process
Usage: mms sync
Usage: mms delete (<message_id> | all)
Delete all messages?
Usage: mms send [<message_id>]
Usage: mms receive
Usage: mms export <message_id>
Message content saved to:
Failed to to save message content
Usage: mms note [<label> <text>]
No signer found with label
Usage: mms show <message_id>
Usage: mms set <option_name> [<option_value>]
Wrong option value
Auto-send is on
Auto-send is off
Unknown option
Usage: mms help [<subcommand>]
Usage: mms send_signer_config
Signer config not yet complete
Usage: mms start_auto_config [<label> <label> ...]
There are signers without a label set. Complete labels before auto-config or specify them as parameters here.
Auto-config is already running. Cancel and restart?
Usage: mms stop_auto_config
Delete any auto-config tokens and stop auto-config?
Usage: mms auto_config <auto_config_token>
Invalid auto-config token
Auto-config already running. Cancel and restart?
MMS not available in this wallet
The MMS is not active. Activate using the "mms init" command
Invalid MMS subcommand
Error in MMS command:
wallet is watch-only and cannot sign
This wallet is multisig and cannot sign
Bad signature from
Good signature from
wallet is watch-only and cannot export key images
Signed key images exported to
command only supported by HW wallet
hw wallet does not support cold KI sync
Please confirm the key image sync on the device
Key images synchronized to height
Running untrusted daemon, cannot determine which transaction output is spent. Use a trusted daemon with --trusted-daemon and run rescan_spent
Failed to import key images
Failed to import key images:
Failed to reconnect device
Failed to reconnect device:
Outputs exported to
Double spend seen on the network: this transaction may or may not end up being mined
Transaction ID not found
Transaction successfully saved to
, txid
Failed to save transaction to
failed to parse refresh type
Enter optional seed offset passphrase, empty to see raw seed
Enter seed offset passphrase, empty if none
You may want to remove the file "%s" and try again
Donating %s %s to The Wownero Project ( or %s).
This is a multisig wallet, it can only sign with sign_multisig
This is a watch only wallet
Failed to sign transaction
Failed to sign transaction:
Transaction raw hex data exported to
Failed to load transaction from file
failed to parse txid
Tx key:
no tx keys found for this txid
failed to parse tx_key
Tx key successfully stored.
Failed to store tx key:
signature file saved to:
failed to save signature file
failed to parse tx key
in txid
WARNING: this transaction is not yet included in the blockchain!
WARNING: failed to determine number of confirmations!
received nothing in txid
failed to load signature file
Good signature
Bad signature
wallet is watch-only and cannot generate the proof
The reserve proof can be generated only by a full wallet
Address must not be a subaddress
usage: show_transfers [in|out|all|pending|failed|coinbase] [index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]] [<min_height> [<max_height>]]
bad min_height parameter:
bad max_height parameter:
[Double spend seen on the network: this transaction may or may not end up being mined]
<min_amount> should be smaller than <max_amount>
There is no unspent output in the specified address
, number of keys:
Min block height:
Max block height:
Min amount found:
Max amount found:
Total count:
Bin size:
Outputs per *:
+--> block height
Warning: this will lose any information which can not be recovered from the blockchain.
This includes destination addresses, tx secret keys, tx notes, etc
Good signature -- total: %s, spent: %s, unspent: %s
First line is not an amount
Invalid output:
Invalid output key, and file doesn't exist
Invalid output
WARNING: from v8, ring size will be fixed and this setting will be ignored.
invalid argument: must be either 0/never, 1/action, or 2/encrypt/decrypt
Transfer <amount> to <address>. If the parameter "index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]" is specified, the wallet uses outputs received by addresses of those indices. If omitted, the wallet randomly chooses address indices to be used. In any case, it tries its best not to combine outputs across multiple addresses. <priority> is the priority of the transaction. The higher the priority, the higher the transaction fee. Valid values in priority order (from lowest to highest) are: unimportant, normal, elevated, priority. If omitted, the default value (see the command "set priority") is used. <ring_size> is the number of inputs to include for untraceability. Multiple payments can be made at once by adding URI_2 or <address_2> <amount_2> etcetera (before the payment ID, if it's included)
Transfer <amount> to <address> and lock it for <lockblocks> (max. 1000000). If the parameter "index=<N1>[,<N2>,...]" is specified, the wallet uses outputs received by addresses of those indices. If omitted, the wallet randomly chooses address indices to be used. In any case, it tries its best not to combine outputs across multiple addresses. <priority> is the priority of the transaction. The higher the priority, the higher the transaction fee. Valid values in priority order (from lowest to highest) are: unimportant, normal, elevated, priority. If omitted, the default value (see the command "set priority") is used. <ring_size> is the number of inputs to include for untraceability. Multiple payments can be made at once by adding URI_2 or <address_2> <amount_2> etcetera (before the payment ID, if it's included)
Send all unlocked balance to an address. If the parameter "index<N1>[,<N2>,...]" is specified, the wallet sweeps outputs received by those address indices. If omitted, the wallet randomly chooses an address index to be used. If the parameter "outputs=<N>" is specified and N > 0, wallet splits the transaction into N even outputs.
Password needed (%s) - use the refresh command
Daemon requests payment at diff %llu, with %f credits/hash%s. Run start_mining_for_rpc to start mining to pay for RPC access, or use another daemon
Error mining to daemon:
Failed to start mining for RPC payment
(no daemon)
(out of sync)
(Untitled account)
failed to parse index:
specify an index between 0 and
Grand total:
, unlocked balance:
Untagged accounts:
Tag %s is unregistered.
Accounts with tag:
Tag's description:
%c%8u %6s %21s %21s %21s
%15s %21s %21s
Primary address
(Untitled address)
<index_min> is already out of bound
<index_max> exceeds the bound
Integrated addresses can only be created for account 0
Matching integrated address:
Integrated address: %s, payment ID: %s
Standard address:
failed to parse payment ID or address
failed to parse index
Address book is empty.
no description found
description found:
Watch only
%u/%u multisig%s
%s change to %s
This transaction has %u confirmations
Filename to save the certificate
Filename to save the private key
Passphrase with which to encrypt the private key
File containing the passphrase with which to encrypt the private key
Prompt for a passphrase with which to encrypt the private key
Argument is needed:
Failed to read passphrase
Failed to create certificate
Failed to write certificate:
Failed to write private key:
Failed to save certificate file
Failed to save private key file
Base filename (-1, -2, etc suffixes will be appended as needed)
Give threshold and participants at once as M/N
How many participants will share parts of the multisig wallet
How many signers are required to sign a valid transaction
Create testnet multisig wallets
Create stagenet multisig wallets
Create an address file for new wallets
Generating %u %u/%u multisig wallets
Failed to verify multisig info
Error verifying multisig extra info
Generated multisig wallets for address
Error creating multisig wallets:
This program generates a set of multisig wallets - use this simpler scheme only if all the participants trust each other
Error: Can't specify more than one of --testnet and --stagenet
Error: expected N/M, but got:
Error: either --scheme or both of --threshold and --participants may be given
Error: expected N > 1 and N <= M, but got N==%u and M==%d
Error: --filename-base is required
Use PyBitmessage instance at URL <arg>
Specify <arg> as username:password for PyBitmessage API
Auto-config cannot proceed because auto config data from other signers is not complete
The signer config is not complete.
Wallet can't go multisig because key sets from other signers are missing or not complete.
Wallet can't start another key exchange round because key sets from other signers are missing or not complete.
Syncing not done because multisig sync data from other signers are missing or not complete.
There are waiting messages, but nothing is ready to process under normal circumstances
Use "mms next sync" if you want to force processing of the waiting sync data
Use "mms note" to display the waiting notes
There are no messages waiting to be processed.
key set
additional key set
multisig sync data
partially signed tx
fully signed tx
signer config
auto-config data
unknown message type
unknown message direction
ready to send
unknown message state
Generate new wallet and save it to <arg>
Generate new wallet from device and save it to <arg>
Generate incoming-only wallet from view key
Generate deterministic wallet from spend key
Generate wallet from private keys
Generate a master wallet from multisig wallet keys
Language for mnemonic
Specify Electrum seed for wallet recovery/creation
Recover wallet using Electrum-style mnemonic seed
alias for --restore-deterministic-wallet
Recover multisig wallet using Electrum-style mnemonic seed
Generate non-deterministic view and spend keys
Restore from estimated blockchain height on specified date
failed to read wallet password
Enter a new password for the wallet
Wallet password
invalid argument: must be either 0/1, true/false, y/n, yes/no
DNSSEC validation passed
WARNING: DNSSEC validation was unsuccessful, this address may not be correct!
For URL:
Wownero Address =
you have cancelled the transfer request
failed to parse index:
invalid format for subaddress lookahead; must be <major>:<minor>
no connection to daemon. Please make sure daemon is running.
