2018-10-19 01:26:15 +02:00

213 lines
6.9 KiB

import sys
from .address import address
from .numbers import PaymentID
class Payment(object):
A payment base class, representing payment not associated with any
:class:`Account <monero.account.Account>`.
This class is not intended to be turned into objects by the user,
it is used by backends.
payment_id = None
amount = None
timestamp = None
transaction = None
local_address = None
note = ''
_reprstr = "{} @ {} {:.12f} id={}"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.amount = kwargs.pop('amount', self.amount)
self.timestamp = kwargs.pop('timestamp', self.timestamp)
self.payment_id = kwargs.pop('payment_id', self.payment_id)
self.transaction = kwargs.pop('transaction', self.transaction)
self.local_address = kwargs.pop('local_address', self.local_address)
self.note = kwargs.pop('note', self.note)
if len(kwargs):
raise ValueError("Excessive arguments for {}: {}".format(type(self), kwargs))
def __repr__(self):
return self._reprstr.format(
self.transaction.hash, self.transaction.height or 'pool', self.amount, self.payment_id)
class IncomingPayment(Payment):
An incoming payment (one that increases the balance of an
:class:`Account <monero.account.Account>`)
_reprstr = "in: {} @ {} {:.12f} id={}"
class OutgoingPayment(Payment):
An outgoing payment (one that decreases the balance of an
:class:`Account <monero.account.Account>`)
destinations = None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.destinations = kwargs.pop('destinations', [])
super(OutgoingPayment, self).__init__(**kwargs)
_reprstr = "out: {} @ {} {:.12f} id={}"
class Transaction(object):
A Monero transaction. Identified by `hash`, it can be a part of a block of some `height`
or not yet mined (`height` is `None` then).
This class is not intended to be turned into objects by the user,
it is used by backends.
hash = None
fee = None
height = None
timestamp = None
key = None
blob = None
confirmations = None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.hash = kwargs.get('hash', self.hash)
self.fee = kwargs.get('fee', self.fee)
self.height = kwargs.get('height', self.height)
self.timestamp = kwargs.get('timestamp', self.timestamp)
self.key = kwargs.get('key', self.key)
self.blob = kwargs.get('blob', self.blob)
self.confirmations = kwargs.get('confirmations', self.confirmations)
def __repr__(self):
return self.hash
if sys.version_info < (3,):
_str_types = (str, bytes, unicode)
_str_types = (str, bytes)
class PaymentManager(object):
A payment query manager, handling either incoming or outgoing payments of
an :class:`Account <monero.account.Account>`.
This class is not intended to be turned into objects by the user,
it is used by backends.
account_idx = 0
backend = None
def __init__(self, account_idx, backend, direction):
self.account_idx = account_idx
self.backend = backend
self.direction = direction
def __call__(self, **filterparams):
fetch = self.backend.transfers_in if self.direction == 'in' else self.backend.transfers_out
return fetch(self.account_idx, PaymentFilter(**filterparams))
class _ByHeight(object):
"""A helper class used as key in sorting of payments by height.
Mempool goes on top, blockchain payments are ordered with descending block numbers.
**WARNING:** Integer sorting is reversed here.
def __init__(self, pmt):
self.pmt = pmt
def _cmp(self, other):
sh = self.pmt.transaction.height
oh = other.pmt.transaction.height
if sh is oh is None:
return 0
if sh is None:
return 1
if oh is None:
return -1
return (sh > oh) - (sh < oh)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self._cmp(other) > 0
def __le__(self, other):
return self._cmp(other) >= 0
def __eq__(self, other):
return self._cmp(other) == 0
def __ge__(self, other):
return self._cmp(other) <= 0
def __gt__(self, other):
return self._cmp(other) < 0
def __ne__(self, other):
return self._cmp(other) != 0
class PaymentFilter(object):
A helper class that filters payments retrieved by the backend.
This class is not intended to be turned into objects by the user,
it is used by backends.
def __init__(self, **filterparams):
self.min_height = filterparams.pop('min_height', None)
self.max_height = filterparams.pop('max_height', None)
self.unconfirmed = filterparams.pop('unconfirmed', False)
self.confirmed = filterparams.pop('confirmed', True)
_local_address = filterparams.pop('local_address', None)
_payment_id = filterparams.pop('payment_id', None)
if len(filterparams) > 0:
raise ValueError("Excessive arguments for payment query: {}".format(filterparams))
if _local_address is None:
self.local_addresses = []
if isinstance(_local_address, _str_types):
local_addresses = [_local_address]
local_addresses = _local_address
except TypeError:
local_addresses = [_local_address]
self.local_addresses = list(map(address, local_addresses))
if _payment_id is None:
self.payment_ids = []
if isinstance(_payment_id, _str_types):
payment_ids = [_payment_id]
payment_ids = _payment_id
except TypeError:
payment_ids = [_payment_id]
self.payment_ids = list(map(PaymentID, payment_ids))
def check(self, payment):
ht = payment.transaction.height
if ht is None:
if not self.unconfirmed:
return False
if self.min_height is not None or self.max_height is not None:
# mempool txns are filtered out if any height range check is present
return False
if not self.confirmed:
return False
if self.min_height is not None and ht < self.min_height:
return False
if self.max_height is not None and ht > self.max_height:
return False
if self.payment_ids and payment.payment_id not in self.payment_ids:
return False
if self.local_addresses and payment.local_address not in self.local_addresses:
return False
return True
def filter(self, payments):
return sorted(
filter(self.check, payments),