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synced 2024-08-15 03:25:25 +00:00
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from datetime import datetime
import operator
import json
import logging
import requests
from .. import exceptions
from ..account import Account
from ..address import address, Address, SubAddress
from ..numbers import from_atomic, to_atomic, PaymentID
from ..seed import Seed
from ..transaction import Transaction, IncomingPayment, OutgoingPayment
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class JSONRPCDaemon(object):
JSON RPC backend for Monero daemon
:param protocol: `http` or `https`
:param host: host name or IP
:param port: port number
:param path: path for JSON RPC requests (should not be changed)
:param timeout: request timeout
def __init__(self, protocol='http', host='', port=18081, path='/json_rpc',
user='', password='', timeout=30):
self.url = '{protocol}://{host}:{port}'.format(
_log.debug("JSONRPC daemon backend URL: {url}".format(url=self.url))
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.timeout = timeout
def info(self):
info = self.raw_jsonrpc_request('get_info')
return info
def send_transaction(self, blob, relay=True):
res = self.raw_request('/sendrawtransaction', {
'tx_as_hex': blob,
'do_not_relay': not relay})
if res['status'] == 'OK':
return res
raise exceptions.TransactionBroadcastError(
"{status}: {reason}".format(**res),
def mempool(self):
res = self.raw_request('/get_transaction_pool', {})
txs = []
for tx in res.get('transactions', []):
return txs
def raw_request(self, path, data):
hdr = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
_log.debug(u"Request: {path}\nData: {data}".format(
data=json.dumps(data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)))
rsp = requests.post(
self.url + path, headers=hdr, data=json.dumps(data), timeout=self.timeout)
if rsp.status_code != 200:
raise RPCError("Invalid HTTP status {code} for path {path}.".format(
result = rsp.json()
_ppresult = json.dumps(result, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
return result
def raw_jsonrpc_request(self, method, params=None):
hdr = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
data = {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 0, 'method': method, 'params': params or {}}
_log.debug(u"Method: {method}\nParams:\n{params}".format(
params=json.dumps(params, indent=2, sort_keys=True)))
auth = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(self.user, self.password)
rsp = requests.post(
self.url + '/json_rpc', headers=hdr, data=json.dumps(data), auth=auth,
if rsp.status_code == 401:
raise Unauthorized("401 Unauthorized. Invalid RPC user name or password.")
elif rsp.status_code != 200:
raise RPCError("Invalid HTTP status {code} for method {method}.".format(
result = rsp.json()
_ppresult = json.dumps(result, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
if 'error' in result:
err = result['error']
_log.error(u"JSON RPC error:\n{result}".format(result=_ppresult))
raise RPCError(
"Method '{method}' failed with RPC Error of unknown code {code}, "
"message: {message}".format(method=method, data=data, result=result, **err))
return result['result']
class JSONRPCWallet(object):
JSON RPC backend for Monero wallet (``monero-wallet-rpc``)
:param protocol: `http` or `https`
:param host: host name or IP
:param port: port number
:param path: path for JSON RPC requests (should not be changed)
:param user: username to authenticate with over RPC
:param password: password to authenticate with over RPC
:param timeout: request timeout
_master_address = None
def __init__(self, protocol='http', host='', port=18088, path='/json_rpc',
user='', password='', timeout=30):
self.url = '{protocol}://{host}:{port}/json_rpc'.format(
_log.debug("JSONRPC wallet backend URL: {url}".format(url=self.url))
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.timeout = timeout
_log.debug("JSONRPC wallet backend auth: '{user}'/'{stars}'".format(
user=user, stars=('*' * len(password)) if password else ''))
def height(self):
return self.raw_request('getheight')['height']
def spend_key(self):
return self.raw_request('query_key', {'key_type': 'spend_key'})['key']
def view_key(self):
return self.raw_request('query_key', {'key_type': 'view_key'})['key']
def seed(self):
return Seed(self.raw_request('query_key', {'key_type': 'mnemonic'})['key'])
def accounts(self):
accounts = []
_accounts = self.raw_request('get_accounts')
idx = 0
self._master_address = Address(_accounts['subaddress_accounts'][0]['base_address'])
for _acc in _accounts['subaddress_accounts']:
assert idx == _acc['account_index']
accounts.append(Account(self, _acc['account_index'], label=_acc.get('label')))
idx += 1
return accounts
def new_account(self, label=None):
_account = self.raw_request('create_account', {'label': label})
# NOTE: the following should re-read label by _account.get('label') but the RPC
# doesn't return that detail here
return Account(self, _account['account_index'], label=label), SubAddress(_account['address'])
def addresses(self, account=0):
_addresses = self.raw_request('getaddress', {'account_index': account})
addresses = [None] * (max(map(operator.itemgetter('address_index'), _addresses['addresses'])) + 1)
for _addr in _addresses['addresses']:
addresses[_addr['address_index']] = address(
label=_addr.get('label', None))
return addresses
def new_address(self, account=0, label=None):
_address = self.raw_request(
'create_address', {'account_index': account, 'label': label})
return SubAddress(_address['address']), _address['address_index']
def balances(self, account=0):
_balance = self.raw_request('getbalance', {'account_index': account})
return (from_atomic(_balance['balance']), from_atomic(_balance['unlocked_balance']))
def transfers_in(self, account, pmtfilter):
params = {'account_index': account, 'pending': False}
method = 'get_transfers'
if pmtfilter.tx_ids:
method = 'get_transfer_by_txid'
if pmtfilter.unconfirmed:
params['in'] = pmtfilter.confirmed
params['out'] = False
params['pool'] = True
if pmtfilter.payment_ids:
method = 'get_bulk_payments'
params['payment_ids'] = list(map(str, pmtfilter.payment_ids))
params['in'] = pmtfilter.confirmed
params['out'] = False
params['pool'] = False
if method == 'get_transfers':
if pmtfilter.min_height:
# NOTE: the API uses (min, max] range which is confusing
params['min_height'] = pmtfilter.min_height - 1
params['filter_by_height'] = True
if pmtfilter.max_height:
params['max_height'] = pmtfilter.max_height
params['filter_by_height'] = True
_pmts = self.raw_request(method, params)
pmts = _pmts.get('in', [])
elif method == 'get_transfer_by_txid':
pmts = []
for txid in pmtfilter.tx_ids:
params['txid'] = txid
_pmts = self.raw_request(method, params, squelch_error_logging=True)
except exceptions.TransactionNotFound:
# NOTE: the API uses (min, max] range which is confusing
params['min_block_height'] = (pmtfilter.min_height or 1) - 1
_pmts = self.raw_request(method, params)
pmts = _pmts.get('payments', [])
if pmtfilter.unconfirmed:
pmts.extend(_pmts.get('pool', []))
return list(pmtfilter.filter(map(self._inpayment, pmts)))
def transfers_out(self, account, pmtfilter):
if pmtfilter.tx_ids:
pmts = []
for txid in pmtfilter.tx_ids:
_pmts = self.raw_request(
{'account_index': account, 'txid': txid},
except exceptions.TransactionNotFound:
_pmts = self.raw_request('get_transfers', {
'account_index': account,
'in': False,
'out': pmtfilter.confirmed,
'pool': False,
'pending': pmtfilter.unconfirmed})
pmts = _pmts.get('out', [])
if pmtfilter.unconfirmed:
pmts.extend(_pmts.get('pending', []))
return list(pmtfilter.filter(map(self._outpayment, pmts)))
def _paymentdict(self, data):
pid = data.get('payment_id', None)
laddr = data.get('address', None)
if laddr:
laddr = address(laddr)
result = {
'payment_id': None if pid is None else PaymentID(pid),
'amount': from_atomic(data['amount']),
'timestamp': datetime.fromtimestamp(data['timestamp']) if 'timestamp' in data else None,
'note': data.get('note', None),
'transaction': self._tx(data),
'local_address': laddr,
if 'destinations' in data:
result['destinations'] = [
(address(x['address']), from_atomic(x['amount']))
for x in data.get('destinations')
return result
def _inpayment(self, data):
return IncomingPayment(**self._paymentdict(data))
def _outpayment(self, data):
return OutgoingPayment(**self._paymentdict(data))
def _tx(self, data):
return Transaction(**{
'hash': data.get('txid', data.get('tx_hash')),
'fee': from_atomic(data['fee']) if 'fee' in data else None,
'key': data.get('key'),
'height': data.get('height', data.get('block_height')) or None,
'timestamp': datetime.fromtimestamp(data['timestamp']) if 'timestamp' in data else None,
'blob': data.get('blob', None),
'confirmations': data.get('confirmations', None)
def export_outputs(self):
return self.raw_request('export_outputs')['outputs_data_hex']
def import_outputs(self, outputs_hex):
return self.raw_request(
{'outputs_data_hex': outputs_hex})['num_imported']
def export_key_images(self):
return self.raw_request('export_key_images')['signed_key_images']
def import_key_images(self, key_images):
_data = self.raw_request(
{'signed_key_images': key_images})
return (_data['height'], from_atomic(_data['spent']), from_atomic(_data['unspent']))
def transfer(self, destinations, priority,
payment_id=None, unlock_time=0, account=0,
data = {
'account_index': account,
'destinations': list(map(
lambda dst: {'address': str(address(dst[0])), 'amount': to_atomic(dst[1])},
'priority': priority,
'unlock_time': 0,
'get_tx_keys': True,
'get_tx_hex': True,
'new_algorithm': True,
'do_not_relay': not relay,
if payment_id is not None:
data['payment_id'] = str(PaymentID(payment_id))
_transfers = self.raw_request('transfer_split', data)
_pertx = [dict(_tx) for _tx in map(
lambda vs: zip(('txid', 'amount', 'fee', 'key', 'blob', 'payment_id'), vs),
zip(*[_transfers[k] for k in (
'tx_hash_list', 'amount_list', 'fee_list', 'tx_key_list', 'tx_blob_list')]))]
for d in _pertx:
d['payment_id'] = payment_id
return [self._tx(data) for data in _pertx]
def sweep_all(self, destination, priority, payment_id=None, subaddr_indices=None,
unlock_time=0, account=0, relay=True):
if not subaddr_indices:
# retrieve indices of all subaddresses with positive unlocked balance
bals = self.raw_request('get_balance', {'account_index': account})
subaddr_indices = []
for subaddr in bals['per_subaddress']:
if subaddr.get('unlocked_balance', 0):
data = {
'account_index': account,
'address': str(address(destination)),
'subaddr_indices': list(subaddr_indices),
'priority': priority,
'unlock_time': 0,
'get_tx_keys': True,
'get_tx_hex': True,
'do_not_relay': not relay,
if payment_id is not None:
data['payment_id'] = str(PaymentID(payment_id))
_transfers = self.raw_request('sweep_all', data)
_pertx = [dict(_tx) for _tx in map(
lambda vs: zip(('txid', 'amount', 'fee', 'key', 'blob', 'payment_id'), vs),
zip(*[_transfers[k] for k in (
'tx_hash_list', 'amount_list', 'fee_list', 'tx_key_list', 'tx_blob_list')]))]
for d in _pertx:
d['payment_id'] = payment_id
return list(zip(
[self._tx(data) for data in _pertx],
map(from_atomic, _transfers['amount_list'])))
def raw_request(self, method, params=None, squelch_error_logging=False):
hdr = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
data = {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 0, 'method': method, 'params': params or {}}
_log.debug(u"Method: {method}\nParams:\n{params}".format(
params=json.dumps(params, indent=2, sort_keys=True)))
auth = requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(self.user, self.password)
rsp = requests.post(
self.url, headers=hdr, data=json.dumps(data), auth=auth, timeout=self.timeout)
if rsp.status_code == 401:
raise Unauthorized("401 Unauthorized. Invalid RPC user name or password.")
elif rsp.status_code != 200:
raise RPCError("Invalid HTTP status {code} for method {method}.".format(
result = rsp.json()
_ppresult = json.dumps(result, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
if 'error' in result:
err = result['error']
if not squelch_error_logging:
_log.error(u"JSON RPC error:\n{result}".format(result=_ppresult))
if err['code'] in _err2exc:
raise _err2exc[err['code']](err['message'])
raise RPCError(
"Method '{method}' failed with RPC Error of unknown code {code}, "
"message: {message}".format(method=method, data=data, result=result, **err))
return result['result']
class RPCError(exceptions.BackendException):
class Unauthorized(RPCError):
class MethodNotFound(RPCError):
_err2exc = {
-2: exceptions.WrongAddress,
-5: exceptions.WrongPaymentId,
-8: exceptions.TransactionNotFound,
-9: exceptions.SignatureCheckFailed,
-16: exceptions.TransactionNotPossible,
-17: exceptions.NotEnoughMoney,
-20: exceptions.AmountIsZero,
-37: exceptions.NotEnoughUnlockedMoney,
-38: exceptions.NoDaemonConnection,
-43: exceptions.WalletIsNotDeterministic, # https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/4653
-32601: MethodNotFound,