RPC error:
failed to get random outputs to mix:
Not enough money in unlocked balance
Failed to find a way to create transactions. This is usually due to dust which is so small it cannot pay for itself in fees, or trying to send more money than the unlocked balance, or not leaving enough for fees
not enough outputs for specified ring size
output amount
found outputs to use
Please use sweep_unmixable.
transaction was not constructed
one of destinations is zero
failed to find a suitable way to split transactions
unknown transfer error:
Multisig error:
internal error:
unexpected error:
There was an error, which could mean the node may be trying to get you to retry creating a transaction, and zero in on which outputs you own. Or it could be a bona fide error. It may be prudent to disconnect from this node, and not try to send a transaction immediately. Alternatively, connect to another node so the original node cannot correlate information.
File %s likely stores wallet private keys! Use a different file name.
a long time
This is the command line wownero wallet. It needs to connect to a wownero
daemon to work correctly.
WARNING: Do not reuse your Wownero keys on another fork, UNLESS this fork has key reuse mitigations built in. Doing so will harm your privacy.
Unknown command:
Allow communicating with a daemon that uses a different RPC version
Restore from specific blockchain height
The newly created transaction will not be relayed to the wownero network
Create an address file for new wallets
Display English language names
daemon is busy. Please try again later.
possibly lost connection to daemon
Is this OK?
transaction %s was rejected by daemon
File %s already exists. Are you sure to overwrite it?
Failed to initialize wallet
Use daemon instance at <host>:<port>
Use daemon instance at host <arg> instead of localhost
Wallet password file
Use daemon instance at port <arg> instead of 18081
For testnet. Daemon must also be launched with --testnet flag
can't specify daemon host or port more than once
can't specify more than one of --password and --password-file
the password file specified could not be read
Failed to load file
Wallet password (escape/quote as needed)
[<ip>:]<port> socks proxy to use for daemon connections
Enable commands which rely on a trusted daemon
Disable commands which rely on a trusted daemon
Specify username[:password] for daemon RPC client
Enable SSL on daemon RPC connections: enabled|disabled|autodetect
List of valid fingerprints of allowed RPC servers
Allow any SSL certificate from the daemon
Allow user (via --daemon-ssl-ca-certificates) chain certificates
For stagenet. Daemon must also be launched with --stagenet flag
Set shared ring database path
Number of rounds for the key derivation function
HW device to use
HW device wallet derivation path (e.g., SLIP-10)
Do not use DNS
Do not connect to a daemon, nor use DNS
File containing extra entropy to initialize the PRNG (any data, aim for 256 bits of entropy to be useful, wihch typically means more than 256 bits of data)
Invalid argument for
Enabling --
requires --
or --
or use of a .onion/.i2p domain
--trusted-daemon and --untrusted-daemon are both seen, assuming untrusted
Daemon is local, assuming trusted
no password specified; use --prompt-for-password to prompt for a password
Enter a new password for the wallet
Wallet password
Failed to parse JSON
Version %u too new, we can only grok up to %u
failed to parse view key secret key
failed to verify view key secret key
failed to parse spend key secret key
failed to verify spend key secret key
Electrum-style word list failed verification
At least one of either an Electrum-style word list, private view key, or private spend key must be specified
Both Electrum-style word list and private key(s) specified
invalid address
view key does not match standard address
spend key does not match standard address
Cannot generate deprecated wallets from JSON
failed to parse address:
Address must be specified in order to create watch-only wallet
failed to generate new wallet:
Password is needed to compute key image for incoming wownero
Invalid password: password is needed to compute key image for incoming wownero
Primary account
No funds received in this tx.
failed to read file
Set subaddress lookahead sizes to <major>:<minor>
Path to a PEM format private key
Path to a PEM format certificate
Path to file containing concatenated PEM format certificate(s) to replace system CA(s).
Failed to create directory
Failed to create directory %s: %s
Cannot specify --
and --
Failed to create file
. Check permissions or remove file
Error writing to file
RPC username/password is stored in file
Tag %s is unregistered.
Transaction not possible. Available only %s, transaction amount %s = %s + %s (fee)
This is the RPC wownero wallet. It needs to connect to a wownero
daemon to work correctly.
Can't specify more than one of --testnet and --stagenet
Can't specify more than one of --wallet-file and --generate-from-json
Must specify --wallet-file or --generate-from-json or --wallet-dir
Loading wallet...
Saving wallet...
Successfully saved
Successfully loaded
Wallet initialization failed:
Failed to initialize wallet RPC server
Starting wallet RPC server
Failed to run wallet:
Stopped wallet RPC server
Failed to save wallet:
Wallet options
Generate wallet from JSON format file
Use wallet <arg>
Set RPC client secret key for RPC payments
Max number of threads to use for a parallel job
Specify log file
Config file
General options
This is the command line wownero wallet. It needs to connect to a wownero
daemon to work correctly.
Can't find config file
Logging to:
Logging to %s
WARNING: You may not have a high enough lockable memory limit
see ulimit -l