Addresses and payment IDs ========================= In Monero v0.11.x the wallet had only one address. This is changing now. A concept of **subaddress** has been introduced. The first, original address of the wallet is usually known as the *master address*. All others are just *subaddresses*, even if they represent a separate account within the wallet. Monero addresses are base58-encoded strings. You may disassemble each of them using the excellent `address analysis tool`_ from *luigi1111*. While the ordinary string representation is perfectly valid to use, you may want to use validation and other features provided by the ``monero.address`` package. .. _`address analysis tool`: Address validation and instatination ------------------------------------ The function ``monero.address.address()`` will recognize and validate Monero address, returning an instance that provides additional functionality. The following example uses addresses from the wallet :doc:`we have generated in the previous chapter `. Let's start with the master address: .. code-block:: python In [1]: from monero.address import address In [2]: a = address('A2GmyHHJ9jtUhPiwoAbR2tXU9LJu2U6fJjcsv3rxgkVRWU6tEYcn6C1NBc7wqCv5V7NW3zeYuzKf6RGGgZTFTpVC4QxAiAX') In [3]: a.is_testnet() Out[3]: True In [4]: a.spend_key() Out[4]: 'f0481b63cb937fa5960529247ebf6db627ff1b0bb88de9feccc3c504c16aa4b0' In [5]: a.view_key() Out[5]: '2c5ba76d22e48a7ea4ddabea3cce66808ba0cc91265371910f893962e977af1e' In [6]: type(a) Out[6]: monero.address.Address We may use a subaddress too: .. code-block:: python In [7]: b = address('BenuGf8eyVhjZwdcxEJY1MHrUfqHjPvE3d7Pi4XY5vQz53VnVpB38bCBsf8AS5rJuZhuYrqdG9URc2eFoCNPwLXtLENT4R7') In [8]: b.is_testnet() Out[8]: True In [9]: b.spend_key() Out[9]: 'ae7e136f46f618fe7f4a6b323ed60864c20070bf110978d7e3868686d5677318' In [10]: b.view_key() Out[10]: '2bf801cdaf3a8b41020098a6d5e194f48fa62129fe9d8f09d19fee9260665baa' In [11]: type(b) Out[11]: monero.address.SubAddress These two classes, ``Address`` and ``SubAddress`` have similar functionality but one significant difference. Only the former may form *integrated address*. Payment IDs and integrated addresses ------------------------------------ Each Monero transaction may carry a **payment ID**. It is a 64 or 256-bit long number that carries additional information between parties. For example, a merchant can generate a payment ID for each order, or an exchange can assign one to each user. The customer/user would then attach the ID to the transaction, so the site operator would know what is the purpose of incoming payment. A short, 64-bit payment ID can be integrated into an address, creating, well... an **integrated address**. .. code-block:: python In [12]: ia = a.with_payment_id(0xfeedbadbeef) In [13]: ia Out[13]: ABySz66nm1QUhPiwoAbR2tXU9LJu2U6fJjcsv3rxgkVRWU6tEYcn6C1NBc7wqCv5V7NW3zeYuzKf6RGGgZTFTpVC623BT1ptXvVU2GjR1B In [14]: ia.base_address() Out[14]: A2GmyHHJ9jtUhPiwoAbR2tXU9LJu2U6fJjcsv3rxgkVRWU6tEYcn6C1NBc7wqCv5V7NW3zeYuzKf6RGGgZTFTpVC4QxAiAX In [15]: ia.base_address() == a Out[15]: True In [16]: ia.payment_id() Out[16]: 00000feedbadbeef Since subaddresses have been introduced, merchants may generate a separate address for each order, user or any other object they expect the payments coming to. Therefore, it has been decided that `subaddresses cannot generate integrated addresses`_. .. _`subaddresses cannot generate integrated addresses`: .. code-block:: python In [17]: b.with_payment_id(0xfeedbadbeef) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 b.with_payment_id(0xfeedbadbeef) ~/devel/monero-python/monero/ in with_payment_id(self, _) 99 100 def with_payment_id(self, _): --> 101 raise TypeError("SubAddress cannot be integrated with payment ID") 102 103 TypeError: SubAddress cannot be integrated with payment ID The ``monero.numbers.PaymentID`` class validates payment IDs. It accepts both integer and hexadecimal string representations. .. code-block:: python In [18]: from monero.numbers import PaymentID In [19]: p1 = PaymentID(0xfeedbadbeef) In [20]: p2 = PaymentID('feedbadbeef') In [21]: p1 == p2 Out[21]: True In [22]: p1.is_short() Out[22]: True In [23]: p3 = PaymentID('1234567890abcdef0') In [24]: p3 Out[24]: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001234567890abcdef0 In [25]: p3.is_short() Out[25]: False Long payment IDs cannot be integrated: .. code-block:: python In [26]: a.with_payment_id(p3) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 a.with_payment_id(p3) ~/devel/monero-python/monero/ in with_payment_id(self, payment_id) 73 payment_id = numbers.PaymentID(payment_id) 74 if not payment_id.is_short(): ---> 75 raise TypeError("Payment ID {0} has more than 64 bits and cannot be integrated".format(payment_id)) 76 prefix = 54 if self.is_testnet() else 19 77 data = bytearray([prefix]) + self._decoded[1:65] + struct.pack('>Q', int(payment_id)) TypeError: Payment ID 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001234567890abcdef0 has more than 64 bits and cannot be integrated API reference ------------- .. automodule:: monero.address :members: